#i was waiting for the special ep to air to see if sand would show up more but we have no news about it as far as i'm aware
khaopybara · 1 month
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WOMEN IN QLS ( 5/?? )
❝She was giving me all ears while we were on the plane. She's still mad at me. So, my dear brother, help me make up with her, or else I'll be cleaning the toilet at home during the festival this evening.
Seriously, Sand isn't that kind of girl. She'll forgive you soon enough.
Before you say that... make sure to look at her face first.
She's gorgeous.
I know that. But she's also very scary. I'm afraid of her.
Are you guys talking about me?❞
YOSHI RINRADA as SAND ( the sign, 2023 )
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animesavior · 7 years
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“Everything, every word, every thought that you know is wrong! Aku...Aku is the one that has laid waste to the beauty of this world. He has destroyed mother nature. Where do you think we are? Aku has unleashed these monstrosities upon our world and they feed off his carnage. Believe what you may, but if you open your eyes and let go of the hate, you [Ashi] will see the truth.”
-          Jack, Samurai Jack, (Season 5, Ep. 04)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for April 8-9, 2017. Following the events of last week, it’s back to business as usual for the better cartoon show, as Jack tries to convince Ashi, the last surviving daughter of Aku, that Aku’s ways are not the righteous ones, while JoJo saves Lisa Lisa from falling to her death, and Kars undergoes a transformation putting on the stone mask and conbining it with the Red Stone and the ultraviolet beams, and Marida is found to be brainwashed by the Vist Foundation and Banagher tries to snap her out of it, among other great moments.
On Twitter, every show from Samurai Jack to Gundam Unicorn (with the exception of Sand Whale and Me) successfully trended in the US during their respective East Coast airings, and Samurai Jack briefly trended worldwide. In addition, both Samurai Jack and Dragon Ball Super would also trend on Tumblr.
This week’s feature was another set of throwback bumpers, including a promotion for Robotech which aired back in 1998, as well as a rerun of the classic reruns speech by Moltar.
The Naruto franchise has played a pivotal role in the growth of Toonami and the anime industry overall over the years, and those keeping up with the latest simulcasts might know that the next chapter to the Naruto series, Boruto has begun its run in Japan. I can’t say much about this series here due to obvious spoiler reasons, though depending on how things go, we could likely see this down the line on the better cartoon show. Of course, unlike many of the shows lately that we’ve been keeping an eye on for a potential Toonami run of their sequels, we still have several more years of Shippuden left to go, so unless they air Boruto and Shippuden at the same time (much like for DBZ), or if Shippuden is pulled in favor of airing Boruto, we could be waiting a while for this one to occur. As we’ve seen with One Piece’s cancellation among other things, things can easily change and anything can happen, so it’s pretty hard to predict what could happen regarding the future of Naruto’s Toonami presence ahead. All I can really recommend for those that want Boruto at some point is to keep supporting Toonami and Naruto overall and as with all potential shows, let Toonami know you want it. In the meantime, if you are caught up with Naruto and you wish to check out the sub now, it’s available on legal streams such as Hulu and Crunchyroll.
In Ghost in the Shell news, it was announced on Friday by Production IG & Kodansha that a new Ghost In The Shell anime is in the works. Kenji Kamiyama, who previously directed Stand Alone Complex, and Shinji Aramaki, who previously directed Appleseed, will serve as the new show’s co-directors. No further details have been released as of yet. With Stand Alone Complex being a Toonami classic along with Toonami’s good relations with Production IG, no doubt this will also be one to watch out for depending on how things go ahead.
Next week, JoJo’s will be completing the Battle Tendency story arc with a bang as Toonami will be showcasing the final two episodes from 12:30-1:30am Eastern. As this move is made in part to fast tracking the Attack on Titan season 2 dub premiere in 2 weeks, Tokyo Ghoul will have the night off to make way. In addition, next week will also showcase the finale of Super’s Battle of Gods arc while Samurai Jack will reach the halfway point of season 5, among other great moments. Until next week, we wish all those celebrating a Happy Holy Week and a blessed Passover, and we’ll see you again next week for another round of the better cartoon show.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#8]
#SamuraiJack [#2]
#DragonBallSuper [#24]
#DBZKai [#9]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#10]
#TokyoGhoul [#7]
#HunterXHunter [#8]
#GundamUnicorn [#4]
Worldwide Trends:
#SamuraiJack [#19]
Tweet Counts:
Toonami [8,147 tweets]
#Toonami [4,915 tweets]
#SamuraiJack [7,523 tweets]
#DragonBallSuper [4,149 tweets]
#DBZKai [1,848 tweets]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [1,960 tweets]
#TokyoGhoul [2,257 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [1,812 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#samurai jack
#dragon ball super
Notes and Other Statistics:
#SamuraiJack: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @ericvdunn started the trend in the US.
#DBZKai: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @FUNimation started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @coreymbarnes and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
114 notes · View notes
uniformbravo · 4 years
since it seems to be steadily taking over my whole brain now im just gonna let myself ramble about yugioh for a bit
idk i just keep thinkin abt how it was my favorite show when i was a kid... like not just i liked it a lot, but u know how when ur a kid u pick ur Favorite things & it’s a big deal, like i had Declared this as my Favorite Show
i honestly don’t rly even remember my experience with it in terms of my Feelings like i dont remember having a favorite character or anything like that, i just have a lot of Evidence of me liking it lmao like. u know those school folders they sell at like walmart that are themed after different shows n stuff, i had a yugioh one & it was cool af (i still have it actually, i’d get it to take a pic but it’s in my brother’s room & its almost 1:30 am). i remember my best friend at the time (like. 3rd grade) said she hated yugioh so she would always scoff at my folder lmaooo but like i knew she was wrong so
o shit i found a pic of it online tho here it is
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gangs all here...... dam when they droppin their latest single tho lol
i also got this yugioh play set for christmas once, it was like. a plastic dueling arena that u would set little monster figurines on and each player had a bunch of little orange plastic balls that they would take turns shooting at each other’s monsters until urs were the last standing, or something like that? all i have left of it are the little orange balls and a couple of the hologram projectors that went in each of the 4 corners of the arena. i wish i knew what happened to the monsters tho, bc they were actually pretty cool. there was like. a blue guy. and a gold one. i think one of them might have been the summoned skull? i think they were mostly monsters that became plot important later in the show & i’ll definitely recognize them when they show up but i haven’t gotten there yet.... im pretty sure they were basically exodia’s pals tho, like reputable monsters. the Big Boys
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every bone in my body just liquefied and became nostalgia from looking at this image GHRGHGH I WANT IT SO BAD
ofc i also have a deck of actual cards w/ such iconic features as the dark magician (which is Shiny), summoned skull, change of heart, and this one rly beat up guy i found half buried in the sand on the playground at school one day named griggle, my prized possession
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(imagine this but more fucked up looking)
oh and how could i forget, i fuckin. made my own deck of cards, it’s like a bunch of cut out pieces of scrap paper that are all different sizes & i made up a bunch of monsters and drew them & my favorite part (i looked thru it the other day) is there’s a couple cards in there with just numbers on them which i assume was either meant to be added to the monsters’ attack or ur own life points, but one of them is 500 and the other is 50,000,000,000 which is absurd i literally just wrote as many zeroes as i could fit on the paper & it shows, imagine drawing that fucking card my god. i imagine that in my mind it was like, meant to be really rare & hard to get but like. the whole deck is only like 30 cards? so i guess @ whoever faces me u better fuckinnn say ur prayers
that’s all the physical evidence i can think of, but i do have some memories..... fuck i remember watching all the new eps air on saturday mornings aaaa oh man there are a few Classique moments of the show im excited to get to, not by virtue of being particularly Good but because despite having been such a big fan of the show i like barely remember anything from it at all, so these little bits and pieces that i do have r like. exciting. im arranging them into a bullet point list
first of all, and i may be wrong, but i stg at one point pegasus drops someone thru a trap door in his castle or smth??? or someone gets thrown out a window or Something idk why this moment stands out so much but if it doesn’t happen then i will be Very disappointed (i think it was bandit keith. get fucked)
this one’s already happened a few times but for some reason a memory that stood out to me from this show is yami yugi being like “pegasus!” in his Deep Man Voice all like >:o so i was v happy to hear that. also while im here this is pretty obvious but the way he says “previously on yugioh” at the beginning of eps is great, love it, having a blast w/ that one
one saturday there was a big two-part hour long special called “joey’s betrayal” where like idk joey has to duel yugi for Evil Reasons or something and i was SO HYPE for that special bc i was like O Shit joey’s Evil now and like. this was around the time that my sister kinda stopped wanting to get up early for saturday morning cartoons lol so she was sleeping but i was So excited for the ep & i didnt want her to miss it so i left her a note on the desk in our room for her to see that had all the info abt the episode like the title & the time it would be on so u know she could like, wake up & See it & come out n watch it, but the whole thing went by & she never woke up so i had 2 go back in there & take the note down & throw it away looooooooool. but yea so im REALLY excited to get to that episode due to its Impact
eventually i kinda lost interest in yugioh & stopped keeping up with it but obvs the show kept going on w/o me & one day i turned on the tv & it was on & it was like, tristan was trapped in the body of a teddy bear or something? & i was like wow thats weird glad i stopped watching & i never looked back but now I Am Looking & i can’t wait to get to that episode, however-old-i-was me was a Fool
this one doesn’t count but i remember thinking the theme song was SO COOL (and i was right that shit slaps so hard )& being disappointed there were no lyrics i could sing along to..... except for when it was time to d-d-d-duel ofc
FUC I JUST REMEMBERED ANOTHER THING I OWNED HOW COULD I FORGET oh my godddd it was a yugioh poster that i had on my wall for so long & i am EXTREMELY sad that i don’t have it anymore, idk why i thought i could just Throw It Out like a CLOWN, but it was like. it had yugi and friends on it (tho i think one of them might have been missing, it was either tristan or tea, also i just learned how tea’s name is spelled fuckin HUH), & yugi is like, he’s little yugi & he’s got his hands & maybe part of his face? pressed up against the “glass” (the barrier separating his world from ours, keeping him Contained), i remember this detail clearly bc i looked at it a lot and learned how to draw that effect from that specific poster... anyway the best part of the whole thing is that it came from like a scholastic book fair or something so it said in big letters “it’s time to READ!” it was SO good & im DEVASTATED i don’t have it anymore........ to gaze upon its brilliance one last time....................
anyway i think thats all my yu-gi-oh related childhood memories woah why did i type out the whole ass title like that this time damn what the fuck lmaooo 
rly sad abt the poster actually the more i think abt it the cuter it sounds tbh i wanna see that art again..... how could this happen.... i tried looking it up like the other stuff but i couldn’t find anything at all u_u
ok it’s late af now i need to go to bed before i pass ou
0 notes
ignitemusicmag · 6 years
A Not So Silent Night 2017 concert was held at Mavericks Live in downtown Jacksonville, FL, this past weekend, it showcases some of our best Rock and Metal bands from all of Florida and up into Georgia. A Not So Silent Night is just that, Not So Silent, It is a rock show that brings you some of the best-unsigned and signed music talents you can ever want to hear.
This night was not all about the music. it was also about giving to great causes and great people. There was a toy for Wolfsons Children’s Hospital that mounted up for a huge pile of toys for the kids for the holidays and to give them a little Christmas cheer.
The night was filled with heavy hearts as well as tears of joy. The show as stopped a few time toward the end of the night to have an auction of music memorabilia that went to another great cause,  a pile of donated cash was presented to a local Rockvillian that was recently diagnosed with cancer to help out with his medical expenses. The place with filled with heavy hearts but at the same time cheers or encouragement to FUCK CANCER and that he has his Rockvillian brothers and sister to cheer him through these hard times. Not only was he speechless when presented the money and you can tell he was not expecting it. To go along with the money he and his girlfriend was also presented with special VIP seating on stage for the remainder of the evening’s festivities. He later on proposed to his girlfriend at the end of end of an emotional story of how they meet. It was one hell of a Rockvillian style proposal…and she said “Yes”.
The Rockvillians are a local group of Metalheads that really know how to put on a show. They are fans of music and they are a brother and sisterhood of like-minded music-loving kick-ass people that when it all comes down to it, people that just like to have a kick-ass time and enjoy music and have a great time, it is definitely a family that would do anything for anyone inside and outside the Family.
The big show started out with  Auditory Armory from Altamonte Springs, just north of Orlando. A heavy Progressive/Alternative Metal band that knows how to kick off a show and party. I have seen the group before in Orland at the House Of Blues and the still show me that starting off a show is not always a bad thing..they bring it hard and heavy and know how to get the early crowd going and lets the fans know that the latecomers are missing one Hell Of A Show!! Singer and guitarist April Rose really know how to work the stage and is one bad ass singer.Bass player Justice Maynard stands tall on stage and bring the mean bass riff and his energy is infectious. Dennis Burns’ and April’s guitar work melt perfectly on stage, as it a five and take relationship with them trading off riffs and solos throughout. And we can forget drummer Oscar Garcia who throws down like a monster back on the drums. The band is tight and a must see.
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Up next was the mind-melting all teenage girl group Gold Frankincense & Myrrh (GFM), Don’t let the pretty faces and cheerleading outfits fool ya…These are some bad-ass…In your face…face melting Christian metal playing girls that light the stage on fire every time they play. These girls… CJ English (guitar/vocals), Maggie English (bass/keyboards/vocals) and thirteen-year-old LuLu English (drums/vocals) are young but don’t show it on stage with their playing. They hit the stage like they were shot out of a canon and never look back. CJ is master on guitar with ripping up the string on her guitar like she has been playing longer then she has been alive. Cj and Maggie trade off vocals throughout the show and that just shows how versatile they are and are really for the big stage. This is not your typical metal Christian group, they are young but they show you on stage they mean business… Their set consisted of songs like  “Stuck In My Suicide”, “Beneath the Skin”, “Judas Kiss”, “Paranoia”, “Twisted”, “Graveyards”, “Death of Giants” and “Dimensions”. GFM really blows me away every time I see them. They have fun on stage and the fun and energy rolls down into the crowd…And isn’t that what music is all about, connecting with the audience even from high on a stage and 20 feet away. The girls do it now, and I’m convinced they will be doing it for many years to come. So keep an eye and ear out for them.
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Now that the blood has been ragging in your veins and ready to burst out!!..The next band  Sunshine & Bullets , came out and wowed the crowd with their Alt–Rock, Rock and Hard Rock over Metal sound and made a whole lot of new fans from what talk that I heard after their set. The trio Rich Keane, Jr. on guitar and vocals, Amanda Hamers on bass and vocals and Kyle Wolfram on the drums came out swinging with their set consisting of songs like … “The Mechanism”, “Go”, “Everyone’s Watching”, “Let the Giants Sleep”, “Believe”, “Give Them Hell”, “Truths”, “Heads in the Sand” and “In the Air Tonight” ( A Phil Collins cover). Their first song out of the box is what great the crowd the by their throats and took them on a mind-altering trip with Rich and Amanda putting the crowd in a state of jaw-dropping bass and guitar playing…Rich even busted out a violin bow that he played on his guitar that brought many to a wide-eyed what the hell look!  Amanda is no slouch on that bass of hers as well, she really knows her way around that thing and she will hurt you with it.(in a good way). S&B put on one hell of a show and I can’t wait to see them again, and from what I heard from others..they can wait either!
The night just kept getting better, Silent Running, and band out of Kingsland, Ga. entered the ring with the Southern Hard Rock that punched you in the face like a two-ton brick…Holy fuck can these guys fucking play!!.. The gave the freaking crowd what they wanted and a little more with songs like  “Trapped”, “Wake Up”, “Best ICould”, “Yesterday”, “Deathblow”, “These Eyes”, “Pride” (DamagePlan), “One More Mile”, “Sinister Son” and “Lost Time”… If there had not been a mosh pit formed yet..there was soon to be one. The hair was flying the head were banging for sure. Garrett Cross and Dustin Cross cover guitars/vocals and drums, who are bothers, while Bruce Morgan and P.A. Morgan cover guitars and bass. If you are into the Southern rock music with a little thrash in the mix, you are going to love these dudes. They bring it hard and fast!
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  With a hard rock/alternative band like Bleeding In Stereo that always brings the heat and has a light & smoke show that would envy any other rock band. Bleeding In Stereo is a rock group out of northeast Florida that has been rocking the Jacksonville local scene for many years now. The group consists of Jeremy Destin (bass) Brian Woodward (guitar) Keith Allen (lead vox and guitar) and last but not least Eddie Leo Floyd (drums). This band is tighter than a fat guy in skinny jeans.These professional musicians has been gaining fans the hard way since 2010, is signed to the CoreMusic record label and have played/toured with an impressive stable of touring acts all over the US. The band quickly saw validation of this when WWE picked up the single,” Black or White”, to be featured on their television shows for tag team group Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel. In addition to WWE featuring the song on WWE 2K12 the video game, “Black or White” has been used by VH1, Fuse on demand, History Channel’s American Restoration, NFL Thursday Night Football, CMT, and NBC’s World of Adventure Sports. The “Wound and the Echo” EP also had tracks “Distance” and “Fade Away” used in a variety of programs and all three songs are still being used to this day. But this night it was all about the local scene, and rocking the faces of the local fans, and they do that each and every time they hit the stage. You can tell these boys know each other well and know their music even better. They don’t miss a beat on stage, this band is at the top of local Florida band to go catch, the stage show is insane. Jeremy is a beast on the bass, hitting those low-fat strings like no other. Where Keith likes to rock the vox and does a kick-ass job at it, he also plays a mean guitar with solos that make your ears bleed. Brian Woodard can throughout a guitar solo here hand there that would make Eddie Van Halen proud, along with Eddie that hits the skins and keeps the guys on beat, this is a well-rounded rock group that should be on the tongue on many in the music industry. You have to see this BIS, you can go check out where they are going to be next here https://www.facebook.com/Bleedinginstereo/
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  A Not So Silent Night- W/ Bleeding In Stereo, Silent Running, GFM and Sunshine & Bullets A Not So Silent Night 2017 concert was held at Mavericks Live in downtown Jacksonville, FL, this past weekend, it showcases some of our best Rock and Metal bands from all of Florida and up into Georgia. 
0 notes
animesavior · 7 years
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“Let me guess, you're gonna say "Did you planned this too, JoJo?" Why are you even asking? I set the trap and you walked right into it. All of this went down like clockwork. (I just got lucky, but thinking I outsmarted him will drive Kars nuts.)”
-          Joseph Joestar, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Ep. 26)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for April 15-16, 2017. It was a big milestone night as Toonami’s 20th anniversary celebrations come to its conclusion. We reach the midway point of Samurai Jack, while we also commemorate a full year of Hunter x Hunter airing on Toonami as Kurapika has his memorable battle against Uvogin, and Dragon Ball Super completes the Battle of Gods saga. And of course, we end off JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Battle Tendency story arc, and thus season 1 as well, with a bang.
On Twitter, every show successfully trended during their respective East Coast airings, as well as Samurai Jack and Dragon Ball Super during their respective West Coast airings. In addition, JoJo’s, Samurai Jack, and Dragon Ball Super would also trend on tumblr.
Samurai Jack’s buzz also produced a character trend with the Scotsman as he recruits an army together to attack Aku’s palace. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned as Aku easily steamrolls the army and blows the Scotsman to bones, though with some Celtic magic, he returns as a Force Ghost now hoping to regroup and find Jack before doing it all over again.
This week also marked the conclusion of the 5 part mini-series Sand Whale and Me. Whether you thought it was either a fun short or it just gave you an excuse to have an extra 5 minute bathroom and/or snack break, this one was rather interesting experiment from Adult Swim and Production IG to say the least. Of course, Adult Swim does like having experimental programming every now and then, and it should be interesting what else they might have in mind down the line. If you want to re-watch Sand Whale and Me from the beginning, click here to check it out on Adult Swim’s site.
As the 20th anniversary celebrations come to a close, we look forward to what the future brings, including the return of the Titans. Toonami also showcased the promo for the broadcast dub of the new season of Attack on Titan, which the buzz of its return would make #AttackOnTitanSeason2 trend on Twitter and #AttackOnTitan trend on tumblr partly as a result. You can check it out below.
Also occurring this Saturday, Sword Art Online will be returning to the movies, as the dub for Ordinal Scale will be showcased in select theaters. If you’re planning on going, we hope you enjoy this one.
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Ever since its original debut in Shonen Jump in 1987, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has grown to become a best selling manga series, spanning 8 story arcs and over 118 volumes and counting. (To put in perspective, Naruto ended at 72 volumes while One Piece is at 84 and counting.) Despite its popularity, it wasn’t until fairly recently that the manga would be exported to western shores, and while JoJo’s has had a few OVAs and movies in the 90’s and 2000’s, the franchise never got its big break in the anime scene until this very anime was released in Japan in 2012.
Despite the show’s boom in popularity following the anime’s release, and despite the high demand from JoJo fans to eventually see this in the better cartoon show, it would take 4 more years for its break on Toonami to materialize. For one, it took until Fall 2015 for a dub to be produced by Warner Bros. And despite being in the same parent company as Cartoon Network and Turner Broadcasting, Warner was not willing to partner up with Toonami to air JoJo's unless they were willing to pay a fortune for broadcast rights.
It seemed that JoJo’s was doomed to never make it to Toonami at one point. But JoJo fans would never give up, and as we’ve seen time and again, nothing is impossible for the better cartoon show. Due to various reasons, Warner would eventually transfer the dubbing and US distribution rights to Viz Media, whom have much better relations with Toonami, and during Comic-Con 2016, we finally got the announcement that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure would finally make it to the better cartoon show, which began airing on October 15th.
9 episodes of Jonathan trying to stop Dio from world domination followed by 17 episodes of Joseph, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa stopping the Pillar Men, and this season of JoJo’s is now in the books. During the show’s run, the hashtag #JoJosBizarreAdventure successfully trended in the US during all 25 weeks of its run, including during the Christmas 2016 marathon as well as this week’s doubleheader finale. In 7 of those occasions, the show also trended worldwide. JoJo’s buzz also produced a character trend in Lisa Lisa as her character was being introduced.
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So now the wait begins for part 3, Stardust Crusaders, which is presently being dubbed by Viz Media. We’re presently not sure when this dub will be ready or when and if Toonami will be renewing the series, but with a good ratings performance for Season 1, demand from the fans for more JoJo’s, and Jason and the crew liking the series, the odds look pretty good that Stardust Crusaders will eventually make it to Toonami airwaves at some point. At this point, it’s up to Toonami, Viz, and the Japanese distributors to get the deal done. Hopefully the wait will be a lot shorter than the one for season 1 this time around.
With Stardust Cusaders up next, Diamond is Unbreakable down the line, in addition to at least 5 more story arcs still to be animated, JoJo’s looks to be a show we’ll be enjoying for perhaps years to come. Whatever the Joestar family has for us next, I’m sure it’ll be a fun ride.
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Tune in next week as Attack on Titan returns to Toonami with the long awaited English broadcast dub premiere of Season 2 at 12:30am Eastern, while Samurai Jack shows off its second half, and Dragon Ball Super begins the Resurrection F saga (although do keep in mind that Super tends to have a “breather episode” or two in between arcs before getting to the real biz), among other great moments. And of course, Tokyo Ghoul will continue airing on its regular scheduled time at 1am.
Until next week, enjoy the playoffs and stay gold as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
Toonami/#Toonami [#4]
#AttackOnTitanSeason2 [#7]
#SamuraiJack (Also during the West Coast airing) [#6]
The Scotsman (From Samurai Jack) [#7]
#DragonBallSuper (Also during the primetime presentation and the West Coast airing) [#3]
#SandWhaleAndMe [#7]
#DBZKai [#6]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#4]
#HunterXHunter [#5]
#GundamUnicorn [#5]
#Shippuden [#7]
#GhostInTheShell [#4]
Tweet Counts:
Toonami [9,357 tweets]
#Toonami [5,115 tweets]
#SamuraiJack [7,128 tweets]
#DragonBallSuper [3,570 tweets]
#DBZKai [1,566 tweets]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [5,561 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [2,779 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#attack on titan
#samurai jack
#dragon ball super
#jojos bizarre adventure
Notes and Other Statistics:
#DBZKai: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @FUNimation started the trend in the US.
#HunterXHunter: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @ErikaHarlacher started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @coreymbarnes, @jmb70056, and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
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Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
14 notes · View notes
animesavior · 7 years
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“Fifty years have passed but I do not age. Time has lost its effect on me, yet his suffering continues. Aku's grasp chokes the past, present, and future. Hope is lost...”
-          Jack, Samurai Jack (Season 5, Ep. 01)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for March 11-12, 2017. Hope Springs Eternal for Jack's quest to defeat Aku as after 12 years, 5 months and 14 days of waiting, Jack has indeed returned with the long awaited premiere of Samurai Jack season 5. And this one was a night to remember as we rejoin Jack 50 years since we last saw him, as he has lost his sword and has all but given up hope of defeating Aku and returning to the past, while Trunks defeats Goten for the championship and gets a sparring opportunity with Mr. Satan (which didn’t go so well for the latter), and Caesar loses his battle with Wamuu, but manages to get his antidote and send it to JoJo before being crushed to death, among other moments.
Despite the buzz of the Kids Choice Awards dominating the trends, Toonami managed to do pretty well regardless to welcome back Jack as every show successfully trended in the US during their respective East Coast airings, and every show save for Shippuden trended worldwide briefly. And for a season that has been anticipated for almost 13 years, saying that #SamuraiJack trended would be an understatement, as the show would reach #1 in both the US and Worldwide trends, and stayed trending in some capacity through the West Coast airing. In addition, the hashtag #JackIsBack also trended briefly in the US, and #SamuraiJack also trended on Tumblr and even Yahoo.
Finally, Samurai Jack would make it to Nielsen Social’s top 5 list of the most talked about shows on Twitter and Facebook on the day, making it to the number 2 slot. This is also the 16th time a Toonami show has made it onto this list since we started recording this feat. Overall it’s a great start for Samurai Jack’s return and here’s to it all continuing as we savor what looks to be 10 great weeks for this show and Toonami as a whole.
If you missed the premiere on Saturday or you just want to see it again, Adult Swim will be re-airing that week’s episode of Samurai Jack on Wednesdays at 10pm and 2:30am Eastern starting this week.
Sad news for One Piece fans, as due to flagging ratings and costs among other factors, Toonami will be pulling the plug on the show’s presence on the block following the end of the Spa Island arc next Saturday, March 18th. As a tribute to the show’s presence and contribution to the growth of the block for these past 4 years, Toonami created a music video focused on the show, which you can see below. As a fan, the cancellation is disappointing but understandable, and I’ll give my thoughts on next week’s rundown, which will include this show’s trending retrospective. On the bright side, Toonami will be showcasing Tokyo Ghoul beginning on March 25 at 1am Eastern, a hit show and manga among anime fans and one that has been well requested for quite some time, but for some reason, just couldn’t get onto the better cartoon show until now. Much like what we saw with JoJo’s and Gundam, sometimes good things indeed come to those who wait and while it feels bittersweet now, Tokyo Ghoul fans will have plenty to cheer about as the show will be getting its long awaited turn in two weeks.
Good news, Sword Art Online fans. Following the successful premiere of Ordinal Scale, it was announced that a English dub of the film is indeed in the works, set for another release in select theaters on Saturday April 22nd, with a premiere during Anime Boston on the weekend of March 31st. So for those who couldn’t make it to the premiere of the subbed version, or if you just want to watch it again, you got yourself another chance this time around with the dub. If you are interested, click here for more information.
Despite this unfortunate bump in the road with One Piece, Toonami’s future looks bright as the block begins its 20th anniversary celebrations beginning next week, with a throwback look in the packaging, in addition to the release of the first part of the miniseries Sand Whale and Me at midnight. In a year that’s had plenty of surprises, something tells me there’s a lot more yet to come this year, and hopefully in better terms. We’ll see what happens. Until next week, have a good March Madness and stay gold as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
Toonami [#2]
#SamuraiJack/Samurai Jack (Also during the West Coast airing) [#1]
#JackIsBack [#3]
#DragonBallSuper (Also during the primetime presentation) [#5]
#DBZKai [#3]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#3]
#GundamUnicorn [#3]
#HunterXHunter [#3]
#Shippuden [#3]
#OnePiece [#2]
#GhostInTheShell [#2]
Worldwide Trends:
#SamuraiJack [#1]
#DragonBallSuper [#7]
#DBZKai [#9]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#8]
#GundamUnicorn [#8]
#HunterXHunter [#8]
#OnePiece [#6]
#GhostInTheShell [#7]
Tweet Counts:
Toonami [13.2k tweets]
#SamuraiJack [36.9k tweets]
Samurai Jack [37.2k tweets]
#DragonBallSuper [4,873 tweets]
#DBZKai [2,217 tweets]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [2,795 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [1,718 tweets]
#OnePiece [4,443 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#samurai jack
Yahoo Trends:
Samurai Jack [#1]
Notes and Other Statistics:
#SamuraiJack @WhoTrendedIT reported that @KhleoThomas and @adultswim started the trend in the US.
#DragonBallSuper @WhoTrendedIT reported that @FUNimation and @BandiNamcoUS started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @coreymbarnes, @DatDamnPR, @jmb70056, and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
Tumblr media
Got to get back, back to the past. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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