#i'm just uhhh. Thinkin about the fact that one of the most common hcs of stan and ford's age is they're 60 in 2012 right
maaan i know i posted about something similar recently but just the whole concept of ford having trouble adjusting post-series is such a concept imo...
ford still can't bring himself to just fall asleep willingly. he knows bill is dead, but it just feels wrong. he stays awake until he can't anymore. he falls asleep in the most random places; it's not like he often had a proper bed and room to sleep in for the past thirty years, so he just zonks out wherever, because that's what he's used to. he wakes up and instantly bolts upright fully alert, reaching for his gun, which of course he still sleeps with; he hasn't slept without a weapon in thirty-one years, so it doesn't even occur to him now. he still gets hit with these random urges to drop everything and just run for it—run for what? there's nobody after him anymore, bill is dead and ford is back in his home dimension—but the flight reflex never goes away.
bill is dead, and ford is free now, for the first time in more than half his life—and he has no idea how to handle it.
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