#im about to gatekeep everyone without a cognitive disability/j you sound like an academic jerk
ablednt · 11 months
I don't get gatekeeping cripple from people tbh
"If they're just ND and not also physically disabled they use the term but are sometimes ableist" implying??? That physically disabled people who reclaim cripple aren't often blatantly fucking ableist as well?
Idk like it's not that I don't get the frustration when mentally ill people who aren't visibly physically disabled don't take the time to actually listen to us and say stuff like "you wouldn't do this to a wheelchair user" about stuff that happens to us constantly
But as a mentally ill person who's also physically disabled there is just as much ableism against me in the cripplepunk communities from disabled people who consider themselves NT. Like if that's the logic we're going by then only people with both "physical" and "mental" disabilities could use cripple because plenty of y'all will be violently ableist to people with stigmatized illnesses.
"You can't use cripple you're not physically disabled" what are you? A fucking cop?
1. How are you defining physically abled because the vast majority of mentally ill people I know also have a lot of physical symptoms. It can be difficult to tell between anxiety or a stomach disorder and heart problem, depression and chronic fatigue, or adhd / dissociative disorders and brain fog. Half of the fucking time someone you think isn't physically disabled actually is.
2. Are we really going to pretend that the ableism faced by the mentally disabled community is any different than the physical one? Deaf people get called retarded, congitively disabled people and people with severe ptsd get called crippled, etc.
3. When you try to make rules for a punk community around reclaiming a slur you sound ridiculous lol. People are going to do whatever they're going to do. You can call them assholes if you don't like it but you don't get to make decisions for the whole community.
Like I get "y'all are reclaiming cripple but still being ableist" but the answer is to attack the actual ableism instead of focusing on whether or not they have enough marginalized points to use a word.
Just oh my god shut up thats not how punk movements work ND people belong in the community they just have to accept that if they're ableist they're getting called assholes and people aren't going to like them. Punk movements aren't psrsonal vetted spaces when you try to decide for others whether or not they belong you sound stupid.
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