#i will get through this backlog but my priority will be following the newest prompts
hurtmyfavsthanks · 9 months
Whumptember day 11
“There’s nothing else I can do” Last resort | Character death | Medical whump Content warning: implied suicide, Whumpee death. Potentially temporary death.
“Save them.”
Those were the words Whumper was greeted with as they opened their door. It was Caretaker, the persistent little thing that’d stolen Whumpee away from them, standing on their porch. They held an expression all too familiar to Whumper. There’s was a desperate, hungry face, the face of someone ready to sell their soul to the devil to fulfill their wish. Desperation, anger, resignation, all in a single expression.
Whumpee was cradled in their arms. They weren’t breathing.
There was no need for pleasantries. “I know what you can do.  Whumpee told me everything,” Caretaker’s voice shook, but the anger within was clear. “Bring them back. I know you can.”
Whumper eyed the body, curiosity piqued. “Since you went through all that effort to steal them, I thought you’d take better care of my pet. What killed them this time?”
Caretaker’s glare hardened, but Whumper could see a deep, overwhelming sadness filling their eyes. Their grip on Whumpee tightened, and Whumper couldn’t help but laugh as they realized. “I see… And you want me to reverse their decision, yes? I can’t imagine they’d approve.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Caretaker responded, voice tight. “Are you going to save them or not?”
Whumper paused, considering. They could do so. Death was nothing but a temporary state of being for them, one that could be reversed as easily as it was induced. It wasn’t a matter of if they could, but if they should bother. 
They looked into Caretaker’s eyes, gazing at their desperate determination. A smile crept onto Whumper’s face. “It will cost you,”
“Fine, that’s fine,” Caretaker’s response was immediate. “Money isn’t an issue.”
“What need do I have for money?” Whumper took a step forward, eyes alight with a predator’s glee. They pointed a finger towards Whumpee’s body. “I want them. If I save their life, they'll be spending whatever time remains with me.”
They weren’t surprised when Caretaker pulled away. “No! You’ve already hurt them enough. You’re the reason they're dead in the first place!”
“And I’ll be the reason they’re alive again, if you accept my officer” Whumper continued, unbothered. “They would remain dead without me; it’s only fair that they become mine once more in exchange.”
“What, so you can kill them again? No. They’d rather stay dead than that.”
“And since when did what they wanted mean anything to you? If it did, you wouldn't be here.”
“No.” Caretaker’s voice was firm, far more confident than their expression was. Whumper could see the hesitation in their eyes. After all, if they truly were unswayed, they would have simply walked away.
Whumper continued. “I was never unreasonably cruel to Whumpee. They were fed and cared for, never hurt outside of necessity. They were my assistant. A labrat at times, but a beloved one. I never killed them simply for the sake of doing so,” Whumper’s voice was a purr, smile lazy. “Isn’t returning to my care better than remaining dead? Don't they deserve another chance at life?"
Silence reigned over them for a long moment, Caretaker becoming as still as the body in their arms. They could tell Caretaker saw the words for what they were. A sweet poison, the apple in the garden, delectable yet forbidden. And yet Whumper knew that knowledge wouldn’t save them, Not with the weight of the alternative on their shoulders.
When Caretaker spoke, their voice was small and bitter. “Fine,” they hissed, trembling. “Just save them. Please.”
Whumper grinned. “I’m glad we have an understanding,” They turned, looking back at Caretaker with a raised eyebrow. “Bring them into the study, would you? I’m sure we’re both excited to begin.”
Caretaker didn’t speak. They followed, a lamb entering the lion’s den.
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