#i'm yelling and crying and shaking my fists!! i wanna write this subject in a thread!!
tvrningout-a · 9 months
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don't mind me but i'm thinking about the fact that chiyo's never been in a fight or purposely hurt someone before. she's never had to kill anyone before -- why would she in a modern age where violence isn't the norm in day to day life? yet mal brings her into this world where fighting is a necessity, where most who travel at least know how to wield a dagger or a sword or a bow or something. he makes her his champion and expects her to wield magic in order to save and protect others, yes, but to cut down enemies as well. he expects her to accept violence into her life bc for so long, it has been part of his and those he loves. but it's not that easy.
chiyo cries the first time mal kills a rabbit so she can eat. she gets sick the first time she sees him kill someone. she has an anxiety attack when she first stabs someone trying to kill her ( they don't die from it, but her hands are red, red, red ). and it's really not even the fear that makes all of this so hard bc chiyo can work through fear, suppress it. it's the idea of taking a life. it's hard to come to terms with. it's hard to think of it as necessary even though it really is at times. and mal feels guilty about that, which is why he initially doesn't push chiyo too hard to fight.
she eventually gets used to the violence that comes with living in dorverold but :' )) man is it rough for someone like chiyo :' )))
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yennasun · 2 years
Helloooo!! I really love your writings, especially the angst and the boxing! Makes me remember that one boxer guy who do silly dances after hitting his opponent and got 1 shot right after.
Your drabbles and journals are so detailed and well thought that i cant get enough of them. The way you write boxing is very amazing too. Who knows, maybe I'm going to start learning anatomy just to draw MT in the way you describe him 😂
Also, do you mind if I request a drabble of.. MT getting turned into his 15 y/o self where he was still in the middle of his creator's whole insanity thing (With lots of trauma and paranoia sauce, please) while living in the same house with the color sticks? Or RGOBYP as they say it.
Or maybe
A drabble where RGOBYP finds a box of cassettes of MT's creator handling MT? Just like yours, MT's Creator likes to abuse, lock him in a room, and objectify him. While the RGOBYP watches cassette!MT gets hits over and over again by cassettes!Creator, he keeps smiling whilst crying, insisting that he does deserves it. Oh yeah, Alan is watching too. I like this one better ヽ⁠༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽⁠ノ
I'm so sorry if im very hard to understand or my request is too bad 😭😭 i like seeing MT getting wrecked hard and suffering. Hurt comfort characters really hits different.
Thank you in advance and good luck with your drawing/music journey!
Aw thank you so much! I'm always happy to know others appreciate the work I put out even if it isn't always the best.
And I think I'll do both, I start with the first and start writing the second one either later today or sometime tomorrow.
This is actually an Idea I've been playing with for awhile so I only have the gist of what I want, I'm gonna do a bit of free-form writing so here goes.
"Cmon sec, just try it!" Blue pleaded, holding a bottle of blueish liquid out at him.
"Absolutely not blue, last time I took one of you & yellows mystery potions I went through the rest of the day in slow motion!" He said as he swatted blues hand away, nearly launching the bottle to the ground.
"This one's different second, it shouldn't have any adverse effects like the last one..." Yellow interjected
"If I remeber correctly, you said those exact same words to green!" Second pointed at the pair
"Yeeaahhh we did..." the two said in unison, remembering what happened that day.
"But won't you just try it?" Blue begged again
"Not no, but HELL NO!" He yelled turning to the hallway leading to his room.
The two were left in silence for the moment.
"We'll that could've gone better..." Yellow said awkwardly
"Yeah...so how are we gonna do this?" Blue asked, knowing one of them was gonna have to be the test dummy.
"Rock, paper, scissors?" Yellow asked.
"Probably the easiest way." Blue Said putting his fist in the palm of his other hand.
Yellow did the same and started the game.
"Wait!" she was cut off by blue, who was looking into the kitchen.
She looked as well and saw "the tall fruit" going through the fridge, no doubt looking for his umpteenth drink of the day...she saw an idea flicker through blues eyes.
"I think I found our test subject..." he said diabolically
"You really think he'll agree to this? That's cute bluey" she smiled, shaking her head
"He likes alcohol doesn't he...?" Yellow picked up on the plan and sucked a breath in through her teeth
"That's low blue, real low. Even for you..."
"The alternative is one of us taking it...I don't wanna take it, do you?" He tilted his head in question.
"...good point." She said
The two entered the kitchen only to find MT nearing the hallway leading to his room.
"Hey mango!" Blue called out
He didn't answer at first and instead just kept walking.
"Hey mango, buddy! I got something for you!" He called out as the two followed him.
Not even bothering to answer or turn to them, he sped his pace up and closed his door behind him.
MT could hid on the other side of his bed as he hears the Knocks on the door behind him.
"Hey mango, cmon out we wanna show you something" he hears blue say from the other side, among others things.
"Go away just go. Away." He whispered
"So tired of this...go away you assholes..." he whispered as his voice ceased.
He hid behind his bed for a few seconds of silence and thought he was in the clear, until...
"Hey, d'ya lose something back there?" Blue said from behind him, as he'd failed to notice them enter his room.
MT yelled in surprise.
"Yeah I lost peace and quiet!" He yelled as he stood up.
"What do you need, what do you want, can I not just enjoy silence for one day?!"
"Well...me and yellow tried our hand at making some scotch. We know you like this stuff so we thought you'd wanna try" he said offering the bottle to MT.
At the mention of scotch, his whole demeanor had changed.
"Well why didn't you just say so?" He asked snatching the bottle out of his hand.
He uncorked it and brought it up to his nose.
He then took a small sip.
"Taste less like scotch and more like...blueberry. good, I hate the taste of scotch." He inspected the bottle once more
"Well, cheers." He said before downing the entire bottle.
His head drooped down slightly and he held the bottle out for blue to take, but his grip was so light that it slipped out of his jand and shattered on the floor.
"Haah...what was in that stuff..." he said through labored breaths
"What are you talking about? What's happening? Blue is that supposed to be happening?!" Yellow sputtered as her panic rose.
"No it no-shit!" He yelled as MT crumbled to the floor.
The two looked at eachother, looked down to the motionless MT and back at eachother.
Yellow breathed in deep and drew her head up, ready to yell at the top of her lungs.
"SECO-MMMPHH" she was cut off by blue placing a firm hand over her mouth.
"Shut up ypu idiot, seconds gonna fucking murder us if he sees this!" Yellow tried to pry his hand off and the two struggled until the room filled with a blue smoke.
They found the source of the smoke coming from where MT once lie, it completely engulfed leaving him invisible.
The two stood and stared in awe as blue took his hand off yellows mouth.
The smoke cleared and they saw the clothes my was wearing but they were crumpled.
"Oh no...! Did we kill him?!" Yellow began panicking
"Shit shit shit!" Blue began to panic as well.
Until they saw movement from within the heap of clothes.
Out of them stood MT...but they wouldn't have been able to tell otherwise had it not been for his color.
He was short...around the same height as purple!
The clothes that were made for a massive 6'5 frame had fallen off the now 5'7 MT.
The two got a good look at his build.
He was around purples height but was probably heavier than blue, he was small but wide. Not fat, but fit and stocky but despite that, he still held childlike features.
"What the hell...the de-ager was supposed to be mental, not physical..."
"How old do you think he is...?" Yellow asked
"If I had to guess...about 14 or 15...maybe 13." This drew a disgusted huff from yellow
"Some people get all the physical gifts, he already looks like an adult...remember how I looked when I was 14?"
"Yeah, thin as a rail...so not much has changed" Blue laughed before getting hit in the shoulder.
They turned back towards MT, who was snapping his gaze anxiously from blue to yellow.
Yellow approached first, crouching down slightly and putting a hand out.
"Hey buddy...we're not gonna hurt you. Can you talk?" She asked softly
The small figure continued looking at the two nervously.
"I don't think he can speak..." Blue Said, taking a step towards him
The second he inched closer, MT stepped back crossed his arms over his face defensively.
Blue Backed up, then the two decided it was time.
"Second!" They yelled in unison, making MT nearly jump out of his skin and leaving him shaking violently.
"Oh...bad idea..." Yellow said
"Seriously you guys could just come knock on my do- oh you dumb motherfuckers..." second said as he entered the room, rubbing his eyes once he took in the sight.
Normally second would be yelling at the two but this time he just sounded so...done.
"What'd you two do this time?" He asked with a dejected breath
The two blabbered out what happened, letting all their built up panic out in unison, making their respective explanations inaudible.
Second stared at the two in bewilderment for a second before yelling.
"Quiet both of you! What happened?"
"We de-aged MT!" They yelled in unison.
"You've gotta be shitting me..." he rubbed his eyes again.
He looked over the small stick and laughed internally at the sight.
Having to look down to meet eyes with him is the most cursed image my mind could've possibly drawn up...but here we are.
He sighed
"How old is he now?"
"14 or 15" second sputtered at the answer.
"THATS 14?! What were his parents feeding him? he looks heavier than you and twice as fit!" He pointed at blue.
"Dude...ouch!" Blue said at the quip.
Second was always better with kids than everyone else.
He got close to MT, who had his back against the wall with his shoulders perched up tight and stressed.
Once he got close enough, he knelt down in front of him.
"Hey bud, you alright...you hurt at all?" He asked in a soothing voice
Second noticed his hands shaking heavily because of all the yelling, poor kid must be so lost right now.
MT moved his mouth trying to formulate words before just shaking his head.
"Can you talk?" He shook his head again
"Can you understand me?" MT put his hand out flat and swiped side to side
"A little bit?" he nodded his head.
He probably has no idea where he is.
Second thought.
He took little MTs hand and stood up slowly.
"Follow me." He said
He led him out of the room past green and blue, took him down the hall and in the living room.
Red had been in the kitchen and the second she saw MT, wheezed and put a hand over her eyes.
"What'd you do blue?" She asked, laughing.
"Hey it wasn't just me, yellow was in on it."
'Wow, thanks blue you're a real pal..." She passed a disgruntled look to him.
In the meanwhile, second showed little MT around the house and took note at how jumpy he was at all times.
He always briefly glanced at him and the others, as if making sure they weren't going to do anything to him.
He must've hated being around large groups of people, the older version already did.
He took him to purples room and knocked.
"Come in!" He heard purples voice say.
He entered the room and found green in there as well, who was getting ready to say something until his eyes trailed to the smaller figure.
Him and purple stared in shocked silence for what felt like minutes before green pointed at MT and turned to second.
"Is that who I think it is?" He asked quietly.
Second nodded his head.
"Does it have anything to do with what yellow and blue asked us earlier?" Purple cocked a brow.
Second nodded again.
Purple got up and approached MT and he stood behind second.
Second turned to look down on him.
"They're alright...purple won't hurt you." He nudged MT.
The two stood eye to eye, right across from eachother.
It was the strangest sight, purple was so used to having to look up so far they're neck hurt.
Purple reached out and MT flinched back and shoe'd the hand away in fear.
Another strange sight, they were used to MT'S headstrong nature and intense fearlessness that made him a natural leader.
And now he wouldn't even make eye contact with purple.
Purple actually found it quite endearing that there was a time where MT was as afraid as they were.
Without thinking, they took him into a hug...he definitely seemed like he needed it.
Second watched the two embrace, MT looked like he wanted to struggle against them at first but then seemed to welcome it...
"Can he talk...I haven't heard him say anything" Green whispered
"No, I don't think he was taught yet...either that or English isn't his first language but I'm thinking the first one." He shrugged
Over the next couple of hours, purple seemed weirdly interested in spending time with little mango.
Green even asked them about it.
"When we were on his little quest for the staff, I really did feel a connection forming between us. He trusted me and I trusted him, that is, until his desire overcame that connection." Purple sighed.
"Ever since he moved in here though, he's been cold not just to you all, but to me too. I understand why he feels guilty but he doesn't need to torture himself over it, sadly he's just too stubborn to listen to me." Purple looked over to MT, who was stacking plastic cups happily.
"This is my chance to show my affection for him that he's avoided for so long...I just hope when this wears off he understands that I don't hate him...no matter how much he wants me to."
"You're a very weird individual purple, if he'd done to me what he's done to you I'd never forgive him." He stated
"Then why are you playing with him?" Purple smiled at green, who was stacking cups with MT.
"That's because this isn't the mango we know, right now he's still innocent...but I am with you on one thing, I'd like to get to know more about him. Since we already know so little about him, I think it'd be interesting."
They sat and watched MT for awhile longer until a shout echoed through the hall.
"Dinner!" Red shouted
"C'mon" purple said
"We'll eat in here, I'll grab some for the little guy."
Green and purple went out into the kitchen.
Second and blue had made steak and potatoes, a very basic but solid combination like eggs and bacon.
The two grabbed their plates and green grabbed another for MT.
Purple opened the door and MT jumped so bad he knocked the stack of cups over and snapped his gaze to them wide eyed, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
Purple slowed down and showed the plates they had and MT appeared to calm down.
"That was an...odd reaction." Green said slowly
"Yeah...an alarming one too...reminded me of me when my father would come home..."
Green didn't know what to say, he couldn't comfort purple just yet as they had a plate in each hand.
He approached MT slowly and set the plate down in front of him.
He didn't eat right away, instead he watched the others eat.
He fumbled around with the silverware, imitating the motion of cutting with the knife before he plunged his fork into the meat and cut a small slice off.
The very moment he put the piece in his mouth and started chewing, a tear slid down his face.
He didn't sob, shake, sniffle or even grimace. The only thing that gave it away were the tears spilling down his face, aside from that he'd looked completely normal.
Green looked at purple with a "help me" expression, but neither knew what to do.
So they let him enjoy his food in silence, neither commenting on it as MT wiped his face frequently.
Once he'd finished he went to green and wrapped his arms around him, green looked at purple, then back down at MT before returning the gesture.
After purple took the dishes to the sink, yellow came peered her head through the door.
"Hey, we're gonna go sparring you wanna come with?" She asked
"What about him?" Green gestured towards MT
"He doesn't have to do it, he can just watch."
"Alright, but someone has to keep an eye on him." He got up and went to the door, then looked at MT and jerked his head in the direction of the door.
MT got up and followed him, red had brought a basket of fruits and some blankets to lay on the grass.
They all went out to the clearing next to the creek and placed some blocks down to mark the edges of their sparring arena.
First blue and yellow went, then green and blue but green had to check out early after a bad body shot.
Second and yellow went for 3 rounds, since both were high level fighters they needed time to map out eachothers strategy.
After red and blue went, MT got up and watched arena-side.
After the two went for 4 rounds MT pointed at himself, then pointed inside the arena.
"You wanna go in?" Blue asked
MT nodded.
"Yellow, you're feather fisted right? Come in here and humor the little guy" Yellow grumbled at the jab but obliged and jumped in.
The two were given about a minute to stretch and get warmed up, MT was obviously anxious as was Yellow.
She'd sparred MT many times before and none of them had ever gone well for her, but he was younger now and less experienced.
She had to go light, she knew this.
Red range the bell and the two came out of their corners.
And yellow immediately noticed the difference in styles, gone were all his fancy angles and flashy footwork, they'd now been replaced by front-foot aggression that reminded her alot of blue even down to the slight crouch he was in.
However this crouch was different, it was deeper and he kept left arm loose but partially crossed his right hand over his face in a crab-like guard.
Another difference between blue and MT was their approach, whereas blue would stalk forward MT had a noticeable rhythm to his steps.
Despite all this, yellow found it rather easy to catch the smaller stick as he came in. Yellow had accidentally caught him hard a few times but he was surprisingly tough for being only 15.
Even more surprising was his strength, when yellow tried to tie MTs hands up at close range to stifle his punches he always was able to work his arms free and push yellow back by digging the top of his head into her chest and using his lower center of gravity to force her backwards, even if she pushed back she'd only push herself back more.
The second round she still found it easy to get him with her long punches, but she found most of them either grazing him or hitting the top of his head as most of her punches did due to his crouch and how he tucked his chin down.
But now once he worked his arms free he landed to her midsection, these punches had the power of blues body punches but he threw them fluidly and from unpredictable angles.
Once the third started, to her bewilderment, she couldn't hit him at all.
He seemed to know exactly when he punches would come before even she did.
He took everyone by surprise how easily he slipped, bobbed and blocked all her punches while simultaneously closing distance.
His steps were perfectly timed with his defense, and despite yellows best efforts he'd always get close.
At close range he'd use his shorter arms and rough style to manipulate her guard to sneak punches in.
Yellow was notoriously hard to pin down, and MT was treating her style to a roughness she wasn't even used to from blue and red. He pinned her arms back with his elbows, used his cross guard and bobbing and weaving to keep himself safe and he'd pull her arms down or push them up to sneak punches to the body.
The bell sounded to end the third and MT turned around and went back to his corner, yellow walked back noticably grimacing as she held her side.
She had to start getting rough back, otherwise she'd get hurt...
They came out for the 4th and MT was even more aggressive than the last round. Now he seemed to close distance at will but yellow let fly her combinations.
However none would hit, either meeting empty air or being pushed away by his guard.
With her offense stifled, she had to lay against the borders and cover up as MT hammered away at her sides with clubbing hooks.
He finally threw a right hand through her guard and she thought that he used his body shots to set up that punch, only he didn't. He used THAT punch to set up a terrifying left hook to the body that made her entire midsection contort like banana pudding.
She keeled over, clutching her right side and skipped out of the corner before turning and jogging away grimacing with her eyes closed.
MT chased after her, seemingly going for the finish.
He placed his foot perfectly at the end of his sprint to throw a straight left from a southpaw stance but yellow crumbled to the ground holding her side.
MTs punch went right over her and he got over ambitious, tripping and falling over yellow.
Blue jumped in.
"Stop stop that's enough." He waved the match off.
Blue carried yellow out of the arena.
"I think my ribs are broken..." She rasped out
Looking back on it, yellow had already begsn to peice together just how many layers there were to MTs strategy; he use the first few rounds to map out your punch timing and rhythm, then he'd work his footwork and defense around that rhythm.
From there he'd charge his opponent in a straight line, dodging every punch they threw along the way and cut off the arena to force them into corners.
Then he'd begin the process of grinding his opponent down with his brutal but highly technical infighting as well as his grapple tactics.
Yellow had always loved the SCIENCE of fighting, and today made it obvious to her that even at this young age MT had a PHD in violence.
"I wanna go!" Blue said excitedly
"You just want to cuz he'll stand in front of you." Purple yelled out
"Well yeah...but it also looks fun!" He said as he jumped in.
He pointed at MT
"You good?" He asked
MT nodded his head gamely and red sounded the bell.
MT clearly hadn't lost any of the steam he picked up from his session with yellow and pushed forwards, running right into blue.
He actually bumped blue with his shoulder on the way in.
The were head to head, shoulder to shoulder hitting eachother with body shots.
But MT had clearly been in this position before, as he moved his head from each of blues shoulders to make angles for more punches.
Blue had caught MT a few times clean but they didn't seem to phase him, evidenced by his continued aggression.
Now it was seconds turn to be surprised, blue was heavy and knew how to use that weight to his advantage. But MT not only used many of the same stand-up wrestling tactics blue used, but he did them better.
No one was able to hang with blue at close range, let alone overpower and overwhelm him as MT was doing. Blue was actually forced to clinch.
Once they were broken up, MT banged his fists together and got right back to work.
He reminded second of a buzzsaw, only able to move forwards cutting down everything in front of it, he looked invincible. Far from the shy, timid kid that he'd had to coax out of hiding behind him not too long ago.
As the rounds passed blue began to look more weary, he'd taken many body shots and hadn't been able to give many back.
In the 5th rounds MT looked on fire...no literally, there was steam coming off of him.
In the last 30 seconds blue leaned on MT and MT let more body shots fly before following them up with a left hook to the body followed by a left uppercut to the head, which knocked blue backwards off his feet.
Blue held his hand out once he got back up.
"Nah little man, that's enough for me..." he patted MT on the shoulder.
Green went in next and he lasted the longest out of all of them, a full 6 rounds!
At one point he got petty and hit MT in the groin, MT responded by pushing his head up his chest and headbutting green.
"Fair enough." He said in MTs ear.
Over in the clearing, purple observed intently
"His stamina is amazing...and his technique is very refined too...how long has he been doing this?" Purple asked themselves.
Purple was no stranger to being raised to fight, but they'd gotten out of that and thank goodness they did.
That being said, they could spot veteran tactics when they saw them. And they saw lots of them, very odd to see those from a 15 year old boy...
It didn't seem too far out for MT to have been groomed as a fighter for his life, his aptitude and physical traits definitely supported that theory.
Observing more, they found the dead giveaway that they'd been raised to do this.
He got stronger as he fought, and when he got hit. Purple Even saw him flash a smile as he fought here and there.
That's awfull...no wonder he's so jaded...
Second and red had no interest in sparring him, and steam rose off him more and upon closer inspection his veins and eyes glowed and dark orange.
This shocked everyone, especially purple but strangely, it made sense.
When they all battled MT he always had above average strength and toughness, he also seemed very resistant to heat as he was the only one who found the nether heat bearable.
MT submerged himself in the creek, the water bubbled from the heat and he returned holding his arms in pain.
When purple looked them over, they hadn't been burned all the way through but they'd still gotten hit pretty badly. By what, purple wasn't too sure.
They uncorked a healing potion and poured pink liquid on the affected areas, seeing MTs shoulders relax and his hands cease their shaking.
Once MT had processed what happened, he looked up at purple and smiled the brightest, most innocent smile purple had ever seen.
They smiled back gently and took MT back to the blanket the others were sitting sitting on.
Everyone else chatted away and recuperated but eventually MT had given in to his exhaustion.
As MT slept purple and the others couldn't help but noticed how live and vibrant MTs skin was, a far cry from his dull, more sickly appearance.
Evetually, they decided to head back.
Purple opted to carry MT back rather than waking him up, despite how heavy he was.
They brought him to his room and laid him in bed, sliding the blanket over him.
Before they left they snuck one last glance at him, and silently prayed he'd still be like this tomorrow.
Sadly, things wouldn't go purples way as the next morning MT walked to the kitchen rubbing his eyes. The same massive, dull colored sickly sick they were used to.
They resisted the urge to groan in frustration, but MT said something that made purple turn their head.
"Hey purple...do anything happen yesterday?" Purple turned their head to him
"No...why?" They lied
"I just...i had the weirdest dream last night."
I hope you weren't thinking I WASNT gonna write a fight scene, after all I modeled younger MTs style after my two favorite boxers; bennie briscoe and Joe frazier.
I decided to use more subtle hints at MTs paranoia since I avoided writing this in his perspective.
I also wanted to give MT a lil bit of comfort, I think he deserves it after all I've put him through lol.
I'm gonna do the other prompt just cuz, I'll most likely have it finished sometime tomorrow.
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te amo - reddie one shot
summary: richie and eddie start taking spanish classes together and richie sees this as an opportunity to confess his love to eddie.
word count: 1699 words
an: this is my first ever ship oneshot. but i honestly am proud of this. and also please excuse any mistakes in the spanish part, even though i do take spanish i am not that good to write such a paragraph without translator.
richie and eddie are around finn's and jack's age in this fic ❤
* - translated text at the end of the fic
* gif not mine *
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for years richie had feelings for eddie. the jokes about his mom he always made, they were just defense mechanism. he was scared of his feelings, he was scared of being exposed or being judged by his friends. especially eddie, what if he revealed what he's really feeling and he'd just reject him. this fear was bigger than fear of pennywise himself. he was nothing compared to how frightened richie actually was.
everyday seeing the person he wants to be with the most. whenever eddie smiles richie is melting on the spot, when he's feeling down there's nothing more richie wants to do then hold him and tell him that everything is gonna be okay. sometimes when he sees eddie kissing his mom's cheek he wishes it was his cheek or even better his lips. he felt lonely whenever he was with other losers but when eddie was around it was like he was full again. richie tried to hide his feelings in front of his friends, it'd be weird if they found out the truth.
before the school year ended students had to choose their subjects for next year. and of course boys wanted ti have all classes tomorrow. they choosed them like that. but there was one richie had to beg other guys to take. richie asked them every single day if they'll take spanish with him. the answer was always the same, no. eddie started to feel really bad for richie since he looked like he really wanted to take the class, but not alone. so he decided to take it with him. after all richie needs someone to stop when he's making jokes. after eddie told him he's gonna take the class with him richie thanked him all the way home.
richie actually gained a little confidence after eddie informed him that he's gonna learn spanish with him. maybe he'll be able to tell him about his feelings since they're gonna be a few more hours a week together. maybe he'll finally realize if this is real or not. or maybe he'll swallow his feelings even deeper.
"hey, richie ready to head out?" eddie popped next to richie's locker all excited
"yeah, i'll just grab some things" richie grabbed his books
"so, are you excited?" eddie smiled at him
"little less then before fucking your mom but it's okay i guess" richie shrugged his shoulders
eddie rolled his eyes. he knew this was coming but he didn't expect it to happen before actual class.
"are you gonna do this the whole time? because if yes i'm gonna do anything to get out of that class" eddie explained with his hand near his right ear
"sorry, i just saw the opportunity" richie smirked
"you always see the opportunity, right?"
"you guessed it, señor" richie was pretty proud of his answer
first spanish lesson went pretty well. both richie and eddie enjoyed it. of course they had dive into studying right away. they met up at eddie's house after school.
sat down on eddie's bed and tried to learn lines they learned that day
"hola, me llamo richie and i fucked your mom!" richie burst out laughing
"can we at least study without this?"
richie sighed and looked at his textbook. of course he had to make that joke. eddie was so cute while trying pronounce words in spanish. it was so hard for richie to hold back and not kiss him. he was clenching his fist so he wouldn't stroke his cheek. fortunately eddie hadn't noticed anything. he hadn't noticed richie's looks at him, those genuine laughs, all that affection richie had for him. he never noticed and richie was so grateful for it.
there were days he wished eddie would notice. maybe show his love back. maybe kiss richie so richie wouldn't have to. maybe say those words richie was scared to jabber out. i love you, you mean a lot to me, that'd be enough for richie. he'd know that all those feelings he had for all those years weren't one-sided. these were things richie dreamed off when he was laying in his bed at night, trying to fall asleep without eddie on his mind.
months were passing and boys were picking up more and more new knowledge from spanish. basic lines and phrases weren't enough for them. they'd go to library in the afternoons and dig some new interesting words.
during these "diging" sessions richie got an idea. there's no way in hell eddie learned how to confess anything to someone in spanish. richie was so sure that this is the only way he can tell him how he really feels. and when eddie will realize what richie told him, he'd be far away from american borders.
richie spent even more time in library, borrowed some books home and started writing down his confession. it was easiest-hardest thing he ever done. putting those words on paper went so fast. he was so certain what he wants to tell him. but when it came to part he had to tell him, face to face his gut thightened and he felt like crying. his hands were sweating and shaking.
richie had the list in his backpack, carrying him everywhere he went. he was scared someone would find it and figure it out. this gave him more anxiety then eddie telling him no or making fun of him.
after two weeks of carrying the confession in his backpack, richie was ready to say it to eddie. he made sure they were alone in his house. he sat him down in his living room and sat opposite him. he never sweat this much. his whole body was shivering, covered in goosebumps. he was repeating to himself that this is the best time and there won't be any better time.
"is everything alright rich?" eddie, concerned, look richie straight into eyes
richie took a deep breath and started:
"eds, there's this thing, i've been meaning to tell you for such a long time. so here it is" he put his glasses back up on his nose, took another deep breath and began talking
*"eddie, te amo. He estado enamorado de ti desde que tengo memoria. y es dificil para mi Te veo todos los días, te escucho reír y me enamoro aún más de ti. cada vez que sonríes o te quejas de que algo es insalubre, trato de contenerme porque solo quiero besarte. cada vez que te sientas mal o enfermo solo quiero abrazarte y decirte que todo estará bien. Esto es lo más difícil que he hecho, pero es más fácil ya que te estoy diciendo esto en español y no tienes idea de lo que estoy diciendo. eds, eres mi amor y haría cualquier cosa por estar contigo" richie could feel tears in his eyes so he immidiately stood up and ran to bathroom
richie leaned against the sink and let the tears stream down his face. he knew eddie was sitting there all confused because has no idea what he just said and why he ran away. richie got it off his chest. he told eddie how he feels, how much he loves him. his list wasn't long but it sure was full of emotions and everything richie feeled.
"hey richie, are you okay?" eddie knocked on the door
"yeah, i just had to make sure my wang is longer than yours before we start messuring them" richie tried to hide his sobby voice
damn it richie, you don't have to hide behind your jokes anymore, you exposed yourself to him.
when richie stepped out of the bathroom he saw that eddie was searching his fanny pack in the hallway
"what you looking for there? your birth control pills?" richie chuckled
"no, but if you're sick or something and you went in there to shit or for god's sake even throw up i have to take my pills so i won't catch anything" richie sometimes wondered how is it possible for eddie to speak this fast
days passed since richie told eddie about his feelings. he felt releaved but also really anxious. eddie was totally looking for some words richie had told him. what if he was searching for words like te amo. what if he already cracked them and he's not gonna tell richie so he won't break his heart. richie was overthinking as always.
that day, eddie and richie went to study to eddie's house. they were sitting quietly on eddie's bed both of them reading text they had to read.
"there's something i want to tell you" richie could feel how his heart skipped a beat
"go on, eds"
"umm, wait" eddie took out a small piece of paper from back of his textbook.
"okay so, yo también te quiero" eddie said with certain confidence
"it means i love you too, amor" eddie blinked at richie
"you're fucking with me!" richie yelled out
"i wish i was" eddie chuckled
"wait, are you like serious serious, or did you tell other guys about what i said and they made you say this?"
"i haven't told anyone. richie, this comes from my heart. i really love you! when you said what you said i felt so releaved because i was happy to hear that i wasn't the only one feeling this way. richie i cracked your "i fucked your mom" a long time ago"
"you little fucker" richie smiled
* eddie, i love you. i've been in love with you ever since i can remember. and it's hard for me. i see you everyday, i hear you laugh and i fall in love with you even more. whenever you smile or complain about something being unsanitery i try to hold myself back because i just wanna kiss you. whenever you feel bad or sick i just wanna hold you and tell you it's gonna be okay. this is the hardest thing i ever done but it's easier since i'm telling you this in spanish and you have no idea what i'm saying. so eds, you're my love and i'd do anything to be with you
@royalydamned @diablvna @queen-irl-af
if you wanna be included please let me know ❤
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