#if you run out of books the queen anne's revenge archeology website is cool
gaypiratepropaganda · 8 months
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ok here are the most important ones (to me)
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The Ballad of the Pirate Queens by Anne Yolen
this is a children's book in verse about Anne Bonny and Mary Read. responsible for my pirate obsession
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Bloody Jack by LA Meyer
a young adult series about a girl who disguises herself as a boy, goes to sea, and becomes a pirate. these were the best thing ever invented to kid me but I haven't read them in a while so I don't know if they're actually like, good. I liked the atmosphere and the slightly antiquated way it was written. there are gay bits.
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A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates: From Their first Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence to the present Time, with the remarkable Actions and Adventures of the two Female Pyrates Mary Read and Anne Bonny
or A General History of the Pyrates by "Captain Charles Johnson"
A good starting point. a lot of our pirate stories come from this book. it claims to be a true historical record, but I have my doubts. still fun though. I think this guy just wrote down every story he heard about pirates. it has illustrations.
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Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition by B.R. Burg
not super historical but it doesn't really claim to be. basically it's just this guy going. "so... pirates fucked, right? like, there's no way they didn't." and then he's correct. I mainly wanted this book as a teenager because I loved the cover and the title but now it's in my brain forever. look at Blackbeard. look at his gay little pose
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Pirate Enlightenment or The Real Libertalia by David Graeber
this is the one I'm reading right now and I love it so far. it's about pirates in Madagascar and the real-life version of the pirate utopia from general history of pyrates (it isn't real but it kind of is but not.) I like the writer, he's written other good things. he's obsessed with the enlightenment for some reason but you can easily ignore that.
On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers, which is kind of like a magical realism type thing. I think it's kind of what pirates of the Caribbean is based on. this is where I knew Stede Bonnet from
Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb, three books that are part of a fantasy series. these pirates are dicks to each other a lot but they are gay and their ships are alive.
Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey is a queer sort of modern version of Peter Pan. captain hook is in there and he's like a leather guy. not literally pirates, but still.
The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach is science fiction with queer pirates, a monkey god, and mushroom houses.
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