#im not gonna tag rits or sho cuz like
sallymew4 · 2 months
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girl psycho but instead of psychic powers its like. demon stuff. also theyre in a covent in the 20th century or so <3
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^ some little extras... this idea has just been floating around in my brain for a while and i finally got it out :) i didnt really show anythin about it but Dimple's prolly the religious leader cuz. y not ?
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and lazy mini comic on how i think Mobbo breaking the news that she's a demon-thang or such 2 Reigen would pan out.. . who is very much NOT the same. she'd still be so good to Mob though. protecting her all the way
idk if ill indulge in this silly idea in the future but !!! it was fun so maybe :)
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