#if it turns out half decent i might share it for you 🥺💕
still-with-koo · 1 year
i got so excited i didn't even sign off properly multiple times, the last few times i messaged you 🫢 but ♡ anon here and i was the one that screamed you were reading circe! i absolutely adored it; it was such an interesting take of making a rather "minor" character into her own main persona... and to see how everyone else bent at her will (positively or not) was captivating. which part are you at? arguably, i don't recall too many details since i read it a while ago...
i haven't gotten the chance to read tsoa because all the people that read it that i knew sobbed their eyes out... and i have very visceral reactions reading stories, so i know i will do the same 😭 i am not in the mental state to go through that yet, so hopefully by the end of 2023!
i also wanted to circle back on the prev asks too about ideas and daydreams of stories not written;; i know you are good friends with the aspect of music, so i thought i could tickle your brain with thinking enemies to lovers trope, especially in a fantasy world, with the song "we go down together" by dove cameron and khalid! i am still obsessed with this song... the whole 'would sacrifice the other to save the world' x 'would sacrifice the world to save the other' concept is running wild in my head when this plays. ft yoongi? i think so! 😤
aw, that’s so cute 🥺💕 okie i’ll go back and retag them 🫶
ahh agreed, it’s absolutely lovely so far. i’m still really early into the book, just finished ch.2 where she talks about the birth of zeus & the tension between the titans & olympians. i’m taking my time with it bc honestly, i just love the way madeline miller writes 🥺🤍 (plus i’ve been super busy lately!)
i get you, i did cry a few times (i cry at everything so i’m not a great gauge lol) but the ending had me full on sobbing. BUT i expected the ending so idk why it hit me so hard 😭😭 and i feel you on the ‘visceral reaction’, i can’t read sad stories (or watch sad movies/shows) bc i’m not in a great place myself but even i was able to fully enjoy tsoa wholeheartedly despite the sad parts. she just writes so beautifully. but take your time and read it when you feel ready!
ooh i’ve never heard this song, one sec 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
wait this song is SO good! i love the vibe and their voices just melt together 😮‍💨 and hold on, you’re onto something 🫣 i closed my eyes while listening and did see an enemies to lovers scene 👀 i might write it down and share it later? that concept is so intriguing, idk why that kind of tension just does it like no other 😩😵‍💫 thank you for sharing 👉👈
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