#i'm gonna be daydreaming about this sighhhh
tired-biscuit ยท 1 year
If there are two guys who are absolutely farmboy-coded it do be kiba and naruto. Sunkissed farmertan skinned, sweaty, hard workin boys who'll tackle you into a pile of hay (which sounds better than it actually is, that shit makes you itchy as hell!!) I think they'd look fantastic in overalls
you're so right, i've been dating a farmboy for the last 6 years and they're just so nice and honest and strong fifjdjdjd........... definitely a type that would fit kiba and naruto so well.
i'm imagining them with busted baseball caps, their hair in need of a trim because it's peeking from underneath the cap right at the nape. little cutesy dates and long rides in their trucks with the windows down. they know how to fix everything and don't mind getting their hands dirty. i also feel like they'd both know how to cook pretty decently, especially kiba.
aghhhhh, imagine being stuck in a room with one of them late at night. it's a hot summer, the hottest one in the last couple of years, the crickets are singing their songs. you're literally bathing in sweat, squirming on top of the cotton bedding as he holds you in a mating press and whispers in your ear how he wants to fill the house with little copies of the both of you. he even jokes how he'll make them work as soon as they learn how to walk because he obviously needs all the help he can get.
and when you hold onto him just a little bit tighter, because the words make you yearn for him even more, he picks you up with ease. he's strong from working all day for years, the tan making his skin gleam golden even in the moonlight. and the best part of it all; he's all crude praises as you ride his cock, messily kissing your jawline and murmuring, "attagirl... there she is."
my heart!!
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islandofsages ยท 2 years
i cannot begin to explain how safe i feel on this blog i am absolutely gonna be coming back
may i reserve an emoji and become an emoji anon?? you probably could tell who i am through me liking your posts but i am too afraid to go off of anon publicly so LOL
but IF I CAN. AND ONLY IF. may i be ๐Ÿฏ anon? tiger bc it's my favorite animal hehehehe
you know what the worst thing about the whole excluding non-fem people? it's the fact that half the time they don't even specify the gender of the reader. LIKE. i have to take a shot in the dark to even see if i am able to read a fic. AND MAJORITY OF THE TIME I CAN'T!! so i get that icky icky feeling of gender dysphoria when that is the one thing i am trying to escape when i go to read fanfics. SIGHHHH. i swear the amount of times i have had to comment on a post about specifying that the reader's gender is chosen or about a slip up with pronouns/terms is crazy, it should be none!! why is this just not common decency!!!
also you're absolutely right, frick them!! and i know it's not the case but the amount of misgendering when it comes to gn reader fics frickin feels transphobic at this point. AGAIN, I KNOW IT'S NOT, but with how much i come across it not only on Tumblr but ao3 as well, it sure is starting to feel like it. i think i only feel this way because of the amount of times i've heard people tell me that they can't use my correct pronouns because it's "too hard" n stuff. and seeing people slip up so much is triggering that anger i feel when i hear that FOSJEJ
AND AND AAAAHH FOUND FAMILY โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’ i live for that trope it is a trope i hold so dearly close to my heart. i love it so much that i cried over the last Alvin and the Chipmunks movie where that guy adopted the chipmunks. a frickin MOVIE ABOUT SINGING CHIMPMUNKS MADE ME, A 17 Y/O, CRY solely because of the adoption. i am a mess of a person KFAOSJJS but GOODNESS. underrated trope!!
also i hope you know that i may come knockin on your door every now and then with requests and/or just floffy platonic thoughts if you're okay with that bc AAAJDJSKKDKE i have so many my brain never stops thinking i am always daydreaming this stuff
I'M GONNA JOIN YOU WITH SCREAMING ABOUT QPRs BECAUSE THEY'RE SO UNDERRATED AND NEED TO BE MORE NORMALIZED i absolutely hate when people are so ignorant about what they mean it is infuriating to see people brush it off as like just fwb or something :(
i tend to type A LOT, i have so many things to say all of the time and i never stop talking whether it's irl or online apparently KFKSOD i hope that's okay, if it's too much just lmk and i'll tone it down as much as i can
i guess it's just my ADHD thought LMFAO
also when you mentioned your big brother instincts i squealed i am so bad about getting attached to people big brother energy because THEY'RE ALWAYS SO COMFORTING and maybe it's just my family issues speaking but if i admire someone even slightly older than me or a character i adopt them as my older sibling in my head
okay i lied apparently i wasn't gonna stop talking BUT NOW I AM. DISIWKKS thank you for reading through all of this i apologize if i am overwhelming at all
[just a heads up im gonna be kinda mean in this and swearing a lot so if you dont like that ignore this JSHDHSJJDKS]
hey ๐Ÿฏ anon!! :D omg i have my own emoji anon now LOL
AND TRUE LIKE it can't be that hard to specify details about the reader right?? especially when it comes to gender,, even if your blog specifically writes for fem readers, if you're gonna use the fucking genshin tags then FUCKING SPECIFY IT'S FOR FEM READER JFC also i genuinely do not understand slip-ups. i really don't like what's there to slip up on? i usually see this with male characters and writers tend to "slip up" and put in fem nouns for reader and it's like....it's honestly kinda mlmphobic/nblmphobic ngl :/ even tho it's probably just heteronormativity bc boy must like girl right hahahahaha wrong. you're not "slipping up" dipshit, that's why proofreading exists
sorry you have to deal with the misgendering anon :(( i feel that, i really do. even tho sometimes it's unintentional, it hurts anyway. and to people who do it on purpose, here's something for you:๐Ÿ–•
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS PLSSSS FELT THAT that's me with the sonic movies ๐Ÿ˜ญ there's also so much found family in genshin too like MY GODDDD this game has so many flaws but man the storytelling? it can be good we don't talk about inazuma's writing
feel free to knock on my door or even barge in and destroy it with your requests :] at this point they're the only things making me write LMAO tho i do have ideas of my own that i'll write down soon....probably
THANK YOU maybe it's bc i myself am attached to the concept of qprs (been in one, also i self-ship myself queerplatonically with zhongli) but thing is it's not just a fwb thing nor is it only an aspec thing like. allos can perfectly be in qprs. in fact, i think it'd benefit them โ€“ if only they take the time to learn about it
and it's okay!! you all can talk to me all you want idm!! plus i get pretty lonely here too on tumblr dot com bc i actually do not have any friends here LMAO (and i did have a good rest thank you ๐Ÿ’–)
honestly same ๐Ÿ˜ญ i myself am the eldest sibling in my family and idk what it's like to have an older sibling so sometimes when im close enough to someone older than me my brain just assigns them as the older sibling LOL. also yes family issues.....we on the same page anon ๐Ÿค
thank you for entertaining me anon, it's exciting to think that someone likes my works this much LOL and you weren't overwhelming at all dw. hope you have a nice day ๐Ÿฏ anon <3
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