#im doing my best to stay afloat right now and unfortunately that means not really committing myself to being around nad im sorry for that
yellowjacketsource · 6 months
dont worry gang i have secured my preorder of the ben funko
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ts-2020-olympics · 4 years
Episode 17 -  “Bamboozle Me Faster So I Can Go To Sleep” - Sarah (FINALE)
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Okay so Caeleb went out last round by a 4-3 vote against Sarah, in which, was surprised Sarah got that many votes, as I had thought Stoner was getting the votes over Sarah from the other side.  End of the day though, didn't really affect much, as target still went to jury, although was by far the toughest vote yet that I have had to make, as I really do personally like Caeleb, he was just too big a threat to be keeping around.   Now, I made the final 6, got a jigsaw immunity to try to win, or at least, one of myself, Stoner, Sarah or Tommy win this immunity, to keep the power on our side.  Then, my ideal this round would actually be Eve going over Kevin, but, I have a feeling my side will probably want to rather target Kevin.  So, will see what occurs, and go from there.   If anything, might even do a vote split if one of us 4 win immunity, but time will tell.   Anyways, it's surreal to believe that this game is almost over, and hoping to make final 5!
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well........ y'all its a sad day, caeleb went home last night, 4-3 myself and eve in the minority with him, and its not looking too good for us. BUT WAIT RIGHT THERE.... i wake up and look in my bag and my CINNAMON APPLE CAELEB GAVE ME THE LEGACY ADVANTAGE !!!!! this acts as an idol at the final 6 which means I'm not going home !!!!! This is an incredible feeling but it still only gets me to the final 5, I have to play out from there until the end. I'm in a tricky situation with eve who I trust, but with this immunity being a puzzle i think if i really tried i could have a good shot at winning but do i risk winning 2 immunities in a row and THEN on top of that playing an advantage?? my threat level would increase SO MUCH, but it might be what i need, i dont see myself in the position to make any big flashy strategic moves in this end game, meaning i have to make a statement some other way to the jury. But do I risk losing the last 2 immunities?? It's an incredibly tough call that I have to make before i would like because i work through the challenge deadline and the first 2 hours of tribal, so i really need to get my shit together soon. I'm a lot of things but a quitter is not ones, im not in an ideal position but at least im in any position, better this than ponderosa. I just have to make the best move WHATEVER that is, and hope that it pays off in the longrun. Do i pitch a final 3 to tommy?? Would he take me to the end? Do i try and rekindle with sarah/stoner or do I bank on my relationship with darcy is enough to keep me in? So many factors, so little time, so many possibilities. Survivor gods please be on my side. Please. 
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Eve I love you and you're great, but you pushed way too hard to know what my vote was, then tried to vote me out. Even if I'm a goat, I'm not THAT stupid 👀 Also. Even if I don't get individual immunity, I fuckin LOVE PUZZLES 
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I can't believe I made it to the finale after this crazy season but it's no time to slow down I'm in the Final 6 and I need to keep playing hard because now I can be in a vulnerable position after flipping last tribal. I just need to make sure I don't go home tonight, or Darcy, or Stoner. Right now I think I can potentially win if I get to the end with the people I'm planning to so I just need to keep trying my hardest to stay afloat in this game, keep moving towards the goal and doing my best. Hopefully I end up on top! :) 
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Final 5 and I feel like I already lost the game, but as long as they keep me I'm going to keep fighting until the end and try to win at final tribal council if I''m able to survive. I think if I can survive tonight's Final 5 tribal I have a really good shot at making it to Final 3 so it's all about making it to Final 3 at this point because I need to be there to have a shot at winning. 
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BAMBOOZLE ME FASTER SO I CAN GO TO SLEEP. But hey last tribal was spicy as hell idk how I keep being so stupid STONER YOU FOOL. I'm voting Darcy because I'm salty about being lied to, if I get voted out this round I'm ok with it because I made it this far anyways and I think I played an honest ass game. I'd rather go down with some dignity and no sense of moral turmoil and guilt (cough cough stoner) than go lying through my teeth to people I kinda like talking to. Also I watched tribal at 2am and never went to sleep again and am moderately delirious so catch me on no beauty sleep tonight only <3 
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IM IN THE FINAL 5 BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY I WON IMMUNITY AND IM IN THE FINAL 4, BY 1 FREAKING POINT!!!! god bless...... i didnt confess last round so lets jump back... actually i might've but not after that TRIBAL. So basically i won immunity and had the legacy advantage which meant me and eve were in the final 5, but not everyone knew that, when i did my talking it seemed as though the consensus was DARCY... or so i thought, but either way I didnt want darcy out which meant I had to do something, despite eve wanting darcy too with my legacy advantage being the key component to that whole round I knew stoner had to go home after our last conversation together, practically threatening me and telling me im a big threat and im gonna go home, all while cockily saying he's not going anywhere, and continuously talking about how keeping him is good because he's gonna do what's "convenient" but guess what stoner, you can't reason with convenience, so he had to go. so I told eve we should do stoner instead, the threat of him having an idol had been around since the final 7 and with next round the last time to play one and my legacy being good until 6 i was in a tricky spot, so I swapped mine and eves votes to stoner and luckily they split they're votes somehow for some reason and after eves 2 were cancelled the vote was 2-2 which could have ended up as a tie but with myself and eve both SAFE we had nothing to lose to campaign at tribal why stoner should go and how we aren't going to flip our votes, in the end it worked and 4-0. After tribal i approach sarah considering her allies just blindsided her to which i am presented with the idea that she wants DARCY gone, cracks were already forming which is JUST WHAT I WANTED, i knew stoner was the glue holding sarah and darcy together if at all considering each of their relationships to him, so cutting him out broke the ice on the darcy vs sarah fued. Fast forward to now, i win immunity after a STRESSFUL FUCKING DAY OF THIS CHALLENGE, but i won so im GRATEFUL. Anyways it seems like people still wanna do Darcy, tommy and eve included, HOWEVER, if i had it my way tommy would go home tonight, he's a big physical threat and if FIC is a pressure cooker I don't see myself beating him, and if i can use this to keep darcy on my side and potentially protect me if eve flips on me at four then thats great, if not that then darcy and sarah can continue to be at each others throats while me and eve go to the final 3. 
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Tonight is final trial! I need all the luck I can get, tonight it the determining factor that will show who the winner of this long chaotic season will be, stay tuned!
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Well tonight after final tribal council it feels like I have no chance, I was thrown off by nicole (Rightfully so) and didn't know how to recover. Ive learned how Egotistical and how much of a bully people see me as. I really dont see a point in winning a game if people think im those things. I really hope kevin gets his second win and joins the ranks of 2 time winners, he really deserves it, hes so kind and has been typing to me while i was crying after that all. To say the least, I dont know what else to say in this game, I had a lot of fun getting to know people. I played hard, but unfortunately I guess I need to do some self work from the sounds of it. Maybe I'm just taking Nicoles speech about me to hard, but i really thought me and her made up. Clearly, theres still some things that need to be discussed between the two of us. I never meant to hurt anyones feelings, put down anyone, or make people feel like they where beneath me, but I guess i did, and I have to own that now. This game really has reminded me of why 1) I am in this community because of the AMAZING PEOPLE ive met and 2) Why i need to take a break from them, because at the end of the day, I clearly have a lot to work on to make sure im not an egotistical bully, for some reason those words stuck with me more than anything else that was said tonight. Thank you monty and gage for the AMAZING season and the good times, sorry if my game was not as good as it could be. I feel like ive crawled my way up from the bottom so many times. And here I am sitting at FTC, feeling on the bottom again. 
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Episode 3 - so sado is HELL ISLAND - Adam
After Sam was sent home a high intensity challenge for reward and immunity was posted. It involved creating Shinsen, by prepping ingredients in individual messages. Hiroku was immediately off to a strong start, gaining a lead over Awashima. This lead continued to grow over night and by morning it was clear there was very little chance of Awashima catching up. Despite Rachael’s best attempts to coordinate and motivate Awashima, it was too late. Hiroku won immunity and reward with triple the score over Awashima. Jay and Josh were initially targeted due to their challenge performance. The majority seemed to be settling on Jay, however there was some pushback from Vi and Marc, who wanted to use Jay as a number. However as the day progressed it became clear that there was no saving Jay, and he was voted out unanimously.
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Olivia went on an expedition to the lagoon on Honshu, completed the challenge requiring her to burn paper 
She found the rehidden Izanagi Sword, giving her double worshippers the next time she worshipped. 
“Haha sick. Well I know who I’ll be giving that to! (Me). My plan is every other week like boost mine and then take Katie’s down. In the long run it just may work if I keep it up!”
“Fastest way for an alliance to form? Fisting jokes”
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“Here we are ladies! I feel pretty good with my position in this game. I really like Rodrigo, yes like my favorite. Jay is cool too cuz he’s a nerd. OH RACHEL my future nurse, looooove her. We talked a lot about nursing school and the career in general. Vi isn’t bad, we just don’t talk much. The first vote off was uhhh Lauren. She was AFK. The vote wasn’t unanimous tho and Adam got some so that was messsssy. I like Adam. He bounced back. Regans annoying but she’s my friend. Cori on the other tribe I did my challenge against and we had a phenomenal rapport omg I wanna work with her. OH AND EXPEDITIONS. Shikoku wasn’t iconic. Main land Japan got me 14 tickets so my ass is gonna feel it’s oats and go on a million expeditions soon lol. BUT we won the challenge and here to slay!!!”
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After being exiled mid challenge:  “So sado is the HELL ISLAND”
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“The ladies and nikias dominating this challenge? We love to see it”
“I mean it’s just like me and this sweet guy from halfway around the world are playing virtual hot potato with nonsense words like fowl and tray and we’re on this adventure and we’re in a cave and our tribe mates are all asleep next to us and we’re all that stands between us and the evil other tribe from coming into our territory and snatching another one of us up and we’re just two little anxious nerds who get along swell saying random incantations back and forth and it’s raining and I’m so fucking tired does this make sense I’m doing my best to keep our tribe afloat”
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“I ain’t even mad. Olivia killed it. Honestly her biggest supporter is a person on the opposing team... 242 with no mistakes what a queen. Rachael is also a queen. Highest scorer for our tribe with 114, 3 mistakes. Fucking jay with his two tries but both mistakes. I literally was sick all day and still did better than half the tribe wth. Adam got a 12 hour penalty so he’s excused and he didn’t mess up.  But josh got 13 with 11 mistakes. Screeching. How do you mess up that badly. It’s just copy paste. I’m so tired I’m not even making any more sense. Good night y’all ima go try to save jay’s ass but idk if I want to”
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“we love working for 6 hours without our phone all day and still being responsible for 34% of the work in this challenge on a 9 person tribe. we also love when someone does only 2 points worth...and screws up both of them. maybe this could be best for our tribe long term to purge the people that are not contributing? Idk”
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On an expedition, Olivia crushed some fruit and found the idol:
So I have 
20% advantage the next challenge
A sword advantage I just used
A block against the first vote 
Im fuckin loaded wow”
“Nikias making me cry? More likely than you think. I trust him so so much, he is my PERSON. I will defend him at all costs ⚔️”
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“things have been rly quiet since last time, but it seems like a handful of my tribe really worked together and pulled out the win in the shinsen challenge yay!! Some have not had the opportunity to contribute as much but hopefully they will the first chance they get. I still have my voting coin if I need it, but things are definitely super chill in the hiroku tribe for the time being and I seem to have good ties all over.”
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“I’m thankful that this round allowed us to win by such a long shot. I believe that we have such a strong tribe, unfortunately however, we just do not necessarily communicate all that much, or at least that’s what it seems like.
Echoing previous confessionals, I still really adore almost everyone on this tribe. I do not have any issues or concerns with anyone at this moment in time, however my eyes and ears are open  just in case, however, I believe I can hopefully stay connected with several individuals in this tribe.
I’m not the best when it comes to challenge performance and I’m the first one that would always say that to myself. That’s why I play such a big social game, because I feel like that although I don’t have any challenge prowess, people will catch on to what my next best thing is. 
It would not surprise me If there was an undercover alliance at the moment just based on certain conversations I’ve had but perhaps that is just a thought and not merely reality. I hope that this upcoming round allows us to win yet another competition and continue to do our best like we always do.”
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“HERE WE GO LADIES. Well that challenge sucked. Like, wasn’t fun at all. I personally SLAYED it, with Rachael and Regan. Vi did okay too but like we legit never talk. The people who did the least were Jay and Katie. I’ve had a good connection with Jay since the beginning but he has been MIA. I think he kinda gave up cuz he’s not even fighting at all. Someone said he’s in another game and SIS, me too. But still made time and did what I could. That leaves Katie who I want to go, but it’s not getting traction so I gotta go with the Jay vote unfortunately. RIP BBY GURL. Otherwise I’m still loving Rodrigo and Josh. My ideal 5 some is Me, Regan, Rachael, Josh, Rodrigo. But idk if I can get that to happen.”
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“this vote seems too simple it is scaring me. I feel like my social game is lacking. It could easily be better but so is jays like what if he has an idol idk”
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“probably Jay going home unanimously tonight unless some funny business happens. He’s lost any kind of fight he had in this game. If everything I know is correct it’ll be 8-1 jay with a vote on josh but who knows.”
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“This round went pretty good, i think that kind of tribe wins solidifies a type of loyalty because everyone fight for each other so we can all have a nice week-end with out having to vote anyone out of the game. I think every one loves this tribe the way it is and i kind of wanna push that even more, remain loyal to a tribe is still an option that i have never made before but it is still an option and i wouldn't wanna take away any of my options until it's time to decide. I think right now i am in a good spot, i think if we go to tribal Odd or Zach would be the target which means i am in a good spot. Voting out Sam was a big deal for me because Odd is more beneficial for my game i believe. He is good at challenges and also he doesn't talk to a lot of people so it's something that i can use to my advantage in the future. This is my favorite tribe ever and i wanna keep enjoy this tribe so i would pray to win another immunity challenge”
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teen-in-a-nutshell · 5 years
2019, Not My Year
Tuesday July 9, 2019 10:00pm
Man oh man, 2019 has been a year out of hell. The best thing about this year is that I know that this year will literally make or break me in so many ways. Let me do my best to catch you up on how I’ve been the past few months. In November 2018 I competed in a boxing tournament that left me mentally “out of it”. What I mean by that is I lowkey lost hope, my discipline/drive was gone, along with a slew of other emotions. In a nutshell losing that tournament led to depression. Then in December I competed and lost in another tournament which then left me even more depressed. I really thought I had a grip on my emotions, feelings, and life in general but in reality I didn’t. Ever since I competed in December I honestly feel like I’ve been on the worst ferris wheel of my life. 
And it’s crazy because I truly thought my lowest point couldn’t get any lower, until 2019 came along. I guess the saying “the higher you climb, the harder the fall” is very very true. Is that even the saying? I don’t know, to be honest. But it sounds round and it’s very relevant.
Anyways, back to this ferris wheel. When I lost in December I know that my journey to the 2020 Olympic was not over just rerouted. I outlined the steps needed to continue on my journey. I knew that starting my training as early as possible and be ready at all time was the goal, but everyday was “I’ll start tomorrow” or  “I’ll start on Monday”. Literally day after day, week after week, month after month up until the point that it’s now July and I still feel stuck. The last few months have felt like I was swimming but not actually going anywhere, really just trying to stay afloat. There have been days where I didn’t leave the house let alone my bed/room. Days where I didn’t want to talk to anyone at all. All while wanting someone to hear me silently scream and help. And don’t get me wrong, I had some good days, days where I thought I could actually see the sun; but unfortunately clouds were never too far away. The last few months have taught me a lot about myself and the people around me.
Also, what’s an update without talking about the love life? In the beginning of May, actually on May 1 to be exact, I matched with this girl on Tinder. I’m going to name her Philly Girl just for the sake of anonymity. So Philly Girl and I have been talking now for about 2 months and it’s been crazy. Ever since last year I haven’t really been looking for a girlfriend. Im 100% the relationship type, I love love, and I really enjoy being in a relationship but I’m over falling for the wrong girl and I’m tired of being hurt. So I’ve just been coasting. Philly Girl is amazing in so many ways and I’m so grateful I didn’t turn into a complete savage before I met her. (Haha) She makes me feel good, she makes me feel appreciated, she makes me think about things differently and see a new outlook, she makes it worth me showing love and attention. Getting to know her has been truly amazing.
I lowkey asked her to be my girlfriend the other day. More specifically I asked her if we should label our relationship. Long story short she’s nervous and scared. I’m hella nervous too. Usually when someone good comes into my life it’s only a matter of time until it’s not so good anymore. But this usually happens within the first 2-3 months or I don’t care that much so I just let it rock. Or when someone good comes into my life I don’t even give them a chance. So now here comes Philly Girl, she’s cute, she’s here for a good time not a long time, I swipe right, we converse filling my boredom void, but wait days later when I’m not bored Philly Girl and I are still conversing. WILD. Honestly I tried to find something wrong. But as I get to know her more and more it’s so hard to not appreciate her, to not show her love and show her how much I like her and care, it’s hard to block those feeling because she’s so open and it makes me want to be open. I’m scared for when these great times aren’t so great anymore. But if my dreams don’t scare me then they just aren’t big enough. I really like Philly Girl and I really want to continue to get to know her, continue to do things with her, continue to grow as individuals together. When those tough times come I hope that we’ll still want to get through them just like we do the good times.
All in all 2019 has been a crazy ass 6 months so far, filled with what seems like way more downs then there were ups. When I felt like giving up on everything, I didn’t. When I felt like giving up on everyone, I didn’t. Now it’s July 9, I am happy as fuck whenever I’m talking to, thinking about, and/or spending time with Philly Girl. Everything else in my life is kind of up in the air to be honest. Not quite a disaster but definitely not all together. So let’s just say I’m working hard and doing my best.
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