#if anybody ever writes a post tj route fic exploring ANY of these ideas I need someone to come and tell me pretty please
Rambles about Echo's TJ route are below the cut because I'm very normal about it (spoilers for the whole thing + brief mentions of things in other routes)
There's a part of me that hates how open ended everything is, and another part that loves it. Cause like, who or what planted the scavenger hunt in the first place? What was the mirror demon that spurred Chase on? How the HELL is Carl doing after being falsely accused of messing with TJ, breaking his leg, AND hearing that one of his closest friends killed another one of his closest friends? And in supposed "self defense" too. In Flynn's route Carl very adamantly believed that Flynn would never hurt TJ, is that true here? Does he have suspicions about what Chase really did?
How about TJ? Does he just go back to college and whenever someone asks, "Hey, how'd your break go?" does he just have to look them dead in the eyes and act like he didn't witness a murder less than a week ago? A murder that on top of everything, was a near exact replication of his worst childhood trauma? Does he ever succeed in burying and repressing it down again? I feel like he never even fully repressed Sydney's death in the first place because in two of the other routes he's able to recall the truth as well, so with it so fresh in his mind and ANOTHER murder on top of it I feel he's never going to be able to completely "forget" like last time.
Does Chase ever come to his senses, or does he also try to repress his guilt as much as he can? He had shame when killing Flynn, he didn't even want to do it but felt he had to. Does it catch up to him? Is he able to live with himself, or does he forever think that Flynn was actually going to kill TJ? Does anyone ever even try to talk to Chase again after everything? Would Leo try to reach out at all, would Jenna? Do they each blame themselves? Jenna for leaving early, and Leo for not trying harder to get Chase to talk to him a few hours before it happened? I can't imagine Carl would ever want to willingly talk to Chase after that. Does Chase still talk to TJ like nothing ever happened? Does TJ try to keep it up too or does he ever try to break contact with him? Does TJ feel like he owes Chase for "saving him again?"
Does TJ himself really think that Flynn was going to hurt him? Or is that just what he tells himself to justify Chase's actions, to try to make any sense of it?
How does Julian hear the news that after he called Chase, he went on to kill someone because TJ was in danger? Does he blame himself for the death of someone he doesn't even know? Does he even believe that it was self defense in the first place after seeing first hand how weirdly protective Chase is of TJ? Does Julian ever succeed with getting in contact with TJ because he needs to make sure that one of his closest friends is okay, but would TJ even want to talk to him? TJ's only goal right now is to wipe what happened out of his mind, so his friend trying to make sure he's okay afterwards is only going to make him think about it more. So does he try to avoid anybody and everybody from Echo? What about Jenna? Would she ever be able to talk to him about what happened? Does she ever run into Chase, or does she seek him out at Pueblo? What would THAT look like??
Anyway yeah, I'm sooooooooo normal about this route :)
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