#i will be tagging doccubus as anti most of the time
lostgirlrewatch · 5 years
1x05 - Dead Lucky
Written by:  Emily Andras
Directed by: John Fawcett
Original Air Date:  October 17, 2010
It’s Emily Andras’s first episode, and it’s good. Bo gets solicited (kidnapped) for a job by some Dark Fae. They want her to find some guy who cheated at gambling and walked away with their money. Meanwhile, Dyson continues to be gross, the overarching plot progresses, and Kenzi is still the best character.
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Bo and Dyson set boundaries for their new friends-with-benefits arrangement. What’s sad is that one of Bo’s rules actually has to be, “I get to take whatever cases I want.” As if she needs his permission.
His response? “As long as you tell me what cases you do take.” Gross, Dyson. Why the need to know her business? Creepy over-protectiveness? I mean, I’m sure cleaning up after Bo’s mistakes is annoying, but I doubt it’s just a professional interest.
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“Sorry about your, uh...”
“Get in the van.”
Man, the cringey puns in this show…*stiff laughter* I sure missed them…
Ooh…this is Emily Andras’s first episode! We’ll be seeing a lot more of her name in the credits as the series goes on…the mark she left on the show is indelible, and her influence cannot be understated. 
“Mama’s too tired to chat. Oh, but could you call Dyson and tell him I’d love to talk? Thanks.”
“Will do. Partner.”
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Oh, and this next scene. Kenzi is not too pleased with Bo’s priorities.
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Andras’s first episode and Kenzi is awfully snarky. Or at least, a fair bit snarkier than we’ve seen her in the first four episodes. She has every right to be. We’re starting to peel back the layers, get a little more access to the different dimensions of her personality. I adore that Kenzi is so defensive of Bo, but more than that—she’s mad at Dyson on a personal level. On some level, she had accepted him into her circle. By accepting him as a love interest for Bo, she accepted him as being worthy of being her friend. Even if it was in a small way, she placed her faith in him and he betrayed her. 
This kind of thing does not go over well for a person like Kenzi, who has been so deeply hurt in the past and does not open up to others easily. When you are hurt, it takes a lot of courage to get to a place where you are comfortable trusting someone again. When people turn around and betray that trust, it absolutely fucks with you and reinforces the original wound. Again, this is all in regards to a relatively minor incident, but we can still see signs of Kenzi’s trust issues in her behavior. 
And the little note she slaps on Dyson that says, “I’m stupid,” is such a weak comeback that you just know she’s a sap at heart and would be willing to forgive him once she’s ready. It displays that sort of childish side to her personality. A child who was forced to grow up too quickly, but one who still has that sort of vulnerability to her.
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“When did he….bite it?” Lmao. Kenzi’s inability to deal with genuine displays of emotion is so endearing and heartbreaking.
“Rules are meant to be broken.” Bo says, in spite of everything she laid out with Dyson and in spite of the fact that she knows it will end badly if she continues to be emotionally involved. And Bo’s got this sort of impish, childish side to her, too. In a different way. Again, an almost teenager-ish immaturity.
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Ooh, Kenzi and Hale’s first real interaction. Interesting.
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what any of you think. Only Bo.”
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Well, that sure is a corpse you’re objectifying. This guy is gross.
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I love when Bo and Kenzi tag team in a fight.
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Hale, it wouldn’t hurt if you stopped making those “Getting better” comments as if Kenzi needs your approval to be a badass. Just saying.
Which. She really, really is.
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Dyson is like, totally crazy.
This moment is incredibly unflattering for him. There’s something about the way he completely loses it when control of the situation is taken out of his hands and he is rendered helpless, and how viciously he responds when Bo is in a remotely tight spot in a fight. It rubs me the wrong way, and I suspect a lot of others as well.
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And Dyson and Kenzi are friends again. They know things about each other now that Bo doesn’t know. They are in each other’s confidence.
This might be the first episode that portrays the Dark Fae as not inherently evil.
“I’d make a bad snack. Never had much luck.” Oh, my. “You taste like a survivor.” Looks like that hit.
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“Maybe it’s better not knowing family. It’s complicated.” This, plus the comment she made earlier in the episode about how she learned everything she knows about back room poker from her father. Kenzi makes a couple of offhand comments about her family in this episode that hint at a fraught relationship with them, and almost read to me like a cry for help. (Though I’m biased.) Obviously in this scene, Bo is having a moment which takes the focus, but at the very least, earlier with that poker comment, it seemed like a good opportunity to maybe…ask her to talk more about that experience, if she felt like it.
I kind of get the vibe that Emily Andras saw Kenzi on the page and zoned in on her right away, because she could just tell, like. This is the one. This character is worth delving into. And she sure does.
Some takeaways from this episode—we’re digging deeper into Kenzi’s pain and insecurities. Kenzi and Hale form the foundations of a friendship for the first time, as do Kenzi and Dyson. We start to see Dyson’s problematic overprotective man bullshit start to rear its ugly head. And boy, is it ugly. The Dark Fae aren’t necessarily any more morally ambiguous than the Light. And of course, on a plot level, we learn that Bo’s mother is alive, went through what looks like some fucked up shit (spoilers: it was) and is coming for her…whatever that means.
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