#if i see any shippers of the hacketts with the counselors i will turn this car around and off the cliffside so help me JAZZHANDS
jacobscustos · 2 years
hi i've been thinking abt duos/groups that deserved more development together so have my list
ryan and abi. they're both artists, literally they could've been such besties bonding over their love of art!!!!!!!!!
emma and kaitlyn. jacob custos oppression squad, NOW
max and dylan. boys that make up for their sadness and fear of being alone by being the funniest people you know my beloveds
jacob and laura. i think laura could've been meaner to him tbh. she deserved to be a little mean, as a treat, and jacob could probably take it
nick, ryan, and kaitlyn. looking at the shit happening around them and just being floored by the caucasity of it all. mean hot people
abi and jacob. i imagine abi getting sad abt something and jacob immediately going like "oh ok so i'm gonna fight whatever made you sad"
emma and laura. i think they would get along due to just how Over It they are abt everything. that and laura'd find the pic emma took of werewolf max fucking hilarious
jacob, kaitlyn, and ryan. childhood friend looking at his bestie's crush and going "ew really?" but not in a "secretly harboring feelings for his friend" way just in a "that guy fuckin sucks bestie you could do so much better" way
abi and dylan. nervous introvert and extrovert that's spotted them at the party and is going to make them have a good time dagnabbit! and by god she does <3
ryan, laura, and max. bonus points if max sees their tension as romantic chemistry but they see it as actual raw repulsion and hatred and immediately get disgusted by the idea if it gets brought up to them
nick and emma. i think they should've talked out the kiss at the bonfire, considering just how hard they went despite neither of them particularly wanting it to happen
feel free to add more if you think of them. hackett dynamics with counselors (NOT SHIPS THOUGH, YOU NASTIES) very much welcome
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