#if it fits your commander feel free to imagine them instead of Denalien
kehideni · 3 years
Little fanfic because i can now.
Things to know: the commander here is Beasteye Denalien, an Ash Legion ranger. Working with canon backgrounds, with a sparckle of artistic freedom.
You can have shippy glasses on and also not, you decide. I personally have them on and if you ask i can explain why, eventhough i personally would prefer the commander to be asexual. (Which he still can be, but let's not go into that.)
Onto the fic:
"It was tough to find you Commander, Aurene is worried about you, you know."
The Commander was sitting on a rock that would pass as a chair for him. He was larger than the average charr, but still smaller than a well-grown adult norn. His back was to Caithe, one of the first born sylvari that promised herself to Aurene's cause, however the bonds they shared was clearly deeper than just aligning interests.
"Did you come in her name then? To check on me?" The Commander had decided to hide in Sun's Refuge, not answering the communicator if it was not an emergency. Once Kralkatorrik was gone and Aurene branded over her grandfather's very own, the underground safe-place was no longer needed. Those who could return to their lives did, those that lost everything have started over or they too joined Aurene, as part of the Crystal Bloom.
"Yes and no. Through our link with Aurene i sensed your trouble as well. I also wanted to make sure you are ok." As she told him her reasons she walked to the charr to sit next to him on the rock. That's when she noticed that her dear friend was holding an arrow. It was different looking that the rest he kept on his back in his quiver.
From the corner of his eyes he saw the questioning look on Caithe.
"It's the last arrow Eir crafted." He slowly and carefully spun it in his clawed fingers. "When we defeated Zhaitan and had that celebration in Fort Trinity she pulled me away."
"What is it?" Back then even his voice seemed less deep. The challenges of Tyria not yet taking their toll on the Ash Legion centurion. Hehh, he scoffed on the memory; back then that title still meant something to him.
Eir smiled, her wolf Garm wagged his tail excitedly next to her, as if he knew what his master was going to do.
"We just killed the Elder Dragon Zhaitan and you already think there must be something wrong if someone wants to talk to you?" She jabbed.
That caught the dark charr off guard, if the charr weren't covered in fur one would be able to see if they were blushing. Well, now a charr was blushing.
"No, nothing is wrong. I just noticed that your arrows are unique. I was wondering if you made them?" The smile never left her face, she looked like she just have been liberated from prison. Denalien didn't care to think why, but was happy for his friend all the same.
"OOOOHhhhh! Yeah, i make them. Specifically to pierce the enemy and to also hit hard."
"That's impressive! Look, let me show you MY arrows. I craft them myself too." She proudly reached back to her own quiver to pull out one.
"I prefer if my arrows are fast. So i make them flat." She presented the arrow, Denalien's eyes were sparking, the awe showing obviously on his feline face.
He reached carefully, intending to hold it in his hands, but at the last second Eir gasped and pulled her arms back a little.
"Are you interested in a trade? From one ranger to another, to one friend to another. I was thinking we trade one of our arrows to the other, and only use it for a special purpose." She playfully spun the arrow between her fingers.
The Commander didn't even take a second to think about the offer. "I'm interested!" He wagged his tail almost akin to Garm.
The beat of silence after the short story was deafening to the sylvari. She was just about to ask something when Denalien's pet- Raphael, a red drake that never left his side - shook his whole body. It broke the silence, but the atmosphere didn't change much.
"I've decided i will keep it as a memento, if i can help it, it will be the last arrow i ever let lose."
Hearing that from someone Caithe considered so strong made her stomach churn. She didn't miss the fatalistic tone in his voice.
"Why are you here?" She honestly couldn't think of anything else to say. The time when Eir died was a low point in the friendship between her and the commander. She was eternally grateful that she managed to make up with him.
"..." The Commander has always been quiet like her 'So that's what it feels like...' Caithe tried to jest herself in her mind.
"Long before i met you, even Rytlock, i had a warband." That's strange, the Commander never spoke of his own past, atleast not to Caithe. Maybe she should talk with him more, she took note of this.
"The leader of my warband was called Howl the Brazen. He was almost the exact opposite of me. He was as charr as a charr can be, loved fighting, but even more loved us. He made us give each other mementos of ourselves saying it's a way for us to always be there for the others, even if we get separated." He turned to his loyal drake, pet it's head.
"Since most of them died i was named leader, and decided to took up this little habbit of collecting mementos."
Caithe just now noticed all the items that was piled in front of him. There were several minis-most of them charr, presumably of his warband, a bag in the shape of a white, spotted charr- she distantly remembers a charr akin to the bag hanging out with her leader. A sticker in the shape of a bomb, and most noticably the repaired greatsword of her people- Caladbolg.
She understood how heavily these losses weighed on him, but she still felt like there's something else. She didn't have to wonder a lot.
"I have nothing from Braham..." ohh... in hindsight she should have known, she heard what happened from Rytlock.
"He also has nothing from me." In all honesty Caithe hoped she could help him, as large was the charr next to her, he now looked so small. To her regret she didn't know what would help him, not even how to cheer him up, so in silence they sat. Raphael taking notice of Caithe, tried his hardest to snuggle up to her lap, almost reminded her of one of the cats that one day mysteriously appeared in her home in the Groove. Of course she never had the heart to push those cute and cuddly animals away, same as now, she let the red drake up her lap.
"I don't even know if Eir had a chance to use my arrow i gave her. I hope it helped her so that atleast i could save her in that one moment."
The crystallized sylvari seemed to be deep in thought. Suddenly her eyes grew bright, shining like diamonds. She reached for her chest, covered her big crystal flower with her palm, but the Commander didn't seem to address her motion.
"I want to trade with you!" She exclaimed. For now that successfully shocked Denalien out of his sorrowful mood. She revealed her right hand, she held a crystal-petal from her chestflower. The Commander wide-eyed didn't even know what to say.
"In exchange i waaaaaantt...." she didn't know what to ask for yet, but as she remarked his pile of mementos she finally had an idea. ".... a carving of yourself!" Raphael almost asleep suddenly yelped at her. "..And obviously of Raphael as well!" She smiled as the drake laid his head down on her lap once again, proof to her that she guessed correctly what he wanted.
The Commander suddenly stood up "But... that's... didn't it hurt to take off?!"
Ever a worry, she thought with a gentle smile. "No. Now take it, once you have the carving ready i expect you to find me!" To this her friend finally smiled what seemed to be the first in a long long time.
"How do you expect me to find you? You are always the one to find me! Need i remind you i never noticed you were following me for who knows how long before you revealed yourself to me, righ here?"
Oh, Caithe remembers, she remembers finding him in Jahai Bluffs, she remembers how she saw him with a woman she later learned was called Zafira, she followed him all the way here when she learned he'd enter the Mists with a little asuran golem. She remembers how worried she was for him and how relieved, when she saw him alive, and immediatelly after his face when they learned what happened to Blish- the companion who was there for him in his need. The reason she didn't reveal herself till that moment was that she was ashamed, ashamed for not being there for her friend.
"Don't worry, i will allow you to find me." She chuckled, trying to keep the lighter mood up as long as she could.
"Give it to me." Denalien asked her gently. "I accept this trade."
Caithe felt awkward a bit, like she just have stayed her welcome. Gently she pushed Raphael off her lap, who whined a bit.
"I probably should go... don't keep us waiting for long. We all need you, come back to us when you're ready."
The charr finally stood tall, that's what he is supposed to look like to her. Tall and strong, unshakable.
"...Could you stay? I no longer wish to be alone, but i can't face everyone yet."
That was a pleasant surprise for Caithe.
"Of course!"
The airship was going down, big vines tore the fleet apart right in front of her, as if it was made out of paper. She was running out of arrows, and several sylvari just turned on them, as if they are not in enough danger as it is.
They were about to flank both Logan and Zojja, they lined up perfectly but she had only one arrow left!
It was exactly what she needed to save her friends in the chaos.
"Thank you, Commander!" She panted and let loose her last arrow, successfully saving both Logan and Zojja from an untimely death.
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kehideni · 2 years
Another one of them GW2 fanfictions Caithe x Commander
This is no-lore fun stuff for me to practice romantic scenes and whatnot because my ace ass gets hives just from thinking about writing romantic stories and i really need to start building immunity to it because as much as i like to write sometimes, people for some reason only seem to care if it got shippy stuff in it.
In the spirit of “damn Beasteye Denalien you got it bad, too bad for you your love interest is unavailable to you(atleast he thinks so)” here’s a little puke inducing i-don’t-even-know-what-this-is.
To not step on them lesbian toes, lemme clarify that i actually ship the general Commander character with Caithe not any specific Commander and only write her with my Commander(who happens to be male) because i know my Commander the best. (Also Caithe can be pansexual for all we know, we never got official clarification on her sexuality (i’m guessing precisely so players can play around with her idea more.))
This is... the dreaded Caithe x Commander fic:
OH, RIGHT! If the fic fits your Commander feel free to imagine them here instead of mine.
[Before i start i just want to note to you guys how freakin’ long i was sitting here staring at the screen because i had no opening scene envisioned. Goes to show i’m not a writer just a hobbist.]
 This was bad... really, REALLY bad. Well, to be fair it wasn’t anything serious like another Elder Dragon awakening to destroy Tyria, no. It was more along the lines of “no fahrar ever prepares you for this sort of vulnerability” bad.
 The commander - a big, dark furred, muscular charr - was figuratively cowering because in his paws he was holding an invitation to some sort of human “ball”. “Whatever that entails...”  he thought grimly, his dislike screams from his face. 
 Nah... he is Ash Legion, being well informed of other races’ culture is part of his identity. Ohh, he knew exactly what it is.
 “Wooo, you know you can just decline, right?” the one who delivered him the invitation personally was none other than Logan Thackeray, a friend who he shared battles with countless times.
 “I know i can... doesn’t mean i should.” the charr flipped the invitation over, examining the front page of it. It was well crafted, the letters shone with the light’s reflection. His name shining with big, bold letters, he almost felt like it was a taunt. “I mean the Queen herself invited me and i can already hear my Imperator say: You’re going, and keep our good relation with the humans rolling!”
 Logan laughed up at that “I appreciate the rhyme! Can i put your furry behind on the list then or not?”
 The Commander sighed. “yeah... yeah...” 
“Great! You are supposed to bring a plus one!”
Another great sigh. “Oooof course i’m supposed to... Who are you gonna bring, Logan?”
 The Seraph gave a cruel little grin “I’m affraid no one.” he replied with the cheekiest voice. “I’ll be on guard duty, protecting your lionhide so that you can finally have a break from all the fighting and worrying.”
“WHAT?! I’m a charr!! I don’t need a break from fighting! I’m literally bred to fight!” the Commander grabbed his face in both his paws, this can’t be happening! “This isn’t a ploy to prank me is it? You’d tell me if this was some elaborate prank, right?”
 Logan just laughed more “I would, I would! But it’s not a prank! It’s just one way we humans relax and create bonds.”
The Commander didn’t seem that impressed. “Right...”
“Anyway, it was nice to see you outside of the battlefield for once, Commander! I gotta go and deliver the other invitations too, see you on the battle field of looove!” Logan couldn’t help but laugh even as he was departing.
“Kalla... help me...”
“Sorry Commander, you should have known Kas and I are going together.”
“Your Imperator forces you to go too, huh? I’ll see you there, Cre said i’m her partner and to suck it up.”
“You got an invite too? I’m going with Braham, it’s been so long since we hung out. It’ll be like old times, only this time hopefully no Scarlet...”
“BWAHAHAHAHAH, we will make sure to make fun of you and whoever you bring, boss!”
*bonk* “OUCH alright, ALRIGHT! Watch it, i still have stiches!”
“Serves you right, Braham.”
“Yyyyeah, no, sorry... Gorrik and I have better things to do. Research won’t research itself!”
With a big heave Denalien sat down on the edge of the scrying pool, Aurene observing him.
“You seem to be in a bad mood.” the ethereal voice of Aurene reached him in his mind.
“Ugh... i’m supposed to invite someone to this human ball where i’m gonna have to do humanly stuff like “smalltalk” and “dance”. I don’t do smalltalk and dance! Most of all, i don’t have anyone i’d WANT to dance with!”
“...That... sounds like a lie...”
That gave the Commander a pause.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well... you know how you can feel whatever i feel, right? It goes both ways and you feel different around different people. Like... for example...”
“NO! No! Don’t say it!”
“You were aware?”
 The Commander pawed at his face in frustration.
“Why don’t you ask her? I’m sure she’d say yes.”
Denalien was starting to growl and the growl slowly built up to a roar.
When the room quited down from the echo, one could hear that someone was walking up behind the Commander.
“Is this a bad time?” the charr leaped to his feet in fright. Ohh no...
“Caithe! Hi! What brings you here?”
“Hi! Actually you do, Commander. I wanted to ask you something.”
“No, no, nononononononononnononononono no, by Pyre’s bow PLEASE don’t ask what i think you want to ask.”
“You see i got this invitation from Queen Jennah-”
“I did too!” the Commander rudely interrupted her in hopes that maybe she’d forget what she wanted to ask.
 Poor Caithe, just watched in puzzlement but then continued.
 “Uh, i heard you don’t have a partner to go with, and i don’t have anyone either so i thought, as the two champions of Aurene, it’d be fitting to go together?” bless her heart, she looked just as nervous as the Commander.
 Ubeknownst to her, this is the scenario that the Commander wanted to avoid at all costs. But riddle me this: How does one tell the other that they love them wholeheartedly but is unable to imagine them being together and thus going to a ball where they will have to dance would make things awkward for them? You know... without actually saying those words.
 “Caithe, isn’t there someone you’d rather go with?”
 That seemed to hurt her feelings. QUICK! REPHRASE!
 “No! I mean, you might not like going with me, i’m... uhh a bad dancer.” Which was a half-truth, although he is not a great dancer he could dance, but he really needed to give her a reason to reconsider and this was the first thing to pop into his head!
 It seemed to smooth things over quickly though, because she is chuckling now.
 “Is that all? Whoever you’d ask to go with would have to work with your bad dancing too, you know!” her mirth died down a bit. “I can teach you to dance here and now, don’t worry!”
-Are you mind-laughing at me, Aurene?!
-...She can’t hear this, right?
-Not unless i want her to.
-Just accept her invitation already! She’s waiting!
“Alright... fine. We can go together.”
 He got no other reply than a genuine smile, and a hand reaching out for him to take. At first he didn’t understand, but soon he realised that Caithe means to act on her word to teach him how to dance now. With an unseen sigh of defeat he gave his clawed hands to hers, let her do as she pleases. She won.
“We don’t have music here but the important thing is to make your step - which is supposed to mirror the step of your partner - to the rythm of the song.”
Beasteye Denalien: beastmaster, bow-expert, professional spy, the great Commander of the pact, God-killer, Dragonslayer. His greatest fear?
Having to dance with the one he loves.
“You seem to be a natural at this! Why were you so worried?”
Caithe is an legendary spy herself, the Commander knew he can’t lie to her so he opted to tell a truth... a slightly unrelated truth.
“When i was younger i had tried to woo someone with my maaad dancing skills, but she wasn’t into it i guess.” Ok so this was a half truth again, he didn’t try to woo that someone, just simply prove that he can dance. It was a dance battle he lost to a female charr back in the fahrar.
 Caithe laughed at that again- a lot of people were laughing at him today for some reason. “Sorry, it’s just hard to imagine you trying to impress someone with dancing. You don’t seem like the type that has to struggle for attention.”
“I’m really not cut out for courtships, i just don’t understand how to get someone to be interested in me that way.” This was a 100% true. Aurene kept watch of the two, it seems they forgot they were still dancing. She found it adorable, she imagined this must be what a child feels like as they watch their parents interact with each other.
 “There are tricks and tactics for that, similar in principle to traps of combat.” Was she bringing herself closer to the Commander? She was staring intently in his eyes and the poor charr couldn’t remove his from hers.
Neither of them noticed the scrying pool’s edge in time. Aurene was laughing as both surfaced.
They looked at each other, and for the first time that day the Commander was laughing with everyone else around him.
"Introducing the two Champions of Aurene: The Commander of the Pact, Beasteye Denalien and the Leader of the Crystal Bloom, Caithe of the firstborn sylvari.”
 “Ugh, in charr society you speak for yourself, introduce yourself. No need for spokespeople.”
 As he walked around arm in arm with Caithe he saw his extended “warband”. Braham and Rox seemed to raid every snack bar as if they were in a race to see which of them could eat their own weight in fingerfood, Kas and Jory were talking about something with Countess Anise, Crecia and Rytlock were near the Queen, probably talking politics, and was that a glimpse of Canach that the charr caught? Huh, who knew...
 Caithe seemed to be looking around as well.
“Looking for someone?”
“No, just assessing the perimeter. A thief can’t be caught unguarded, you know.”
“Hehh, i’m Ash. I know. One should always be aware of their surroundings.”
“And be several steps before any unseen enemies.”
 This must have been one of the reasons the Commander unknowingly fell for her. She was every bit as sneaky and careful as any other Ash charr. Unlike the cold reputation of the Ash Legion the Commander knew he was “soft”, and he came to learn that Caithe too, holds those she loves close to her heart, despite her reputation as a thief. When the Commander realised she was so alike to him back then before Aurene hatched, he knew he was not facing a simple puppy-crush. Eversince then he knew he was in love with her, but...
 He is charr, and she is sylvari. The cultures of which they come from are just too different, and Caithe never showed signs of that sort of interest in him either. Whenever he felt he could get closer to her, his mind bombarded him with doubt. They are different species, he doesn’t have time, she’s not interested, it’s just a matter of time when he falls in battle for the final time, she’s branded which means probably immortal, he’s physically just so much bigger than her- there always was something.
His line of thought got interrupted by the Queen.
“Esteemed guests, people of Divinity’s Reach! The opportunity has come to share a dance with your partner, please enjoy yourselves!”
 A slow melody started to decorate the atmosphere, there was a small tug at his right sleeve.
 “Let me see if you still remember what i taught you.” Caithe offered her hand.
 They weren’t long in the dance when the Commander heard Braham laugh. By the time he looked at the norn, Rox softly slapped his neck though- enough warning to stop laughing. 
He realised more and more people started to look at them. “Why aren’t THEY dancing?”  But rather than joining in the dance, people started to murmur.
Caithe noticed that the Commander was agitated by the onlookers, even the Commander can be shy sometimes.
“Remember how we talked about tricks and tactics?”
The Commander looked at Caithe. “Yeah.”
“Want to know a trick i know, to catch someone’s interest?”
Denalien wasn’t so sure he did, but atleast it takes his mind off of the staring crowd.
“One of the tricks is prolonged eyecontact. The longer, and steadier you keep eyecontact with your target, the more likely they will eventually feel some sort of bond with you.”
What was that implying... Burn him, he can’t look away from her eyes.
“They are not even dancing now, they are just spinning while hugging!” Braham was still stuffing his face when Rox bumped him to take a look at where she was pointing.
“Real tackful, Braham!” 
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