#i'm not tagging it as fave bc i've already done that once
sugarsnappeases · 5 days
tag game
okay showing up so late and likely with a lot of rambling but thank you so much for the tags @fxreflyes and @static-radio-ao3 love seeing little insights into ur lives <333
fave colour: red/pink!!
last song: i've had chappell roan's album, the rise and fall of a midwest princess, on repeat all day to try and somehow magically imbue myself with the strength to write my essay (which i've done now! mostly! gonna look it over tomorrow but it's basically done!!) but the specific song that's playing as i hit post is femininomenon!! a classic and a banger
last film: i rewatched pirates of the caribbean 2 w one of my friends (who had never seen it before can you guys believe that?!?!) and it's still as brilliant as ever, four and a half stars on letterboxd (there's no rhyme or reason behind my star system on letterboxd like i do it on the vibe in the moment and am now wondering why i didn't give it five stars??)
currently reading: okay so boring answer is 'the decameron' by boccaccio, i'm studying him for the second part of this term and really shot myself in the foot bc i didn't realise how fucking long it was (nearly 700 pages) and i have NO time ever so it's gonna be a little miserable over here in roughly two weeks when my first essay on him is due.... seems interesting tho i've read like 40 pages so far.... more exciting answer is anna karenina!! started reading it in the holidays (when i should've been reading the decameron lol) and have only read like one part and a bit so far bc i never have the time for fun reading during uni :(.... gimme like three months tho and i'll get back to you guys, i really enjoyed the bits i have read and will absolutely have some marauders-related thoughts once i have the full picture (incapable of not linking all media to them)
currently watching: i just finally started watching the sex lives of college girls, which was soooooo long overdue, i've watched two eps so far and am loving it a lot, think it's gonna be slow going tho bc. busy :(... i also rewatched the first two eps of new girl a couple days ago bc sude and i were talking about it and i felt it had to be done... wanna do a full rewatch bc it's been so long but alas, again, time is of the essence, and also i'm always very slow at tv shows... anyway
currently craving: like. spare time. ig?? no more essays?? that's the main thing that i think would make my life exponentially better.... we're at 3/8 now tho so like... slowly crawling through them.... also every time i've gone to tesco recently i've been eyeing up the raspberries, just waiting for them to go on some kind of clubcard deal so i can pounce, raspberries are my fave fruit but they're always so fucking expensive the world is so cruel to me
coffee or tea: tea!!! always!!! can't stand the taste of coffee and i think that much caffeine would send me into like cardiac arrest or something. but also i'm not huuuuuge on tea either (not very british of me ik) like i only ever drink it when i'm w other people who are drinking it or when i'm writing an essay and need some willpower/energy/to procrastinate a little... like i'm not a cup of tea at all times of day kinda gal at all
not sure who's been tagged so soz if u've already done it but no pressure tags for @quillkiller @themuseoftheviolets @stillagoodwitch @inevitablestars @sixlane and whoever else wants to <33
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diamondcitydarlin · 7 months
I was in the critical tag just because I'm genuinely curious/fascinated by the way these people are processing the text and I know I've said this before but I'm gonna do it again; like, I get that in a lot of fandoms and subject materials we can easily pick out villains and heroes, the morally-pure (bc their actions are always justified by the narrative regardless) from the morally reprehensible and we can conclude from these themes that the villains/morally-bankrupt ones deserve nothing while the 'good ones' (arguable, in a lot of cases, but they're usually conventionally hot and/or digestible so they can't really be bad lmao) deserve everything and while that is to be debated in other places, OFMD esp in this latest season is showing itself to not be one of those narratives. OFMD is a story where flawed, sympathetic people do fucked up things, act rashly, hurt each other, destroy things, etc, and then we watch them have to work their way back from that. I know we have had some one-off villains that don't qualify for this, but for everyone within the main cast that seems to be the concept. If you're trying to figure out why one member of the main cast is just too icky to be entitled to the acceptance of the rest you're already missing the entire point. If you're also trying to figure out why your fave is too precious to be held accountable for the things they chose to do, you're missing the entire point. If you think just one character is having a redemption arc here, YOU'RE MISSING THE ENTIRE POINT (they ALL are actually). And more to the point, if you're looking for any of this to actually happen in this particular story then I think you're watching the wrong show. I really, really do. And I'm also going to go so far as to say I think a lot of people are intentionally misreading these themes, projecting their own hopes on to it, saying Izzy's story 'doesn't feel good' or 'doesn't make sense' because the idea that people can be flawed, make mistakes, hurt each other and still be deserving of love and acceptance throws too much of a curveball at their already very limited world view, one in which there are only 'good guys' and 'bad guys', one in which they are indisputably 'good guys' themselves who have never done anything bad ever (even though you definitely have, we ALL have, YOU HAVE HURT PEOPLE, I HAVE HURT PEOPLE, GROW UP AND REALIZE YOU CAN'T LIVE AN ENTIRE LIFE WITHOUT DOING IT AT SOME POINT).
This is a story of acceptance and forgiveness and the moral greyness in us all, not exclusion and punishment, not the hopelessly simplistic idea that the world is just made up of good people who should never be questioned and always get good things and bad people who have no more nuance than just being bad and getting punished for it. Like, can we please try to wrap our minds around more complex themes than that maybe? Can it possibly be true that Izzy and Ed (the two most often compared) are both deserving of love, acceptance and forgiveness? Can it possibly be true that there's more to these characters than just good vs evil? Must we deny these characters the nuance and complexity that's been given to them just because 'it doesn't feel good'? Like idk babe maybe sometimes stories aren't meant to make you 'feel good' all the time, maybe sometimes they're meant to take you out of your comfort zone and examine your own worldview once and awhile IDK IT'S A FUCKING THOUGHT
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oodlyenough · 1 year
Gotta say I'm not looking forward to the new TLOU Hot Takes. I've already seen someone say that because Ellie was against the whole 'Fredra murdering uninfected people who they didn't have room for in the QZ' in episode 3, that would mean she'd therefore be against sacraficing herself to create a cure??? Because killing those people would 'keep them from theoretically hurting someone' down the line?? And that's the same as Ellie dying to theoretically save the world apparently?? IDK why people are so keen on making Joel the unambiguous hero saving Ellie from something she didn't want.
Yeah I went into the tag earlier today and then walked back out pretty quick bc post after post was so annoying to me lmao. I am once again burdened with being the only correct person on the internet 😔
Ellie would've wanted to make the cure. I feel like this is beyond debate. Frankly, Ellie not being given the opportunity to consent is a storytelling device to facilitate Joel lying to her. Both the game and show take some contrivances to orchestrate the trolley problem ending. The story needs Ellie to be unaware/unconscious so that she has nothing but Joel's word on what really happened. It needs the surgery to happen Right Now because the pacing would be weird if it came after a year of tests or whatever. Etc.
I'm willing to accept those contrivances and suspend disbelief because I think the story is only emotional or interesting if you engage with it on its own terms. The story's telling me a cure is possible but would cost Ellie's life, and I'm taking it at its word. Like, it's fine. There's mushroom monsters and (in the game) Joel eats 20-year-old multivitamins that make him hear so well he echolocates.
And then I feel like there's a lot of "I like this character so therefore they are morally justified in everything they do" going on. Game fans did much the same. Joel knows the cure isn't realistic, the hospital is dirty, they don't have equipment, the Fireflies are untrustworthy, she'd have died for nothing, Ellie didn't consent, blah blah. But if any of that was true, Joel wouldn't need to lie to Ellie. Joel himself knows he's done something Ellie wouldn't want, something Ellie would find horrific, which is why he lies to her.
That doesn't mean I would want him to do any differently. The ending is what makes the story so memorable, and of course I as a fan also want my fave character to live over the fate of a fictional world, lmao. If it were a Telltale game, I'd have chosen to save Ellie. It's not believable to the character that Joel would do anything else. His choice being fucked up, selfish and extremely understandable, in-character behaviour is what makes it good.
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coolbeansbuddyofmine · 11 months
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
yasmeanie <3,
well, i'll get to it then. the rainbow is answered so i'll just do the other two! i will /try/ to be concise but again, no promises.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
considering who's asked this question, i suppose the fun answer would be vibes. and i guess that encapsulates what is the most important part to me---the mood, the tone, the themes they just need to feel right to me. i personally enjoy writing more emotional, character study-esque, introspective fics which is partially from my literature background in literary analyses. don't get me wrong, plot and characters and world-building is fun and all, but i think the emotional crux of the fic is most important to me which is why my tags are less technical or setting-based, and more like 'angst' or 'hurt/comfort' which tends to deal with the emotional gravitas of the work.
i think part of this is done through figurative language, so language is important to me. i think, first and foremost, i'm a poet and that translates to my prose and my fics, which tend to be more poetic, metaphorical filled with grandeur; purple prose if you will.
so yay emotions!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
oh fun!
so i have adhd and ive been working on multiple projects at once (as per usual, typical coolbeans honestly)
and here are the final chapters of my two favorite unfinished multichaps currently (with blurbs!)
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so this is chapter 8 of the office au i've been writing for f4! i'm pretty far through but im still sorting out some plot details and trying to find time to write it all!
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so this is my uber-fave (and only) fiery priest fic that im hella obsessed with right now and i'm soooo close to finishing chapter 4 i just need to power through for a couple hours and i should be done.
as for my up and coming work(s), i have lots of fun things !
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this is for my despised beloves strangers again the show i cant get enough and it ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. i want to give my baby hara the justice she deserves bc everyone in that show did her dirty and i will redeem her myself so be it. i said fuck canon and redid the ending as i deserve to
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this is lawschool fic bc i saw something on pinterest and was inspired. it's all fluff pointless romance really.
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this one i've had in my reserves since december when i watched the show and i WAS obsessed bc my man yim siwan needs to portray more green flag cuties but i also wanted horny daebeom
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these two are what i like to call my sister fics. they're the folklore and evermore if you will. the sidecouple angst in two different flavours. if you've read beware the villainess, the first is like where she finally manages to get him freed, a post canon work, and the second as the title states, is canon divergence and still angsty but more adultier flavoured. more hurt.
i love love yona and yohan from beware the villainess this is them in case u dont know they are my favorite grumpy saintess queen x sunshine wizard simp
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i've been really into manhwas since early last year (honestly if u follow me dedicatedly anywhere on social media, you'd probably already know this) and i have some i want to write for!
rosey posey <3 (coolbeans/ro)
link to the original post if anyone else wants to ask me more! i'm finally back (proper) for the better i think <3 ask me more things im currently accepting prompts <3 !!!
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thejojolands · 9 months
Got tagged by @juuouen
Rules: Tag 10 people you wanna know better
Relationship Status: Single baby 😎.....🥲🕶️🤏 I have been flirting on and off with a girl though but Celibacy
Favorite Color: This gonna be REALLY SURPRISING but red and pink (they are the same to me. Taxonomically)
Song stuck in head: Actually don't have anything stuck in my head ATM! If you want a suggestion I just listened to "What's the Story Morning Glory?" By Oasis again and it's a lot better than I remember. I think I just always remember them for all the people who suck at playing Wonderwall and how much they want each other dead before I think of the music.
3 fave foods: Salmon, Crab, and idk chocolate? I like that specific seafood and I don't have it often but picking foods is rough bc I've been having to cut out more foods I like due to GI upset. Hopefully I can add some back soon.
Last thing googled: 15 variations of the same renp'y/python error. I figured it out without any help though because I'm either a genius or I made such a stupid error I should've caught it sooner.
Dream Trip: I don't know actually! I'm a really odd traveler since I just don't enjoy a lot of typical touristy things, instead sticking to pretty much only museums and zoos and the like. Maybe back to Cape Canaveral once Florida stops being the fucking worst or smth really tame like the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta.
Anything I want right now: For the dog I'm sitting to stay asleep and hopefully a little well behaved 🙏Please, Nash, I'm gonna be here for a week be nice to me and my eardrums.
Ok so this is gonna be fun. You don't have to if you don't want to or if you've done it already. @borderline-purrsonality @astormlikethis @lagomortis @jojosfagdykeadventure @nexter2nd @atomic-rena @tomendthesun @see @rogan-4rcane @morays
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hungarianbee · 2 years
I'm absolutely blind, or tumblr is acting up again, but I've been tagged *thrice* by the lovely @on-a-lucky-tide @tumbleweedtech and @round--robin. 10 fandom, 10 characters
The Witcher - Erland of Larvik (this was a toughie, but I ended up choosing my husband, bc I imprinted hard)
Marvel - Tony Stark (my first fandom fave, though my love is now a slow simmering flame on the gas stove)
Yakuza - Goro Majima (from games 0-6) and Zhao Tianyou (from 7). No I'm not cheating, shhh. They have the same frequency but with entirely different flavouring
Judgment - Higashi Toru (his streak of loyalty sucked me in, despite the game putting in so much effort to make his tsundere ass look incompetent. he's not, aight?)
Hollow Knight - to no one's surprise, Quirrel (Blue Lake didn't happen, he now owns a little house in the City of Tears, and most importantly, he's alive)
Naruto - i'm once again nominating two, bc do y'all know how big the cast is??? anyway, beautiful bugboi Shino Aburame (another overlooked character, I have a type) and ratbastard Tobirama Senju take the lead
Overwatch - Hanzo Shimada (i still tear up at the Dragons cinematic; if only Blizzard cared about its characters rip)
The Quarry - a recent fandom I've been following. another popular character is queued up here: Dylan Lenivy (a queer done well)
House of Ashes - from the same developers, this is an older title. Salim Othman came in with his adorable dilf energy and i swooned
Critical Role - Caleb Widogast from c2, and Orym from c3
Not tagging anyone, bc I'm shit at keeping up who was summoned already, so *shrugs* pulling an open invitation here once again
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starrysamu · 4 years
i've already screeched to you in dms but oh my god ahhhhh- i'm not going to have any space left. BUT okay, can we please talk about the flow of this chapter. i did notice ANY of the messages while reading bc of how gripping that was. like the FLOW and the way you structured your actions and dialogue. i'm sure i've already mentioned to you MULTIPLE times how much i love this structured flow you've developed so nicely since the ushijima fic. like please, it keeps getting better and smoother. -pt.1
+ pt.2 - now to talk about the content. the morning scene was so well done (once again, facilitated by your flow and transitions and general writing style) and the emotions are so well conceived. from reader-chan's to osamu's to the sister's and even the mom's. all so Pristine. can we also talk about how apt the dialogue and the balance between the teasing/lightheartedness vs. the tension is??? like REMY how??? and then the change in mood from that to sister to cafe scene. i LOVED all of it.
+ pt. 3 - last one i promise. the main thing i want to say is how romcom this chapter is. you talked about wanting this to be romcom like and let me tell you this WHOLE chapter (not just the kissing scene) tied in together so so well to make this so fluid and so very representative of a movie. like remy, THIS ENTIRE CHAPTER. i haven't seen that in the previous chapters, i swear. how complete this instalment is just blows my mind. your progress and your improvement with each update astounds me
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okay i saved this one for before i go to bed because i reread this like. four times. you already know how much i absolutely love and adore your critiques and thoughts towards what i’m writing and how much it absolutely means to me that you’re 1) reading it and 2) taking the time to even say something (even though you’re so mf BUSY!!) 
i am so so thankful to hear these words from you. and oKAY i reread this chapter a bunch before posting it (which i think allowed it to drastically improve from what i’ve put out before!) but i definitely focused on flow a little more to make everything .. smooth, and not choppy, and so to hear that the flow was really good is such a huge BLESSING like there are still some parts i have highlighted with messy transitions but i’m so relieved that it flowed well ): 
and ALSO I’M SO GLAD IT’S FINALLY STARTING TO FEEL LIKE A MOVIE. like hhhhhhh sometimes i stilt some of the actions so it’s like. WOW ABOUT TIME!! one day when my skills r good enough maybe i’ll capitalize on this HAHAHAH 
thank you once again to my fave yuren bean for always helping me improve and for supporting me! i love you so so very much ): 
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