#i've tried looking up stuff focused on her and most of them are about LLOYD SOMEHOW?!?!
weekend-whip · 11 months
Also unrelated to anything at all BUT does anyone have some good Nya fic recs??? Preferably ones that are not necessarily of a romantic nature?? And...not necessarily RGB siblings either but I'll take it; I'm just kinda looking for stuff more focused on her as an individual—
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canadiancryptid · 9 months
Spy x Family Episodes 13-15: The Dog Saga
So, these ones were sorta one long saga, so I'll be putting my notes in one long post. These episodes removed any doubt in my mind that this was one of my favorite shows I've ever seen.
Hey, new intro! This is so cute, I love it.
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But this one shot gives me thoughts. I have so many questions about her past, and I can't stop wondering.
Yor is so bad at cooking, but at least she tries. She's not great at the traditional motherly stuff, but she's still amazing in her own way.
Those pet shop dogs have more abs than I do. I'm not afraid of getting biten by them, I'd be afraid of getting punched. Jeez.
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Well, okay, maybe not. Those teeth look like buzz saws, so I'm definitely still afraid of getting biten, too.
Anya trying to help her Papa with his spy stuff without him knowing she's trying to help is always amazing.
"I'm not sure if I'm changing or if its just the times, but a kid like this being a terrorist is a hard pill to swallow"
That just says so much about how much his family has changed him. He can't see things the way he used to.
This dog looks like a cross between a fluffly dog, a polar bear and an otter, and he has the voice of an elderly human man. I love him already.
And he can see the future. Fun.
Also, how to you get future vision from trying to science the dogs to be smarter? How does that work? I would understand if it was based on knowledge, but he's predicting Lloyd's death before he ever met him.
Those dogs ARE smart! If you aren't afraid of an angry Yor, then you're dumb. They no better than to mess with her after she turned the last fuy into a living bouncy ball. Human bodies are not supposed to move like that.
Anya just saved the world by drawing on a wall with ketchup. And nobody knows it was her.
Anya is SMART. She knows how to get her way. She knows the agency will ho along with almost anything to keep her happy and keep operation stryx on track. Because she knows about it in the first place, she knows she can make empty threats to derail the mission as a final trump card. We know she wouldn't, she wants to keep her family the way it is. But they don't know what's going on in her 4-year-old brain.
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I'm not okay my heart is a puddle on the floor I love them so much-
So, I feel like there HAS to be some big reveal eventually. There's no way that doesn't end up causing problems. And I refuse to believe the whole "just leave the family behind and go to the next mission" plan was ever ACTUALLY on the table, even if he thought it was.
I think it's gonna end with either Lloyd quiting/retiring from the agency, or with the whole family becoming a part of it. Yor is already well suited for most of that stuff, and Anya has proven she can do the whole mission thing... well, as well as a kid her age can. Still, there's no way the family breaks up. No possible way.
And after getting that little bit of backstory from Handler, I think she'd actually be pretty understanding of either option. Looking forward to seeing how everything plays out.
So far, my only real complaint is how little we've seen of Yor. I mean, we see her as a mother, and she's amazing, but her whole assasin thing is just... there? Like, we know she’s doing that in the background, and she’s done a lot of impressive things, but we almost never see her as an assasin. She's the only one really out of the loop with the whole Operation Stryx thing, and with everything focusing on Lloyd and Anya, she doesn't get nearly as much time to shine. I really like her, but it feels like the show has been doing a lot of telling without much showing. It's not like we haven't seen anything, but it would be nice for her to have a little more time to shine.
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