#i won't stop my Bellhands agenda until we got Sam Bellamy in canon
reinarandraw · 1 year
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"Why do you cut your hair?"
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 07:   Free Day [Art + Fic 700 words]
The reason why I draw my old Sam Bellamy with short hair instead of long hair. It can be seen as a missing scene for The Last Voyage.
Ao3 link [HERE]
You can click read more and read it here!
Izzy had been working as Sam's first mate for a while now. He really enjoyed working for the man because he was always clear with his direction and goal. He valued Izzy's input and never dismissed his concern. He never played guessing games or played tricks on him. Izzy liked how Sam could separate business from pleasure. Sex didn't have any real effect on their professional relationship. Izzy really appreciated how structured Sam was so ready to do anything to help Sam.
One thing that he was required to do was cut Sam's hair. Sam had thick straight hair that would be a hassle if he kept it long. Well, Sam used to have his hair long. Edward also had long hair and beard, but he was an outlier. Izzy respected Sam's decision to keep his hair short even though deep down he thought long hair really suited Sam. He remembered seeing young Sam - pre Whydah - and his glorious long black hair. That was how he got his nickname Black Sam. Sam Bellamy and his long black hair.
He wondered how Sam would look now with longer hair. The man had a peculiar gray hair pattern that was concentrated on his bangs. Sam's hair was also strangely healthy and soft despite the fact they were on a pirate ship. Izzy really enjoyed running his fingers through Sam's hair during sex. It felt like silk.
Would Sam be even hotter with his long hair framing his face? He tried to imagine Sam leaning to the bulwark as he pushed some loose hair strand away from his face. Izzy found himself hot and bothered by his own imagination.
So one day, when Sam asked him to cut his hair, Izzy dared himself to ask him a question.
"Why do you cut your hair?" 
The question caught Sam off guard. "For practical reasons. It's hot here and I don't really want people to know that I'm still alive."
Fair enough. "Long hair didn't bother you much when you were young."
Sam took a moment to think about how to answer that. Sam tried not to keep any secret from Izzy. He seemed reluctant to do it. There must be a good reason for the hairstyle change. 
"Three things," Sam suddenly said. "First, to make me less recognizable. Second, hair loss. Long hair is making me lose more hair.  It became gradually worse over time. I don't think I can pull a bald look like Paul. Would you still like me if I'm bald?"
"Shut up," Izzy snorted, smiling.
"And third," Sam continued, "I can't tell you. It's between me and the sea."
Although he was still smiling, there was something melancholic in Sam's eyes. The palpable sadness tugged something in Izzy's chest, making him want to protect this man from any harm that would come his way. 
“It’s not like I don’t trust you,” Sam continued. “It’s just…”
“Yeah, ok,” Izzy cut him. If Sam wanted to keep it a secret then it was his choice. He could take care of his captain without knowing all his secrets. The fact that Sam allowed him to cut his hair was enough to prove that he trusted him. “When do you want me to cut your hair?”
It wasn't until that time Sam told him about the dark days he had after Whydah that Izzy finally learned Sam cut his hair during one of his breakdowns. His long hair reminded him of his failure. His once pride and joy now brought him terror to his heart. He blamed himself. The guilt tormented him. Sam cut his hair to help him get through the guilt of being the only survivor.
"Do you like me better with long hair?" Sam asked one day when Izzy was cutting his hair.
Izzy's put the scissors away. "Would you like to grow it back?"
Sam didn't say anything at first. "I don't know."
Izzy put a hand on Sam's shoulder and leaned down to kiss Sam on the top of his head. "Do what you want with your hair. I don't care."
Sam snorted. "Even when I go bald?"
Izzy chuckled. "Yeah. I bet you're still hot with a bald head."
Sam reached out to touch Izzy's hand. "Thank you, Israel."
Sam probably wouldn't grow his hair back anytime soon, but who knew? Maybe one day, when the wound had healed completely, Black Sam would have his long beautiful hair once more.
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