#if anyone else except rodman tried what scottie tried on mj (talkin to the reporters when he said not to) he wouldve cussed their asses out
jrueships · 2 years
hi, what do you think of mj x scottie pippen, release ?
I LOVE mj x scottie, i love the old bulls in general, just like personality wise and how they worked. I love writing them cus of it, but only if they're just chillin or something. i don't need to worry about dates and timeliness n too many perceptions, so i don't really talk abt em that much, but i DO enjoy. That ship is rlly cute and needs more content, my onion!!! I also love them as an ot3 with rodman! Obviously tho i gotta love the bulls SPECIALLY the big 3 cus, Chicago, BUT EVEN IF YOU NOT FROM THERE.. you've heard of them! they were big just in GENERAL! might not have been the originators of all, but they were big enough to highlight the way..
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everyone wonderin why russ is doing so badly on the lakers vs when he was on the wizards don't understand the importance of Girlboss and Malewife.. they never will.. PG and BEAL did! They WERE the malewives to Russell's Girlboss and life was GOOD! unless another girlboss outgirlbosses your girlboss (dame😐.), LUCKILY... that wasn't a problem scottie had to worry about n ESPECIALLY mj. He made that CLEAR! You wanna be Like Mike? GIRLBOSS!!!!! mj is such a scumbag, i enjoy him in a carnal sense. He's also aware he's a scumbag though, which always makes scottie's random beefs with him so funny because Michael just never gives a shit. He DOES give a shit about scottie though, just not about the part of him being a dick. He knows that already. N if he didn't... that'll be concerning
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SO LIKE this is im typin this outside n there's just a bigass fly lookin at me.. i think it's h*mophobic.. anyways tho they show so many good scottie michael moments on the last dance.. MWAH ! But ANYWAYSANYWAYS heres the one out of the MANY times of Michael pickin on burrell.. he's tellin him not to be dogfood as per usual or whatever n burrell is looking at scot all baffled. Like 'is this SERIOUSLY how he shows love??? If so, that's worrying!! You should know, he actually LIKES you!' N scotties trying to sympathize with him like 'it is, but only if you're 'friends' with him. He likes to bully friends because he was never socialized properly as a child and the only way he knows how to entertain himself is being evil. Not with ME though, or RODMAN. He respects us as actual people because we're gay. Don't worry about it' <- the actual dialogue from the encounter, trust me, i got a personal signed copy of the REAL last dance on DVD that i watch in my car (do NOT ask for evidence dude just trust me)
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Scott (bald) is reasonably confused, maybe a little fearful. Maybe he wants to be in the ot3 as well but mj won't let him because there can only be one milkdud head in the poly? He just doesn't know mj's ways, only Pippen does! Only pippen understands!! (Rodman does too but he doesn't actively use that to talk to mj unless he messes up on something. He's kind of like the wild cat you see outside that won't go in your house, won't let you touch it, n is always up to something. If it gets hurt though, it'll show up on your porch first though) BUT ANYWAYS bald Scott will never be able to understand because MJ won't let him! MJ will only let pippen get him, as much as he denies the fact! AND PIPPEN, who gets him, sees that bald scott is being a stinker by VISIBLY plugging his ears trying to get mj even more upset at him LMAO. He's trying to be playful with him n he can be as playful as he wants! Mj's still gonna be as mean as HE wants! Cus they ain't on like that! Never will be, sorry! Spots been reserved <3
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scottie, who KNOWS how mj is, moves his chair up to block bald scot's antics from mj's vision cus he knows that'll just make him madder. I love scottie i love mj i love rodman, they've got such distinct personalities but all gel nonetheless. scottie having so many siblings so he's so supportive n protective n caring n a great listener! He can be very easy in the background n just want things to go well for everything n everyone.. unless he gets done dirty n he processes later that he's been done dirty n reacts wrongly at the too late time. He walked as a mentally ill libra so kd could run!!!
Mj is also, of course, insane. You know the unspoken best friend jokes vs just friend jokes? Where you're meaner to your bestie cus they know it's a joke that hits funnily no matter how harsh it sounds? But with friends you keep it light cus you don't wanna seem too mean to em n scare em off? He uses that methodology but flipped. HE STILL TEASES scottie but.. you can see how much he has a soft spot for the guy 😊😊 and how scottie has a soft spot for mj <3 they get each other!!! EVEN THO scottie has inferiority complexes and mjs an asshole who wants to be known as asshole. They got along when no one thinks they would! They get along when no one thinks they DO!! They themselves don't even know how! Mj the asshole who is only ACTUALLY nice to scottie, and not fake nice during a golf game so he can destroy you with your guard down, being asked what's wrong with scottie rn, what's he talking about, what does mj think about his book, everyone hating scottie because of his out of anger actions, and mj not 'taking it personally' and destroying him..... just being like 'yeah I understand lol whatever' ... scottie having teammates complain to him about mj's tyrannical reign, being asked what's wrong with him, how is mj even human, and scottie just shrugging and saying it's nothing with a smile...
They understand each other on vvvv THIS kind of level
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and i LOVE it!!!! IT IS SO FUNNY TO ME. Rodman also fits into that with the same views. Always being asked his relationship with them, how they view him, him not giving a shit. They got along!!! The old bulls are a favorite because they are literally Guy who needs therapy x Guy who needs therapy x Guy who needs therapy. They're all fucked up insane and they don't care. I love that for them because they love that for each OTHER‼️‼️
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Everyone wants their girlboss and malewife understanding, none can have it unless they are truly FIT for THE TITLE!!! Six rings were won because of 3 gay people. I love these photos lmao scottie always looks so chill, just chillin, and mj is looking terrifying as always your majesty, but is also always making contact with pippen somehow. No matter what. Menacing expressionless ruler of an unstoppable army/crime organization and his elegant, calm second hand !! That he actually values very much and would consider his best friend! The first words in his ear! His babygirl, even!
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Tw old people lol BUT YES they ARE insane they ARE in love and they DO kiss! How? We don't know. They don't know. They just Do
... also bonus ot3 content because they are also poly
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Pippen not wanting dennis on the team originally because he's insane and jordan wanting him on the team because he's insane. Then pippen eventually realizing he likes dennis on the team BECAUSE he is insane. That's their whole relationship. Mj scottie and rodman. Terrorizing the courts AND the therapists!
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They are unhinged, they are dysfunctional, they are in love <3
#i rest my case!!!!#heres jus some of my fav other mj scottie girlboss malewife moments tho#mj pulling scottie away from being mobbed for an interview with a bunch of reporters on their tails#so romantic <3#mj saying scot doesnt have time to talk and scot turning around to talk anyways#hes too polite!!#n mj just pulling him out of there then calling for the rest of the pack LMAO#but he knows reporters ! he has to hes MJ! they were probably gonna be on some bogus questions#scottie didnt need to waste his time on!!#if anyone else except rodman tried what scottie tried on mj (talkin to the reporters when he said not to) he wouldve cussed their asses out#ON camera n smacked em upside the head!!#not scottie tho 😊 scottie just gets a tug. a mighty tug but a tug! he treats HIM nice!#for mj standards...which are low but hes TRYING#theres also when scottie was being interviewed on his injury in a med room i think#n mj is just. There. watching him get worked on drinking a cola n commenting on the interview#pointing out stupid questions so pippen doesnt have to entertain them.. watching how the trainer treats him#i liked that one a lot cus it showed how he could make bald look beautiful via charisma confidence n his care of others (scottie)#also his country was rlly showin out in his accent that time. i need to find the video on utube cus it was my fav vid#mjs girlbossness! scotties malewifeness! rodmans!! ...rodmanness!#the big bulls brought so much to the stage n WON while doing it#their ot3 winning a ring walked so jrue giannis middleton could run!#their alpha beta omega swag influenced jimmys abo enjoyment‼️#their switch4switch4switch swag!!!!!!#i will always note their INSANE greatness and by insane i mean actually. unwell tho.#ted asks#big bulls#ted drabbles#rodman#pippen#mj
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