#if u think fits canon has slow burn then hoooo boy no one is ready for royalty au slow burn
regarding the fits royalty au... what would post-finale battle tanyame be like? (also I'm in love with fits!! your work is so wonderful to read, and Ayame is written so well. she feels like a real person. I love your writing!!)
lemme just be the first to say thank u so much for loving fits!!! it's always an absolute joy to hear how much you enjoy it, and i'm always relieved to hear that ayame feels like a real person. she feels like a real person to me sometimes too ^^
now onto the ask!
how would post-final battle tanyame be like?
funnily enough, i haven't given it much thought until now! but now i have to think about it and i am enjoying myself very much.
if we compare them to fits canon, then i suppose they wouldn't be all that different. except, maybe, for the part where tanjirou sort of proposes to ayame before they start on their journey to okutama. i can see tanjirou injecting some form of ceremony in it, maybe even dropping down to his knees in deference to his hime, only for ayame to pull him up to his feet so she could kiss him.
ayame would have to take a lot more initiative, that's for sure. tanjirou has to work very hard to squash down the little voice in his head that screams, "That's O-Ayame-hime! You are not of the same standing, don't do something ridiculous like hold her hand or press your lips to hers!!!" and as a result, he's less likely to do things like reach out to her or even ask her out on dates.
ayame is a lot more confident overall. she's pretty harsh on herself in canon, but in royalty au, she would be both more and less so on herself. she's certainly stricter on herself, but she also allows herself more leeway to make mistakes. as a result, her confidence is less easily shaken.
for tanyame? this mainly translates to less hesitation on her part.
by the final battle, tanjirou would have been more aware of how ayame didn't need a guard or protector because she was perfectly capable of doing the protecting by herself. however, it doesn't erase an entire lifetime of learning that ayame is kuge and tanjirou is buke, and those don't really mix. it's something that is easier for ayame to discard, since she's already renounced her claim to the title, and isn't it usually easier for nobility to marry beneath their station than for a commoner to marry into nobility? although i guess it would be nobility marrying into royalty, but same diff.
there might be some friction in the first few days after ayame wakes up, post-final battle.
tanjirou would pull away. it was one thing for him to pull her into a kiss in the heat of the moment, because he was worried one of them was going to die without him revealing what his true feelings were (yeah, he still does The Kiss in the infinity fortress), but it's another thing entirely to pursue a relationship with his hime. even if the thought of her finding happiness with another person makes his stomach turn. and also makes him mad as hell.
but you know tanjirou. he was a man of duty. the eldest son endures, and a royal guard protects his hime no matter the cost. it doesn't really matter that his hime can protect herself, or that he certainly isn't in any position to be protecting her since he only has one working arm. it's the thought that counts!
so, obviously, he should pull away from his hime and wish her happiness with whoever she chooses! it might even be giyuu-san! he's fine with that! (he isn't fine with that. of course he isn't, but what can he do?)
zenitsu and inosuke would have to intervene. so would kanao. they're the only ones who can do anything about tanyame circling each other, because they don't have to wrestle with duty versus heart like tanjirou and ayame (and to some extent, nezuko) have to.
also they wouldn't be as publicly affectionate like canon tanyame are, but that just means that they're. um. well. u know. repressed. i can't elaborate on this without blushing sorry -
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