#i'm just typing away
radziki · 12 years
One thing that leaves me in a bit of a pickle is my mouth.
Well actually, it's my inability of concentration, i think.
Because when people converse, and it's alternating 
and they're expecting a reply
to show that you are listening or that you remotely care... you should reply fairly quickly
now, if you hesitate/fail, it will be noticed.
A judgement would be noted subconciously, whether they like it or not.
I fear that it would confirm a potential negative perception of me.
What i really don't want to be.
So i blurt and try to recover what i really wanted to say. But then if i blurt something that contradicts, i try to say something else to recover but i'm only making everything worse.
So then i try to explain myself, the damage has been done and i can't try to recover anything.
Then i'm just stuck.
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