cuprikorn · 2 years
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berdushbebe · 2 years
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@berdushbebeyollarda ile İstanbul camileri 1 🕌 Ayasofya camii 🕌Bezmi alem cami 🕌Sinan paşa cami 🕌Şems’i Ahmet paşa cami 🕌kaptan paşa cami 🕌Aziz Mahmut hüda cami #berdushbebe #berdushbebeyollarda #iistanbul #yarimistanbul #ayasofyacamii #ayasofya #bezmialemvalidesultancamii #sinanpashamosque #sinanpaşacamii #azizmahmuthüdayi #azizmahmudhüdayicamii #isimvererekdua Yarabbi.! Cuma günün hürmetine Mehmet kuluna hayırlı bir ömür,hayırlı bir iş, hayırlı bir eş nasip et. (Ayasofya-i Kebîr Câmi-i Şerîfi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdNkoiGKwLv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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delpandaeyes · 7 months
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Cat's paradise Chapter 2 IISTANBUL, TURKEY. 2023
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cygnusalba · 2 years
Bir iİstanbul masalı
istanbuldan nefret ediyorum ne masalı
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barkoturktv · 5 years
Galataport İstanbul mayıs ayında açılacak
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İhale bedeli dahil toplam 1,7 milyar dolarlık yatırım yapılan ve Karaköy sahil şeridine 200 yıl sonra erişim imkanı verecek, Galataport İstanbul, 2020’nin mayıs ayında açılmaya hazırlanıyor. Doğuş Grubu ile Bilgili Holding’in ortaklaşa hayata geçirdiği Galataport İstanbul projesinin tanıtım toplantısı, Doğuş Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve Üst Yöneticisi (CEO) Ferit Şahenk ve Bilgili Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Serdar Bilgili’nin katılımıyla Galataport İstanbul’da gerçekleştirildi. Turizmden kültür sanata, gastronomiden alışverişe kadar hayatın her alanına dokunacak olan simge proje, 2020’nin mayıs ayında açılacak. Galataport İstanbul, dünyanın en büyük sahil şeridi projelerinden biri olarak yepyeni bir destinasyon haline gelecek.  "Doğuş Grubu için bir ustalık dönemi eseri" Ferit Şahenk, toplantıda yaptığı konuşmada, Galataport İstanbul projesinin Türkiye ve İstanbul için "bir pırlanta" niteliği taşıdığını ve bu projenin Doğuş Grubu için de bir ustalık dönemi eseri olduğunu söyledi. Şahenk, yılda 7 milyonu yabancı turist olmak üzere 25 milyon ziyaretçiyi ağırlayacak olan Galataport İstanbul’un sahasında barındırdığı 2 müze ve ortalarında yer alan 14 bin metrekarelik rekreasyon alanı ile beraber kültür-sanat hayatı için de yeni bir merkez haline geleceğini dile getirdi. 200 yıldır halka kapalı olan sahil şeridinin proje vesilesiyle halka açılmasının önemine dikkati çeken Şahenk, "2016 yılında Galataport finansman toplantısı için bir araya geldiğimizde 6 güzide bankamızla 1 milyar 20 milyon avro tutarında kredi finansman anlaşması imzaladığımızı açıklamıştık." dedi. Söz konusu projenin İstanbul’a büyük bir değer katacağını vurgulayan Şahenk, şunları söyledi: "Eminim, bugüne kadar İstanbul’a bu noktadan hiç bakmamıştınız. Şehrimizin en büyüleyici noktalarından biri uzun yıllardan bu yana bizlere kapalıydı. İşte Galataport ile birlikte güzel İstanbul’umuza bambaşka bir açıdan daha kavuşmuş oluyoruz. 2013 yılında o zaman ki adıyla Salıpazarı Kruvaziyer Liman ihalesine girerken de ana amacımız tarihi yarımadanın bir uzantısı olan, boğazın bu eşsiz sahil şeridini İstanbullulara ve şehrin tüm ziyaretçilerine kazandırmaktı. Tam 200 yıldır halka kapalı olan 1,2 kilometrelik sahil şeridi halka açılıyor. İhale bedeli dahil toplam 1,7 milyar dolarlık bir yatırımla gerçekleştirdiğimiz Galataport, 2020’de kapılarını açıyor." Dünyada ilk defa yolcuların yerin altında karşılanacağı, gümrüklü ve gümrüksüz alanların değişken şekilde ayrılabildiği, şehrin en tarihi ve kültürel açıdan zengin kısmında mürettebat dahil yılda 1,5 milyon ziyaretçiyi ağırlayacak bir kruvaziyer limanı inşa ettiklerini aktaran Şahenk, "Bir ‘ana liman’ olarak konumlanan Galataport İstanbul; Akdeniz çanağından Karadeniz’e kadar geniş bir coğrafyada da kruvaziyer turizmine hareketlilik getirecek. Yılda 7 milyonu yabancı turist olmak üzere 25 milyon kişiyi ağırlayacak. Sonuç olarak İstanbul’un yeni ve modern yüzü, geçmişle bağını koparmadan dünyada eşi benzeri olmayan bir görsellik üzerinde bir araya geliyor." ifadelerini kullandı. "Galataport İstanbul bir liman projesi olmanın ötesinde anlamlar taşıyor" Bilgili Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Serdar Bilgili ise Doğuş Grubu ile birlikte bu projede olmaktan mutluluk duyduklarını belirterek, "Galataport İstanbul, ziyaretçilerine pek çok alanda farklı deneyimler sunarak şehrin sosyal yaşamını değiştirecek bir yatırım. Projemiz açıldığında 200 yıldır erişime kapalı olan sahil şeridi, buraya gelen yerli ve yabancı turistlere adeta bir zamanda yolculuk deneyimi yaşatacak. İşte bu yüzden Galataport İstanbul bir liman projesi olmanın ötesinde anlamlar taşıyor. Galataport İstanbul, her yönüyle şehre değer katacak, bununla da kalmayıp 'İstanbul’u yaşamayı' sağlayacak yeni bir destinasyon olacak." değerlendirmesinde bulundu. "İlk gemi 5 Nisan 2020’de yanaşacak" Doğuş Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Vekili Hüsnü Akhan da 2014 yılında çıktıkları bu yolculukta artık geri sayıma başladıklarını belirterek, 1,2 kilometrelik sahil şeridinde yer alan Galataport’un bir zamanlar İstanbul’un ticaret merkezi olan Karaköy’e eski ruhunu tekrar kazandıracağını ifade etti. Projenin yaklaşık yüzde 70’inin tamamlandığını aktaran Akhan, "Bu projeye, Doğuş ve Bilgili ortaklığıyla imza atmak bizler için bir gurur vesilesidir. Galataport İstanbul, kültür-sanattan gastronomiye, turizmden alışverişe kadar pek çok farklı fonksiyona sahip olacak. Galataport İstanbul, Türkiye’nin dünyaya denizden açılan kapısı olmasının yanın sıra İstanbullular ve şehrin tüm ziyaretçileri için yepyeni bir yaşam alanı olacak." diye konuştu. Galataport İstanbul’a ilk geminin 5 Nisan 2020’de yanaşacağını dile getiren Akhan, 30 Mayıs 2020'de Atatürk Olimpiyat Stadyumu'nda gerçekleştirilecek Şampiyonlar Ligi final karşılaşmasından önce projenin açılmış olacağını sözlerine ekledi.
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1,7 milyar dolarlık yatırım Doğuş Grubu’nun Özelleştirme İdaresi tarafından 16 Mayıs 2013’te gerçekleştirilen Salıpazarı Limanı İhalesi’ni 702 milyon dolar teklifle kazanmasının ardından, grup, Ocak 2014’te Bilgili Holding’e bağlı BLG Capital ile ortaklık gerçekleştirdi ve bu ortaklıkla alanın geliştirme ve işletmesinden sorumlu Salıpazarı Liman İşletmeciliği ve Yatırımları AŞ kuruldu. Türkiye Denizcilik İşletmeleri AŞ ile yapılan devir sözleşmesini takiben, Şubat 2014’te liman sahası devralındı ve faaliyetlere başlandı. Şirketin unvanı, Şubat 2018 itibarıyla Galataport İstanbul Liman İşletmeciliği ve Yatırımları AŞ olarak değiştirildi. İhale bedeli dahil toplam 1,7 milyar dolarlık yatırımla hayata geçirilen proje, boğaz kenarında 1,2 kilometrelik sahil şeridini kapsıyor. Galataport İstanbul ile birlikte şehir, bölgenin doğal dokusuna uyumlu, kültür-sanat kurumlarının, dünya standartlarında bir kruvaziyer terminalinin, seçkin bir otel zincirinin, farklı segmentlere hitap eden markaların, kafelerin, restoranların ve ofis alanlarının yer alacağı, yerli ve yabancı turistlerle İstanbulluların bir arada olacağı önemli bir yaşam alanına kavuşacak. Yeni terminal binası ise zemin altında yenilikçi bir teknoloji ve eşsiz bir tasarımla planlandı. Yılda 25 milyon ziyaretçi çekecek Yenilenen tarihi liman, İstanbul’un dünyaya denizden açılan kapısı olacak. Liman, 3 geminin bağlanmasıyla günde 15 bin yolcuya ve mürettebata hizmet verebilecek kapasiteye göre planlandı. Proje tamamlandıktan sonra da yılda mürettebat dahil yaklaşık 1,5 milyon kruvaziyer yolcusunun İstanbul’u ziyaret edeceği öngörülüyor. Galataport İstanbul, 7 milyonu yabancı olmak üzere yılda toplam 25 milyon ziyaretçiyi ağırlayacak. Bu ziyaretçilerin Türkiye’nin turizm gelirine tahmini katkısının ise 1 milyar dolar civarında olacağı hesaplanıyor. Projede yaklaşık 250 adet perakende ve yeme-içme noktası planlanıyor. Mağaza ve yeme-içme birimleri için ayrılan kiralanabilir alan toplamı yaklaşık 52 bin metrekare, kiralanabilir ofis alanı ise yaklaşık 43 bin metrekareden oluşuyor. Proje kapsamında peyzaj düzenlemesi hayata geçirilen tarihi Tophane Meydanı da yeniden İstanbul’un en önemli meydanlarından birine dönüştürülüyor. Galataport İstanbul, sahasında barındırdığı 2 müze ve ortalarında yer alan 14 bin metrekarelik rekreasyon alanı ile beraber kültür-sanat hayatı için de yeni bir merkez haline gelecek. Bu alan İstanbul’un ilk müze meydanı olmakla birlikte, sene boyunca özel bir etkinlik planlamasıyla sürekli yaşayan bir alan olacak. 1928’de kurulan ve dünyada sadece 10 seçkin lokasyonda yer alan Hong Kong menşeli Peninsula Grubu, adıyla örtüşen bir şekilde İstanbul’da tarihi yarımadanın tam karşısında yeni otelini açacak. Peninsula Grubu sadece işletmeci olarak değil aynı zamanda yüzde 50 oranında yatırımcı olarak girdiği Peninsula İstanbul projesiyle Galataport İstanbul’a ve Türkiye turizmine katkı sağlayacak. 
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5 bin kişiye istihdam imkanı İçeriğinde barındırdığı pek çok farklı faaliyet alanı ve yatırım ile ülke turizmine de önemli katkıları olacak bir proje olan Galataport İstanbul, en yoğun döneminde, inşaat yüklenicileri ile birlikte 5 bin kişiye istihdam sağlıyor. Projenin hayata geçmesinin ardından ise planlama kapsamında bulunan kruvaziyer terminalinin, yerel ve dünya lezzetleri sunan kafelerin ve restoranların, ulusal ve uluslararası birçok markaya ev sahipliği yapacak mağazaların, otelin, ofislerin ve yüksek kapasitedeki otoparkın açılmasından sonra ise yaklaşık 4 bin 500 kişiye istihdam sağlanması hedefleniyor.  Yer altında 29 bin metrekarelik terminal hizmete girecek Galataport İstanbul Kruvaziyer Limanı, ana liman ve transit sefer olarak İstanbul’u ziyaret eden kruvaziyer gemilerini ağırlayacak. Dünyada ilk kez kurgulanan kapak sistemi ve buna bağlı yer altında 29 bin metrekarelik terminal hizmete sokularak modern bir liman inşa ediliyor. Limanda gemi olmadığı zamanlarda ise gümrüklü alanı ve güvenlik (ISPS) alanını ayıran kapak sistemi sayesinde sahanın yer üstü alanının tamamı, halkın hizmetine sunulacak. 2020 yılında toplam 64 sefer, 2021 yılında ise yaklaşık 140 sefer Galataport İstanbul’a rezervasyon yaparken, çoğu firmanın Galataport İstanbul’u ana liman olarak kullanması bekleniyor. Ayrıca, proje planlaması kapsamında düzenlenen 30 bin metrekarelik peyzaj alanında yüzlerce ağaç yer alacak ve 2 bin 300 araçlık yer altı otoparkı da bölgenin park sorununun çözümüne önemli bir katkı sağlayacak. Read the full article
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ghumindiaghum · 2 years
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#Turkey is a nation straddling eastern #Europe and western #Asia with #cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine and #Ottomanempires. Cosmopolitan #Istanbul, on the Bosphorus Strait, is home to the iconic Hagia Sophia, with its #soaring dome and Christian mosaics see more at: https://bit.ly/3pv8QsE
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flykartal-blog · 6 years
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hayrulvarisin · 2 years
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I ❤️iİstanbul I 💚 Haşim (İstanbul Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcarLEMsuZv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haberlernews · 4 years
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Hırsızlık anı kamerada! iİstanbul Pendik Kavakpınar Mahallesinde yaşanan olayda, iddiaya göre akşam saatlerinde park halinde olan bir minibüsün yanına yaklaşan otomobilden bir kişi indi.
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holidaysbalkan · 4 years
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Development of art in Turkey
But this restriction was originally placed on the use and not on the production of images: silver money coined at the time of Mohamed bears the effigy of the prophet. However, in the course of time his successors went so far beyond his teachings and his example that they altogether forbade even the creation of images. Thus the coins of all Muslim rulers were made to bear their names instead of their likeness, and for centuries Muslim artists, including the Turks, devoted their genius to creating exclusively decorative art representing writings, arabesque designs, or flowers.
It was, therefore, only as education spread among the people of all classes, it was only after even the masses began to understand the true purpose of the restriction placed on the use of reproductions of living beings, it was only about ten or fifteen years ago that Turkish artists branched out into these heretofore forbidden fields of art. Thus the delay in the development of art in Turkey is due to religious reasons. But even at that I consider it salutary; after all it is much better to have in its infancy that branch of art Iistanbul tour guide which reproduces living beings than to have religion stained by idolatry especially as the other branches of art were permitted to follow their natural development.
No one can say that the Muslims, the Orientals, have not a keen appreciation of color and design, no one can say that the restriction placed on art has atrophied their sense of beauty.” As I was finishing these remarks, my friend Emin Bey, who was to take us to Hassan Effendi, arrived and we started on our way. Emin Bey speaks perfect French. He is one of the high employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he does not know English and told us that neither Hassan Effendi nor probably any one that we might meet at his house would speak English. So we decided that I should be the translator and I told our American friends to ask without reticence any question they might wish.
Turkish refugees in Constantinople
Hassan Efifendi lives in Stamboul not far from the Mosque of Sultan Soliman, but on a side street. So when we reached the square in the center of which has been built in recent years a monument to two “aces” of the Turkish Aerial Fleet who died on the battlefield we turned to the right and entered a narrow street. We passed under the arches of the old Roman Aqueduct, at the foot of which were built little wooden shacks covered with tin plates which had been in other days Standard Oil cans. These shacks are the temporary abode of many Turkish refugees in Constantinople, people who have been left homeless either by the war or by the numerous fires which have devastated the city in recent years.
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hutupistravel · 4 years
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Development of art in Turkey
But this restriction was originally placed on the use and not on the production of images: silver money coined at the time of Mohamed bears the effigy of the prophet. However, in the course of time his successors went so far beyond his teachings and his example that they altogether forbade even the creation of images. Thus the coins of all Muslim rulers were made to bear their names instead of their likeness, and for centuries Muslim artists, including the Turks, devoted their genius to creating exclusively decorative art representing writings, arabesque designs, or flowers.
It was, therefore, only as education spread among the people of all classes, it was only after even the masses began to understand the true purpose of the restriction placed on the use of reproductions of living beings, it was only about ten or fifteen years ago that Turkish artists branched out into these heretofore forbidden fields of art. Thus the delay in the development of art in Turkey is due to religious reasons. But even at that I consider it salutary; after all it is much better to have in its infancy that branch of art Iistanbul tour guide which reproduces living beings than to have religion stained by idolatry especially as the other branches of art were permitted to follow their natural development.
No one can say that the Muslims, the Orientals, have not a keen appreciation of color and design, no one can say that the restriction placed on art has atrophied their sense of beauty.” As I was finishing these remarks, my friend Emin Bey, who was to take us to Hassan Effendi, arrived and we started on our way. Emin Bey speaks perfect French. He is one of the high employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he does not know English and told us that neither Hassan Effendi nor probably any one that we might meet at his house would speak English. So we decided that I should be the translator and I told our American friends to ask without reticence any question they might wish.
Turkish refugees in Constantinople
Hassan Efifendi lives in Stamboul not far from the Mosque of Sultan Soliman, but on a side street. So when we reached the square in the center of which has been built in recent years a monument to two “aces” of the Turkish Aerial Fleet who died on the battlefield we turned to the right and entered a narrow street. We passed under the arches of the old Roman Aqueduct, at the foot of which were built little wooden shacks covered with tin plates which had been in other days Standard Oil cans. These shacks are the temporary abode of many Turkish refugees in Constantinople, people who have been left homeless either by the war or by the numerous fires which have devastated the city in recent years.
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bookinghotelsbg · 4 years
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Development of art in Turkey
But this restriction was originally placed on the use and not on the production of images: silver money coined at the time of Mohamed bears the effigy of the prophet. However, in the course of time his successors went so far beyond his teachings and his example that they altogether forbade even the creation of images. Thus the coins of all Muslim rulers were made to bear their names instead of their likeness, and for centuries Muslim artists, including the Turks, devoted their genius to creating exclusively decorative art representing writings, arabesque designs, or flowers.
It was, therefore, only as education spread among the people of all classes, it was only after even the masses began to understand the true purpose of the restriction placed on the use of reproductions of living beings, it was only about ten or fifteen years ago that Turkish artists branched out into these heretofore forbidden fields of art. Thus the delay in the development of art in Turkey is due to religious reasons. But even at that I consider it salutary; after all it is much better to have in its infancy that branch of art Iistanbul tour guide which reproduces living beings than to have religion stained by idolatry especially as the other branches of art were permitted to follow their natural development.
No one can say that the Muslims, the Orientals, have not a keen appreciation of color and design, no one can say that the restriction placed on art has atrophied their sense of beauty.” As I was finishing these remarks, my friend Emin Bey, who was to take us to Hassan Effendi, arrived and we started on our way. Emin Bey speaks perfect French. He is one of the high employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he does not know English and told us that neither Hassan Effendi nor probably any one that we might meet at his house would speak English. So we decided that I should be the translator and I told our American friends to ask without reticence any question they might wish.
Turkish refugees in Constantinople
Hassan Efifendi lives in Stamboul not far from the Mosque of Sultan Soliman, but on a side street. So when we reached the square in the center of which has been built in recent years a monument to two “aces” of the Turkish Aerial Fleet who died on the battlefield we turned to the right and entered a narrow street. We passed under the arches of the old Roman Aqueduct, at the foot of which were built little wooden shacks covered with tin plates which had been in other days Standard Oil cans. These shacks are the temporary abode of many Turkish refugees in Constantinople, people who have been left homeless either by the war or by the numerous fires which have devastated the city in recent years.
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bookingoneway · 4 years
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Development of art in Turkey
But this restriction was originally placed on the use and not on the production of images: silver money coined at the time of Mohamed bears the effigy of the prophet. However, in the course of time his successors went so far beyond his teachings and his example that they altogether forbade even the creation of images. Thus the coins of all Muslim rulers were made to bear their names instead of their likeness, and for centuries Muslim artists, including the Turks, devoted their genius to creating exclusively decorative art representing writings, arabesque designs, or flowers.
It was, therefore, only as education spread among the people of all classes, it was only after even the masses began to understand the true purpose of the restriction placed on the use of reproductions of living beings, it was only about ten or fifteen years ago that Turkish artists branched out into these heretofore forbidden fields of art. Thus the delay in the development of art in Turkey is due to religious reasons. But even at that I consider it salutary; after all it is much better to have in its infancy that branch of art Iistanbul tour guide which reproduces living beings than to have religion stained by idolatry especially as the other branches of art were permitted to follow their natural development.
No one can say that the Muslims, the Orientals, have not a keen appreciation of color and design, no one can say that the restriction placed on art has atrophied their sense of beauty.” As I was finishing these remarks, my friend Emin Bey, who was to take us to Hassan Effendi, arrived and we started on our way. Emin Bey speaks perfect French. He is one of the high employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he does not know English and told us that neither Hassan Effendi nor probably any one that we might meet at his house would speak English. So we decided that I should be the translator and I told our American friends to ask without reticence any question they might wish.
Turkish refugees in Constantinople
Hassan Efifendi lives in Stamboul not far from the Mosque of Sultan Soliman, but on a side street. So when we reached the square in the center of which has been built in recent years a monument to two “aces” of the Turkish Aerial Fleet who died on the battlefield we turned to the right and entered a narrow street. We passed under the arches of the old Roman Aqueduct, at the foot of which were built little wooden shacks covered with tin plates which had been in other days Standard Oil cans. These shacks are the temporary abode of many Turkish refugees in Constantinople, people who have been left homeless either by the war or by the numerous fires which have devastated the city in recent years.
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holidayinbg · 4 years
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Development of art in Turkey
But this restriction was originally placed on the use and not on the production of images: silver money coined at the time of Mohamed bears the effigy of the prophet. However, in the course of time his successors went so far beyond his teachings and his example that they altogether forbade even the creation of images. Thus the coins of all Muslim rulers were made to bear their names instead of their likeness, and for centuries Muslim artists, including the Turks, devoted their genius to creating exclusively decorative art representing writings, arabesque designs, or flowers.
It was, therefore, only as education spread among the people of all classes, it was only after even the masses began to understand the true purpose of the restriction placed on the use of reproductions of living beings, it was only about ten or fifteen years ago that Turkish artists branched out into these heretofore forbidden fields of art. Thus the delay in the development of art in Turkey is due to religious reasons. But even at that I consider it salutary; after all it is much better to have in its infancy that branch of art Iistanbul tour guide which reproduces living beings than to have religion stained by idolatry especially as the other branches of art were permitted to follow their natural development.
No one can say that the Muslims, the Orientals, have not a keen appreciation of color and design, no one can say that the restriction placed on art has atrophied their sense of beauty.” As I was finishing these remarks, my friend Emin Bey, who was to take us to Hassan Effendi, arrived and we started on our way. Emin Bey speaks perfect French. He is one of the high employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he does not know English and told us that neither Hassan Effendi nor probably any one that we might meet at his house would speak English. So we decided that I should be the translator and I told our American friends to ask without reticence any question they might wish.
Turkish refugees in Constantinople
Hassan Efifendi lives in Stamboul not far from the Mosque of Sultan Soliman, but on a side street. So when we reached the square in the center of which has been built in recent years a monument to two “aces” of the Turkish Aerial Fleet who died on the battlefield we turned to the right and entered a narrow street. We passed under the arches of the old Roman Aqueduct, at the foot of which were built little wooden shacks covered with tin plates which had been in other days Standard Oil cans. These shacks are the temporary abode of many Turkish refugees in Constantinople, people who have been left homeless either by the war or by the numerous fires which have devastated the city in recent years.
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travelingbalkan · 4 years
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Development of art in Turkey
But this restriction was originally placed on the use and not on the production of images: silver money coined at the time of Mohamed bears the effigy of the prophet. However, in the course of time his successors went so far beyond his teachings and his example that they altogether forbade even the creation of images. Thus the coins of all Muslim rulers were made to bear their names instead of their likeness, and for centuries Muslim artists, including the Turks, devoted their genius to creating exclusively decorative art representing writings, arabesque designs, or flowers.
It was, therefore, only as education spread among the people of all classes, it was only after even the masses began to understand the true purpose of the restriction placed on the use of reproductions of living beings, it was only about ten or fifteen years ago that Turkish artists branched out into these heretofore forbidden fields of art. Thus the delay in the development of art in Turkey is due to religious reasons. But even at that I consider it salutary; after all it is much better to have in its infancy that branch of art Iistanbul tour guide which reproduces living beings than to have religion stained by idolatry especially as the other branches of art were permitted to follow their natural development.
No one can say that the Muslims, the Orientals, have not a keen appreciation of color and design, no one can say that the restriction placed on art has atrophied their sense of beauty.” As I was finishing these remarks, my friend Emin Bey, who was to take us to Hassan Effendi, arrived and we started on our way. Emin Bey speaks perfect French. He is one of the high employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but he does not know English and told us that neither Hassan Effendi nor probably any one that we might meet at his house would speak English. So we decided that I should be the translator and I told our American friends to ask without reticence any question they might wish.
Turkish refugees in Constantinople
Hassan Efifendi lives in Stamboul not far from the Mosque of Sultan Soliman, but on a side street. So when we reached the square in the center of which has been built in recent years a monument to two “aces” of the Turkish Aerial Fleet who died on the battlefield we turned to the right and entered a narrow street. We passed under the arches of the old Roman Aqueduct, at the foot of which were built little wooden shacks covered with tin plates which had been in other days Standard Oil cans. These shacks are the temporary abode of many Turkish refugees in Constantinople, people who have been left homeless either by the war or by the numerous fires which have devastated the city in recent years.
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blancaoliu · 4 years
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