#i would pin this but. the yoobies
bang-bang-gang · 11 months
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spoiledsovls · 7 years
kissed! [ humor me! any muse of your choice.
Send kissed! and my character will react to receiving this type of kiss from yours… (x)
51. find-their-lips-in-the-dark kiss 
it was around 10 pm. maybe 11. maybe it was 3 am, her watch stopped working a while back. their day consisted of trudging through another abandoned town and lucky for them, they’ve found a tent. the tent needed some construction but it was better than just finding shelter from the people that scavenged in the evening. a light sigh slips out of hyejung’s lips while she looks up at the billions of stars that hung above their head. there was her grandmother, her mother, her friends, her past lovers.. she shook her head from the thought. throughout her whole journey she’s never thought of the future but now that she’s actually living in the present, dodging bullets and picking up bits and pieces of food that they find along the way.
turning on her side, she finds yoobi fast asleep (or that’s what she thought.) her breathing was so light, she wouldn’t be able to blow a feather off of her face. a smile appears on hyejung’s lips, unconsciously leaning in before she realizes what she’s doing and stops. what is she doing? yes, they’ve been each other for a while because they became allies but would she really do that? what if yoobi left due to her stupid decisions? how would hyejung live? then again, she was out there by herself before they decided to team up. and it’s not like yoobi had anywhere else to go. though, once she was gone, she’s gone. they wouldn’t be able to find each other again (unless a thing called fate existed and they bump into each other on deserted crossroads) because seoul wasn’t that small. one could end up in a river somewhere and the other living in a cave at one point.
but fuck it, right? they were both going to die so why die without trying? “uh.” was the only vocabulary she knew at that moment because she still kept going. her body got closer to the other and she uses her elbow to prop herself up. she stops again, slipping her eyelids to a close. she wouldn’t do it. she couldn’t. she couldn’t lose her alliance over a case of bad infatuation. over the past days she’s been thinking about her in ways other than cheering together when they find a stash of food left behind or if they’re lucky, some type of shelter. hyejung pushes herself back, shaking her head. “uh– yeah. nevermind.”
yoobi was the first to act upon it. she wasn’t sure how surprised she was because hyejung’s eyes were shut tightly, feeling the pair of soft lips against hers. it felt exhilarating. it’ been a while since she’s felt this way– other than running the opposite direction of people wanting to steal their stuff for themselves. selfish bastards. fuck that thought. hyejung wanted to be selfish with yoobi. she was pinned on the ground with her hands on yoobi’s waist, body pressing against the other and their tongues suddenly come into play. the kiss was hot, their noses would bump into each other occasionally but it was like a light tap to the skin. her breath was warm, it was sweet, and it frightened hyejung on how fast she was getting intoxicated to the girl’s kisses. the fire that they had got put out, hyejung flipping them so that she’s on top. the warmth of her lips had disappeared, worrying hyejung just a bit.
“oh… shit. fuck.” hyejung muttered under her breath, sitting up and positioning herself so that she was sitting on top of her abdomen area. her fingers trail up her sides (there’s a little shiver, cute.) and lightly brush against the side of her breasts. it gave hyejung goosebumps because that’s not what she was aiming for (she wasn’t trying to. if it happens though, it happens.) she feels the outline of yoobi’s collarbones and finally her face. using both of her hands, she cups both of her cheeks and leans down, missing her lips and kissing her forehead instead. “shit.. i missed. hold on.” her voice is at a whisper now. she swore her heart leaped out of her chest. she’s starting from the forehead and then down to the bridge of her nose, the tip of it, and the bottom of her lip brushes against the other’s top lip. she wanted to tease her just a bit, so her lips find its way to other parts of her face. she couldn’t hold it in, hyejung goes back to the origins and recaptures the lips that she’s wanted to taste for so long.
and they’re flipped over again. they’re in the same situation and now the blood is rushing to her cheeks. hyejung grabs yoobi’s hands, letting her fingers explore just the surface of her body that’s covered by pieces of cloth, placing her hands on top of her cheeks. she’s trying to adjust her vision, a small whine slips out when there’s a pause. yoobi doesn’t start at her face though, maybe she’ll find it eventually. her lips, hyejung’s lips. hyejung gasps when she feels her lips on the neck, they were both trying to find each other in the dark. “god. this is so fuckin’ difficult–” hyejung comments, getting cut off by another kiss. they’re colliding, shattering the silence of the woods when there’s a slight groan that slips out from hyejung’s lips. she stops, turning her head so yoobi’s lips ends up on hyejung’s cheek.
“is it… is it bad t’say that.. i.. ‘cos m’not sure.. not really.. but..” she gulps out of nervousness, unable to directly look at her eyes. “i.. kind of.. want you?“
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