#idk man i need to listen to war doctor audios
go-to-the-mirror · 7 months
Something about the War Doctor's whole... thing about not deserving his name as the Doctor and then Martha being like "well I think being a Doctor is something you earn" and then Ten's like "well I better start earning it" and then becoming better because of her. or something.
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thirddoctor · 5 years
Favorite and least favorite stories (any medium) of each Master?
Delgado: favourite would either be Terror of the Autons or The Time Monster, least favourite would be Doorway to Hell. it’s not even that it’s terrible, it’s just such a wasted opportunity. they took the absolutely amazing concept of “Twelve meets Delgado” and made it utterly boring and that is a crime I can never forgive.
Crispy: favourite is The Two Masters, least favourite is definitely Master.
Ainley: he’s tough to pick a favourite for, because his best performance is Survival, but I really love The Five Doctors and Destiny of the Doctors. shout out to Prime Time as well. least favourite would be… idk, let’s go with Night Flight to Nowhere because the art is so ugly.
Roberts: favourite is the movie, least favourite is The Lifeboat and the Deathboat (merely by default—it wasn’t bad, I just like the movie better).
Jacobi: the second two War Master sets have been good (though I still need to listen to the last ep of 3), but in my heart I know the answer is still Utopia. least favourite is probably The Sky Man or The Heavenly Paradigm.
Simm: favourite is of course World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls. least favourite is The End of Time.
Gomez: tough, but Extremis wins out. least favourite is pretty much the entirety of The Missy Chronicles, especially Teddy Sparkles Must Die and Girl Power. I also loathed the 20 minutes I listened to of A Spoonful of Mayhem which is why I still haven’t listened to any more of the Missy boxset.
Macqueen: I’m going to cheat and say The Two Masters again. least favourite would be… one of the Dark Eyes audios I guess. don’t ask me to remember individual episodes lol.
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aceofwands · 7 years
Ria hateblogs Discovery Episode 4: “CBS cares not for its fans The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not For the Lamb” (originally livelogged to @kendradaynes)
here we go. I've seen some upset comments on already - so boy am I excited to see how awful it is!
ohhhhh good, we're getting some previously from the Klingons. so. keen. to see more awful acting through prosthetics!
we begin with ... weird lightning that's pulling rock/metal together ... and pull out through clouds to a uniform being replicated
at least the effects are cool right, that's all we're here to see right
loooool a holographic mirror. obvs. I mean why use a real mirror amirite?
Tilly brought back Michael a box that's pinging at her. oh lol it's the last will and testament of Captain Georgiou.
why would you make a box that pinged until you opened it??????
oh great. it's Saru again. 
they step out onto the bridge at Red Alert?? the rest of the ship showed no sign of being at red alert. and Michael and Saru seem surprised. oh lol ofc it was just a battle sim
jfc there was a terrifying bridge crewmen with a huge bug head
UM. WHAT. PAUSED IT TO EXPRESS OUTRAGE AGAIN: Lorca is now lecturing the bridge crew, about how they have the only new propulsion drive ('Displacement Activated Spore Hub Drive' which is about the kind of dumb name I'd expect) in the fleet, and when it's up and running they can materialise anywhere in the known universe, "But we will be alone. We will not have backup. There's just us, and we get one chance." WHAT
Starfleet is NOT going to make ONE DRIVE for ONE SHIP to do ONE SNEAK ATTACK BY ITSELF. and it's not going to put this drive for this sneak attack on a SCIENCE VESSEL
it's SO fucking RIDICULOUS
you'd think the Federation has never fought any wars or been in any battles, the way this storyline is written!
LORD. had to pause again. to write a long angry sentence about how Lorca and Michael now stepped out of a turbolift into a DARK CORRIDOR which is lighting up as they walk through section by section. JUST. STOP. YOU STUPID STUPID SHOW
he's showing her his creepy weapons lab
Lorca: "I study war"
Michael: "these are some of the deadliest weapons in the galaxy" (they included katanas in a box. wtf. that’s the deadliest weapon Earth has? I don’t think so buddy) 
now he's showing her the creepy creature he picked up from the ship
"why would you keep something so dangerous on board your own ship?" GOOD QUESTION
"we need the best weapons available" ... he wants to use its properties for weapons. and wants her to do it.
good it's the dumb intro that I can ignore to rant about how fucking STUPID this show is
it's not even REMOTELY Star Trek
it's SO far away from everything that makes Star Trek, Star Trek
EVEN IF I accept that Starfleet does weapons research - WHICH I DO (though I don't think we need a show about it) - I do NOT believe for one second that it takes place on ONE science ship called Discovery! they'd have labs on a base somewhere. a whole TEAM of scientists and weapons experts!
oh lord. Klingons again. please no. 
just discovered Klingons can move their eyes and hands and that's about it
great I have to read dumb subtitles. the stupid white Klingon is drawing dramatic holographic art. everything on this show is about drama
the white Klingon and lady Klingon ATE CAPTAIN GEORGIOU
okay so Klingons eat the hearts of their enemies .... but pick the flesh from their skulls? since when
oh gross they're trying to develop Klingon houses. and I could just not care less. 
and it's impossible to hateblog and read all the subtitles. it's so hard to follow or care about these Klingons 
back to Michael - Landry said Lorca thinks they'd make a good team ???? how?
I reeeeeeeeeeeeally hate Landry: "let's call it ripper, it's what it looks like, what it does"
it resembles a tardigrade from Earth. it was a stowaway on the Glenn. Michael's like 'lol, nothing in its biology suggests it'll be helpful'
Michael: "It can only be what it is, not what you want it to be."
Landry: "it's amazing how much I hate Vulcan proverbs"
It’s amazing how much I hate Landry and her casual racism against Vulcans (speciesm?)
back to Lorca, receiving a holomessage from an Admiral. got a distress call from Korvan II, which produces 40% of the Federation's dilithium. and Discovery is the only ship close enough to help ... because it can use its new drive even though it's only made small jumps so far.
right, cause I really believe the Federation would leave their major source of dilithium undefended in a war (or not have closer ships ready if their defences went down)
Admiral: "You have no doubts." Lorca: "None." cut to Stamets: "there is no way in hell we'll be ready to jump that far"
Stamets is explaining they don't have the navigation ability ... the drive is based on probability? idk it sounds so dumb and nonsense 
ugh more Klingons. some dude named Kol just appeared, painted in red. oh he's the one from the first eps. saying he's now come with humility. I hate the dumb ships, they have cathedral lighting ffs!
Kol's saying they need this ship back in the war. but they're running out food and don't have dilithium processor blah blah blah who CARES 
sooooooooo boooooooring
Spore Drive is online (that's why they have black alert btw, when they're using the spore drive)
oh good, another android or robot, that makes sense for this time period
the monster down with Michael is NOT PLEASED they're activating the spore drive
oh lord, so much dramatic music and reaction shots
this drive works by them spinning and then jumping. they just jumped into the corona of an O-type star
it's not like Stamets warned you he couldn't control it or anything
Stamets broke his nose, Doctor Culber just said 'hold still or you'll wind up looking like a Tellarite' which I'd usually take as humorous but there's so much racism on the show who can tell (I’d also usually be on board for their snarky flirty banter, but in amongst this dumpster fire, who cares!)
Lorca is still being an ass to Stamets
Lorca: "the Discovery is no longer a science vessel, it's a war ship"
Stamets: "that is NOT the mission I signed on for, I’m as scientist not a soldier"
Lorca: "then get off, leave the ship"
Stamets: "if I go, I'm taking everything, my spores, my drive, everything on this ship is designed around my specialty" (what)
Lorca: "everything on this ship is the property of Starfleet, Lieutenant"blah blah blah more fighting
Lorca's playing the audio transmissions from Korvan II over the shipwide audio. to make everyone feel like shit. esp Stamets
now Landry is getting weapons, trying to sedate the creature, and cut its claw off
Landry is dead!!! 
Michael just emergency transported to sickbay, cause that's a thing they can do at this time
Lorca: "find a use for that creature, don't let her death be in vain". it's HER OWN FAULT SHE DIED. if she wasn't such an impatient idiot (or you hadn’t pushed her to ‘get results’). if she listened to Michael. 
OH LORD. cut to, Klingons in the wreck of the Shenzhou, wearing their DUMB EVA suits. the faceplate looks more like a Gorn/ (they're stealing the dilithium processor from it)
I just reeeeeeally don't care about any of this. it's so boring. like, the complete absence of excitement
blah blah the white Klingon and the lady Klingon are talking a lot. idk if it's supposed to be like ... flirty? ewwww I think it is. give me Martok and Sirella any day
I cannot wait for the next 20 mins to be over so I can be not watching this.
LOL we're back to Michael and Saru. and he just said she'd fit in perfectly with Captain Lorca (as an insult). this crew is perfect for each other, ALL AWFUL
Tilly has brought some spores to Michael, who's now offering them to the creature. lol it's like licking her like a dog kinda
idk Michael's just real bad at following orders. they didn't ask you to make friends with it!
what's the bet the monster lives in the spore dimension. lol, even better, it eats spores???
the other ship was using the creature to navigate. SO ETHICAL
they've beamed it into the spore forest
Stamets was supposed to be interested, almost nice for a change, but he has the same frown on his face
@kendradaynes: “this show is a car crash”
now we're back on the Klingon ship again
HAAAAAAAA. Kol just took over the white Klingon's ship by offering them food from his own ship, and they swore loyalty. the whole Klingon story with the divided houses and whatever is SOOOOO DULL
HA. lady Klingon fell into line with Kol
back to Discovery. they've beamed the creature into the reaction cube and the tech from the Glenn is activating
...... ...... .....
I've just realised. it's Equinox.
VOYAGER DID THIS 20 YEARS AGO! except they were on the ETHICAL SIDE
how does the ship interface with the creature to navigate????
poor creature
Lorca is like, orchestrating the viewscreen battle 
they dropped some bombs and jumped away with the drive
OMG. HYSTERICAL. LAUGHTER. just cut to some kid in her dad's arm on the surface of Korvan II: "who saved us?"
why does this REALLY IMPORTANT dilithium mine have no defence or base for its population? they’re out on the surface being killed like???
LOL the white Klingon was left on the Shenzhou. but the lady Klingon beamed over after him. of course she's ~devoted to him~because we all know that female Klingons want nothing more than to stand behind a powerful man Klingon
blah blah she's going to take him to her own house. to have the matriarchs teach him things "you never knew were possible". but he has to sacrifice, and I quote, "everything"
you cannot make up how bad this dialogue is
Michael's back in the lab feeding the poor creature some spores. it sounds super unhappy. WHAT A SURPRISE
"hey, you feeling better?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME
this is unethical BULLSHIT
this is the exact OPPOSITE of Star Trek
oh, it's okay, Michael says she's sorry, that makes it okay
the pillows are printed with a delta with "USS DISCOVERY" on it. I can't
lord I hate Tilly. go away
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Tilly's giving this speech about how Michael shouldn't be afraid to open the will box. cause "I watched you tame the most incredible creature" (torture is not taming!) "and you're not afraid of anything"
soooo fucking dumb
this show is a train wreck
a dumpster fire
a trash heap
I hope everyone's happy
Michelle Yeoh has appeared again
as a hologram telling Michael her will
handing down her most important possession, handed down through centuries of her family
sucks to be all those people who ridiculously though Georgiou would come back
lol it's her telescope
w o w. another 50 mins of my life I can't get back
oh good, more action in the next one
great. Mudd in the next episode. Lorca captured by Klingons. Michael worried about how much more they can torture the creature. I'm SO excited - ha. not. 
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