#i will say i wanted to see clemensia's arc too and i wish the ''ending'' where lucy gray was already out of the cabin when coryo found the
Have you seen the prequel movie? If yes🌹>>>
A. In your opinion, please rate TBOSAS movie with 1-10 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 10 = I love it.)
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
B. For people who also read the novel.
Your opinions about the difference between the book and the movie :
Thank you 🎼
<333333 yes yes yes 🌹🌹
A) hmm im gonna say 8? im not very good at number ratings. i had read the book already so i went in with the context of everything and coryo's internal monologue so i very much enjoyed it for the visuals and being able to see everything i read on screen + hearing the songs. biggest pride point is that ballad of lucy gray baird sounds exactly like i thought it would -- i have a recording of me singing how i thought it sounded and its nearly the same as in the movie so i was VERY haunted by that bc it felt like it was taken out of my mind. however, if i hadnt read the books, i dont think i wouldve enjoyed it as much bc it took away from a lot of the story to not know what snow was thinking -- it just didnt have the same impact
things i like: the dress was gorgeous and very realistic (and the touch of katniss and primrose designs on the bodice was chefs kiss), and the color symbolism was very fun to watch unfold, both with the obvious district blue/panem red as well as the colors of the roses and just the color imagery in general. i love rachel zegler and am very happy with her as lucy gray, but sejanus was perfect casting for me; he looked EXACTLY like i thought he would. also when i was reading the book, i knew what took place where and when that matched up with places in thg, but being able to see it was a whole other story.
things i dont like: um nothing much really for the movie on its own? like i have Opinions on the changes they made, but as it's own thing, i only wish we had more of coryo's internal thoughts -- and if not, a heavier emphasis on lucy gray. without either, it just felt like the dynamics fell a little flat, especially compared to the dynamics of the og movies.
B) OOOOOOOH okay so i was fine with most of the changes to the story for the movie -- theres only so much time and so many ways to show something and its a different medium, so i understand why things had to be different. BUT! i very much did not like two changes. one, that lucy gray wins the games by not being killed by the snakes. its a lovely scene and great to watch, but i feel like it almost takes power away from lucy gray. we, as the audience, know that it isnt her singing that keeps the snakes at bay, and so all it really shows us is how easy it is to make the capitol see district citizens as human like them, if only they get past their own blinders. and since she survives bc coryo gave his handkerchief with her scent to the snakes, it just makes it so he won the games, not lucy gray. the way it played out in the book mightve been less cinematic to watch, but it was much better in my opinion. like, the fact that lucy gray had to resort to using reaper's humanity against him in order to kill him, and that it was a suicide that led to her survival was very poignant and i feel like we missed out on that.
the other change i disliked was how we didnt see arachne's funeral and the spectacle it became. again, i know that with the movie's age rating, it might not have been entirely possible to show the parade of brandy's body but i very much wish we had to be forced to confront the dehumanization that was prevalent in the capitol -- i feel like we hear it a lot in the movie, but we dont ever really see it in a way that isnt excusable by the games. i also think it wouldve been a very intriguing parallel for coryo's to sing the anthem (also bc he sings it in the books twice i think, once in a group and once alone) and have his performance be a stark difference to how lucy gray and the covey perform. one thing the movie did well was letting the art stand for itself -- the music, sure, but also the designs of the clothes and the city, as well as the statue at the end. i think adding coryo's singing wouldve been awesome to see.
i also kind of wish we saw the plinths get close to coryo just bc it was so important to propel him into who he became, but i understand that there just wasnt enough time and space to show that. although, when they played the jabberjay recording at sejanus's execution? GAGGED. i nearly started screaming right there. that little sequence will haunt me forever.
i do wish ballad was split into two movies despite any backlash to give more time to tell this story -- the book itself is absolutely packed, so to make it one movie under three hours long almost feels like a disservice? but i honestly went in to put some visuals to the book and to watch the arc play out on a screen, and so im pretty happy with what i got! im definitely rewatching it when i rewatch the other movies and thats all i really need :]
thank YOU nonny<333 i'd love to hear your thoughts as well !!!!!! i dont have many people to talk to about ballad so its awesome to be asked these questions! love you<33
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