#if u want my gay cowgirls playlist lmk it helps me write this
momofantas · 5 years
Gay Cowpoke (currently untitled, who gives a fuck) pt 1
OC x OC | Gay Cowgirls!!!! BASED ON MY LOVE FOR A CERTAIN COWBOY GAME | 1063 Words
“Miss Sarah.”
She lifted her gaze only briefly from her drink, knowing full well who it was. Madame Ross never took kindly to her girls taking their own time at the bar, but she was done for the night. For the week.
Probably forever.
“Yes, Miss Ross?” She replied before attempting to chug back the rest of her whiskey.
Her glass was knocked away and her hair grabbed.
“You know the rules full well, Miss Sarah,” the older woman spat before getting closer to hiss in her ear. “If I catch you drinking on the job again, without a customer paying for it, you will be kicked back to the dairy farm I found you on to clean the shit off that man’s shoes.”
Sarah took a deep breath in an attempt to hold her tongue. “Yes, Miss Ross,” she whispered.
The older woman finally removed her hand from Sarah’s hay-colored bun. “I’ll have Mary and Agatha keeping an eye on you,” she said. A smile suddenly appeared on her thin lips as she turned to welcome customers.
Sarah took no notice of them and instead turned to the bartender who simply shook his head and sighed.
“I told ya not to blame me if ya got caught,” he said.
“Shut up, Joe.”
Without looking, she could feel a presence take a seat on the barstool next to hear. It was probably a customer, and as much as she didn’t want to deal with someone tonight Madame Ross had just threatened to send her back to the farm. She took a deep breath, plastered a coy smile on her face, and turned to look at the man who sat next to her.
“Hi there, darlin’.”
That was not a man.
Soft lips were curved into a smile, creating a dimple in the left cheek of the woman sitting next to Sarah. Her dark hair was pulled back into a short, low tail that was sure to leave some of the tourists from the city feeling scandalized. The brim of her hat shaded her face enough that Sarah couldn’t tell what color her eyes were.
“Hi,” Sarah replied bluntly, more out of surprise than disinterest.
“Was there any particular reason why Ross was actin’ that way toward ya?” The woman asked with a tilt of her head. While waiting for a response, she raised two of her fingers at Joe. “Whatever she was havin’.”
Her cheeks grew warm as she realized that potential customers may have seen what had just happened, ruining her chances for the next hour or so.
“No ma’am, not at all. I think your eyes are just full of dirt,” Sarah responded, her eyes taking in the dust-covered attire the woman wore. Boots suitable for a working man, blue jeans, and a tan cotton shirt covered with dust. Her sleeves were pushed up, but for a moment, Sarah thought she saw a rust-colored stain in the crease around her elbow.
The woman chuckled at Sarah’s quick response.
“I like that. I’ll hafta tell that to the boys back at camp,” she said.
‘This woman’s a walkin’ sin,’ Sarah thought, imagining what kind of life this woman led. Pants, living with men out in a camp…
Her mind wandered as Joe set two glasses down, already filled halfway with whiskey. The woman lifted the one closest to her to her mouth and take a sip before chuckling again.
“Ya got good taste,” she muttered before shooting the rest of the whiskey back. As she set the glass down, she noticed Sarah had yet to touch hers. “You gonna drink that?”
Sarah, having realized she was staring, jumped slightly.
“Oh. I, uh, don’t know. If you want it….”
The woman took the glass and drank its contents with a kind of ease Sarah hadn’t seen anyone drink with. Joe was known for serving the strong stuff so the girls didn’t have to suffer their annoying and demanding clients for long.
“Miss Ross!” The woman called, reaching into her back pocket.
Madame Ross walked into the room with a kind smile she reserved strictly for customers. “Yes?”
“How much?”
“For her?” Ross was startled. “Are you sure you don’t want another girl?”
Was this woman a regular? Sarah had never seen her before, but Ross was perfectly fine with her going around with the girls.
“I’m sure. How much?”
“Ten dollars,” Ross said, shaking her head before holding out her hand.
The woman slapped a too-crisp ten dollar bill into Ross’ hand before standing up. She turned and looked down at Sarah, her green eyes glinting with something dangerous. Hesitantly the brunette stood and led her customer up the stairs and to her normal room. As she passed her coworkers she heard whispers of confusion and frustration as they realized that the woman following her was a customer.
“A woman? What are they gonna do, gossip?”
“That’s not fair! We have to actually work for our money!”
This was not good for keeping Sarah in favor at the brothel.
She pushed the door to her room open and motioned for the dark-haired woman to enter. The door shut behind the two of them and she couldn’t help but sigh.
“Don’t go lookin’ so sad. I ain’t gonna bed ya or anything,” the woman laughed, raising her hand to the back of her neck.
Sarah’s face didn’t do much to hide her shock.
“Ya looked so scared… And I heard ya might have to go back to some shithole, and I know what that’s like,” the woman explained. “So I thought we could just…”
She paused.
“About what?”
“I don’t know.” The woman shrugged before sitting on the bed. “Yourself? I don’t got much to talk about.”
“Why do you want to know about me?”
“I-I don’t know! I just thought you might… want some help so I just….” The woman dropped her head with a groan.
Sarah looked away. She had just been saved from the wrath of Miss Ross for as long as she wanted. The woman didn’t have to do this.
“My name’s Sarah-Ann, but everyone calls me Sarah,” she said with a sigh before taking a seat next to the woman.
She looked up curiously, waiting for Sarah to say more.
“If I say something, you have to tell me something back. Deal?”
The woman smiled.
“The name’s Mabel.”
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