#if we’re being very honest there isn’t really a BIG group in the lineup yet
ayoyoungg · 2 years
@ kcon: hurry up and announce snsd as the special guest. come on now
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tangerinewrites · 4 years
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wc: 1632 on 1st day + 1129 on 2nd = 2761
note: as i’m sure u’ve noticed, i took two days to write this bc i was almost thinking of not but mxnark forced me to go off at 10:30pm... so i did <3 
It was perhaps the most nerve-wracking morning for all the HEARTZ girls in the practice room, trainees and confirmed members. Not many of the girls would assume that the past members would be at all excited to hear this announcement, but it made sense to Mina, She feels as if the eleven of them had been wanting to know who their official last member would be. It’s not new that these trainees have managed to befriend / are already friends with the confirmed girls. But it also came to the fact that the final girl, whoever it may be, would complete their team. To Mina, it meant that there was one more girl that would complete her family.
The more she thinks about it, the more it hits her that any of the eleven could’ve been twelfth. Of course, they were all far more talented and had more experience than Mina did. But the fact that she even took part in the project less than a month since she got signed blew her mind. Here she is now, standing as a girl who has had her future decided for her since the last month with other girls who were going to find out what their future will be with the very last announcement.
Boyeon and Seungkwan come in and it seems more tense to be in the same room with them at this moment. “Good morning,” Seungkwan speaks to all the people in the practice room. “I am sure you are all aware of this, but this will be the final time we come here to tell you who the next girl of the month is. It has been exactly twelve months since this project has begun and I am sure all of the past confirmed girls as well as the trainees are anxious to hear the results.”
“Last month was the final HEARTZ evaluation,” Boyeon says next. “We and the other coaches analyzed your performances and decided, in unison, who will the twelfth and final face to show the word under the name of HEARTZ.” Final. It was such a powerful word to hear come from the judges, but Mina tries her best to remain neutral when listening to the rest of the announcements.
She wants to look at the other girls and see how they were feeling. Jiyeon, Juyeon, Eunji, and Sua have been under Sphere for a much longer time than the rest of the girls have, so she wouldn’t be surprised if they were anxious to finally see the key to their entire group debuting together. Yuzu, Seungah, Luda, and Eunbi, while not originally part of Sphere, must have also been anxious to see who the final girl would be as a result of them both being trainees under the HEARTZ project for so long. And though she, Heejin, and Chungha (who has a journey of her own) didn’t exactly apply to both of those categories, she could confidently say that they had their own reasons as to being excited on who the final member would be.
“Before we say the name of the final member of HEARTZ, we would like to thank everyone for taking part in this project,” Seungkwan announces, making everyone in the practice room clap. “Coming to this decision was a difficult one, so I would like to thank all the trainees who have taken part of this project and have been with us to the very end. I would also like to thank the other HEARTZ girls for taking part in this project, too. Without you girls, we would not be able to make this project group possible.”
“Now, with the announcement you’ve all been waiting for,” Boyeon says with a smile on her face, making everyone else in the room chuckle along with her. “The final girl of the month is… HEO YOORIM! Congratulations!”
Mina automatically recognizes the name and she gasps before looking over at the other girl with a big smile on her face. She makes her claps big and obvious, only calming it down when Sua gives her a look and some of the other girls giggle at her after that. But, she still claps with pride, overjoyed at the fact that she gets to debut with someone she was happy to get to know from the beginning to end.
“May the confirmed members of HEARTZ please come forward?” Boyeon requests, making all twelve of them come to the front with Seungkwan and Boyeon. They make sure to stand in order from who the first girl was to the end.
“With all twelve members, the project has officially come to an end and HEARTZ is finally complete,” Seungkwan continues his announcement. “The last four members will become part of a unit called HEARTZ yyxy and debut on May, following the official debut of Yoorim. The group as a whole will debut on July.”
The both of them bow to everyone in the room. “Thank you so much for taking part in the HEARTZ project until the end,” Boyeon says before she motions to the girls once again. “Let’s have one more round of applause for the official lineup of HEARTZ!”
Mina feels as if her heart is about to flutter from the feeling of joy. She really couldn’t believe it! After seven months of being under this project, eight months of being signed under Sphere, she couldn’t believe that her journey of being an “unconfirmed trainee” would finally end with her and Yoorim debuting togetherlike they had hoped for. As soon as the announcements are over and the other trainees leave, Mina runs over to Yoorim and gives her a giant hug.
“We did it, Yoo!” she squeals out of joy. “We’re gonna debut together! We became Sphere trainees together and now we’re going to be HEARTZ girls together!”
Yoorim gives her a hug back and it’s just as tight. “I can’t believe it, Mina!” she says with a genuine smile on her face. “I can’t believe we actually did it!”
After she says that, Mina feels herself tearing up and she cries on the other’s shoulder. And not too long after that, Yoorim follows suit.
The last few days were realy just trying to help Yoorim get situated as a confirmed HEARTZ member. She helped the other move into the dorm, Yuzu also being plenty helpful by helping her unpack the rest of her things as her official roommate now. And on the night of her moving in, the twelve of them share a big dinner to celebrate the announcement of their final lineup together. Mina (as well as Minhee) then help by recording lines for her B-Side on her single album “Rosy”. And, if Mina had to be honest, she could confidently say that she liked how she sounds in “Rosy” more than how she sounds in both “One and Only” and “See Saw”. She just sounded more cooler and that’s what Mina always aspired for herself. So getting to hear that on a track that isn’t her own is a little bit of a bummer, but she was glad that Yoorim could take pride in it.
Today, she was at her own photoshoot for her own photobook! It was definitely more exciting than she had thought it would be. Being a KPOP fan herself, she had always looked at the photobooks of her favorite idols as well as collect their photocards for her collection or to keep one on her phonecase. Obviously, she doesn’t have one on her phonecase anymore (because she wouldn’t want to walk around the Sphere building with a Haru photocard proudly on her phone), but she still does her best to collect them. And now, someone would collect hers!
However, one thing she wasn’t aware of with this photoshoot was how she would have to dye her hair black. When talking about it with her managers, they had explained that her concept was Heejin and Eunji “converting her” to join them. As a result, her hair would transform to black then red as a result. The fact that she had to take pictures of her red hair first, then dye it to black for the rest of the photos and first few days of recording the video, only to have it return to red? When she told Chungha about it, she was glad to know that she wasn’t the only member who found it ridiculous.
But it’s not like she can do anything about it. When she looks into the mirror with her black hair, she sighs and takes the rest of her photos with no issue. Whenever she felt awkward in some of her photos, she would automatically hear words of encouragement from Heejin and Chungha. “You’re doing great, Mina!” they’d say. “So cute! Cutest girl!”
Do they flatter her? Absolutely. But she wasn’t going to admit that. She’s shy.
A month has passed since Valentines Day and Mina goes on a FaceTime call with Soobin instead of saving it for a text conversation. After not being able to see him as often as she would want to, she feels as if this was appropriate for the both of them.
“You look really cute with your black hair, babe!” he says with a smile on his face after she reveals it after complaining about it for a bit.
“I like the orange better though,” she whines, making the other laugh at her from the screen. “If you see me dye my hair back to orange in a few days, don’t be surprised, okay? Just shows how unsatisfied I am with it.”
What she says is a bit of a lie obviously. She couldn’t exactly tell her boyfriend that her manager told her she’d only be keeping this color for a few days because that’s what her “concept” is. It hurts her to not be able to tell him everything about her debut journey, even if she understood why she couldn’t yet. She wouldn’t be surprised if he was frustrated at all by her not being around as much because of it all. But thankfully, he didn’t seem to show it.
“Well, I think you’ll look great no matter what color you go for, babe!” he says with a big smile on her face.
“I’m really sorry I can’t come to see you for White Day,” she says with a frown. “I honestly feel like the company is being more stricter with me now, soo I don’t really want to get on their bad side. Plus, I moved in with some of the trainees in an apartment and I haven’t really told them about us yet. But you know that if I could, I would.”
“Babe, it’s okay! I understand,” he responds with a soft tone and she falls her heart melt just from seeing his smile. “I knew that you were going to be a lot more busier ever since you got signed and that’s fine.”
“But I didn’t get to see you graduate! And you can’t give me chocolate this year,” she says with a pout.
“It’s okay, babe! Really! Please don’t worry too much about it,” he continues to reassure her. “I mean, if you want, I can try to make it easier for you by becoming famous enough to get signed by a company! And then we can see more of each other from there!”
Mina grins at the statement. “Honestly, that sounds possible with how the world is today,” she says with a little laugh. “Not to mention, agents would be crazy not to cast such a handsome, funny, and cool guy like you.”
“Well, Sphere’s lucky to have such a pretty, talented, and adorable girl like you as a trainee,” he flirts back. It makes Mina giggle and she wants to keep going at it until she hears her door open.
“Mina! Dinner’s ready,” Jiyeon calls for her.
Mina looks up at her and nods before looking back down at her phone again to say goodbye to her boyfriend. “I’ll talk to you later! Gotta eat right now.”
He gives a pout. “Alright,” he says cutely, making Mina smile naturally. “I’ll talk to you later!”
“Bye!” she says with a wave before she ends the call. As she puts her phone back on her bedside to charge, she looks up at Jiyeon with a look on her face. A look as if to suggest something. “What?”
“Was that a boy?” she asks, raising her eyebrow.
Mina hesitates on giving her a response. “…Yes? Why?”
“Oh nothing~” the other giggles. “Just wondering as all. How long have you been talking to him?”
When she finally connects the dots on what the other is hinting at, Mina’s eyes widen. “Unnie, please don’t tell anyone!”
“I won’t! Relax!” she responds with a laugh. “I can assure you that all of us here are in a secret relationship of our own. Though, it is a little shocking to know that our baby is in a relationship!”
“Ugh, Jiyeon-unnie, you sound like my dad!” she groans before she makes her way to the dining room, ignoring how her ears are red from embarrassment.
With it being the final day of her video recording, a lot of pressure was put onto her.
The last few days have been a fun, yet tiring experience. However, the overall experience was exciting and she had tried her best to remain enthusiastic for it all. The fact that her other members were there to give her support definitely helped her out more as they kept giving her encouraging words throughout the entire process.
The only last thing to film was her dancing with her orange hair. With a pretty frilly dress, heels, and marble floor, it was definitely a setting that Mina wasn’t used to dancing with. But she continued to get through it all until the song finally reaches its climax and she hears the director speak through the speakers.
“We have finally finished the filming of ‘One and Only’!” they announce proudly. “Good job, everyone! Dinner will be served in the break room!”
With that announcement, Mina carefully walks off the marble platform to talk the other members that were running towards her. With a big smile on her face, she looks at them proudly. “I did it!” she says excitedly. “I recorded my first music video! Did I look too awkward at all?”
“You did perfect!” Chungha cheers in response before pulling her into a hug. “Ooh! I’m so proud of you! My baby recorded her first music video!”
"I can’t wait for the fans to see it!” Juyeon cheers. “It’s definitely a wild experience, isn’t it?”
Mina nods in agreement. “I was so nervous. I was afraid that it might not come out well.”
“I’m sure the video will turn out fine! You worry too much,” Yuzu says to reassure her before patting her back.
“Thanks, everyone,” she says with a big smile, feeling blessed to know that she had this much support from the girls today. If this was how she was treated for this special event in her life, she couldn’t wait for the next seven years. “Now.. uh… since I’m still kind of anxious about everything, can we go to the break room and eat? I always feel myself feeling better when I eat good food.”
The girls laugh at her statement before they nod in agreement and go the break room, her following suit as she thinks back on her life up until this point. If someone were to tell Mina of last year, who had just graduated from high school, that she would be in this situation right now, she probably wouldn’t believe them. She’d probably be convinced that she’d have to live with her mother and father while being in a program that ultimately made her feel miserable. She wouldn’t believe that she’d be taken in by a new family full of kind, caring girls who all shared the same common goal and passion to perform. She didn’t think she could be able to perform with someone as admirable as Chungha, Heejin, Sua, Seungah, Luda, and Eunji. In fact, the fact that she feels genuinely loved by girls who she once felt intimidated by felt like the ending she didn’t think she deserved, but received anyways.
A smile grows on her lips when she thinks about how far she’s come, as well as the results that had come as result. Life always worked in mysterious ways, but at least she knows that God has her back.
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A Video, BGG, San Francisco, Canberra, and CanCon
Barring a short break over Christmas, the BOTC Team has been super busy moving production forward, getting more pre-release copies out there, going to conventions, hosting games nights, and making cool videos...
We Made a Video!
It was such a fun day! It shows highlights of rad people playing a real game of Blood on the Clocktower and tells you why we think it's awesome:
Everyone in this video is a friend who’s been playing in Sydney with us for at least the past year or so - some have even been with us since the very first game in 2014. We filmed it at Claire’s house in Newtown (Sydney, Australia) with the extensive setup of lights, vines, props, and whole light-up clock that Steven has for when he needs to make a session of BOTC extra fancy. It took about three or four hours to film because there were many breaks for technical reasons (and a lot of breaks for food), but other than that it was an honest-to-goodness game and we had no idea how it would play out or which team would win. For those after a few more details, the lineup going clockwise from the Imp was:
Imp (Lucy) Virgin (Misha) Baron (Julian) Ravenkeeper (Myeisha) Chef (Lewis) Drunk Undertaker (Kurt) Bone Collector - Evil (Marianna) Saint (Doug) Washerwoman (Fil) Empath (Claire) Spy (Abdallah)
Early on, Steven and I thought the Good team had it won - they executed a minion (the Baron) on the first day and then nearly got a majority vote on the Demon the next day. However her bluff as an outsider after that was strong, the Baron (assisted by the Drunk Undertaker’s bad info) convinced the Good players that he was the Recluse and not Evil, and the Spy helped sow a lot of confusion by bluffing as the Fortune Teller. It was enough confusion to turn suspicion against Doug, whose (genuine) claim of being the Saint was in contradiction of the bluffs of two evil players (Julian and Lucy). Eventually it was enough to convince the group to execute the Saint and bring victory for Evil.
Although the moment of Marianna’s arrival and entry into the game as the Traveller was staged for the video, we did indeed choose to make her the Traveller in this game because she missed the shooting call-time and was the last player to turn up. We are devotees to accuracy.
This video could not have been made without the videography, production, and all-round guidance of our friend John Hanna at Midnight Runners. He is super rad, so make sure to check his stuff out.
We’re on BoardGameGeek.com
It took us a little while to get there, but we finally have an entry for Blood on the Clocktower on Board Game Geek.
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We campaigned with our regular players to get nominated for BGG’s Most Anticipated Game of 2018 and received nominations in two categories: Party and Horror. So, a horror party. Halloween, basically.
We didn’t manage to win in either category (we haven’t been out and about that long you guys), but a lot of people who’ve played it rated the game and wrote some really lovely things about it. It was fantastic to see so many of the nice things we‘ve heard about the game all coalesce together into one spot.
Check out the ratings and comments here, and if you’ve played the game please jump on and give it whatever rating you think it deserves. (We had a few friends who haven’t played it yet offer to give it a generous rating, and whilst that’s super nice of them we ask everyone that you please don’t rate the game if you haven’t played it - we want to make sure that the number accurately reflects how the players really feel about it.)
San Francisco is Live
We kicked of the new year in Sydney with a massive session of BOTC at my place on the 2nd of January. There were about fifty people with three different games running from six o’clock to midnight and it amounted to a definitive party atmosphere.
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See more photos of that night here on Facebook.
Part of the reason for the celebratory mood (apart from BOTC being awesome) was that our friend Brianna was visiting from San Francisco. She’s taken a pre-release copy of the game back to San Francisco with her - our very first permanent copy in the U.S. She’s running a bunch of games already, so if you live in San Francisco (or know anyone there), you can join or add people to the group for Blood on the Clocktower - San Francisco.
Canberra and #CanCon2018
San Francisco isn’t the only city with a new grimoire - as of late January, Canberra now has one too. After a few fun trips to play BOTC at the social deception nights at Reload Bar late last year, we found a city full of cool people and great gamers who really dig BOTC. We figured they should have greater access to it than they previously possessed and made a pre-release copy for them.
Over the late January long weekend, myself, Steven, and our friend Alex travelled from Sydney to Canberra for CanCon 2018 - the Canberra Games Society’s 40th annual gaming convention. Through fourteen games of BOTC we witnessed mayhem, murder, countless lies, and sincere puzzlement - all along with some amazing displays of deduction and persuasion. Some highlights included a four-in-a-row evil streak from a totally new player (who won the first three of those four), a skeleton joining the game, and on Saturday night a pair of the most hilarious games I’ve ever seen - courtesy of a really great group of young, sharp players (who gave execution defenses like “In the world today, is anyone really good or evil?”, and whose name tags all became variations of “clemon” after I misread a player’s name tag as “not a clemon” instead of “not a demon”).
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Yep, CanCon was pretty fantastic.
We met a whole heap of great and awesome people across the three days - if you’re reading this, we hope to see you at a game in Sydney or Canberra soon. Evil ‘won’ CanCon (taking 8 games to the Good Team’s 6) and we left a copy of BOTC behind in Canberra with some really excellent people who will be able to run regular games. Join the Blood on the Clocktower Canberra Facebook Group to see when games will be running (and you may also see it regularly at Reload Bar’s monthly social deception nights).
Site Updates - The Script and the Base Editions
For a while now, behind the scenes, we’ve had an online tool to easily create a custom character list from the 200+ characters that we’ve created. We call it The Script, and it was made by our amazing Technical Minion, Amy.
To give everyone a taste, we’ve put up a version of The Script with characters from the three first editions (Trouble Brewing, Sects & Violets, and Bad Moon Rising) - this means that anyone in a city with a pre-release grimoire can have a go at making a custom list with a unique character combination and try it out in a game. Go make a crazy script with a tonne of action or a tonne of death and see what happens! (Or you could just take a stickybeak to see the characters coming out with the main game.)
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A lot of characters beyond the first three editions are still being played with in Sydney. They’re being sorted into their own official game lists and will be added to The Script as they come out with the game’s expansions.
Check out The Script here: http://bloodontheclocktower.com/script
We’ve also put up descriptions of the three editions of the game you’ll get in the box when Blood on the Clocktower is released. Check those out here: http://bloodontheclocktower.com/buy
The Ninth Salisbury Festival of Board Games
The Salisbury Festival of Board Games is on in Sydney from March 8-10! It’s a big three-day board games house party! Come join us! Free! Fun! Inside an actual house! Plenty of BOTC will be on as well as other games. Info is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/865328406956834/
Thanks to all of the excellent people who’ve played BOTC with us and run games and chatted with us and hung out with us and stuff. You’re all rad and I hope to see you at a game soon. Until next time,
Evin Donohoe Social Minion for Blood on the Clocktower
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globalsource-blog · 7 years
Global Source meets Mayday
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Following on from last week’s post, where Global Source caught up with the girls of B.L.O.O.M. ahead of their debut night at Soup Kitchen, this week we continue our series on Manchester nightlife with an interview with Tom from Mayday, a collaborative project between two well-established names on the Manchester scene: CULT and Ossia. This Saturday at Hidden they’re hosting what looks set to be a pretty outstanding showcase of cutting-edge electronic music, with a serious roster of talent from the celebrated R&S Records, and none other than Talaboman (John Talabot and Axel Boman) headlining. Read on to find out about what it takes to throw a rave in a skatepark, the challenges of making high-end bookings as an independent promoter, and what to expect from Mayday in the coming months.
Global Source: First things first, for those unaware of what you guys are up to, can you describe Mayday in your own words? What’s it all about, and what’s the link with Ossia and CULT?
Tom from Mayday: Mayday is a collaboration between Ossia and CULT. It’s simply the joined forces of the brands. It’s opened up new possibilities for us in terms of bookings, both financially as well as by combining our roster of residents. We’re taking Mayday in a different direction from the other two brands, which tend to focus on more intimate gigs in medium-sized venues, usually showcasing 1 or 2 artists. Mayday on the other hand is all about collaboration with organisations, labels and collectives, really trying to provide some of Manchester’s most top end nightlife. Our show with Dimensions last year was a lot of fun and an amazing opportunity to bring high-calibre artists the likes  of Daniel Avery to Manchester.  
GS: Cool – nice to see a full-on long-term collaboration between the two crews. Having more of you involved must make it a little easier on the wallet to make those higher-end bookings… Does it also make it harder to agree on a lineup? What’s the decision-making process like?
TfM: The costing is definitely eased by the number in the group, sure, but it doesn’t detract from the huge risk we put on ourselves for every show! The lineup process is always a tricky one but thankfully we’re all extremely passionate about the music and appreciate artists from across the spectrum of the dance scene. There’s rarely a suggestion that gets completely shut down because ultimately we’d love to have everyone play for us. Most of the time the main restriction is availability and the booking costs of the artists, we may agree on a 5 stage contingency of acts we want and get in touch with them all, only to find out that they’re all booked, taking the month off, or tied up in something else. Finding a solution is one of the fun bits though, trying to work out who would fit with who, whether they played too recently or too near, all these things come into play.
GS: So back in June you guys hosted an event at Manchester’s Projekts skatepark, where you had Mall Grab and Shanti Celeste play. How did that event come about? I saw some pretty funny video of people who’d had a few too many trying to negotiate a quarter pipe – did you have to do a risk assessment?
TfM: We scouted out the skatepark because we saw that UKF had done an event there a couple of years back. It looked like a wicked event so we got in touch and they were fortunately interested in having us in. They have to get a TEN [Temporary Event Notice] to have an event there but even with that we got the council coming over an hour before the licence expired telling us to pull the plug. Luckily we managed to pull a filibuster and sweet talked them for the hour so that we didn’t have to shut down before Mall Grab finished! The venue was covered with a risk assessment already but we had to take out insurance in case anyone did bail on the quarter pipe while trying to backside blunt and split their chin open. Luckily everyone partied *fairly* sensibly and we didn’t have any issues. There’s always an element of mutual trust when holding events like that, and with a crowd who are there for the music not because they’re at “UNAYYY” and love chanting about the most recent footballer caught up in a controversy we were alright.
GS: I’m sure you heard about the recent controversy caused by Jeremy Underground’s agent threatening to bite someone if they didn’t book a 5 star hotel with a gym and sauna for his client. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get your take on it – should top DJs feel entitled to a post-set spa session? Is there anyone you guys rate highly enough that you’d pay for their sauna to get them on the bill?
TfM: To be honest most tier 1 artists require 5* hotels with room service, wifi, leisure facilities, all expenses covered, upmarket dinner, excessive riders etc. It doesn’t come as any surprise to me that JU asked for those extra facilities because as he said, he had a very busy week of shows. That said we’re always careful to read the contract beforehand to know exactly what we’re getting ourselves into. Everything is negotiable, so as long as you don’t blindly sign bits of paper you should know what to expect. Changing agreements last minute on the other hand isn’t okay. It’s a bit of a confusing situation and it seems that the agent and the promoters were both slightly in the wrong - Jeremy offered to pay for it all himself so in my eyes he wasn’t being out of order. Personally I’d let Dixon have my house keys, all of my savings, any current girlfriends, my watch and my best pair of shoes because I think he is an absolute god. Whether I speak for the rest of the Mayday team is another question but he holds a special place in my heart!
GS: While we’re on the subject of big bookings, at this time of year as we all know it’s Warehouse Project season. Obviously they’ve elevated the standing of Manchester’s club scene on the world stage as a heavyweight contender, but some feel they’re unfairly monopolizing the market. As a smaller outfit, what do you feel are the pros and cons of the WHP brand?  
TfM: I remember a great piece of convo I had with Toby who was the original Ossia don, saying that he didn't mind WHP before this year because as much as they got most of the huge names they tended to leave a decent gap for more niche artists. This year they've just snapped up so many acts we wanted to book who we thought were a little more under the radar. So, kudos to them for improving the programming but also, rahhhhhhh. It's the exclusivity contracts that grind our gears – it takes away so many options for booking talent we truly love and who would provide a totally different show in a smaller venue that wouldn’t detract from Warehouse Project’s ticket sales. But there you go, they operate like a business whereas a lot of promoters do it for the love of the scene.  I can't help but thank them for making the Manchester nightlife so revered, no doubt they're a credit to the city and the scene as well as a pain in the arse. I remember my friends travelling from down south to attend WHP a few years back and it’s always drawn people to Manchester. I’d love to see them find a better venue because I’ve definitely fallen out of love with Store Street, but maybe I take that back because it might make our lives even harder!
GS: Yeah it’s definitely a tough one, hard to argue with the lineups they put together but seeing the corporatisation of the “underground” music scene does leave a sour taste in the mouth. Anyway, enough party politics for now. Let’s get to the matter at hand – this Saturday!  You guys are bringing the legendary R&S Records to Hidden. It’s a hell of a lineup, with Talaboman headlining, and you’ve even arranged an in-store pre-party with Space Dimension Controller at Eastern Bloc Records. How are you guys feeling about it? Looks set to be a night to remember…  
TfM: Safe to say we’ve all been absolutely buzzing for this show ever since we got the go ahead from R&S. They’re a household name in the dance music scene and have proved time and time again that venturing into the unknown and embracing diversity in your taste creates a successful following. Their roster of artists is so impressive and we’re blessed to have Paula Temple, SDC and Renaat. Paula especially has been on our watchlist for a while, and ever since Ossia had SDC do a DJ set a couple of year back we’ve been gagging to see him perform live! Talaboman as the special guest was a no brainer for us - since the two heavyweights joined forces we’ve all been drooling over the prospect of seeing them play together. The fact we’ve got them on a line up is a dream come true. Excitement in the Mayday camp is second to none and we just hope that everyone who plans on joining us brings immense energy and we have a proper party!
GS: I have no doubt that’s what it’ll be. Tom, thanks for your time, and all the best for Saturday night and the year to come – can’t wait to hear what’s next on the Mayday Agenda. Any clues as to what that might be?
TfM: I can't give too much away yet but we've got something special lined up for next may… think Bongos Bingo and Schloss!
There are still a few tickets available for Saturday night, go cop right here.
Check out the videos below for a hint of what you can expect music-wise on the night:
Talaboman - Loser’s Hymn
Space Dimension Controller @ Dekmantel 2017
Paula Temple - Ful (R&S)
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