#if you are thinking wait is caleb [redacted] then yes
saltytothecore · 2 years
WIP ask meme! Radch au? 👀👀👀 (Ahhh im also very curious about mogget frumpkin, if you feel like it 👀👀)
Radch AU!
This one is a M9 Imperial Radch trilogy AU (some of my favorite books, if you're into scifi) It will all be a little in the weeds because I haven't had time to really chew on bridging the world-building, but okay, so there's a concept of networking humans together, their personality and identity erased so they can be a part of warships, and are called ancillaries. they end up as much a part the ship as the hull. (this is also a thing that can be done to subjugate one person's mind to another. the people that this happens to generally consider themselves distinct from the identity that came before. not unlike our mollymauk, actually)
I have two ideas one - that volstrucker would operate in pods, networked together so that they could operate perfectly in sync. Bren failed to properly integrate, and ended up as one of Trent's ancillaries before escaping and becoming Caleb.
This is reprise of the dinner at trent's scene
Caleb cannot see through Astrid’s eyes. He reaches, almost reflexively, to look, because she is facing opposite him, can see behind him.  But there is nothing.  There is nothing because that was Bren, and Bren is gone, burned out of his synapses long, long ago.  He fists his hands under the table and tries to match Wulf’s heart rate, it’s always stable— But he can’t do that either. He feels the void of them, all down his spinal cord. There is a great, yawning space, like the expanse between the stars, where his partners should be.  No, not his partners. Bren’s partners. And Bren should be there too.  Bren should be there, but he’s not, because Trent killed him.  Caleb takes a careful, long breath through his nose. Trent, or the tendril of him, still sits in Caleb’s mind. Dead, inert, like a withered plant, but still taking up space.  His contempt for Bren still takes up so much space— What must he think of Caleb? No. Caleb does not care about Trent’s regard, only the danger he poses.  (Caleb cares a little bit about Trent’s pain. Does he too reach out, only to find nothing? Does he feel that a piece of him is fossilized in Caleb? Does the phantom of it pain him? Caleb hopes so.)
the second is that consecution operates on a similar principle, but the bodies are all clones of the original person, and are never apart from the gestalt consciousness, and without independent identity ever. The dynasty would be the Radch, a strange and feared empire with odd ways and an invasive amount of surveillance organized around a religion.
“These aren’t going to you know—” Beau taps the back of her neck with a grimace. “I am aware of the slander that exists about my people, but no. These are not implants, they will not connect you directly to any Den, nor the Luxon, nor even Station. These bracelets will let you open doors, not let anyone peer into your mind.” “But they do? The real ones?” Essek smiles, in the way a crevasse might be said to be a glacier’s smile.  “No. That magic exists, of course, but we do not spend all our days reading each other's minds, and we have better things to do even if we could. I’m given to understand you find it invasive, but there are benefits too, else we would find a different way of living. You can imagine, I’m sure, a little boy playing with his brother in the garden, falling, and breaking his arm. His mother would know, because Station would tell her if she were not already looking, that his cortisol and adrenaline had spiked, that he was in pain and panicking. Before he would be done calling for her the first time, a cleric would be on their way to heal his arm. If he or his mother were well loved by Station, an order might even be placed for a few sweets, to be sent to the garden as the cleric was finishing.” “That sounds like a personal story, Mr. Essek,” Caduceus notes.  “Ah, well, I think if you ask anyone they would be able to tell you a similar story. I only mean to demonstrate, that if you mean no harm here, then you might find it more comfortable than you’ve been led to expect on Rosohna Station.” “Did your mama come to check on you?” Jester asks, after a moment.  “Excuse me?” “After you broke your arm, did she come to check?” “I—” Essek frowns, tips his head to the side, as if listening to something. “I’m afraid my translator is losing some of the nuance of your question. I’m certain she checked to see that I was once again well, or told Station to tell her if that wasn’t the case. If I hadn’t been, something,” Essek pauses then, lips slightly parted, as if choosing words very carefully. “Something decisive would have happened.” “But it was scary, right? Even if somebody healed you. I mean, you had to have gotten like at least one extra bed time story out of it?” Essek’s frown becomes thoughtful. “The tree was pruned, after that. And I received access to the beginner’s primers on magic, a few years before formal instruction typically begins. She was very eager for me to demonstrate Feather Fall, the next time the more magically gifted parts of her were on Station.” “But no bed time stories?” “The Umavi is often busy.” Jester must already be wearing him down, because he adds, in a way that must be uncharacteristically open for such a man, “And her oldest bodies tend to totter off to trance just after dinner, and those are the only ones here permanently.” “Ohmygosh, wait, do you have lots of mamas?”  “I have just the one mother, but she is consecuted—ah, that probably does not translate well. My mother has many bodies, all her, all always having been her—”  The explanation that follows makes Caleb’s gut churn, but he does not let it show. It would be different, of course, if you were never anybody else. Here, they don’t force people out of their bodies, the worst they do is let something peek. Caleb grits his teeth. Best not let even that happen, though.
mogget frumpkin asks, what if frumpkin wasn't just a little guy, but a much more powerful fey pretending to be a little guy, who still loves his human friend, even after they've parted
It is not an Aeoran monstrosity. It is a humanoid, perhaps, but one architected sloppily from hearsay. The torso, the limbs, are all far too long, spindly and drawn. It is white, or dressed in white, with long pin straight hair spilling in haphazard tumbles over its many angled body. The face is something between his and tabaxi’s, coming to a point near the mouth but with a sharp nose that would be at home adorning one of his cousins. The ears are long, swept back. The eyes are verdant, glittering, with slitted pupils. The height of it is impossible to gauge, because it is hunched forward, crouched, with both its too long arms curled around its middle.  Curled around something pressed into its middle, Essek realizes. The low growl morphs into a shrieking hiss, the mouth opening on a maw filled with rows and rows of sharp, needle like teeth and a flat, red tongue.  Essek lifts his hand, ready to defend himself, but he can’t help but flick his eyes to what this thing is holding. It looks like— Like— Like a body. A body dressed mostly in browns and reds. “Oh,” the thing says, abruptly, sitting a little straighter.  “It’s you.” There is some reverberation in its voice, adding a kind of whine to the vowels. As it speaks, its face flattens somewhat, becoming more elvin.  It’s arms shift, moving the bundle until it’s cradling its prize like a parent might a child. Cradling Caleb. Essek almost darts forward, then and there, on the chance he could get close enough for a Teleport, and damn the risk. But whatever has Caleb makes his skin crawl with an instinctive fear. And worse, it knows him.  The thing brushes a finger with at least one too many knuckles down the curve of Caleb’s cheek. Caleb is generally pale where he isn’t wind- or cold-burnt, but this thing’s skin has less color than fine parchment. So it makes the blood matting Caleb’s hair to his temple that much more obvious. It makes a kind of yowling whine, low, plaintive.  “He’s hurt,” Essek states dully. The head snaps up, green eyes narrow from behind a curtain of fine hair. “I know that! I hate it, hate it, hate it!” It ends with another shriek, burying its face into Caleb’s chest.  “I just want to help him.” “You hurt him.” it says without looking up. A growl creeping in. “He is my little spark, my clever firecracker, so lovely, so bright, so cunning, so wounded, and you hurt him.”  “This place is dangerous—the cave-in, neither of us expected it. If it was anyone’s fault, they have long since—” “Not today,” it sneers. Light, those teeth. “Before.”  Essek can’t help the little gasp of hurt, of shock. What is this thing? What does it know? 
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mlcsped · 7 years
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USA Heartland Fans Celebrates Our Groupies With An Interview Our next featured Groupie is Les Cline! Les, as you will all discover, is a huge Heartland fan, and joined the Group on Feb. 26th, 2015. We got so much great information in this interview and we had a great time with it, as you’ll see why. Meet Les: ________ USA Heartland Fans: How long have you been a fan of Heartland? Les: I stared watching Heartland four years ago. Almost to the date. Found it on Netflix during a snow storm and became hooked. Nothing like binge watching for four straight days. USA Heartland Fans: Why do you like Heartland? Les: I grew up in Nebraska around farms and ranches. I was the town kid that had grandparent who were farmers. I really related to the characters of the show. Even though I am almost the same age as Jack he reminds me of my grandfather. His wisdom and his guidance. I started to call some of what Jack says as “Jack-isms”. USA Heartland Fans: We agree, the story lines are so relate-able to almost everyone. And YES about those “Jack-isms”. Who else watches Heartland with you? Les: My wife, she actually found it on Netflix thinking it was a movie. She was so angry when episode one ended: “How could they end a movie that way?” Then I told her that she just started to watch a series. She was relieved. She was a farm girl from Nebraska too. Later we found out that one of our nieces also loved watching Heartland. USA Heartland Fans: Aww, wow. We love how Heartland brings our families together. Okay, Les, who shouts louder at the TV, or the most during an episode: You or your wife? Les: Me! My wife will make some comments about certain things, but my voice seems louder when things happen that surprise us or that we want to go differently. For example, Season 8 Episode 6, Ty and Amy meet on the road. Amy says: “I miss you.” And Ty responds: “Take care of yourself.” Me: WHAT! TY, YOU IDIOT! YOU JERK! One of many reactions; some bad, but most good, and some with tears in the eyes. USA Heartland Fans: Hahahaha, LOL. You shouting at the TV. I love it.What are 3 of your top/fav story lines in the past 9 Seasons? Les: I think it is easier to look at seasons versus story lines, but when you think of it, each season is a story line. #1 would be Season 8—from the uncomfortable reunion; (Ty) punching Prince Ahmed; Pike River; Jack and Ty in the barn loft—to the ending with the wedding (with Amy saying) “I married the boy in the loft.” {USA Heartland Fans: Aw, yes what a great moment}. Les: #2 would be the bonding of Jack and Ty in season 5 when Ty takes his dad's ashes to the lake. Then the hunter tells Jack that he thought Ty was his son. {USA Heartland Fans: Huh, OMG Les, YES! That whole episode}. Les: So many and they are all so good. #3 would be the moment that Ty tells Amy in Season 2, Episode 16—‘Ties that Bind’— when trying to rescue Spartan: Amy: I'm so sorry, I should have listened to you (...) I'm so stupid sometimes.” Ty: No you’re not; you’re just passionate. I'd do it again in a second. I'd to anything for you”.” USA Heartland Fans: Les, those are truly some amazing moments! When was the last time you watched an episode with your wife, and what episode was it? Les: Unfortunately, we do not get Heartland like those select few in the Northern areas. The last episode we have had the chance to watch together was Season 9, Episode 18. My wife does not like watching things on computers and is more patient than I am, so she wants to wait for Season 10 to be on TV. I am so hooked that I have to have my Heartland fix. I read social media, follow the productions, follow the stars, and watch whatever I can. And if there is a long break, I get into my DVDs (Seasons 1-9) and re-watch everything. Yes, I have watched from the beginning of Heartland about four times. It is such a great show. USA Heartland Fans: Okay, now *IF* you had creative control over the show, what would you do with the characters? Les: Amy and Ty will finally open their own clinic in the barn like they always planned and expand the ranch. With the baby on the way they will eventually have a small house built on the ranch. We then can watch their little "nugget" grow up for more seasons to come. This way we can relive Amy and her mom's relationship through Amy and her daughter. Maybe a son, but I think it needs to be a daughter for that reason. Tim and Casey get married, Georgie graduates and goes to college, Lou marries [redacted]. The directions are limitless, but exciting to think about. USA Heartland Fans: Hahaha; OMG! I love your [redacted]. That is so awesome. We have wanted that too… and seeing ‘Nugget Borden’ with mom and flashing back to Marion and Amy... PRICELESS! Okay, so *WHO* is your fav character and why? Les: My favorite character is Jack Bartlett. He is so laid back, except when it comes to Tim. He is such a grandfather; has the answers even when it is something you don't want to hear. Or he makes you come up with your own answer instead of telling you. He is also stern, but fair with discipline. Yet is a cream-puff when it comes to emotions and living in a house of estrogen. Thank god for Ty being close by. Lisa is the perfect wife for him. I have to add this as one of the best scenes: Jack owing Lisa $20 because Remi got back on his good side. USA Heartland Fans: Hehehe. We love that scene, too!. Dare we ask who your fav couple is? Though we think we know. Les: That is the hardest question, so many perfect ones. Has to be Jack and Lisa. USA Heartland Fans: YESSS! GO, "JISA"!   Why are they your fav couple? Les: They are the couple that just clicks together. They get on each other’s nerves, yet adore one another. They are not afraid to talk about difficult things even though sometimes it takes them extra time to bring it up. Lisa wanting Jack to meet with the lawyers; wearing a ring; taking a name. Just a great relationship, just wish Lisa would move into Heartland. USA Heartland Fans: Yes, we totally agree with that. Jack is your fav character but, who is your least fav and why? Les: Where do we begin? Season 2: Caleb; Season 4: Chase; Season 6: Jeremy, Season 7-8: Prince Ahmed, and then there was Dan Hartfield. Of course, I was not a big fan of Cassandra in the beginning until Amy needed a girlfriend, now I like her. But the winners are Chase and Prince Ahmed. Oh, wait. I forgot one. Jesse Stanton, he wins. Jesse Stanton: the spoiled rich kid that attacks Amy through Ty, Ty through Amy and tries to manipulate things so he can steal Heartland. Yes, has to be Jesse.(Tim was a jerk but I don't consider him as a least favorite. He was lost but now he's found. (And Casey is great for him.) USA Heartland Fans: All great choices. Okay, bonus question: You’ve mentioned “Jack-isms”, so we must ask: Which Jack-ism is your favorite? Les: My favorite Jack-ism was in Season 8, Episode 17—All I Need is You. Jack to Ty. Not really a Jack-ism, but… "Watching you grow up over these past eight years confirmed something that I’ve always believed. That the goodness in a man runs much deeper than one moment in time. You’re a good man, Ty Borden. I don't judge a man for his mistakes; it's what he does to repair those mistakes that count.” Runner-up: “For a bronc riders, Caleb, we think that eight seconds makes the man. Because that eight seconds feels like a lifetime. In a funny way marriage is like riding a bronc. There are twists and turns and the odd headache. But if you both ride it like there is no tomorrow, that lifetime together will feel like eight seconds.” Too bad it was wasted on the Caleb and Ashley’s wedding. USA Heartland Fans: Those are both excellent quotes from Jack. Thank you, Les, for your incredibly detailed answers. Is there anything you want to add? Les: Thank you; it was fun thinking back into episodes. I have followed this show more than any show ever. I was a true M*A*S*H fan with Alan Alda and Harry Morgan. Heartland bumped them to #2 all- time favorite. I have created notes on every episode of every season of Heartland, Titles, Songs, and highlights with some quotes. I would not say that I am obsessed but I am a very big fan of the show. And if they do not get renewed for a season 11 I will go into a mild depression just like I did when Hawkeye got on that chopper and watched Trapper drive away on his motorcycle (on M*A*S*H). Heartland has also introduced me to singers and songwriters that I may have never heard of or even listened to. Now I have collected not only the songs they sung for Heartland but other they have produced. Just another great benefit that Heartland has done not only for their fans but those that contributed to the shows success. Look at the actors that have had brief appearances on Heartland and then moved one to other ventures that have great success. One is Kit (Tatiana Maslany) Orphan Black. Another is Miranda Frigon who has been in many Hallmark movies and produced her first music album. USA Heartland Fans: All great points, Les! You provided us with so much amazing info about your likes and dislikes. You are definitely a true Heartland fan, and we're so pleased to have you on board here with the Group! Thanks for sharing your passion with us! ________ Stay tuned for our next "Celebrating Our Groupies".
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