romiarendelle · 5 years
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#royalwedding, always love finding an excuse to dress up. 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
“Before anyone asks, no, my mom is not responsible this time. Though, I gotta say, I’m a little bummed that I can’t go play in this. I have such a high tolerance for cold, I wouldn’t even need a coat.” 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
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romi arendelle valentine’s ball look 2k19
↳ listening to: the promise -- superfruit 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
There aren’t that many real adults here to choose from, we live in a bubble. Do you want me to adopt my science teacher or something? Booooooring. FINE THEN I TAKE IT BACK, YOU SHOULD HAVE ROMI AND JULIET TURN INTO BADASS ASSASSINS WHO KILL OFF THE WHOLE REST OF THEIR FAMILIES AND KEEP LIKE ONE MAN WHOSE SPERM THEY CAN USE TO REPOPULATE THE EARTH TOGETHER.
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Taking a teacher in as a mentor and role model would be....normal, yes. I MEAN....THAT’S FUN but I like my ending better! You should write stuff, though, you’ve got a really powerful imagination! 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Something like that! And every year he’s King of the Mardi Gras Parade. Which he’s definitely starting to get too old for so he should probably stop, but he loves the attention so. Yeah! He’s pretty much the only other sibling I really talk to? So it made sense. Good thing I don’t have powers, otherwise I’d probably do the same thing. So, I should basically just be like… chill about it? And it’s not like I’m gonna be queen any time soon, so I’ll have plenty of time to learn. Wes and I said something about getting married sooner and it was posted to his instagram. And like, we can’t say that we were drunk because, y’know, underaged. So I think we’re just gonna – go with it?? 
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Cuuuute that you guys are looking out for him. My grandparents died before I was born, obvi, so it must be nice to have a cute lil old person to look out for. Also that’s nuts that you have so many siblings out here but only a few of you are really....siblings, ya feel? Exactly! Your future in-laws are super young still, they’ve got decades before they turn the crown over to Wes...Hopefully. Cause if Wes becomes a ruler before me I might have to assassinate him. But anyway, AHHHHHH well looks like we’ve got a wedding on our hands!!! How exciting! When is it? Where is it? On a scale from swan gown to meat dress, what’s the dress code? 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Huh, you know, I guess a sibling could have helped! I was more thinking along the lines of a cooler dad but your theory’s fun, too. LET ROMI AND JULIET KILL THEIR FAMILIES AND RIDE OFF INTO THE SUNSET INSTEAD! That would be AWESOME. 
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I feel like if this was really daddy issues, you’d be adopting actual adults, not fake adults that are only like two years or less older than you. MAYHAPS I WILL DO THAT BUT IT’S LESS LIKELY NOW THAT YOU’VE TRIED TO TELL ME HOW TO ART.
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romiarendelle · 5 years
He’s a sugar baron. It’s pretty cool, but I doubt that Tia’s really gonna wanna work with me, because she’s mad at me and I’ve been cancelled for god knows how long. There is and I’m sure it’s gonna be super extra, where as mine’s probably just gonna be me and my party chilling. Hopefully nothing too crazy’s gonna happen, since my little brother’s gonna be part of the party so I’m trying to keep it as chill as possible. Nah, you’re totally gonna do an amazing job. You’ve had so much time to prepare, and you’ve got it in the bag. You’re gonna be an awesome queen, I can feel it. I mean, maybe! Some people might like the attention, but don’t really think anyone would purposefully do it. Man, watching my mouth probably might be the hardest thing to do. Also, we might have to plan around a wedding. We were stupid on NYE.
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He like...harvests sugar? Don’t you guys cancel each other like once a month? It always ends semi-positively...right? Oh yeah it’s weird to remember you have a little brother. We love some weird Walt inbreeding. Cute of you to make him part of your wedding party, though. So did my mom and she anxiety-froze an entire kingdom minutes after being crowned so like....Preparation isn’t always key! Watching my mouth is definitely hard for me, too, but trust me. You get used to it. And even if you don’t, well, you’ll be trying your best. WHAT. WHAT HAPPENED. 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
HYE had sex in public?
Nope! I am not opposed, though. One of those “handies under the table at the restaurant” situation is like, a fantasy. TMI? 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Everything just kinda combines into one when you leave for a bit, so  we’d definitely win that. We killed it. I might also be helping Granddaddy after I graduate and might be taking over his business with Tia, but I don’t know if we’ll have time. I mean, Auntie Tia had plenty of time to open her restaurants and be there for them, so I don’t see why I wouldn’t be able to do both. Apparently Tia’s his woman of honor, so there’s gonna be lots of decisions to be made about his tux. He’s probably gonna be more of a bridezilla than me. A groomzilla. Oh geez, that’s terrifying. But I’m sure you’ll find someone. You’re honestly too amazing and too hot to not find someone. Doing that stuff alone is probably scary. Maybe not for you, because you’re like awesome and could totally handle it on your own.  But I’m sure no matter what that you’re gonna end up being just fine. I mean, the only princess that I know of that’s had a nude scandal is now getting married to a prince. So a nudes scandal can’t be that bad, right? Not that I ever plan on having a nudes scandal. I curse like a sailor and have no problem speaking my mind… well, most of the time. I just have to look like … perfect in the public eye, and I’m totally not. 
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Whoa, really? No way, that’s so cool! What does your grandfather do? Tia La Bouff running a business is um....a laugh and a half, so I’m mad curious. God, there’s a grooms’ party for the books. How did that end up happening? The two of them together making decisions sounds like a nightmare. I say this as someone who has had to direct them opposite each other in a show. Thanks, I know! It’s just nerve-wracking, but I had and still have plenty of time to think and plan and mentally prepare. Though my mom says you’ll never truly be ‘ready’. And she did do it alone. Does anyone ever plan a nudes scandal? Well, nowadays the world loves a woman who speaks her mind. The sailor’s mouth, though...it’s easier to be conscious of that kind of thing when there’s a microphone in your face, I think. And anyone who expects someone to be perfect just because they’re royal isn’t living in 2019. 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Uh… people like it? It’s fun to look at? Splatter painting is fun? Ooooh, so are you saying you want to go drinking with me while you interview me to see if I belong in your family? Spoiler alert, everyone should want me in my family, I’m super fun. But isn’t it bad if gay people die in your play? Are they going to stay alive instead?
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You keep adopting older townspeople. Is this your way of letting everyone know you wish you hadn’t been an only child? I’M RECLAIMING KILLING GAYS IF IT IS FOR MY OWN ARTISTIC PURPOSES. THERE. Though there might be some alternate endings that I haven’t finalized yet. 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
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romi arendelle new year’s look 2k19
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romiarendelle · 5 years
You may be the ice princess but you're actually hot as hell. Partially because of your aesthetic but mostly because of your talent.
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Send me confessions before the new year.
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Uh, it’d go up against like Shrek and Wicked and Wizard of Oz too, right? Or am I thinking too far ahead? After Shrek everything was kinda a blur since I left, and I kinda like to forget that Wicked ever happened. We’d totally kick all those other shows asses because we were awesome.  Thank you! Some people think it’s dumb that we’re waiting so long, but having an education is important! But at least its in your blood and you’ve been like – I dunno! In training since you were born.You’ve got a slight advantage. #Princess bootcamp would be first, right? Unless something were to tragically happen to his parents, then that would need some queening boot camp. But small steps. I’ll totally take you up on that offer. 
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Not that we measure in seasons, but I think one season would be like...Into the Woods, Grease, Midsummer, and Heathers. And then WoZ, Wicked, and Shrek all from this year. Yeah, and having an education is especially important when you’re gonna be ruling a kingdom. Wes could so benefit from some of that undivided attention in his classes instead of worrying about what style of tux he’s going to wear. Because we all know he would. Well, yeah, but I’m also not expected to marry or anything beforehand so guess who’d have to go at it alone if I don’t! This girl. You’ve at least got a partner in crime who you’d to do it with. Princessing bootcamp is more or less just ‘always be kind unless you’re in Walt where no one will know if you’re a bitch or not’ and also ‘don’t have a nudes scandal’.
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Of course! I’ve kind of got this thing where I’m a big fan of talented, creative people, and you definitely fit the bill better than basically anyone else in Walt. And yeah, of course I’m down to meet. With you and the costume designers, or, you know, with just you. 
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S t o p. You flatter me! I totally have that same thing, though, which is why I’m elated to have you on my team for this show. Yeah? Maybe I should have individual meetings with all the designers first, you might be right. Might make things flow better that way. 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
I’m not trying to ruin your art, I’m trying to separate it from your love life. Young lady? Charlie’s my mom, are you my aunt now? I love being adopted by cool people. Maybe the old world! These days, ain’t no man worth dying for! 
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And what do you know about art, hm? Little miss sports and activities. The best art comes from personal experiences! I mean, I might as well be your aunt. Every time I take one of those Buzzfeed quizzes, I always get ‘vodka aunt’ over ‘wine mom’ or ‘beer dad’ or whatever else. He dies too! Also my play is gay!!! It erases that whole element.
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romiarendelle · 5 years
I mean, I may sound a little biased, but if there were an award show, I’m sure Heathers would’ve brought home Best Show for sure!  Oh god, no. Wes and I aren’t planning on getting married for a while. At least not until he graduates.  It’s gonna be a long engagement and I’m totally okay with that. Not to mention, I don’t know a single thing about running a kingdom. Or helping run a kingdom.
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What was it even up against that year? Grease and Midsummer? Best show by far. Oh, well that’s great! We love getting an education! Besides, you guys went like sixteen years being just pals. You can wait three to tie the knot for sure. Bitch me too, the fuck? All joking aside, none of us know, and that’s alright! We won’t have to do it til our parents retire anyway. But if you want some #Queening bootcamp lessons, I’m more than happy to give them. 
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romiarendelle · 5 years
Aw, well, thanks for that, but I’m sure part of it had to do with the awesome director. But I’ll let everyone else do the acting for this one. ‘ve got a lot on my plate anyway. 
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Yeah, it probably did, but you know! Directors need something to work with, and all of my actors brought it. You do have a lot going on! Should we be planning opening night around a wedding? 
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