#im just very passionate about Miranda... shes my muse after all
talizorahs · 6 years
tag meme!
the gorgeous @briarfox13 tagged me to do this tag meme! thank you so much dear <3 it was ages ago i know.... im just catching up..... i will tag @zakuul @heiressofavalon @dovahkiinshepardtrevelyan and @vorchagirl if you wanted to do it!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag people you wanna know better. 
Three Fandoms:
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
The first character you loved:
Mass Effect: joker. he was an instant fave for me. his personality is fantastic, i remember being so devastated i couldn’t romance him.
Dragon Age: alistair was my go-to fave. i am a sucker for tragic characters and alistair ticked all those boxes for me at face value, then some as i delved into his lore further. he’s wonderful and i adore him still to this day.
Overwatch: tracer. i first heard of overwatch when it was in beta, and i pre-ordered it. tracer was the sale character for me -- and was so fun to play when i was first started. now it’s out she’s part of the lgbt+ community, she’s completely sold on me, then some.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Mass Effect: legion. i didn’t think so much of him when i first played mass effect 2, but he grew on me when i read up more on quarian lore. i liked having an exception to the norm, or what have you, and something to challenge typical beliefs in the geth conflict. then, mass effect 3 came around, and i realised he was the death i was most devastated about.
Dragon Age: sera. i made the mistake of taking her at face value when i first met her in my first playthrough, but my first inquisitor actually ended up being really good friends with her. playing through again, she’s one of my favourite, most well-rounded companions. i also love those aspie headcanons for her.
Overwatch: genji. i mean, we see the genji memes around, but i actually do adore genji and his lore. in conjunction with hanzo, they tell a fascinating story about the changing world in overwatch and weave culture, history and good old “messed up family” tropes into one.
The character you relate to the most:
Mass Effect: liara, by far. i think of myself as mass effect 1 liara, i will get to mass effect 3 liara eventually. bring on the character development.
Dragon Age: honestly? the warden. specifically my tabris warden, nolla tabris, who is torn between wanting to save the world and her obligation to herself, her family and her people. i feel like that would be me in that kind of situation; a reluctant leader, thrown into something i have no knowledge of, and all i can do is make snarky remarks about it.
Overwatch: jack. i have a jack muse and god damn do i love him. i relate to him more on a personal level, what with the headcanons i have for him.
The character you’d slap:
Mass Effect: the illusive man. do i need to explain.
Dragon Age: loghain. out of all the villains, he’s the one that drives me up the wall the most.
Overwatch: jack. which is funny, because i love him, i do. but that man needs to get some sense into his head sometimes.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference):
Mass Effect: legion, vetra, tali
Dragon Age: alistair, varric, fenris
Overwatch: jack, gabriel, genji
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
Mass Effect: miranda. i was indifferent to her at first, but like many of the characters, i took her as she presented herself and ultimately came away disappointed. except, miranda is very multi-faceted and that came to be something i loved about her. her loyalty, passion and abilities are also things i adore about her.
Dragon Age: isabela. you know, i gave her to the arishok on my first playthrough. she wasn’t in the top 10, or even the top 20, and i didn’t care much for her fate at the time. but like all others, i read into her lore, looked at her again -- and saw a strong woman, a fantastic leader and a very interesting character. i loved her so much after this, i had to play a romance.
Overwatch: hanzo. he was the brother-killer, i had no love for him -- and i still don’t in that regard. but looking at his story interwoven with genji’s, his culture and his family, i adore the lore they have built around the shimadas and hanzo’s role in that. he’s a very interesting character.
Three OTPs:
Mass Effect: shepard x joker, shepard x tali, shepard x ashley
Dragon Age: hawke x varric, warden x alistair, inquisitor x sera
Overwatch: symmetra x pharah, jack x gabriel, genji x mercy
thank you again for the tag briar! you’re lovely <3
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