#idk i just finished the archipegalo and i just feel genshins slowly....Very Slowly...getting a bit better
lord-pigeon Β· 2 years
Hottest take I have rn:
Everyone shits on Genshin because it's a hyper popular game, but like, it's so big everyone's forgotten it's not even two years old at this point.
As someone who played on Day 1 of FGO JP, I remember Year 1 FGO. It was garbo. The story was lackluster, which everyone agrees that the Singularities really don't start popping until Camelot which is about 6/7 the way in.
I'm also technically (I rerolled for 4 days straight for goddamn Diluc ;w;) Day 1 for Genshin so I've seen how it's changed and there's been a lot of improvements. Like compare Archipelago 1 to Archipelago 2. This one is more story-based, fleshes out characters more or less forgotten until now, and isn't about the background but rather the people in it. They also made Lantern Rite way better, jfc Year 1 Lantern Rite really did fuckin' suck
So like, give the game some time, and it's bound to be better than what it is now. If FGO released how it was 8 years ago now, it'd be ripped apart like nothing. Now, of course, there's the money gap, but that's beside the point. Addition: Paimon is still literally the worst mascot I ever had the displeasure of dealing with, I miss Lotte Dragalia Lost
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