#i’m not gonna act like i have it worse than people who are heavily stigmatized. i��m not gonna get attacked for stuttering at mcdonalds
To Allistics from Autistics (Warning: Profanity.)
Please. Do. NOT. Say. That. We. Have. No. Right. To. See. A. Fictional. Character. As. Autistic. Just. Because. It. Isn’t. Stated. That. They. Are. Autistic.
And don’t you fucking say that they are your characters or that it’s your show/movie/story/game so we can’t see even have a small notion that a fictional character might be autistic.
I’m gonna be honest; if you do that, you are acting like the scummiest of the scummiest scum in the history of the universe. You know why? Because you’re taking away one of the few privileges we have as autistics.
You have this thing called allistic privilege ™. You got that shit for no fucking cost. Your allistic privilege ™ package includes:
-No risk of social isolation because you have no fucking clue on how social skills work. -No risk of being patronized or taken advantage of or manipulated because the signs go right over your goddamn head until it’s too late (autistics often have trouble reading subtle signs like that). -No risk of being put under extended guardianship. -No risk of being threatened to be institutionalized or even being institutionalized because people think you’re stupid and can’t take care of yourself. -No risk of social skills class making you afraid to make friends because they teach the same fucking basic-ass things. -No risk of feeling like/being told that you’re a burden because you're autistic. -No risk of people thinking that they know what’s best for you and trying to control every. Single. Aspect. Of your motherfucking life. -No risk of having to go through ABA therapy, which can be incredibly abusive. -No risk of being so overstimulated that you shut the fuck down and can’t talk to anyone for the rest of the fucking day. -No risk of being seen as a nuisance because sometimes stims are verbal. -No risk of anyone talking to you like you’re a child because people think being autistic means you're stupid. -No risk of being told that you’re just faking your autism. -No risk of people trying to speak for you even if you're verbal and autistic. -No risk of people considering you subhuman simply because of your neurological disorder. -No risk of being told that your autism makes you broken and you need to be fixed. -No risk of people trying to keep you from being vaccinated because some people still believe vaccines cause autism for some fucking reason. -No risk of being told that the reason you act the way you do is because autism is caused by the devil (I'm not kidding. I found an article about how autistics are possessed by demons. Like fucking why?) -No risk of being told "You're not autistic. You're a person with autism." Like no shit, Sherlock. They're the same damn thing. I'll say it how I prefer to say it. -No risk of all of the stigma surrounding autism making you wish you were neurotypical or even worse making you wish you were dead (I found a tumblr post in which a user said that their ten year old autistic brother, who people hate for some reason, has told them he wishes to die because of how hated he feels. Ten. Fucking. Years. Old.). -You don't risk not being able to go to college because you're not "developmentally disabled." -You don't risk social skills classes making you feel like a freak and that everyone else just knows all this social shit right away. -You're not as likely to be the target of bullying in school. (I didn't say you are never gonna be the target of bullying, because other factors play into it, but the two main ones are that people are insecure and they're dickheads, but because your thinking is mostly on the same wavelength as the general population, the odds of you being bullied are lower than if you were autistic.) -Because your odds of being bullied due to how you think are lower, you don't risk being bullied into depression and anxiety because of it. In fact studies have shown that depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation are alarmingly common in autistic teens and adults. -No one has written online that if they get 50 likes, they're gonna set a neurotypical kid on fire. (I found this out while doing research for a satire article I wrote). -You don’t have a company, who has no one on the spectrum on their board, trying to stigmatize you and saying that they speak for you. (I think you all fucking know what goddamn organization I mean.)
And that’s just the start of it.
I’m 18 goddamn years old, but I’m under extended guardianship until next summer, and my parents still support Autism Speaks, even though I’ve tried to tell them how bad they actually are.
Let me say this again:
We. Are. Not. A. Goddamn. Puzzle.
We. Do. Not. Need. To. Be. Fixed.
We. Do. Not. Have. A. Disease.
We. Do. Not. Need. To. Be. Cured.
Yes, there are autistic people who are severely disabled. But they do not need to be fixed. They need to be accepted and loved just like, oh I don’t know, ANY OTHER GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING PERSON ON THE MOTHERFUCKING PLANET.
“But they cost a lot to take care of.”
Too bad. Severely autistic people are people too. If you don’t want to risk having an autistic child, then just don’t have kids. If you have kids, there is a chance they will be autistic, whether mildly or severely. If you do not want to have an autistic kid, then don’t. Have. Children.
“But they’re inherently inferior than allistic, or even, mildly autistic people.”
You do realize you could just say that you’re a heavily-prejudiced dickhead who doesn’t have enough brain power or room in your heart, which may or may not exist (cuz honest to God, if you hate everything, logically, you wouldn’t be able to be alive.), to accept that people are people, no matter their fucking race, religion, disability, etc, etc,.
Cuz those two statements mean the exact same thing.
“But they’re expensive to care for.”
See the point of inherent inferiority and shove your hatred up your ass.
I’m normally a very nice person and I try to avoid confrontation and exploding in anger as much as possible, but things like this make me want to bang my motherfucking head on the wall.
Do. Not. Take. One. Of. The. Only. Privileges. We. Have. As. Autistic. People.
Okay. I’m worn down, not just from this but just from life in general as well. I have a test and audition today and I can’t be worn down anymore.
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