#iiii can imagine hanging out at ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ jims with towel-dry hair
slashingdisneypasta ยท 1 year
Imagine you're having plumbing issues at your house so you've been living it Rough for a few days (Brushing your teeth with bottled water, using an abundance of wet wipes, waiting to do Toilet Things when you're at school/work/the shops, etc), waiting for the plumbers to come and save you, and when your F/O finds out they invite you to use their water!
Maybe you don't live together yet but you've been discussing it, or maybe this is a new relationship, or maybe you two just like having your own homes. This situation allows y'all to have a little domestic Moment together without moving in ^^
Like, they want you to be vomfortable coming over any time to:
Take a shower (Imagine complaining that you feel grotty and they say that you always look ravishibg- but hey you're welcome to come over and use their amenities. Or maybr they make a dirty joke here. Like, you are always plenty welcome to their shower~~ XD )
Wash your dishes (Imagine them leaning on the bench beside the sink watching you, talking about your/their day, discussing dinner, suggesting you order in together?, maybe drying them for you!)
Do you laundry (Imagine you're watching TV with them and folding your lovely clean laundry at the same time. Are they helping you? Are they holding a pile of shirts cuz you ran out of room on the floor?)
If you wanna stay over that's just fine. That's great actually! They love having you, and this is the perfect excuse. If they have roommates well that just means you can stay hidden away in their room, with them! Cozy, Huh? XD ^^
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