#idk how much urethral counts but
fudokaze · 1 year
swifties accidentally typing genitalia-related stuff is my favorite genre of tweets
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princesiddie · 5 years
ill make a different post since that first ones getting pretty long
the clitoris is immediately above the urethral opening, which is immediately above the vaginal opening, which is immediately above a small stretch of skin that is immediately above the anus. its really not that hard to find! it can be somewhat hidden in individuals with more body fat because of the way fat will accumulate around the outer lips and pubic mound but literally if you can find the vagina count two body parts up and you can find the clit. its got a little hood usually because anatomically its pretty much a small penis that lacks an enclosed urethra.
it can really be any size. theres not much that can go wrong with a clit so whatever size you have is fine unless ig it gets bigger w/o any kind of deliberate hormonal changes to the body ig that could be something but really its just erectile tissue and nerves so its pretty goddamn hardy. the part you see is technically the “external clit” theres an internal section that extends down and sorta flanks either side of the vagina but with all the talk from cis women about its importance ive seen very little talk about how to stimulate it so in my mind it doesnt matter
the reason the clit is so sensitive and so integratal in pleasure is because it has like 8000+ goddamn nerves put into a piece of tissue thats at most three inches long. its very very very nerve dense probably moreso than any of the rest of the body. thats why so much pleasure-seeking for those w vaginas involves the clit not the actual vagina. the vaginal canal itself has a good number of nerves idk off the top of my head but its much much much fewer than the clit (bc the clit was made solely for pleasure) which is why for 60%ish of people penetration by itself just doesnt feel that goddamn good because theres not much being stimulated anyways. you can definitely learn to enjoy penetration more but its pretty goddamn rare to be able to orgasm from penetration alone whether youve learned to like it or not. if youre having sex with anyone who 1) insists you can cum from penetration if you havent before/dont like it now or 2) dont try to engage or involve clit stimulation along with penetration or 3) just doesnt try to consider your pleasure at all, its not your fault if you dont like the sex; youre just having bad sex
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