#idf is the haganah irgun and lehi
news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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homonationalist · 5 months
The ideologies of Ashkenazi Jewish supremacy and Jewish fundamentalism were central to the formations of radical terror groups split from the Haganah such as Irgun and its very own off-shoot Lehi, in which their terrorist campaigns against Palestinian Arab civilians led to a number of atrocities between the years 1931-1949 and 1940-1948 respectively. Central to the ideology of these Zionist para-military organizations, was the idea that terroristic violence was wholly justified in the pursuit of a Jewish state. The Irgun would go on to dedicate themselves to the same kind of bombing attacks and violent raids targeting civilians that Israel accuses the Islamic Resistance Movement of today. The 1946 King David Hotel bombing killed nearly 100 people including Palestinian Arabs and even a number of Jews. These atrocities ultimately culminated in the mass displacement and massacre of Arabs during the Nakba, in which the Irgun and Lehi massacred over 100 Palestinian Arabs in the Deir Yassin village and the forces of Haganah massacred over 200 Palestinian Arabs in the Tantura village, including women and children, in just a single day. Note that throughout World War II, Irgun and Lehi had also fought against British Forces in Mandatory Palestine, seeking to align with Nazi Germany, believing that the proposed Jewish state shared more in principle with the ideology of Hitler than it did with Britain, bringing into question and challenging the narrative of Israel’s creation as restorative justice for European Jews. With the official establishment of Israel as a state in 1948, the core forces of Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi were integrated into the newly formed Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), giving rise to and legitimizing Israel’s ongoing regime of terror.
Mu from “Understanding Hamas: Navigating the Islamic Resistance Movement” (2023)
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zatdummesmadchen · 2 months
As you have requested on the button, I will certainly go crazy.
Here goes : Hamas is the good guys and 99% of the bad things you hear about them are israeli occupation propaganda. If not 100%.
Kay let me explain.
Just... How many crimes did the IDF (and the israeli occupation in general) told us Hamas committed that later turns out they committed themselves? It's to the point that *THERE IS A LIST*.
They said Hamas oppresses the people of Gaza, actually they do, they said Hamas killed babies, actually they do, they said Hamas did the massacre on Oct 7, actually they do (seeing from the later interviews with IDF and using basic common sense and knowing the existence of the Hannibal Directive), they said Hamas kills the israeli hostages, actually they do (mass-bombing Gaza), they said Hamas uses human shields, actually they do (there are reports both old and new), they said Hamas bombed that first hospital, actually they did and are bombing more, they said Hamas r*pes people, actually they do, they said Hamas controls the news coming out of Gaza, actually they do, they said Hamas hides weapons and headquarters under schools and hospitals, actually they do, and...they said Hamas is a terrorist organization, actually the IDF itself came from the terrorist organizations that were responsible for the 1948 Nakba that in turn was what created the state of Israel.
This probably ain't even all.
The last two points are pretty crazy, yes, so here's my link to the source :
It's a reel from Middle East Eye, dubbed a 'Hamas source' by zionists. My personal experience with 'Hamas sources' is that they are reliable and trustworthy, especially when compared to CNN and co. that didn't fact-check the 40 beh*aded babies and the calendar before airing. You're welcome to decide yourself whether the reel is trustworthy or not.
So, why am I doing this? Am I a 'terrorist supporter' as zionists would call me?
...It's simple, really; if I had found Hamas to be a legitimate dangerous organization as reported by trustworthy sources, I would believe it, because I stand with truth. However, by the time October ended I was already distrusting of the west narration of Hamas and by December I was already entirely sure they are innocent. I.e., they are slandered. I.e., they are also Palestinian men, the men who showed us the best of humanity under the worst of tragedies. The fact that it is the ISRAEL occupation that begs the world to believe Hamas is the criminal should tell you all you need to know. Especially with the little apparently-well-known-among-some-if-not-all-palestinians trivia that the IDF themselves came from Haganah, Irgun and Lehi, terrorist groups that are recognized by the US and the UN.
From what I heard, the Israeli Occupation basically repeated 'Blame Hamas' throughout the hearing - it's like their entire moral existence (and existence in general) as a state is hanging on the belief that Hamas is a criminal, and maybe it's true. I want to take away their power on the narrative, for the sake of truth and justice, for the sake of a free Palestine with no more daily death tolls, for the sake of a world free from israeli occupation lies.
I know this ask is basically one big pro-Hamas propaganda piece - technically, ANY sort of information sharing and education can be defined as propaganda, whether it's truth or lies, you see me? - but in case you actually decide to answer : what do you think?
I am literally going insane, I don't even know anymore 🙃
What I do agree with is the fact that the Zionist entity definitely spreads a lot of lies, and I stand by that fact.
This was such a whiplash. Thank you for sending this ❤️
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flipshitz · 5 months
Do you support the state of Israel? Do you believe Israel has a right to defend itself? Do you condemn Hamas? Do you support the IDF? Do you support the Haganah, Irgun and Lehi? Do you support the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza? Do you believe people in Gaza are human animals? Do you blame the deaths of 23.000 palestinians in Gaza on Hamas? Do you blame Hamas so Israel could continue killing human shields and collateral damages? Do you want the world to condemn South Africa for daring to charge Israel with genocide? Do you want Gaza to disappear and be flattened? Do you want, above all else, to go where Hitler will go and have a talk with him, together with Israel?
can't call genocide every time u start war and lose... Palestinian population has boomed (no pun intended) by millions; From 1990 to 2022 the population of Palestine increased from 1.98 million to 5.04 million people. This is a growth of 155.0 percent in 32 years.
I don't want to hear that sad sack of shit excuse to kill jews anymore. you've been losing since you bombed that bus in 1948. Palestine was never a country it was a colony on ancient jewish land, and the Arabs shit the bed bc they're more fixated on finishing what hitler and mufti started. you want a Palestine?? guess what bud, its in Jordan.
there are only 15 mil jews in the whole world and they've not been able to recover their numbers since the holocaust.
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thearbiterthel · 5 months
So have you heard that the IDF actually came from the Haganah, Irgun and Lehi, internationally-recognized terrorists? Which means people who support the state of Israel and its military are actually terrorist supporters? I mean, it makes so much sense. No wonder they seem so dangerous and so bloodthirsty. What kind of people could bring themselves to trust them?
Modern IDF is a state run military not a terrorist group. Supporting them doesn’t make you a terrorist supporter. Supporting Hamas and Houthis does. Supporting the IDF especially in the current campaign is just a sign that you’re kinda of a shitty person.
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girlactionfigure · 5 years
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Yisrael Galili – Haganah Commander and Politician
Yisrael Galili was born in 1911 in Ukraine and immigrated to thye Land of Israel with his family at the age of three. When he was only thirteen years old he helped found Hanoar Haoved (lit. The Working Youth), the youth movement of the Workers Union in Israel. In 1927 he enlisted in the Haganah and was later appointed to the Haganah’s leadership committee, eventually put in charge of arms acquisitions. During WWII Galili was one of heads in charge of preparing a defense for the potential Nazi invasion of Israel. In 1946, Galili was appointed Chief of Staff of the Haganah, replacing Yaakov Dori, whose health was deteriorating. During his tenure, Galili help establish the air, armored, and artillery units of the future IDF. He was also in charge of the negotiations with the Irgun and the Lehi, resulting in their merging with the Haganah to form the IDF. With an exception of the second Knesset, Galili served in the first until the eighth Knesset. He was also very close with Golda Meir and was one of her most trusted advisers. Galili passed away on February 8, 1986.
My Nation Lives עמי-חי
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nebris · 7 years
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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF; Hebrew: צְבָא הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל‎ Tsva ha-Hagana le-Yisra'el, lit. "The Army of Defense for Israel"; Arabic: جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي‎‎), commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal (צה״ל‎), are the military forces of the State of Israel. They consist of the ground forces, air force, and navy. It is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and has no civilian jurisdiction within Israel. The IDF is headed by its Chief of General Staff, the Ramatkal, subordinate to the Defense Minister of Israel; Lieutenant general (Rav Aluf) Gadi Eizenkot has served as Chief of Staff since 2015.
An order from Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion on 26 May 1948 officially set up the Israel Defense Forces as a conscript army formed out of the paramilitary group Haganah, incorporating the militant groups Irgun and Lehi. The IDF served as Israel's armed forces in all the country's major military operations—including the 1948 War of Independence, 1951–1956 Retribution operations, 1956 Sinai War, 1964–1967 War over Water, 1967 Six-Day War, 1967–1970 War of Attrition, 1968 Battle of Karameh, 1973 Operation Spring of Youth, 1973 Yom Kippur War, 1976 Operation Entebbe, 1978 Operation Litani, 1982 Lebanon War, 1982–2000 South Lebanon conflict, 1987–1993 First Intifada, 2000–2005 Second Intifada, 2002 Operation Defensive Shield, 2006 Lebanon War, 2008–2009 Operation Cast Lead, 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense, and 2014 Operation Protective Edge. The number of wars and border conflicts in which the IDF has been involved in its short history makes it one of the most battle-trained armed forces in the world.[7][8] While originally the IDF operated on three fronts—against Lebanon and Syria in the north, Jordan and Iraq in the east, and Egypt in the south—after the 1979 Egyptian–Israeli Peace Treaty, it has concentrated its activities in southern Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, including the First and the Second Intifada.
The Israel Defense Forces differs from most armed forces in the world in many ways. Differences include the mandatory conscription of women and its structure, which emphasizes close relations between the army, navy, and air force. Since its founding, the IDF has been specifically designed to match Israel's unique security situation. The IDF is one of Israeli society's most prominent institutions, influencing the country's economy, culture and political scene. In 1965, the Israel Defense Forces was awarded the Israel Prize for its contribution to education.[9] The IDF uses several technologies developed in Israel, many of them made specifically to match the IDF's needs, such as the Merkava main battle tank, Achzarit armoured personnel carrier, high tech weapons systems, the Iron Dome missile defense system, Trophy active protection system for vehicles, and the Galil and Tavor assault rifles. The Uzi submachine gun was invented in Israel and used by the IDF until December 2003, ending a service that began in 1954. Since 1967, the IDF has had close military relations with the United States,[10] including development cooperation, such as on the F-15I jet, THEL laser defense system, and the Arrow missile defense system.
The Israel Defense Forces are believed to have had an operational nuclear weapons capability since 1967, possessing between 80-400 nuclear weapons,[11] with delivery systems forming a nuclear triad, of plane launched-missiles, Jericho III intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine launched cruise missiles.
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palestinemustbefree · 7 years
Juste avant la proclamation de l'existence de l'État d'Israël, il y avait 300 000 réfugiés palestiniens dans les pays arabes voisins. La notion que les Palestiniens ont fui leurs maisons pour créer une zone de tir libre pour la Jordanie, la Syrie et l'Égypte est un mensonge.
Sur le total des réfugiés, au moins 55% ont été explicitement contraints par les opérations de Haganah / IDF. Notez que c'est un total de 700 000. Si le mythe de 'Free Fire Flight' est vrai, cela signifierait que la Haganah serait à l'origine du plus grand nombre de réfugiés qui ont fui avant même que Israël ait déclaré son existence. La notion que la plupart des Palestiniens ont fui volontairement pour n’importe quelle raison est un mensonge.
L'intelligence militaire israélienne indique qu'environ 15% de l'expulsion était le résultat de groupes comme Lehi et Irgun. La notion qu'ils ont joué un petit rôle est un mensonge.
La perspective d'un «transfert de population» basé sur «l'exemple instructif» de la Turquie et de la Grèce a été ouvertement soutenue par les dirigeants sionistes dès 1937. L'idée que la Nakba a eu lieu à la suite des «exigences du moment» est un mensonge.
La différence entre Haganah et Irgun / Lehi est que là où le premier groupe de militants juifs exterminaient les populations civiles des qu'ils arrivaient,  l'autre groupe de militants juifs par contre donnait aux civils un avertissement qu'ils allaient raser leurs villages. C'est ce qu'ils ont appelé "Havlagah": Retenue.
Le plan de partition de 1947 aurait créé un Israël qui serait, au plus, 55% de population juive, englobant tous sauf peut-etre 10 000 juifs dans la région. Les dernières lignes d'armistice ont créé un pays avec près de 50% de terrain de plus que la partition avait proposée. La notion que Israël «a supplié les Palestiniens de rester et de construire un pays avec eux» est conceptuellement absurde.
En 1948, Israël a adopté la «Loi sur l'infiltration», qui qualifié d'infraction pénale le fait pour les réfugiés palestiniens d'entrer en Israël dans le but de réclamer pacifiquement leur propriété privée, au motif qu'ils sont des « étrangers infiltrés».  La notion qu'ils auraient pu revenir dans leurs maisons après la fin des hostilités est (évidemment) un mensonge.
Le fait que les Palestiniens capables de rester soient devenus des citoyens d'Israël, avec presque des droits égaux en tant que minorité de 10% dans un ethnostate explicitement juif et après quelques années de loi martiale, ne change rien à ce que je dis.
Le fait est que la Nakba était un crime, perpétré par Israël, contre les Palestiniens, afin de voler leur propriété et de les expulser de leur patrie.
Il s'agit de «rendre une zone homogène ethniquement,  en utilisant la force ou l'intimidation pour déplacer hors de la région les personnes de groupes désignés ». C'est un nettoyage ethnique. C'est la barbarie. C'est le mal. C'est le sionisme. C'est Israël.
Ceci est al-Nakba: La Catastrophe.
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