#idk i have this deep seated feeling. it goes beyond ive known. i hate it
deactivated4179291 · 7 years
Star Crossed- Part 23 (H.S AU) - “Hold On, I Still Want You”
Possible trigger warning 
A/N- this is gonna be hella dramatic but stuff like this normally is I feel like, so? idk but I hope you like it.
Harry’s POV
“Here,” Margot shoves the earpiece toward me, “put this in your ear.” I do as I’m told sliding the small device into place. They do a test-run, speaking into their wristbands to make sure I can hear all of them through the small speaker. I nod giving them a brief thumbs-up, and Margot announces that they’re about to shut the power down, and tells me to get myself ready.
Using the computer to control the entire building, the power is literally in their hands. The back gate leading to the building opens itself for me.
“Go,” I hear Margot shout, and I take off like I’m running a marathon. I don’t stop until my legs nearly give out as I reach the entrance for authorized personnel, throwing the door open.
Maddie’s POV
I had never known what it was like to experience such pain. I had never experienced torture in my life before, but I knew that’s exactly what this was. This was punishment. Punishment for not being who they say I have to be. They poked and prodded at my memories like they were chunks of meat, and filled my mind with nightmares while I was under. They planted seeds of doubt inside of me that I couldn’t shake, using their technology to create heartbreaking images before my closed eyes. I didn’t blame him. They pushed and pushed and dug so deep into my mind that I couldn’t fight it. I gave up.
The truth is, they didn’t have to pull a trigger to kill me. The pain of seeing all that I had ruined was enough to kill me on its own. And it did – everything from the night I met Harry, and found out what his sign was, to the night he told me he loved me. Knowing I had torn all of these happy memories apart cut me down to my bone. They had taken them from me, and I felt empty.
My ears were ringing when I finally woke up again. The officers rushing all around me, carrying equipment, and shutting machinery off were frantic. They were rushing as if the world was ending, and if they didn’t turn everything off the building might explode. Given how much equipment there was attached to my head, and the probe in the back of my neck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the building did have the potential to explode.
The fluorescent lights flickered, causing my eyes to ache, as I tried to figure out exactly what was going on. My eyes found their way to the screen inside the room beyond the small glass window. On each of the screens was a memory that they had stolen.
“What’s happening?” I asked so weakly with my dry, crackly throat, that no one heard me. Or maybe they just didn’t seem to care. With every tired blink, one person had filed out of the room, leaving me behind. It was a strenuous effort to even tilt my head from one side to the other. I don’t know why I acted so surprised that they just left me here to fend for myself, knowing damn well that I couldn’t do anything. I tugged my arms up against the restraints with every bit of strength I could muster, but it didn’t seem to be enough no matter how hard I tried.
My head fell back to the rest on the chair as my muscles went slack, and I gave up. This was it, I thought. This was how it was going to happen. They were going to leave me here to overdose on the shit that they were pushing through my veins. I felt a single tear slip from my eyes as I started to cough, while my body tried to fight off the drugs, but they were too strong. My body starts to break into sweats, and I swear I’m hallucinating when I hear loud bang of the door being knocked down. I turn my head to see the door on the ground, knocked clean off of its hinges. And there he stood, in its frame.
“Harry?” I don’t believe my eyes. How was he here? Why would he come to find me?  
“Hey, Angel,” he says quietly with a relieved smile. He rushes over and starts to undo the restraints while the man accompanying him pulls the IV out of my arm. My body instantly starts to relax, not having to resist the effects of the substance.
“What the hell did they do to her?” Harry growls to the man who checks my pulse, while he yanks furiously at the constraints around my ankles.
“They tried to overdose her, her pulse is there but it’s weak, we have to get her out of here,” the man with red hair and blue eyes says. He had an accent similar to Harry’s, only his voice was slightly more high pitched. No one seemed to have a voice as raspy and deep as Harry’s, though. The man looks down at his watch swiftly before flicking his eyes up towards Harry, who was undoing the belt around my torso that held me down. “We’ve got five minutes mate, we gotta go, now,” he said urgently. Harry only nods quickly in response, before sliding his arm under my knees and the other behind my back, lifting me with ease. As gravity pulled my body down, and he pulled me up, I winced, feeling the pain in my neck. I’m complete frail and limp in his arms.
“Stop!” the man helping him yells, “she’s still attached…” he mumbles “Fuck!” he shouts angrily.
“What? What does that mean?” Harry asks, tearfully. I had only now noticed he was crying. I wasn’t sure if it was out of relief, or something else was toying with his emotions.
“Hold her still,” he replies grimly, walking behind my head. I feel anxiety deep in my chest as my heart starts to beat faster, not knowing what he’s about to do, or how bad it’s going to hurt. I feel two cold fingertips press into the tender aching skin on my neck making me wince before they begin to pull back. I feel a cold metal rod being retracted from within my head, as the man's strong hand hold my head tightly in place. I whimpered and groaned as he pulled further and further.
“You’re hurting her!” Harry’s voice boomed throughout the small room.
“If I don’t get this out, she’ll be in a lot more pain, trust me!” the man snaps. I feel the piece slip out of my skin, and gasp in relief as it’s gone, turning and leaning my head against Harry’s chest. I feel him place a cold hand against the wound it’s left behind, and apply pressure surely because I was bleeding.
“She’s bleeding, why is she bleeding so much?” I could only hear the worry in Harry’s shaky voice.
“We gotta move, Harry!” He yells, ushering us all towards the doorway, and down the corridor and maneuvering through the maze of halls. As we continue to navigate through the various twists and turns I feel dizzy, and the drugs aren’t helping. I feel like any moment I could wake up from another round of digging and Harry won’t be here, nor his accomplice.
“Harry..” I say, sounding so fragile that one wrong move could break me. It probably could.
“Shh, love, don’t try and talk right now,” Harry looks down to me shaking his head as we continue to walk. I ignore his order and continue to ask my question.
“Harry, what are you doing here?” I ask coughing violently in his arms, as he tries to steady me. He looks utterly terrified, he doesn’t know what to do, he’s completely beside himself.
“Harry, keep moving we got to get her out of here we only have one minute!” The redhead yells from behind me.
“Harry,” I muttered weakly, closing my eyes. I swallow thickly, trying to stop the burning sensation in my throat that’s been brought on by both the feeling of wanting to cry and the fact that I feel like I can hardly breathe. “Harry, you shouldn’t be here,” I shake my head sadly, “this isn’t real,” I sob, starting to cry once more. I’m so sick and tired of crying. “just leave me here, I don’t deserve to leave. You hate me, you’re not really here. They’re still playing tricks on me. You're not here,” I continue to chant.
“Hey! he cuts me off and I open my eyes, looking up at him sadly, ” You think I could ever just let you go?...Never,” He says, shaking me once in his arms to snap me out of it. There’s not a single trace of apprehension in his tone, nor does he hesitate to tell me he’s not giving up on me. He has complete jurisdiction over his words, and they come from his heart.
“Harry, she’s losing too much blood, get a move on!” the voice belonging to the hand on the back of my neck screams. The loud bang of gunshots goes off and a bullet flies to the wall behind us.
“Shit,” Harry murmurs before they both start taking off towards the door. Once through its frame, they slam it shut and make a run into the dark. I try my best to keep my eyes open and fight the desperate need to close them. I’m fading quickly, when Harry slides into some sort of car, with me in his lap. The car speeds off as bullets pelt the concrete around us, sending another wave of fear through me.
“Shit! Flip her over, Ed, we got to do this now!” A female voice hollers from the front of the vehicle.
“Margot, we don’t have what we need here!” The redhead – Ed I’m guessing – responds.
“Do what? What’s going on?!” that deep voice with the British accent rings through the car, and I feel the vibration of his voice rumbling from his against my body. My vision is blurry, but I can make out a hand reaching for something in front of me, before I am placed in the isle of the two back seats so that I’m lying on my stomach, torn gently from Harry’s grasp. “can someone tell me what the bloody hell is going on?!” my boyfriend cries out.
“She’s losing a lot of blood, from where Ed pulled out the device they used to steal her memories.” Harry gulps at her words, looking down to me.
“Wh-what can I do? Just tell me what I can do, I’ll bloody do it,” he throws his hands up, and I watch them shake, as he is stricken with sheer panic. I feel a firm hand press some form of cloth to the back of my head tightly, and yelp at the contact.
“There’s nothing we can do right now Harry,” the female voice almost wavers, “all we can do is hope that we get her back in time,” her voice grows monotone as she pulls it together. Harry shakes his head as he's faced with more tears. Just as I did before, I gather up all the strength I could, and reached up a palm from off the floor of the car, reaching it up, to grasp his hand. I gave it a reassuring squeeze and watched as he clenched his eyes shut tightly. The way his bottom lip trembled so visibly, I knew he was trying with everything he had to strong, as I did the same for him.
Harry’s POV – A/N this part is inspired by the song Hold On by Chord Overstreet so, check that ish out. It’s a beautiful song.
I clutched onto her hand tightly, with everything I had. I wanted her to know I wasn’t letting go. That I would never let her go. She didn’t believe I could still care for her after what had happened. She couldn’t have been more wrong. I knew she was doing her best, but what I needed more than anything was for her to beat this. I needed her to make it, and I needed her to hold on. Another wave of panic shot through me when I felt her hand go slack inside of mine. My head whipped around to look at Ed who leaned forward and pressed two fingers to the side of her neck.
“She’s fine, she’s just passed out,” he says, reassuringly. My head smacked against the headrest of my seat in relief as I let out a breath I didn’t notice I had been holding. It feels like hours pass even though they’re only minutes, as the car finally pulls to a gate. Margot sticks her head out the window and yells something I can’t quite make out before the gate opens, and the car drives into a tunnel…underground. The small black SUV pulls to stop in a large open space like a road. Huge overhead fluorescent lights reveal what hides in the dark of knight within the underground space. It’s a large road, surrounded by houses – like some sort of underground city.
“Get her to Martin, stat,” Margot orders Ed before all of the car doors swing open. Much to my dismay, Ed insists that he carry her where she needs to go. We walk straight to the building the car has parked outside of, and I open the door for Ed as he rushes Maddie inside.
“We’ve got a case of OD and BL from the Dalton facility, which room?” Ed asks the woman behind the desk assertively. She points to the right, and Ed nods seeming to understand exactly where the destination is.
“Where are we taking her?” I ask, pulling my jeans up to keep my hands from pulling on my hair, wiping my sweaty palms against the tight denim.
“She has to go to the OR,” he says flatly. Just then, Margot rushes up next to us and is walking at my other side.
Maddie’s brought into a small room and placed on the metal table the stands in the middle of the small room. They roll her over quickly so she’s lying with her face down, and they slide a pillow under her head so she’s not uncomfortable. It’s only now that I notice the large hole that resembles a bullet wound directly in the middle of the back of her neck. A man with gray hair rushes in, snapping on a pair of latex gloves, and walks up to where she’s lying, before talking to Margot and Ed – no one’s bothered by the fact I am witnessing the girl that I love potentially about to lose her battle with death – no one apart from me, of course.
‘What are we looking at here?” he asks, as he tilts her head to view her next more clearly, flicking the overhead light on, and pulling it down to inspect the wound.
“OD, and major BL,” Margot, says, snapping on a pair of gloves herself.
“Not just that, apparently,” he points out to her, running his finger over a small bump just bellow her hair.
“A trackers,” Margot nods with a defeated groan, kicking the nearest wall.
“What? Can’t you get it out?” I ask. The doctors look at me sympathetically as I run my hands through my hair tucking them behind my head staring forward at him. He goes to speak, but Margot interrupts him.
“She’s already lost so much blood-“
“She and I are the same type,” she nods yanking her long black T-shirt sleeve up.
“How do you even know that?” The doctor looks at her bewildered.
“I just do, okay?! Now do whatever you have to do, and work your magic. Save her Martin…please.” She begs. It’s the first I’ve seen any kind of emotion escape from Margot’s face since we met all but hours ago. The doctor nods and ejects blood from her veins as quickly as he can while Ed hooks up the IV for Maddie.
“Listen, mate, you’re not gonna want to be here,” Ed starts to speak but I shake my head, cutting him off.
“Don’t even bloody try it, ‘mate’,” I spit in anger, “ ‘m not going anywhere,” I kneel down, and grab Maddie’s small, cold, now fragile hand, and press a kiss to her knuckles, rubbing over them with my thumb. I hear skidding, and turn to see Margot has kicked a stool in my direction. I mouth a quick thank you and nod to her, earning an understanding nod in response. I turn back to where she’s resting against the cold metal table, looking up with tears in my eyes. If she didn’t make it out of this alive – if she couldn’t hold on, how was I supposed to?
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Margot appears lightheaded, but nevertheless, rises to her feet, and walks over to where the doctor has handed Ed the blood and left him responsible for that, as he grabs what he needs to stitch the gaping hole shut. His gentle, but graceful hands suture the torn flesh perfectly. Once that’s done, his stare turns to me.
“I’m gonna need you to hold her down, tightly. She’s unconscious but this sure as hell won’t allow her to stay that way.” He says warily reaching to the tray behind him to grab a scalpel. My heart falls to my stomach as I know he’s about to cut into her. He’s about to cause her pain. “Edward, is it ready? We don’t have time to numb her,”  his thick, gravely southern voice calls across the table to Ed, who nods tilting the plastic back of blood upside down, holding it up in the air with his arm. I watch as it slides through the clear rubber tube all the way down to where the need has been carefully slid into her vein.
“Okay, opening now,” the doctor murmurs. I stand, and push down on her shoulders, holding her to the table tightly. I’m trying to desperately not to cause her more pain right now, but I know there’s no way around it.
The second the doctor glides the blade horizontally across the bump on her neck, an ear piercing scream escapes from her, sending an ache to my heart. She tries to thrash underneath my hands, but she’s too weak to even move much right now. I want to tell her to calm down. I want to tell her that it’s going to be okay, but I can’t because I don’t know if it will be. I can’t ever lie to her again.
Her screams grow quieter once the blade stops moving, only the return when the doctor shoves the wound open with a small metal separating device. She sobs loudly as he sticks a small metal pair of tongs down into her blood covered flesh, clamping onto something and pulling his hand back up to reveal a small bullet-like piece of plastic with a blinking light. He places it into a metal bowl of what looks like water, before cleaning up her neck.
“How’s her pulse looking, Ed?” He asks, grabbing his sutures again. He nods at me as if to tell me to keep holding her in place. She whimpers quietly now, her body shaking every now and then as she lets out a cry.
“She’s doing alright, Doc,” Ed nods, upon inspecting her neck with his two fingers again, “it’s getting slower, though, you need to close.” He adds.
The doctor nods, “Already on it, Margot, how are you feeling?” he asks as he begins to stitch the cut on her neck.
“I’m fine, Martin,” Margot pants from where she’s holding Maddie’s head in place.
“Alright, it’s done,” the Doctor nods at his work, placing his tools back on the tray. “Keep her here for the next hour or so, then bring her to recovery. I want every drop of that blood in her system before I see her next. She needs all the clean blood she can get,” he sighs, pulling his gloves off his hands and disposing of them.
“What do you mean clean blood?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I return to my stool, and repeat my actions, taking Maddie’s right hand in both of mine, clasping onto it like it’s the last time I’ll ever get to hold her hand.
“When she was in the Dalton base, they drugged her really heavily. Her body made it through the surgery, but there’s still a chance that the overdose can kill her,” Ed murmur sympathetically. I only nod understandingly, as I watch her puffs of air brush hair off of her pale, sweaty face over and over in her unconscious state. Fresh tear stains cover her cheek, leaving a trail behind. Please, just hold on, I silently pleaded, I still want you, no I still need you. I promise.  
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