#i'll continue the others later today!! i got work to do askfljlskdfklds
robinpixels · 2 years
for the ask meme, give me full forgefire rundown
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ask meme here!!
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Oh, Aloy, definitely. This prickly little cactus getting accustomed to affection and care given freely, no obligations attached? Nothing expected back of her aside than work to keep the relationship mutually alive? Unheard of.
With Varga also being a very straightforward and direct, also hands-on kind of person with her love, maybe prodding a bit too hard at sore spots Aloy's not quite ready to tackle yet with intent to help not hurt, it still leaves Aloy off-kilter for a while and might snap and retreat to keep things at arm's length so she doesn't have to talk about it. Varga seems like she suffers fools just about as well as Aloy does, however, so to be honest I think she'd be VERY hard to hurt but definitely hold Loy to account if she ever goes too far.
who is emotionally stronger?
They're both VERY emotionally resilient, in their own ways, both I can see having gone through a lot when it comes to that. They just have different approaches--Varga quips and jokes about her turmoils and trauma to make light of it and make things more bearable, whereas Aloy intends to keepit riight by her chest until one day she fucking dies, and avoids having to deal with her own feelings as long as humanly possible.
However, I think Varga's more self-aware. She gives off the air of somebody who's acknowledged the problem, and has done some significant work in moving past it, and is really just well into recovery with a pretty decently healthy outlook on her situation. SO she can afford to give Aloy a helping hand with her own struggles and stand by and be patient for her--Patient, but not permissive.
who is physically stronger?
Varga's stronger when it comes to lifting heavy weights and direct power due to her build and the nature of her work! Forged like an Oseram through and through, that one.
who is more likely to break a bone? 
Aloy--squirrel of a girl who runs around and climbs and jumps and pulls off some really risky acrobatic maneuvers. She's bound to fuck up her leg at least once if she hasn't already.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
While Aloy can bring snappy words if she feels she's been pushed into too much of a corner and get Varga to back off..I think it's Varga here. Not in the sense that she's deliberately trying to upset Aloy or start off an argument--More in the sense that she can see right through her.
Aloy trying to escape having to confront something uncomfortable about herself, and Varga quietly dropping an observation about her that leaves her thinking hard on it for hours.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? 
Varga--she's moved well past the stage of needing to have the final say in an argument (thanks, Burgrend).
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
Varga--idiot reckless hunter gf gets herself in all KINDSA scrapes, smh.
who is in constant need of comfort? 
Tbh, I feel they seek it both about the same amount. They're both pretty independent and used to doing their own thing with indignation instead of validation being received..but they gotta admit, the validation is pretty nice.
who gets more jealous? 
Aloy since she's constantly fighting for her life against Varga's own weaponry on who's being called 'beautiful' and 'a good girl' that day lmao
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
Both, again in a 'I need to cool down before we continue this conversation/I need space' kind of beat. Though Aloy more often/likely than Varga, who's harder to rile up.
who will propose? 
....Loy...because Varga really doesn't want to impose anything on her/'tie her down' or show that she expects her to settle with her.
who has the most difficult parents?
...While Burgrend isn't the BEST I don't think he'd give them much trouble. Things at most might be frustrating, and awkward, but they kind of give each other a wide berth. I'm sure Varga's mother would be nice enough.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
Varga, just to see Loy's ears go red lmao
who comes up for the other all the time? 
Aloy, coming up to see Varga up in Longnotch or wherever she's stationed every so often!
who hogs the blankets? 
Aloy. Varga sleeps without them just fine.
who gets more sad? 
Loy wears her emotions on her sleeve a lot, so I'd say you can notice her getting sad more often (mostly because she masks it with either frustration or anger and goes to kick a rock or sulk somewhere or something)
But they get sad about the same amount, Varga just masks hers by putting a smile on and just throwing herself back into work.
who is better at cheering the other up? 
Varga--but Aloy's getting good at it!!
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
VARGA--A whole lotta elbow shoving between the two of them and "Oh, you sneaky little Glinthawk--"
who is more streetwise?
Both of them!! Aloy travels everywhere, and Varga essentially works retail. Could not get the jump on either if you tried.
who is more wise?
Varga, I feel, honestly. She's been up in the Cut for like two years this girl's had time to Think.
who’s the shyest? 
Aloy tends to be more reserved...unless you get a few Scrappersaps in her or even just put up a challenge for her stone-cold sober--she'll start on her peacocking REAL quick as Varga very well enables lmao
who boasts about the other more? 
Oh Varga's CONSTANTLY running her mouth off about Aloy, and Aloy always praising Varga's work on her weaponry wherever she travels--they're both guilty aha
who sits on who’s lap? 
Aloy, the rascal cat, since there's plenty of Varga to snuggle on~
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