#if you haven't been through the harassment I have multiple times throughout my life then you don't get it
egg-emperor · 1 year
if any of those who I know are hate following me or keep checking my blog are happy to see that I'm still being harassed or don't care because "it's just cyberbullying just turn the computer off and outside it doesn't matter unless they actually doxx you or show up at your house to kill you" or some shit,
please think for a minute if anything I've done is really somehow worthy of people saying they think myself and family should die/kill myself, asking me for the addresses of other users so they can go and kill them, being homophobic towards me, disrespecting me as a survivor, and making the first thing I see every morning being a speech about how much they hate me and how all that can affect my already bad depression, which makes it a very real life problem and not "just an internet thing"
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mxbitters · 2 years
*scatters white rose petals throughout your entrails*
dude. i literally don't know you, we're not friends, we're not mutuals, and i asked you to stop. and choosing to just start sending a different flavor of uncomfortable asks doesn't change that i asked you to stop. i don't know what weird parasocial relationship you've come up with that you like think we have but the shit you've been putting in my inbox, and yes, it's shit, needs to stop. the first couple times it was fine but that was the first couple times. i stopped answering and you straight up messaged me about it. and then this whole "he/they boytoy" blah blah blah thing was uncomfortable enough oh my god. but i tried to be nice and i told you personally that i don't know you and that i needed you to stop. but apparently that didn't get through to you so i'm not gonna be nice about it now. i gave you multiple chances to cool it, i let a lot of shit fly that i probably shouldn't have but it's because i try to see the best in people. but you've been an uncomfortable stressor to a long enough week for me and this really just feels like harassment at this point. and quite frankly i'm fucking done with letting other people decide what's okay to say to me without any real respect for the part where i'm a real living breathing person with boundaries!!!!
so yeah, i'm posting this publicly. you've done nothing but mortify me and other people haven't even seen the worst of what you've said. i'm not a doll, not a toy, not some fictional character you can shitpost about with zero consequence. i'm a human being with a life, a job, a partner, friends, a cat, too many stuffed animals, a sculpture project due today, and a fucking headache.
and you're blocked.
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sleepingfancies · 3 years
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#his wife has foresight and magic healing and chose mortality even in the face of ultimate evil u think he's in charge of this dynamic???? no
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Da4 timeskip is actually the most hilarious decision they could ever make bc that means not only has Solas been doing fuckall for 8 years but that the Inquisitor hasn't found him yet in 8 years which makes it seem like the world's longest Wil E Coyote episode
166 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 01:33:16 GMT
Nahhh bc Jürgen and Giuseppe are so clearly a tier above literally everyone else lmao this is some bsssss
171 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 21:22:44 GMT
Wait why shouldn't people walk their dogs off the lead? How is that bad?
I'm tired and not in the best mood so I apologize if this answer seems temperamental.
Dogs are unpredictable unless they've been extensively and daily trained since puppy-hood. The only dog I have ever met who was a genuinely harmless dog was one who had been trained every day for 5 years as to how to interact with people, dogs, cats, and their environment appropriately. Your dog may be the sweetest and most harmless baby in the world at home, but the outside world is a different place. If you haven't trained your dog to handle outside stimulus, you cannot assume they're fine to walk leash-less at all times.
I'm not going to recount each story in depth, but every member of my family has been chased, bitten, or jumped on by dogs walking along trails or sidewalks off the leash. We did nothing to provoke them, we just walked/jogged by minding our business. My mom's friend recently just had to take her puppy to the PICU where he was on oxygen and needed intensive surgical intervention to save his life after he was mauled by a dog walking leash-less on a trail. Again, he did nothing to provoke this dog. He was walking along, on a leash, when a leash-less dog attacked him.
I have a dozen other stories of people being harassed by dogs who aren't on a leash. In all of them, there's a running theme of the dog owner in question being absolutely shocked that their dog would do such a thing, and then being defensive if confronted about the lack of a leash. "They aren't normally aggressive," "they've never done this before," "you probably agitated them" ad infinitum. I've heard it all. But at the end of the day it's the critical error of a dog owner who believed their dog could do no harm.
I personally have a phobia of big dogs which stems directly from when I was attacked by one as a kid (and by phobia I mean if I'm in the same room as a dog bigger than a golden retriever or lab, I start hyperventilating). I was playing in a park with my sister at the time. I didn't even see the dog until it had knocked me to the ground and bit my coat sleeve. I'm lucky it didn't make contact with my arm and that the owner grabbed it off of me before it did anything worse. So if I see you allowing your dog, especially a large one, to walk through public trails or parks without a leash, and I know your dog is untrained, I do not trust you to be a responsible dog owner.
All in all, leash laws exist for a very specific and valid reason. Obey them, unless you're absolutely sure you have thoroughly trained your dog to handle outdoor stimulus appropriately.
286 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 09:32:46 GMT
Also how are you gonna go "oh you knocked it out of the park this week but unfortunately because of your Weekly History we have to send you home =(" to Lizzie but then go "you've been star baker multiple times and have yet to make a Truly Bad bake throughout your Weekly History but unfortunately this wasn't your best week so we have to send you home =(" to Jürgen. Those are completely opposite judging systems. Pick one.
560 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 21:28:41 GMT
Yknow... Ted Cruz fleeing Texas to go to his beach house in Cancún really just sums everything up, doesn't it? The people aren't responsible for this. State officials had been told SINCE THE 1980s that they needed to fortify the Texas power grid against the cold, and it never happened. A massive midwinter outage like this happened in the 90s. And again in 2011. And now again. Texans are not responsible for this, but they are suffering for it. Dying for it. Meanwhile the people who are responsible just hop on the next flight to Cancún without a care in the world, and leave the emergency response to specific district house representatives AND A NEW YORK STATE SENATOR. Anyways.
6334 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 08:14:53 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
I was tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves for this thank uuuu!!!! 💗💗💗 this was wild AKDHFJCK
Tagging: @voiucris @favvnsongs @mercedesrollinballer @zmazingzoe @asiancatboy @themontrealwentdown and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of April 1st, 2019
Best of this Week: War of the Realms - Strikeforce: The Dark Realm #1 - Bryan Hill, Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan, Matt Hollingsworth and Joe Sabini
If I haven’t made it clear enough, I love stories of War.
I love seeing characters struggle with hard decisions or doing things that normally they wouldn't. I like the idea of burgeoning respect for others for their bravery or absolute assholish-ness in the face of grave opposition and this book is full of it.
While the main War of the Realms series offers a continuing story focused on everyone’s efforts to fight off Malekith’s forces, I like the more self contained and focused stories like this one and War Scrolls. Strikeforce, if that’s the name that they’re going for, is a team made up of darkness, anger and righteous vengeance as that’s what will be needed to venture into Svartalheim and destroy the Black Bifrost.
The book begins with Lady Freyja, Thor’s mother and arguably the wisest woman in all of Asgard, seeking counsel from an unknown individual on who would be best to take the fight to the Dark Elves. She needs those who are uncompromising and full of rage, able to fight fire with fire, so it comes as no surprise when the man that she’s speaking to turns out to be Frank Castle.
She makes it a point to note that while Captain America told her to approach him and while he doesn't like Frank, he respects him enough to know that Frank is the only man that can cross the line between heroism and villainy. She asks him to pick heroes to embody similar natures to his own and he selects Jen Walters “Hulk”, Ghost Rider and Blade because of their individual senses of justice, vengeance and anger.
Walters, taking the position of leader of the team and acting as the seasoned Avengers Vet, asks if she can trust them, calling a vote to join Freyja’s fight. They agree and she puts them through a mental test to show their darkness and see if they can overcome their fears. For Jen, it’s her primal nature now that she’s no longer the She-Hulk that she once was. Robbie has to overcome the Riders need for fear and vengeance. And Blade has to overcome himself, at least a version of himself that embraces the Vampire within and stops protecting humanity.
I will say that Yu's art in this book isn't his best, but it’s still great and absolutely serves its purpose. Everything is mostly dark and gritty. His line work is heavy and is complimented by Alanguilan's dark inks and Hollingsworth’s colors. The action scenes are sparse, but dynamic enough for you to feel the weight of the situation at hand. Frank is naturally grim while Freyja contrasts this with her normally hopefully nature as she's also clad in white, making them both stand out amongst the cast.
The group overcomes their fears and converge on Freyja, defeating her to prove their worth. We don’t learn much of Franks trial other than, he kills the rest of the team but feels bad about it afterwards. He and Freyja then have one of the most chilling conversations I have read, in a little while, away from the rest of the team.
Throughout the book, Lady Freyja comments to Frank that he would be a man welcome as a God in Asgard for his uncompromising nature, laser focus and sheer violent rage. She fears that whatever she does in this war will have a grave cost, maybe even with her becoming the monsters she so fears. We then see a vision of her appearing as the new leader of the Dark Elves in a cook, but unsettling scene. She asks Frank if he knows the feeling… and Frank does of course. He recalls a mission where he was saving a child, murdering through a mansion to save her life and as he looked in a mirror, he saw his blood covered visage and her cowering in fear and just decided that it was better to be the monster.
As long as he was a monster, but lives were still saved and the mission was accomplished, then it didn’t matter what the cost was and... Lady Freyja agreed. “I see why the others fear you, but you have the respect of Asgard.” She says before walking away. Frank has a way of getting into people's heads. He can inspire fear and terror, but I don’t think in all of my years I have seen him turn someone to his side. Hell, last week’s Daredevil saw him try it with Matt, before he was given Heimdall’s sword, and he told Frank to screw off, but seeing Lady Freyja acknowledge Frank’s harsh point of view for the greater good was poetic.
Death may be a revolving door for the X-Men, but that doesn't mean that things don't hurt when they lose another one of their own.
Runner Up: Uncanny X-Men #17 (Legacy #639) - Matthew Rosenberg, Carlos Gómez, Guru-eFX and Joe Caramagna
I've always had a penchant for the 90s X-Factor team. Multiple Man, Havok, Polaris, Strong Guy and especially Wolfsbane stand out as some of my favorites from that team, but sadly one of them is no more.
Rahne Sinclair has always had a bit of a messed up history; from having religion beat into her, causing her to hate herself and her powers, to losing best friends and lovers like Cypher, to being brainwashed and having one of her best friends murder her child, things haven't gone great for her. Recently, she had found some sort of peace with it all and decided to quit the superhero game altogether.
Scott let her go. Logan let her go. The entire rest of the current X-Men were happy to let her live a normal life and then she was murdered soon after. It came out of left field for everyone, including us readers.
Scott held a funeral service that the rest of the team attended, while Logan and a released Kwannon left to “mourn in their own way.” IE, finding the bastards who killed her and absolutely destroying them.
The contrast between these two ways of mourning is drastic and heartbreaking on both sides. Scott gives a melancholic speech, telling everyone that he's tired of losing friends and names off every “dead” mutant that he can. Logan and Kwannon, however find the guys that killed Rahne and Logan asks Kwannon to show him their memories.
After a lot of pushing, she shows Logan how they catcalled her and kept harassing her until she said no and bared her fangs. Thinking they were “tricked” by a “mutie”, they beat her to death. Suddenly a SWAT team enters the home and corners the pair and Logan goes on the attack.
As always, Logan and Scott are on opposite ends of their respective spectrums with Scott choosing the path of peace and Logan choosing the path of vengeance. It's hard to say which side is more righteous here. Scott promised something of change when he came back and allowed the X-Men to be democratic instead of having him as the leader and that possibly led to Rahne's death. Logan, of course may have cost The X-Men some good in the public eye as it's heavily implied that he and Kwannon murdered everyone in that house. But damn if he didn't get Rahne the justice she deserved.
Loganq returns home later to be yelled at by Scott, who tells him that he should have been at Rahne's funeral. Logan, also in a rage, brings up that Scott knew that Logan would do it and also brings up Blindfolds suicide and their own past schism when Scott tells him to leave the team. They get into a scuffle and Juggernaut stops them, telling them that they should be focused on Scott's list of enemies instead of each other and notes one BIG name missing that no one can seem to remember, I wonder what COLD BITCH that might be?
This issue really hit hard for me. While it doesn't bring up everything specifically, it does tie up her character arc in a bow made of razor blades. There are acknowledgements to her past, her times with X-Force, X-Factor and the New Mutants. It's shown how much she means to Scott as a sister and to Logan as another kid that he raised and couldn't save. Her best friends, Dani Moonstar and Magik reflected on their relationship with her and how kind of a soul she was and how she didn't deserve this. This end was as tragic as Rahne's life was and while she deserves the rest, I hope she does come back at some point.
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