#i'm gonna follow this up with a suggestion for how to balance the tiering rewards a little bit
tsuzuruchipalace · 3 years
I love Obey Me, but unless I’m playing the events super wrong, I have to say I really dislike its events’ point/reward system.
There’s no way for f2p players to rank even remotely close to the top half tiers. In the latest event, to get the ranked memory SSR, which is the “easiest” non-SR you can get, you have to be one of top 1500 people out of over 167,000 players. Which sucks because that’s somewhere between 0.0075% to 0.009% of all players (my assumption is that they are about 200,000 who have played the event to get at least 1 point). And SRs are useless by Lesson 12? 10?, give or take. So it’s essentially not giving us anything.
I did the math for my specific cards this event, and if I played as much as the event allows me per day (entirely f2p without using demon points to redo battles because I need to save them for nightmares), I would still end up in the sub-6000th place, which is the 4th tier from the bottom and 10th from the top. And that’s not even accounting for the ranked memory and demon URs that are much harder to receive. (which are, respectively, about twice and three times as much points)
Other than getting the cheat cards from the Event Nightmare, I don’t see how I can get better at events without using demon points (and at that point, I think it’s no longer casual play). And the cheat cards barely help imo. In most other gacha games I’ve played, I feel like ranking improved as long as you constantly play the game, due to upgrading cards/getting better cards/actively playing the event more/learning how to optimize the game better, before it plateaus. However, insanely strong cards do not help you in the events. After you beat all the lessons, it doesn’t matter how strong your cards are since it just matters how much you can replay the levels.
Since I’ve started playing this game, I’ve been constantly ranking in the 2nd tier from the bottom, because every time I try to rank, I start out playing a lot, then slowing down exponentially when I calculate that it’s literally impossible for me to get certain cards. It’s super disheartening. I was so pumped when Satan’s birthday event came out that I tried my strategy of playing as much as I could per day. Then when I calculated that it was literally impossible for me to get his UR, I got super disappointed and stopped trying.
I also dislike how the pop quiz awards work. Once again, if I grinded as much as I could without using points (since I have a lot of AP saved up), I could get the demon SSR, but it would take multiple trips to Lonely Devil to even think about getting the memory SSR, the memory UR, and the demon UR. And it takes a while for events to show up on Lonely Devil, if they ever come back at all.
I get that Obey Me is mostly trying to make money. So they want you to shell out money so you can buy vouchers and points to get good cards for events and the main story, but I wish it was a least a little less p2w in the event so that it’s more enjoyable for casual players. I’m grateful for the UR chance boost from the anniversary, at least. That was a very nice update. Since it’s a gacha game, I didn’t expect them to be nice about that. I’ve played so many gacha games that I don’t mind low UR/SSR rates. I’m used to it. It’s mostly just the event rewards system and the difficulty curve I don’t enjoy.
If there’s something I’m missing about the meta of Obey Me!, feel free to object to my rant. Because I feel like I’m doing something wrong to be this bad at events. Or am I right about it being a p2w thing?
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