#i wuv my beagles kids
nagaficat ยท 1 year
๐ŸŽ„+ ๐Ÿ’‹ (wrong child)
Sophia. Deirdre will not make the mistake of calling her the wrong name again. Especially since she has now had the pleasure of meeting her Julia as a kind and beautiful young woman. Especially especially when they both sit in her classroom as she lectures on magic. She feels quite foolish for ever having mixed them up!
It does not make Sophia any less special to her though. She may not be Deirdre's daughter but she still holds a very special place in the professor's heart.
When she sees Sophia standing beneath the mistletoe she's hung in the threshold to her classroom (it looks so festive!) Deirdre is quick to make her way over to her student. With a smile, she gives her a quick kiss right on the cheek. "May your holidays be as lovely as you are!"
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