#if you guys have any recs please let me know good on screen chemistry is so hard to come by
just-be-a-rock · 2 years
sometimes I’ll see people talking about some television ship or other having intense chemistry and think to myself “well, they’re no zethu dlomo-mphahlele and luke arnold as madi and john silver on black sails”. like, if they don’t have an equivalent of that bedroom scene, “if I were a no-good pirate, I would follow you wherever you led,” and silver looking at madi like he wants her to eat him alive... well. 
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
My 2020 in Dramaland pt 4/4
Or what if could have been.... these are ALL (korean, chinese, taiwanese and japanese) dramas I dropped. I’m including even the ones I watched one ep of:
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Korean dramas
When my love Blooms: JinYoung-ah! I failed you as a fan. I’m sorry. But no, for real, the drama might have been good but it was too melo for me at the time. The present time was too depressing, not what I needed at the start of the spring! And there was also not enough Jinyoung lol
The K2: I gave it a try when quarantine started. Made it to ep 8. This was actually the second time I’ve attempted to watch it. Maybe someday there will be a third and final one. I’m not sure...
Hyena: JuJiHoon is delicious, and I wanted to see him not killing zombies or all bloody. Good chemistry actually, but the law part bored me to sleep. Made it to ep 3. He looked hot af in a suit, btw.
When I was the prettiest: Only watched ONE ep to decide if I wanted to see it. I kinda liked it but decided to wait. I waited and saw the ending. A total NO. For real, Jisoo, I want to see you get the girl.
Flower of Evil: I can almost hear the collective gasp and the sounds of disgust from all the fans who loved it. Please read my explanation!!! I know how popular and well loved this drama was but... I just, well, wasn’t in the mood for it and didn’t fall madly in love like so many did. I tried. I really did. I follow a lot of people who watched it, so they kept me updated about it, it looked great, but it was not meant to be. Maybe, just maybe, someday I will comeback and give it a second try. Made it to ep 3. *Runs and Hides*
Dodosolsollalasolla or whatever. Ugh. I wanted to like it, so I gave it a chance, even though I wasn’t feeling it from the teasers. I’m sorry JaeWook. Choose better next time. They did him so dirty. Only watched one ep but I laughed about it here.
Chinese dramas
A little thing called first love The edits and fmvs are adorable! But I made the mistake of watching one that had their whole story and I said “Awww that’s so cute!” but the actual drama moved way too slow for me, I already knew what was going to happen and I struggled to connect with Kuanlin’s acting. He’s pretty to look at, but either your story falters or your male lead’s acting. You cannot have it both be bad. Ooops. So I lost motivation. Still, maybe I gave up too soon... Or not? lol I made it to ep 12 I think.
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Hear to Heart: WOW the chemistry was on another level. I think I even heard some dating rumors about the leads. One of those stories where they used to date but some big misunderstandind happens, they break up and there’s a LOT of angst when they meet again but now he’s hot and rich. I honestly only watched it because of one clip it showed up on my recommended lol but FL got on my nerves because I didn’t know what she was thinking or feeling half the time speak, woman! and the dude couldn’t decide on whether to treat her nicely or badly, so he was hot and cold and it was exhausting. LOL He also had a girlfriend but that didn’t seem to be important when he was trying to make out with his assistant (i.e. the female lead.) Gave up on ep 10 but I read she had amnesia and didn’t know what had happened in the past which explains why she looked confused all the time. Male lead found out, they cleared the misunderstanding and happy ending!
My strange friend: What I saw made me laugh super hard and it looked kinda interesting. I guess there just wasn’t enough Yibo to keep me glued to the screen (btw the guy has great comedic timing, THE RANGE!). I heard the drama had some budget issues and they stopped production for a while and when they returned, Yibo was apparently busy filming The Untamed, so they had to do some CGI tricks to make it seem like he was there lol that doesn’t motivate me a lot to keep watching. Still... it’s Yibo. Has anyone seen it? Is it worth finishing it?
The ones I’m really willing to give a second chance to:
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Romance of Tiger and Rose: Yeah, this one hurts. I’m gonna watch it, I promise. It’s just that the first ep, however crazy and funny, didn’t make me fall in love with the drama. I know spoilers lol and I want to try it again. I will watch it, it seems like my kind of thing lol
Dating in the Kitchen: Okay, big age gap between the leads my sister literally made a disgusted face when I showed her the trailer but if they have good chemistry, it doesn’t bother me, plus, I was liking the drama a lot. Another drama, however, intervened and became my obsession, but can’t remember which one. It was one that I did finish, for sure. 
Sweet Dreams: Made it to ep 12 but OMG Deng Lun and Dilraba have the slowest slow burn. I mean, there’s 48 (49?)eps here! Why on earth do you need so much in a modern drama? It’s just business/company talk! A company that sells flowers btw I liked the dreams bit, and I LOVED watching Dilraba character shamelessly flirt with DengLun’s character in those sequences, but once they’re awake everything is not so great lol. Anyway, the dreams were gold and so was the chemistry, that’s why this is not completely dropped. I do want to see the whole thing.
General’s lady: Made it to ep 4 in one sitting but I paused on it and then I found Guardian and lol, I have priorities. But I liked the chemistry of the leads and it was cute. However, this might be more on the dropped than the maybe side of things...
Taiwanese  dramas
Lost Romance: I mean, I saw some spoilers O_o you know which ones. It seemed hot but wow so many eps for a taiwanese drama, or is this the norm? And the eps were long too. Or maybe it weren’t that long and I was just bored lol. A real pity, because one of my fave dramas, overall, last year was the magnificent Before we get married. Damn, I want to rewatch it so bad.  But this year, I didn’t watch any taiwanese dramas. I do need to work on watching more. Please tell me some good recs!
Japanese dramas
Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko made mo I actually kinda saw it with my sister. I mean, I was there when she was watching it, for the most part lol I know how it started, how the romance and the story developed (I know about the doctor’s ex) and how it all ended, I SAW the last ep. But I still feel like I fully didn’t watch it and I have no intention of doing so, so I put it on the dropped list.
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Aaaaaaand that's it! I hope no one takes this as bashing, most of these dramas ended up here because of lack of time/motivation. I'm sure that these dramas were great for a lot of people and someone's favorites. I mean, I have shows on my list of finished dramas I wish I hadn't seen and dramas that made it to my list of favorites barely anyone saw or people hated. You never know with dramaland 🤭
Anyway, happy new year! I hope 2021 is a great, better year for everyone! Also, not a priority at all, but since we're in the topic of dramas, let's hope next year's are better and more exciting lol
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