#ian is literally one of the most talented dudes in the subgenre
crmsndragonwngss · 3 months
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If there was a god, that headline would read “RINGS OF SATURN are done”
Anyway, here’s the article. Mind you, Lucas Mann is saying this two years after their vocalist left, so what he actually means is “no vocalist will work with me because I’m a giant fucking tool,” but y’know. Optics or whatever. They also got kicked off Nuclear Blast at the same time cuz Mann made threats against the label, which is fucking hilarious, but I digress
The only part of this that actually matters is that Ian Bearer is finally free of this shit show, which is great cuz he’s a TREMENDOUS vocalist, and it sucks that he stayed for so long after Miles Baker and Aaron Stechauner got fucking shafted by this half speed hack. Ultu Ulla was literally the only good record RoS ever cut, and that was all thanks to Miles, Aaron, and Ian. Lucas Mann couldn’t even bother to show up to his own fucking tour. Then he had the audacity to shut Miles and Aaron out of their royalties.
So yeah, fuck Lucas Mann, fuck Rings of Saturn, and fuck Berried Alive too. Hope y’all apologists have fun paying $250 a ticket to watch a laptop for an hour when they start a new tour cycle
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