#i'm just like. hhhhh i wanna tell her just how happy she makes me but i don't wanna risk the friendship bc tbh whether romantic or platonic
magentagalaxies · 1 year
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poppy-metal · 2 years
chrissy x reader x eddie.....I'm sorry I will never get over them. like exploring both of their bodies, trying to fit yourself into their established dynamic. eddie desperate to give you both whatever either of you want, chrissy desperate to take and give, you at the center of them not sure what to do but loving every second of it
think of....corrupted chrissy. more confident in herself and her wants. being her friend and her and making her want things shes never wanted before, eddie encouraging her to explore with you, because he wants her to be happy. him not participating the first few times, just letting you guys warm up to eachother. hhhhh. chrissy getting to be on the other side of corrupting someone for once, and eddie helping her do it.
"how do i make her cum with my mouth?"/"how do i use my fingers?" and hes more than willing to sit behind her and guide her along. she's so cute, with that determined fascinated look on her face. eddies so proud of her. and he starts to adore you too. how you make chrissy feel bolder at first but then he starts liking your expressions and your sounds.
feels guilty about it for awhile until chrissy reassures him shes glad <33 because she loves you and she wants you to be able to feel how it feels to be loved by eddie too.
when he fucks you for the first time, chrissy is right there, smiling. even guides eddies cock into your waiting hold with her delicate hand. strokes n pets your hip when you gasp at the thick intrusion.
"they feel...." eddie would say, staring down at where you're stretched around him. "so fucking good. baby."
he tells you, "kiss chris for me, yeah? wanna see my pretty babies love eachother."
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