#if I dont engage with it long enough itll get bored and let me go back to Eye in peace
raiswanson · 1 year
Been poking around a WIP I said I wouldn’t write yet and using the characters within for a prompt list. And I said I’d try to share more excerpts after that poll, so!! Have a lil snip from a short that shows just how friggin weak I am oopsies
“Ki— Princess Kiara!”
The familiar cry made me turn, blinking owlishly. I saw Lethen standing on the path below, still in his training armor. He must have come to find me right away after being released for the day.
“Lethen!” I cheered, swinging my scarf like a trophy. “How did you know I was out here? You’re just in time! I’ve just staged the daring rescue of a particularly slippery article of fine silk.”
He didn’t look as amused by the joke as I’d hoped. Just a little panicked.
He was such a worrywart.
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