#idk I don't want to tag everyone else slkdjflsdkj
Because the glossary in the back of the books doesn't always include every ghost (usually just the ones in the book) I made an alphabetical list of every ghost sub-type, it's name, type, glossary description, and any of its major appearances in the series.
ANYWAY, I just found it again, and I thought I'd post it for anyone who needed it (I also haven't read the books in a while, so I can't fact-check it now so we'll just have to trust 2020 me)!
GHOST NAME: Bone Man TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: Name given to a particular variety of ghosts probably a sub-type of Shade. Bone Men are hairless, emaciated forms, with skin clinging to their skulls and rib cages. They glow with a bright, pale other-light. Though superficially similar to some Wraiths, they are always passive and somewhat dismal. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Changer TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A rare and dangerous ghost, powerful enough to alter its appearance during a manifestation.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: As the monks of the Red Room and the Screaming Staircase in the Screaming Staircase, as the rat-ghost of Simon Wilberforce in the Whispering Skull, and as the Changer in the attic of Lavender Lodge in the Hollow Boy.
GHOST NAME: Cold Maiden TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A gray, misty female form often wearing old-fashioned dress, seen indistinctly at a distance. Cold Maidens radiate powerful feelings of malaise. As a rule, they are rarely draw close to the living, but exceptions have been known. MAJOR APPEARANCE: A ghost that Lockwood and Lucy have to fend off one for a favor to Flo Bones during the Whispering Skull.
GHOST NAME: Dark Specter TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A frightening variety of ghost that manifests as a moving patch of darkness. Sometimes the apparition at the center of the darkness is dimly visible; at other times the black cloud is fluid and formless, perhaps shrinking to the size of a pulsing heart, or expanding at speed to engulf a room. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Fetch TYPE: Type Two  GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A rare and unnerving class of ghost act appears in the shape of a living person, usually someone known to the onlooker. Fetches are seldom aggressive, but the fear and disorientation they evoke is so strong that most experts classify them as Type Two spirits, to be treated with extreme caution. MAJOR APPEARANCE: A ghost beneath Aickmere Brothers' department store that poses as Lockwood during the Hollow Boy.
GHOST NAME: Floating Bride TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A female ghost, a variety of Cold Maiden. Floating Brides are generally headless, or missing another part of their anatomy. Some search for their missing extremity; others cradle it or hold it mournfully aloft. Named after the ghost of two royal brides, beheaded at Hampton Court Palace. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Gallows Wraith TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A malignant subtype of Wraith, found at former places of execution. "Old Crackneck," which killed three agents in Tybern Fields, is the most famous gallows Wraith of all. MAJOR APPEARANCE: Several pursue Lockwood, Lucy and George through Wimbledon Commons in the Whispering Skull.
GHOST NAME: Gibbering Mist TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A weak insubstantial ghost, notable for its deranged and repetitive chuckling, which always sounds as if it's coming from behind you. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None. I think they were mentioned during the Chelsea outbreak during the Hollow Boy. 
GHOST NAME: Glimmer TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: The faintest perceptible ghosts with an apparition. Glimmers manifest only as flecks of other-light flitting through the air. They can be touched or walked through without harm. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Gray Haze TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: An ineffectual, rather tedious ghost, a common Type One variety. Gray Hazes seem to lack the power to form coherent apparitions and manifest as shapeless patches of finality glinting mist. Probably because their ectoplasm is so diffuse, Gray Hazes do not cause ghost-touch, even if a person walks right through them. Their main effects are to spread chill, miasma, and unease. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None. Mentioned during the Chelsea outbreak during the Hollow Boy.
GHOST NAME: Limbless TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A swollen, misshapen variety of ghost, with a generally human head and torso, but lacking recognizable arms and legs. With Wriaths and Raw-Bones, one of the least pleasing apparitions. Often accompanied by strong sensations of miasma and creeping fear. MAJOR APPEARANCE: Julius Winkman uses the Source of a Limbless in a ghost-bomb then tosses it into 35 Portland Row during the raid in the Empty Grave. Lockwood also tells Lucy that Flo Bone's old associates, Sinclare and Soanes were killed by two Limbless on the Other Side during the events of the Empty Grave.
GHOST NAME: Lurker TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A variety of ghost that hangs back in the shadows, rarely moving, never approaching the living, but spreading strong feelings of anxiety and creeping fear.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Pale Stench TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A ghost that spreads a dreadful miasma, a smell of noxious deca. Best confronted by during sticks of lavender.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: There aren't really, unless you count Ezekiel calling the Skull one in the Empty Grave. 
GHOST NAME: Phantasm TYPE: Type Two  GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: Any ghost that maintains an airy, delicate, and see-through form. A Phantasm may be almost invisible, aside form its faith outline and a few whips details of face and features. Despite its insubstantial appearance, it is no less aggressive than the more solid-seeming Specter, and all he more dangerous for being harder to see.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: Mainly used in the ghost-bombs during the attack on the Rotwell parade during the Hollow Boy. Can be used to describe many other ghosts.
GHOST NAME: Poltergeist  TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A powerful and destructive class of ghost. Poltergeists release strong bursts of supernatural energy that can lift even heavy objects into the air. They do not form apparitions.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: There was one stirred up by Lucy and Holly during the Aickmere Brothers' case in the Hollow Boy.
GHOST NAME: Raw-Bones TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A rare and unpleasant type of ghost, which manifesto as a bloody, skinless corps with goggling eyes and grinning teeth. Not popular with agents. Many authorities regard it as a variety of Wraith. MAJOR APPEARANCE: Gorge said one killed Lockwood and George's old associate, Robin, by scaring him and making him fall off a roof during the Screaming Staircase. 
GHOST NAME: Revenant  TYPE: Type Two  GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A fortunately rare variety of ghost in which the apparition can temporarily animate its own corpse and cause it to break free of its grave. Though Revenant generate a powerful ghost-lock and strong waves of creeping fear, they are easy to deal with because their body is their Source, thus giving an agent plenty of opportunity to encase them in silver. Also, if the corpse is old, it usually falls to pieces before doing too much damage.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: The Revenant of Neil Clarke --Marissa Fitttes' old physician-- chases Lockwood and Co. up the stairs of her crypt during the Empty Grave.
GHOST NAME: Screaming Spirit TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A feared ghost which may or may not display any kind of visual apparition. Screaming Spirits emit terrifying psychic shrieks, the sound of which is sometimes enough to paralyze the listener with fright, and so bring on ghost-lock. MAJOR APPEARANCE: I don't know if the screaming ghosts on the Screaming Staircase was a Screaming Spirit or if it was the Changer of the bloody monks of the Red Room. 
GHOST NAME: Shade TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: The standard Type One ghost, an possibly the most common type of Visitor. Shades may appear quite solid, in the manner of Specters, or be insubstantial and whips, like Phantasms; however, they entirely lack the dangerous intelligence of either Shades seem unaware of the presence of the living, and are usually bound into a fixed pattern of behavior. They project feelings of grief and loss, but seldom display anger of any stronger emotion. They almost always appear in human form.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: Shades are so common that I'm sure there are several, the only notable ones I can think of right now are featured in the Screaming Staircase. 
GHOST NAME: Shining Boy TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A deceptively beautiful variety of ghost that manifests as a young boy (or, more rarely, girl) walking in the center of a cold, blazing other-light. MAJOR APPEARANCE: There was one haunting the Old Sun Inn in Albury Castle that Lockwood and Co., with the help of Quill Kipps, get rid of in the Creeping Shadow.
GHOST NAME: Solitary TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: An unusual ghost, often encountered in remote and perilous places, generally outdoors. Visually it often wears the guise of a slender child, seen at a distance across a ravine or lake. It never draws close to the living, but rather radiates an extreme form of ghost-lock that may overwhelm anyone nearby. Victims of Solitaries often hurl themselves over cliffs or into deep water in an effort to end it all. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Specter TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: The most commonly encountered Type Two ghost. A Specter always forms a clear, detailed apparition, which may in some cases seem almost solid. It is usually an accurate visual echo of the deceased as they were when alive or newly dead. Specters are less nebulous than Phantasms and less hideous than Wraiths, but equally varied in behavior. Many are neutral or benign in their dealings with the living--perhaps returning to reveal a secret, or make right an ancient wrong. Some, however, are actively hostile, and hungry for human contact. These ghosts should be avoided at all costs.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: Well, are you ready for this? The famous Annabel Elizabeth Ward of the Screaming Staircase was a Specter, along with Edmund Bickerstaff of the Whispering Skull, Arabella Crowley (A more detailed less important case that Lockwood and Lucy go on) in the Hollow Boy, Emma Marchment a ghost that Lucy and her Rotwell team fight during the Creeping Shadow, also the main variety of ghost on the subway at the auction where Lucy and Lockwood attempt to steal the Skull back during the Creeping Shadow, and La Belle Dame of Tufnell's Traveling Fairground was a Specter, too, in the Empty Grave.
GHOST NAME: Stalker TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A ghost hat seems draw to living people, following them at a distance, but never venturing close. Agents whoa re skilled at Listening often detect the slow suffering of its bony feet, and the desolate sighs and groans. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Stone Knocker TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A desperately uninteresting ghost, which does precious little aside from tap. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Tom o' Shadows TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A London term for a Luker or a Shade that lingers in doorways, arches, or alleyways. An everyday urban ghost. MAJOR APPEARANCE: None
GHOST NAME: Wisp TYPE: Type One GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: Weak and generally uninteresting, a Wisp is a ghost that manifests as a pale flickering flame. Some scholars believe that all ghosts, given time, degenerate into Wisps, then Glimmers, before vanishing altogether.  MAJOR APPEARANCE: None.
GHOST NAME: Wraith TYPE: Type Two GLOSSARY DESCRIPTION: A dangerous ghost. Wraiths are similar to Specters in strength and patterns of behavior, but are far more horrible to look at. Their apparitions show the deceased in his or her dead state: gaunt and shrunk, horribly thin, sometimes rotten and wormy. Wraiths often appear as skeletons. They radiate powerful ghost-lock. MAJOR APPEARANCE: Several pursue Lockwood, Lucy and George across Wimbledon Common in the Whispering Skull. They are mentioned many times, but other than the Wimbledon Wraiths, there are no notable appearances. 
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