#idk if ppl call him Evan or CC more
ennard-is-near · 1 month
Imagine living next door to the Aftons. Based of the SL cutscenes (I promise I know about all the other games) they live in like a Suburban neighborhood. Imagine you’re a young upper-middle class family and you move into a quiet neighborhood in Utah. You move next door to a British family, three kids, the father owns a popular children’s restaurant franchise.
One day one of the sons dies in a tragic accident. It’s pretty well known, everyone feels bad for the family. Then insane rumors start flying about the Dad… but they can’t convict him. The daughter just vanishes one day, you stop seeing her. Then the Father does too. The only remaining member of the household gets all weird for a while and something is definitely, visibly wrong. Then he dies on the sidewalk in front of your house, before getting back up and going home. You’re pretty sure he still lives there, maybe he just works nights? But something strange is definitely going on with him too, everyone can see it. One day, after another restaurant for the franchise that the family owns burns down, you stop seeing the last kid too.
That would be wild, man.
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