#id love to have them on call when i was ultra sick and unable to sleep this past week
narancias-headband · 1 year
Calling La Squadra at 3 a.m.
[Sequel to this post kinda]
He'll answer right away.
He's probably awake anyway.
He's agreeing to help you before you even explain what you need.
Helping you out with whatever you need really is no bother, unless he's out on a hit. In which case he'll send one of his team members to help out.
When he answers, his voice is huskier and sleepier than usual. Nearly sultry.
"Yes, [Y/N]?" Risotto, I need your help. "I'm on my way."
He's probably sleeping too hard or passed out cold and doesn't even hear his phone.
If he's up, he's more than happy to help you out.
He might be drunk, though, if he is up so late. You'll need to hedge your bets on this one.
If he ends up at your place, he's asking to sleep over. There's a high probability that he crashes on your couch regardless of your answer.
"Why are you up so late? I guess, I am too, but... What do you need, sugar?"
He's sleeping by now (most nights), but will wake up to answer your call. He's a very light sleeper.
Upset at you for ruining his beauty sleep, but will help you out if he deems it important enough.
If you need him in person, you'll see a rare form: Nighttime Prosciutto. He's dressed in silky pajamas and a fluffy robe, and his hair is in a messy bun. His face is still smeared with remnants of his skincare routine, and he likely has a pimple patch on a spot that he's very concerned could maybe, one day, eventually become a zit.
"And it has to be right now? *sigh* Well, I guess it can't be helped. I'll be there."
You are not allowed to speak of this form of Prosciutto to anyone.
It may take a couple calls to wake him and finally get an answer, but Pesci is always willing to help out.
Probably the most dependable of the team.
Would literally do anything, even if it's not important.
You can hear him shuffling to get his shoes and jacket on even before you finish explaining what you need.
"Of course I'll help you. I'm already on my way over."
Please thank him for his time and efforts. He doesn't get thank you's nearly enough.
Do not call Ghiaccio in the middle of the night unless you're on his good side or literally about to die.
Either way, he's probably still gonna chew you out.
"Why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to call me this late?" I need your help with something. "Why the hell are you even awake right now?!"
He's not actually entirely opposed to helping you out and probably will anyway.
All the while yelling at you for waking him up.
Don't mention it in front of the other team members. He thinks it's bad for his reputation somehow.
You're gonna owe him big for this.
Of course he'll help you, he'll be your knight in shining armor any time. For a favor he can cash in later, that is.
Hey, can you help me out? "So you want... A favor from me?"
You can practically hear the smirk on his face when he sees the opportunity.
Will come and do whatever you need in the most dramatic way possible, acting like he's saving your life.
If you think he's not going to hold you to that favor, think again. He's not going to forget that you owe him. He'll cash it in eventually. Probably at the worst possible moment for you.
Calling Melone at 3 a.m. is a risky move. Sure, he's more than willing to do what you need from him, but he's also pretty sure it's actually a booty call.
Mel, I really need your help. "Darling, don't be ashamed to ask me for sex." N-no, Melone, I actually- "I'm on my way."
Will show up at your place wearing next to nothing. Like he doesn't just wear that anyway.
Takes a lot of explaining that no, you weren't calling to bang, and yes, you actually want his help.
Once he gets what you're really after, he's happy to help you out. Does so kindly and genuinely.
Will ask if you'd fuck him as payment for the favor, mainly just to make sure, once again, that you didn't want that in the first place. Thankfully, he's not super insistent by the end.
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