#i will die for autistic kotoko. i will live for autistic kotoko. i will go to war for autistic kotoko. i will love for autistic kotoko.
cycle-hit · 3 months
kotoko autism. vibrates until i fucking explode.
i have so much absolutely nonsensical evidence for this. she's absolutely abominable socially. the only times she has genuine conversations with the non-younger members of milgram is when shes talking nonstop about justice or the justice system. or her training (special interests). she doesnt seem to understand social cues or intent. she has an intense frustration at the world as a whole.
she canonically looks scary/accidentally unsettles people all the time- even unintentionally. shes constantly blunt. she plans things out and becomes easily frustrated and prone to anger when that plan or routine goes awry. rejection sensitive dysphoria. she did well enough in school to get into a well-known law faculty, but then either dropped out or took a break ("GIFTED KID" BURNOUT, KOTOKO? DID YOU BECOME FRUSTRATED AT THE SYSTEM THAT ONLY WANTS TO EXPLOIT YOU, KOTOKO? I FUCKING KNOW YOUR REASONS FOR TAKING A BREAK RUN FAR DEEPER THAN "Theres Something I Wanted To Do", YOU ASSHOLE.)
she also exhibits 4 billion other symptoms (anxiety, paranoia, easy anger, lack of self care, isolation, seeing herself as a "monster", etc etc) including these that could be comorbid with literally 43858492 other possible brain disorders and trauma that would make her go through 500 mental health professionals before autism even gets mentioned. she would stare at her autism diagnosis and then start breaking down over the surreal feeling of being diagnosed with autism as an adult and then having to recontextualise your entire life with that new information.
i also tend to project even more autism on her but thats not important (aversion/sensitivity to sound, aversion to touch, low empathy or sympathy swag, stimming by haha wag foot like dog wag tail, bland or easy food autism, executive dysfunction. more.)
kotoko is my autistic chew toy and i will rip her to shreds. okay? <3
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