#i was sooooo mad/sad when i found out
saintobio · 2 months
Omg ok ok hello! I had this huge rant in my head about sy and sn so pls feel free to ignore it, but I love your writing so much and it gives me some STRONG FEELINGS. First of all it surprised me that I like the way you write y/n cuz she doesn't become a "bitch" after the whole deal with Gojo and have some elaborate revenge plan, but she is also not a goody two shoes (even if she stayed with Gojo earlier but she had a lot of external pressure to stay in the marriage). Not that those tropes are necessarily bad but it's just more realistic this way. She's just a person who has been deeply hurt and is trying to do right by others. Even if she has made big mistakes, she still wants to make up for them cuz she's not completely in the right either. Also getting bashed by everyone for trying to make amends/ not following their advice regarding you own life; while very triggering for me (lol) is also just such a natural reaction. Not right, just natural. When things get out of people's hands and they want to blame someone for it, they often go for the one who is actually trying and won't retaliate if for nothing than to just keep the peace. Also wanting people to understand your side of the situation yet feeling undeserving of it at the same time because of your mistakes is UGHHH I feel like you do that so well! It's amazing but genuinely heartbreaking to see how far Satoru has come as a person too. Also when he thinks about how he wants to be a better person for Akemi IT MADE ME WANT TO PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL... cuz WHY COULDN'T HE BE LIKE THAT FOR US!!! At the same time we have moved on without him, so if we are allowed that luxury then why isn't he? It's just so ANGSTY AND SO SO GOOD! Because we love Satoru we always will but he had a chance and he fricked it over terribly! So it would be idiotic to go back to him but at the same time the heart yearns for him. This is a side tangent but whenever any character says "this is not like you", "you have changed, this isn't how you'd act" makes me so MAD lol (maybe bc I am triggered?) But these guys WATCHED MY GIRL GO THROUGH SOME HORRIFIC SHIT AND STILL EXPECT HER TO NOT BE PERMANANTLY AND IRREVERSIBLY CHANGED???!! ;-;; IDK what they want from her oof >.< I do think Akemi is a shitty friend but I can't bring myself to hate her completely. Seeing them together is so ANGER INDUCING AAAAA (and her wanting a family with him is fine BUT THIS EARLY?!JUST AFTER ADMITTING YOU FEEL "SORRY" FOR BETRAYING US?! IT MAKES ME WANNA HURL HER TRHOUGH CONCRETE) but at the same time Satoru and Akemi both deserve someone who can love them. It feels hypocritical to be angry when we ourselves told him to move on and find someone who can love him the way he deserves. It's just very very shitty it had to be them. Sera is also such an interesting character. She has a lot of traits that I admire a lot. Her resourcefulness and complete and utter pride/confidence and being unashamed to ask for things/ stand up for herself (even when she is wrong) is something I wish I had sometimes. Still wanna stick her head through a toilet tho and yet when a person who slept with a married man can see the bloody violation of girls' code that is sleeping with your bff's EX HUSBAND oh BOY you should KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I have no strong feelings for Toji (cuz I don't like him much anyways but that's just personal bias XD )but I do think his anger and frustration is well founded especially since he runs over whenever the reader needs him. He's so supportive and invested and honestly he deserves someone who can give that back to him. It's kinda sad but then again I don't like him much to begin with lol.
All in all I hate how much I love this series and love to hate these characters and take out my repressed anger on them cuz I can't do that irl. This series is my Roman Empire lol. It's so painful, yet so beautiful and it makes you FEEL so many things and yet hold out hope for things to become better. I love this, love you and your writing- ok mwah bye bye (and thank you if you read this rant put together by my post nap, barely coherent brain) I have so much more that I want to say. I can write essays about this series and how it uses so many technically "cliche" tropes but it is anything but cliche . Truly some of the best angst I have read like ever!
oh wow !! i don’t even know what to say, this feels like such a comprehensive review of the sy series sdksks but i think many readers could definitely relate with some of ur points here :D this is such a nice perspective to read, thank you so much for sharing and tysm for reading sn/sy aaaaa i’m happy u enjoy the angst as much as i do <3
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vee-beeee · 7 months
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Another short fluffy and crack one one for yallll, because Im trying not to write 3 million words LOL
If you know what video this is from, you are a certified hood banger
Premise: The boys are a littleeee competitive
just a tad
but so are you
Warnings: anger, swearing maybe, big baby rage mad boys, poor gladio
Chocobros x reader
"Prompto, I swear to god, if you win again ill kill you"
"I'm joining in on that"
"Anything for his majesty"
Sooooo you were currently sitting at a picnic table, cards in hand, watching 3 angry men stare down a VERY scared Prom. The poor guy chuckled and shied away from the group while Noctis silently took his turn, slapping down a card as he continued to glare at the blonde. Ignis took his turn and as always, he took 5 minutes to analyze his cards. You bit the inside of your cheek, and looked down at your own cards, feeling a little bad for Prompto. But he had won 3 times already, so that made any guilt you felt fade away. This was war.
As you scanned your cards you found a pretty deadly one in the mix. Should you do it?
Should you play a +4 on Gladio when he only had 2 cards left?
He might actually strangle you, nobody would be able save you.
Oh well. You will die a peaceful death, suffocating in his bicep.
Your turn
"NO WHY" Gladio yelled out from next to you when he saw the card you gently threw into the pile, making you cringe away from the burly man. Noctis burst into laughter, and Ignis joined in silent chuckles when he saw the card.
"Y/n, baby, why would you do this too me??" you closed your eyes and sighed, slowly facing the man. You cracked one peeper open to see that he looked SO depressed, his shoulders were hunched and he was grumbling as he grabbed the extra cards. Feeling bad, you brushed your arm against his and gently leaned up to kiss his cheek. He just glared at you, and continued pouting.
Gladio finished taking all the cards, and soon it was Prompto's turn. Everyone waited with bated breathe as he sighed a reluctantly took one more card. Cue everyone cheering.
Prompto looked like a kicked puppy, so you leaned over to him to give him some encouragement. Kinda
"Just remember, you've won 2 times already" you winked and pulled yourself back to your original position as Prom reddened, and gave you a small smile. You returned it, and the game continued.
Finally, it was your turn once again. You turned to Gladio and saw him intensely staring at your cards, almost like he was scared of what was going to happen. You smirked to yourself and put down a regular red card, and you watched Gladio's body sag with relief. He exhaled and put down a green card (same number) without thinking twice.
And then everyone turned to Prompto, who sheepishly drew another card.
And then another.
And then another.
This went on for a WHILE
Prompto started screaming about how he "doesn't have a green" and your party started wheezing with laughter at the poor blonde.
Finally he managed to pull one.
Prom let out a relieved groan as he set down a green nine. He looked down at his massive amount of cards he accumulated and you counted that he had 10. You gave him a sad smile, and he opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted.
By Ignis telling Noct "not to do it"
You looked over and saw the prince shaking with laughter, as Ignis (having seen the card being shown to him) was desperately telling Noct not to do something.
And then he put down a green reverse card.
And Prompto almost burst into tears. He cried out one final "I DONT HAVE A GREEN" while Noctis fell backwards with laughter. You looked around the group, and mentally took a picture of everyone.
Promptos look of absolute betrayal, Gladio holding on to his stomach and wheezing, and Ignis with his head in his hands.
And of course, Noctis on the ground.
You leaned your face in your hands that were resting on the table and chuckled, and slightly kicked the giggling prince who was rolling under the table.
You loved game night.
Just a lil short one :D
I rewatched this uno video and I love it so much lol
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somekndofnature · 11 months
WIP Weekends!!!!
Hey everyone! I'm back after a very long hiatus, but in my defense I have been consumed by writing this story. That being said, I felt my motivation waning and thought it might help to get some feedback.
This is from a modern Inu/Kag AU that I have been working on. It is the story of a miserable puppy who screwed up pretty bad when he found out that his band's new manager was his fated mate. Resenting destiny and it's cruel sense of timing, Inuyasha tries his hardest to push Kagome away in every way possible. He takes advantage of her kindness and realizes too late that he is head over heels in love with her before he chased her away.
Now, six years later he is doing everything possible to win her back. Kagome comes to his home in Vegas, hoping to reconnect with her old friend Sango but shocked to find the whole band waiting for her. Inuyasha is ready to start a new album and needs her help, but she is less than eager to jump back into a partnership with them. After a very tense and public argument, Kagome leaves with Sango and promise to make a decision after listening to the music.
Inuyasha feels slighted and decides that the best way to get her undivided attention is to follow Kagome home to LA... on the same flight. Not creepy at right?
This picks up after the plane lands. Kagome has fallen asleep on Inuyasha's arm after they talked out a few things on the trip. In her half-conscious state, she doesn't realize when or where she is and makes a few off hand comments that, while true, still hurt Inuyasha's feelings.
Sooooo... whew! That was a very long summary. Thanks for sticking with me, but I think that's enough context, for now. Please let me know what you think. This story has been so self-indulgent; it would be nice to know if someone liked it as much as I do.
Kagome felt a gentle shake to her knee and grumbled, nuzzling deeper into the warmth at her side.
“C’mon, baby,” Inuyasha’s deep voice rumbled before soft lips brushed her cheek. “You gotta get up.”
She groaned and squeezed her eyes tighter, unwilling to break from the pull of slumber. She was comfortable dammit, and she could feel by the heaviness of her body that she hadn’t slept long enough.
Why did he always do this?! Every damn time!
In the afterglow of their love making, when her muscles were liquid and sleep started calling for her, Inuyasha would rouse her and send her on her way before morning. It hurt. She just wanted to fall asleep next to him and pretend for just a moment that they were a real couple—not whatever this was.
“’Gome,” he prompted again with another shake to her knee.
“Oh, come on,” she whined. “Why do I always gotta go? None of the other girls leave before sunrise.”
She felt him stiffen beside her and braced for his cutting response. Instead, he released a soft whine, nuzzling his nose against hers.
“Baby, there are no other girls,” he whispered, voice tight. “And I swear, I’ll never let you leave before sunrise again,but you need to wake up; we’re here.”
The entire morning came back to Kagome in a rush. She sat straight up in her seat, blinking at the plane and it’s slowly deboarding passengers. She was home, in LA, with Inuyasha. Her eyes snapped up to meet his golden gaze; he looked so sad and resigned.
Her half-conscious words surfaced in her mind as her cheeks grew hot. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
“Well, I did,” he replied, flicking open his seatbelt and moving to stand.
Impending tears pricked at her eyes as she lurched forward and grabbed his arm. “Wait! Inu, please don’t be mad.”
He turned back to her with brows furrowed, grasping her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Don’t worry about me being mad, okay? I’m not; I’m just grabbing your suitcase.” He leaned down and planted a swift kiss to her lips before moving into the aisle.
Kagome sat back in her chair and pushed a hand through her bangs, still so disoriented from sleep that she forgot to chastise him for the overly familiar action. She couldn’t drum up her earlier resentment anyway. It was difficult when he was being so sweet and attentive.
She gathered up her purse from the floor, hiked it onto her shoulder, and scooted towards the aisle, reaching to take her suitcase from Inuyasha’s hands. She frowned when he didn’t pass it to her and instead stooped down to grab his duffle.
He turned towards her with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Ready?”
“I can carry that,” she replied while motioning to her bag.
Inuyasha shook his head. “I got it. C’mon.”
He made a space for her in front of him and allowed her into line. They filed out behind other passengers.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
They scooted forward a few inches at a time, ignoring the accidental jostles they received in the process.
Someone still in their chair mumbled something as they passed.
Inuyasha snarled from behind her, “Shut up and mind your own damn business.”
“What did he say?” Kagome asked, looking over her shoulder as they trudged forward.
He scowled. “Nothin’, just another asshole tryin’ to be funny. On this flight they’re a dime a dozen, apparently.”
She shook her head and giggled at the slight dusting of pink across his nose when Inuyasha’s eyes widened. He dropped his bag and reached forward to wrap hand around her arm, pulling her back against his chest and saving her from face-planting into a suitcase wheel.
Kagome was shell-shocked for a moment before warm breath tickled the hair against her ear.
“Careful, baby. Eyes forward,” Inuyasha whispered before releasing her and grabbing his duffle once again.
She nodded and waved off the apology from the man in front of her while trying to steady her fluttering heart. She had never received this kind of attention from him before and it was throwing her off. Every ounce of his focus seemed attuned to her; she could even feel his aura enveloping her like a protective blanket. It was overwhelming.
She slid forward when the line started to move, fanning her flaming face; it didn’t help. Kagome rose on tiptoe and glanced to the front door. Only a little longer and she could take a free breath without him towering behind her and saturating every molecule of air with his delicious sandalwood scent. It was making her head swim.
“Anxious to get away?” Inuyasha purred into her ear.
Kagome tripped over her feet, bumping the person in front of her. They tossed a glare over their shoulder. She mumbled an apology as they neared the cockpit and blessedly the front door. She could hear the cheery voices of the flight attendants just a few people ahead of her.
Inuyasha leaned closer and whispered, “Breathe, ‘Gome.”
“I’m trying,” Kagome hissed, glaring over her shoulder. “It’s not my fault you smell so damn g—”
“Thank you for flying with us today,” one of those cheery voices interrupted.
All the color drained from her face as she whipped around and stumbled over a ‘thank you’, rushing out the door and into the open air. Kagome took a deep breath and almost choked on the scent of exhaust. As long as it wasn’t ‘throw your underwear at me’ sandalwood, she was fine.
She turned to face the no doubt mocking expression of her companion, but Inuyasha didn’t react beyond setting her suitcase on the floor and rolling it it behind him up the ramp.
Kagome blinked. Was he just going to ignore all that?
She caught up to his side and glanced at his face. As she stared a corner of his mouth began to twitch upwards.
Kagome frowned and waved a hand at him. “Go on. Laugh it up.”
“What?” he replied with a chuckle. “You nearly hyperventilated because I smell so damn good. What’s funny about that?”
“You don’t know that I was going to say good,” she snapped.
Inuyasha tossed her a smug smile. “You’re right; you were probably gonna say great.”
“Or gross,” she grumbled, stomping ahead of him towards the terminal.
She turned around just inside to give him a piece of her mind but lost her ire as she looked him over. Although he was laughing, the mirth didn’t reach his eyes and even his ears were hanging lower than normal.
Kagome’s gaze found the white toes of her Chucks, wrapping her hands around her purse strap. Some matching shoes in red invaded her line of vision.
“Hey,” he said, giving her arm a nudge. “What’s wrong? I was just teasin’.”
“It’s not that,” she said, peeking up at him through her bangs. “I was just wondering, do you have somewhere to stay tonight?”
“Not really,” he replied with a shrug, but his ears perked. “Figured I would deal with that once we landed.”
Kagome cleared her throat and looked away, squeezing the leather between her hands. “Well, you can stay with me, if you want. I don’t have an extra bedroom, but I have a couch that’s pretty—”
Inuyasha reached forward and tilted her head up until she saw his sparkling golden eyes. “That sounds perfect,” he purred, rubbing his thumb along her bottom lip.
She was momentarily stunned but managed a nod.
“Was it gorgeous?” he asked with a fangy grin that lit up his whole face.
Kagome’s brow knit, not understanding his meaning until the light finally dawned. “No, it was grody!” she shouted while whipping around and storming off.
“Nah,” he replied, following a step behind. “It was probably glorious.”
“It was grimy!”
“How about grand?”
“How about gag me!”
Inuyasha stumbled and coughed before Kagome registered what had flown past her lips. She slapped a hand over her mouth in horror.
He shook the dazed look away from his face and smirked. “If you insist, baby.”
Kagome flushed. “I didn’t mean it like that!”
Inuyasha laughed and leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
“S-stop it,” she stuttered.
His brow furrowed, turning serious. “Maybe it was a phrase instead. Something like ‘good enough to eat’.”
“Ugh,” she groaned and turned on her heel, stomping away at a good clip. “Will you drop it already? Geez, you’re like a d—" Kagome sputtered out a laugh mid-sentence.
“What?” Inuyasha asked from behind her. “What is it?”
She turned around to see him staring at her like a very curious dog, head tilted to the side and ears perked to her amusement. Kagome doubled over, giggling until there were tears in her eyes.
“’Gome, people are starting to stare like you’ve gone nuts,” he whispered. “What the hell is so funny?”
Her laughter petered out to a slight chuckle as she shook her head. “Nothing, it’s just in your nature, I guess.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She offered him a coy smile and stepped forward, taking her suitcase handle from his hand. Inuyasha huffed in protest but was soothed by the way she intertwined their fingers.
“C’mon, Puppy,” Kagome purred while pulling him to the doors. “Now we just need to figure out where I parked.”
“You didn’t take a picture of your spot?” he groaned.
She laughed. “Do I ever?”
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Imagine Celebrating Iceman’s Top Gun Achievement
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Tom “Iceman” Kazansky X FemReader
Warnings: A little bit of angst but mostly fluff
Rating: G
Words: 753
(A/N:) I went to go see Top Gun Maverick again for the 4th time (I have an obsession and I’m going down the rabbit hole). So buckle in for more Top Gun Imagines. I got several more for Rooster (cause he’s such a babe) and some for Hangman as well planned. So keep an eye out for those and enjoy my Top Gun madness! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Today was the day that Iceman was going to find out who was going to graduate first in Top Gun. While you both were excited about finally knowing, there was a shadow hovering over the ordeal as the group of aviators were still dealing with the death of Goose. While Iceman and Maverick had butted heads and still did Ice wouldn’t wish a partner’s death on anybody. And while Goose was kind of the class clown, everyone liked him. The pilots all were thinking about his widow and the kid he left behind. The accident hadn’t been anyone’s fault just a freak accident but it still struck everyone. Despite the tragedy the show must go on. Now as you waited patiently for Ice’s return you were getting the jitters. Surely it wouldn’t be too much longer and he would be home.
 You had a cake ready and everything set out, now if the man of the hour would just make his presence known. Truthfully you had two cakes ordered last week one for the occasion he graduated and one if he came up just short. You were just about ready to give up and put the food away when the front door finally opened. You could tell immediately that Ice was exhausted, he had been on edge ever since he had gotten the call that he was accepted into Top Gun. Yes he was completely sure of his skills and he knew that he was a pilot amongst the best pilots, that still didn’t help his jitters. He was really good at hiding said jitters, nobody got to see that side except you. You helped him with all his gear trying to be patient for when he was ready to spill the beans.
“Sooooo,” you started no longer able to wait.
Ice looked at you his expression blank. Your smile faded, he wasn’t first. He had wanted that top spot so bad and he was beaten. You were just about to console him when his façade broke and started laughing.
“I did it,” he hooped and hollered before picking you up and swinging you around. You laughed with him holding onto him tightly.
“I knew you could do it babe,” you kissed him deeply. You thought about the second cake and decided to give it to the next door neighbors with kids. The mood instantly sobered when you both thought of the same person at the same time.
“How is Maverick,” you winced. Despite the rocky start and two hotshots butting heads at first you could tell that Ice had gained a new found respect for his fellow pilot.
“He’s okay,” Ice sighed setting you back down. “I honestly don’t think he’s ever going to be able to get past the fact that Goose is gone. He’s kinda lost his fire right now. I think he’s just wanting to focus on taking care of Carole and Bradley. I mean Goose’s son is so young.”
“I know,” you agreed agony tearing through your chest, to think about losing the man you loved the most like Carole did. You couldn’t imagine what she was dealing with, plus having a little boy to raise as well.
“It will just take some time,” Ice embraced you again, this time to comfort you. You snuggled deep into his chest. You wanted this to be a happy celebration for him and his achievement but it was hard to be happy when friends were suffering on their own.
“I think I’ll make a few meals and gather some necessities and take them to Maverick for him and Carole. Kinda help them out a little,” you finally spoke after a minute. Ice nodded in agreement while you lead him to the dining room.
“You are the best,” he smiled warmly at you his thumb rubbing the back of your wrists.
“I know,” you winked. “Now, no more sad stuff this is a celebration. Congratulations babe!”
You had a spread of all Ice’s favorite foods and of course the celebratory cake for later. You both spent the rest of the evening swapping stories about your days, but you mostly wanted to hear all that Ice had done and hearing about his pilot exploits were always the best. Despite the worry about him never returning one day to you, you couldn’t help but be proud to be the wife to the best of the best. Ice kissed you softly thanking you for everything before you both went to bed happy to be together once again.
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Fifth skull, in two - the exorcism is about to begin.
She had said to Ortus, “I thought the messages were hallucinations, even though I never hallucinated like that before. It was easier to believe I was succumbing to the madness again.” “Harrow,” he had said, “I have come to the conclusion that you were never mad … though who can be the judge of madness?”
Just like me, Ortus thinks the insanity was an artefact of the whole Harrow's brain being seriously messed with.
“Pal always said I’d be the death of him. And I was … He and I never even got to meet. I never even really got off Rhodes. It seems like such a bastard. You did kill the Lyctor, didn’t you?” “Yes,” said Harrowhark. “Was it quick?” “Quicker than she deserved,” said Harrow.
Harrow, don't be so sure of that.
And if, somehow, they managed to get Palamedes to join their little bubble from his - then perhaps Dulcinea and him could still meet, at least in death? That would be sweet.
Harrow remembered that Palamedes Sextus had made a war of his whole life in order to prosecute his desire to marry this woman. “The only thing that ever stopped me being exactly who I wanted,” she said, “was the worry that I would soon be dead … and now I am dead, Reverend Daughter, and I am sick of roses, and I am horny for revenge.”
Oh hell yeah. The real Dulcinea Septimus is really cool, I like her.
“Oh, Harrow, bless you, I always was a busybody,” she said smilingly. “Don’t thank me for sticking my oar in. You asked me to come, and I came. I understand you didn’t ask on purpose, but I like to think that there was a grain in your soul that saw yourself in need, and perhaps thought to itself, I wish I had Abigail Pent. It takes a great deal of ego to be a psychopomp. Thank you for letting me be yours.” And she curtseyed to Harrowhark, with enormous grace. Harrowhark bowed in return, and found herself saying, “The body of the Locked Tomb preserve you and yours, Pent,” and meaning it.
I'm sooooooooo happy we get to spend some time with Real Abigail. I was always so sad that they died so early in Gideon the Ninth. I always felt like Harrow's fake memories felt too real, when it came to her. I'm sooooo glad it's really her, well, her soul.
Abigail asked: “Who are you?” And with a sodium flare sparking from Abigail’s fingers, the lid of the coffin swung open [...] There was nothing inside.
The Sleeper was not, in the end, of any great height or breadth, and the voice that had emerged from that mask was not inhuman. In fact, it was a woman’s voice. “You wizards never learn,” said the Sleeper.
My bets are still on Cytherea, somewhat.
“Listen to your leader,” said the Sleeper. “Don’t engage. I’m not here for you, but don’t think you can’t die again. Just give me the girl, and the rest of you are free to go back to whatever hell you came from.” Abigail said, from somewhere in cover, “You must be joking.”
You really think Harrow's friends are going to abandon her so easily? After already going through all of this for her - while being able to leave, and deliberately choosing not to?
“Seven,” said the Sleeper. “Six. Five—” “My cue, I think,” said Magnus Quinn.
I LOVE this. I love all of them banding together to fight an unnamed, faceless, terrifying ghost.
“I have known one death,” he said hoarsely, “and I swear that I will not know its like again.” “Smart boy,” rasped the Sleeper, her voice still strangely fuzzy, as if she were speaking through a communicator. “Figuring out the limits, are we? Doesn’t matter. My rules.”
Souls can die in here, but not so easily. I'm completely gripped, I'm on the edge of my seat, the real world doesn't even exist to me anymore.
“What happens? What happens if you take me?” Ortus said urgently, “Lady, no.” The Sleeper said, “You’ll die. It doesn’t have to hurt. I’m not here to torture anyone.” “And?” “I get your body.” “And?” “I finish it.” “Finish what?” “This isn’t a conversation. Two.”
How terrifying!
It could still be Cytherea. She saved Harrow's body earlier - it could be because she wanted it for herself.
But I somehow feel like it's getting somewhat less likely that it's her.
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mrsamaroevans · 1 year
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Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Female OC Adelaide Lancaster.
Summary: After her crush rejected her for so many years, Adelaide found the love of her life, but not everything is perfect. Not when she fell in love with the devil.
Words: 2,602.
A/N: So... HI. It's been sooooo long and I'm so sorry. I'm not gonna come up with excuses, just so you know, I'm sorry lol. Uh... I don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are... thank you so much. I was sad for the news that the next Mayans season is the last one we'll get and I finished this chapter. I don't know what I'm gonna do once the show is over, but I guess will be our time to keep on writing about them idk lol... As always: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor. *gifs not mine*
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“Your husband called.”
It was eight in the morning and Adelaide woke up when a nurse walked into her room. The first she told her was that she’ll have an intravenous antibiotic, but she didn’t pay too much attention. Truth was that she barely listened since the doctor told her that they didn’t find her baby’s heartbeat.
Dita got into her room during the night to leave her purse and ask her to let Miguel inside. She just thanked her for taking her stuff and for being there. She completely ignores what she had told her about Miguel. She didn’t care how worried he could be; she didn’t want to see him.
“He said he’s coming to replace his mother and wanted us to ask you if you could let him in.” The nurse says once she pulls out the syringe. Adelaide doesn’t turn to her.
“I don’t want to see anyone.” She repeats and the nurse just nods and walks out of the room.
Adelaide lays on her right side, her back to the door and her gaze to the window. She knows that she has to face Miguel at some point, but she still doesn’t want to do it. She would like to think that he didn’t mean what he told her the night before, but his words keep repeating in her head, and she is not sure she could stop them.
When she started to work after she got married, she had the purpose to leave her work in her office and be completely present at home. Her only job when she was with her son, was protecting him. Make sure he was fine and… she couldn’t do it. With neither. Both of them are gone.
“I said I don’t want to see anybody.” She says when she hears the door being open. She’s not sure how much time has passed by now, but she’s sure it’s not a nurse or a doctor, they would have knocked on the door before. So, she keeps her gaze on the IV that’s on the back of her hand and wipes the tears off of her face.
“And you know how much I fucking don’t care?”
When she hears that voice, Adelaide turns around to see her best friend a couple of feet away from her bed.
“Who called you?” She asks, sitting up as fast as she can ‘cause her back still hurts from the epidural she got. Ez translates that as the chance to get closer to her.
“Emily.” EZ says, shrugging “She said you didn’t want to see anyone, that maybe you’d talk to me.”
Adelaide's eyes start to fill with tears and Ez sits at her side to hug her, letting her cry on his shoulder as much as she wants.
She doesn’t understand why but there is something in Ez that, somehow, calms her down. She had to be mad at him, she had to tell him to go away and not get close to her again, but now that she has him near, his closeness comforts her.
“Emily also said that Miguel deleted our numbers…” She hears Ez say once she controls her tears. She texted Emily Ez’s number once Dita brought her things during the night, and she also told her what had happened. She never thought her friend would dare to talk to Ez that soon “How did you get them back?”
“I called Riz’s sister and she gave me his number, then he gave me yours,” Adelaide explains, but she realizes that Ez doesn’t pay that much attention to her. He looks like he has so many things in his head “What?”
“I don’t like what he did… it’s not right.” Ez says after sighing.
“He knew I saw Angel yesterday…” Adelaide looks at his friend and when she sees the confusion on his face, she realizes he doesn’t know the context of the situation “He always loses his mind when your brother is involved.”
“Why?” Ez asks even more confused.
“Because he hates him.” She simply says.
“You’re not gonna let it go, right?”
Adelaide sighs and even though she’s not in the mood to tell him about her past with Angel, she does it.
“Before I knew Miguel, I confessed my feelings to your brother. At first, he said that he didn’t feel anything back, but then he did. We started dating, I guess… at least everybody thought that we were but we never talked about it, we never felt we needed to.” She half smiles. “We were like that for eight months or so, and it was everything I imagined since I was a teenager…”
“Ugh…” Ez looks disgusted and all Adelaide can do is hit his ribs with her arm.
“Shut up, you wanted to know.” They laugh for a few seconds, and once their laughs calm down, she continues “Then, one day out of the blue, Angel came and said that what we were doing wasn’t right. That you saw me like a sister and your father as a daughter. He said that the only relationship he wanted to have with me, was the brother-sister one, and he left before I could tell him I was pregnant.”
Adelaide feels his gaze on her, but for some reason, she can’t look at him.
“I was so mad, Ez… I’ve never felt like that before, and… what was I gonna do? He didn’t want anything with me and I didn’t feel ready to have a baby without a father, so, I went to Los Angeles to get an abortion.” She pauses, ‘cause the memories of last night come back to her. She waits until the lump in her throat vanishes and thanks Ez that he doesn’t push her to continue before she’s ready “Two weeks later, Angel came to me to ask me for a pregnancy test my mother found… I had other options; I could have lied to him, but I noticed he was happy and I felt the necessity to wipe that smile off of his face, I wanted him to feel the same that I felt so I told him, and I know it’s your brother but…”
“He’s an asshole most of the time, I know…” Ez says. Adelaide nods and even though she feels she doesn’t deserve it; she thanks the Lord because his best friend’s not judging her decisions.
“I got what I wanted. Angel was so mad, he even told me that he hated me for what I did. We stopped talking to each other until I went to the clubhouse for Coco’s birthday… I just went to give him a cake I baked but Angel asked me to stay, that he didn’t have any problem with that because I was Coco’s friend too, so I did… Angel got so drunk and he apologized for what he said. He told me he missed me, that he wanted us to go back to the friendship we had before all of that, and I missed him too so I pushed my feelings for him aside and I accepted.” She looks at the rings on her finger and she smiles ‘cause the words she’s about to say are forming a memory in her mind. She still can see it all perfectly and the butterflies are still there “A couple of months later I met Miguel…” she says “Angel didn’t like it at all when I started dating him. Even the club tried to convince me to leave him, but I loved him. It just… happened too fast. Then, two months before Miguel proposed to me, I had a pregnancy scare… I was at Lore’s house and I was crying when Riz stopped by. I tried to pretend to be okay but he knew something was wrong and he told Angel… When he asked me, I told him the truth and you know what he said?”
“Bullshit, I guess…”
Adelaide nods.
“His exact words were ‘Well... if you are, you already know how to get rid of the problem’.”
“What the fuck, Angel?” Ez mutters, shaking his head.
“That’s what I said.” Adelaide shrugs “I talked to him again the day after Miguel proposed…”
Ez doesn’t say anything for a moment. She sees him trying to digest everything she said. She also doesn’t add anything. She feels she talked way too much. Probably was way too honest.
“Miguel knows all of this.” Ez doesn’t ask. These few days, she’s been in charge of letting him know that Miguel is the one that she leans in, so he wouldn’t be surprised if she had told him everything.
“I had to tell him because your brother threw a scene at my parent’s house when I was pregnant with Cristobal. He held me in his arms the whole night while I cried.” That’s the moment when she can’t keep on with her words. It doesn’t matter how much she tries to put the events of the night aside; she can’t make them go away “I was thinking about all of that the whole night… that was the first thing I thought when the doctor told me that… that my baby was gone…”
Her hands land on her eyes trying to stop the tears from going out. But the blame she’s feeling for the decisions she made in the past is even stronger than when she made them.
“They told you why it happened?” Ez asks once she sighs and uncovers her face.
“No… they said that sometimes happens. It can be for long periods of stress, ‘cause the baby wasn’t completely fine… but I think it was karma.”
Ez shakes his head, disagreeing with her “You said Miguel loses his mind when Angel is involved… you can trust me, Addie. You can tell me what really happened…”
Adelaide takes her gaze up to him once she understands what he said between the lines. His words take her by surprise but she’s aware that more than one person in her social circle could and would think the same way.
“You think he did this? No… I mean, we argued but he didn’t touch me. He would nev—”
“I have seen him doing things that—”
“That I haven’t, I get it…” Adelaide says, a little bit mad ‘cause out of all the people in her life, she thought Ez would be the one that could never doubt her common sense “I know what he does, Ez, I know who he is. I don’t need anyone telling me about it.” Ez tries to speak, but Adelaide doesn’t give him the chance “I’m not that helpless little girl you met, anymore… you need to understand that.”
“I do…  I just… I don’t trust him.” He looks at her and, again, she’s not surprised by his words. It’s not the first time she hears them “The fact that he deleted our numbers because he was jealous…”
“Who said he was jealous?” She lets out a laugh and Ez throws her a glance “Miguel is not jealous of Angel…”
“No… he’s jealous about the life you used to have.” Ez tells her but she can’t imagine Miguel feeling that way “He’s insecure about you wanting to go back to that, after everything you left behind—”
“Why would I?” She interrupts him “I love him, and I know I said shit last night but I’m happy with him…”
Ez doesn’t insist anymore and she’s glad. She’s been listening to a lot of people saying that what she feels for Miguel isn’t love since the moment she started dating him. Even now that they’re married. She was tired of that.
“You said you saw Angel… what did you talk about?” He asks.
“You really don’t know?” She lifts an eyebrow and can see his regret for asking that crossing his face in less than a second.
“You know it…” Ez says and sighs “Listen, I didn’t know that she was trying to take Cristobal, if I knew, I would have warned you, I wouldn’t have—”
“Ez, I don’t care anymore.” Adelaide interrupts him, shaking her head no and making Ez turn to her “Cristobal’s fine and he has to come back tomorrow.”
“Adelita said something that I didn’t understand…” Ez says after a couple of seconds. Adelaide doesn’t say anything back ‘cause she knows Ez hasn’t finished talking “She said that she didn’t understand how could you marry one of the responsible for your father’s death.” At this point, Adelaide freezes. She doesn’t speak not because she doesn’t have anything to say, but ‘cause she doesn’t know how Adelita knows that “I thought your father died in a car crash…”
“I thought that too.” She finally says.
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| Then |
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“Your abuela made it…”
She wasn’t her grandmother, but Alonso’s mom loved her as her granddaughter and she almost threw a big party when Adelaide and Miguel told her they were expecting their first child.
Adelaide was almost six months pregnant. She could no longer hide her bump and that only made her and Miguel even more excited about starting their own family. The nursery was almost done; Adelaide and Bridget designed it and Miguel was also being part of the process it didn’t matter how tired he whenever he got home. Sure he had more money than what they needed to hire someone so his wife wouldn’t have to work, but he was enjoying so much being part of creating the place where his child would spend the first years of his life in.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” Adelaide smiled as she looked at the white knitted sweater that Alonso gave her. She was so thrilled to know her son would be loved by many people and she couldn’t wait any longer to have him in her arms, but she couldn’t say anything else ‘case her parents’ doorbell ranged. “I’ll go…” Adelaide said and still with the sweater in hand, she went out of the kitchen towards the front door. There, she found someone unexpected “Angel…” Adelaide said surprised and the smile that was forming on her face, disappeared immediately when she noticed Angel’s gaze was on her bump.
“You were the one I wanted to talk to…”
With those words, she confirmed that he was drunk. She took a glance at the jeep outside and saw Gabriel about to walk towards them, but she shook her head to let him know everything was fine.
“What happens?” She asked looking down at his hand, he still had a bottle of beer.
Angel looked at the bump on her belly again and didn’t say anything, as if he couldn’t do something else than look at that spot on her body.
“I was about to tell you, it’s just that Miguel and I decided to keep it between us for a couple of months…” she started to say. The moment she told Miguel she was pregnant, he said the news had to stay in their inner circle, just family and very close friends like Bridget and Emily knew. But Angel didn’t seem to be listening to her words. He just shook his head and looked up at her face slowly.
“You’re a piece of shit…” He said. Hatred irradiated out of his eyes as she gave a little step back not understanding what he was talking about.
“Angel…” She whispered looking back to see if anyone listened to his words but there was nobody near “What are you saying?”
“You…” he repeated slower “Are. A fucking. Piece of shit.” Angel gave a step towards her, and leaned to be closer to her face “That’s what you are…”
“You should go, you’re drunk.” Adelaide asked giving another step back to close the door, but he didn’t let her by placing a hand on it “Angel…”
“Why?” he asked raising the tone of his voice “Who’s in here? Here’s your husband? I didn’t see his lap dog outside…”
“No, it’s fine.” He said lengthening his last word and stepping into the house “Let’s tell him what kind of woman he married…”
“It’s everything all right?” Amanda asked coming out of the living room.
“Yes, mom,” Adelaide said nodding and about to ask her to go back to the kitchen. She didn’t want anyone to hear ‘cause at that moment she knew exactly what Angel was talking about.
“You never told her, right?” Angel said laughing under his breath “You didn’t have the guts to…”
“What’s happening?” Adelaide’s mom asked again but she only shook her head.
“He’s drunk; he doesn’t know what he’s saying…”
“The fuck I know!” He shouted, “You… you’re walking around, really happy, showing your bump, so proud for Galindo’s baby, but… what did you do to the other one?”
“Angel, please…”
“You… you killed it!” Angel shouted again.
Amanda looked at her daughter, but Adelaide only could look at Angel. Now, both of them had tears in their eyes. She pressed her lips together and tried to hold back the tears.
“You didn’t tell me shit!” Angel continued getting angrier “I would have been there for you and him, or her… I wouldn’t have run!”
“Angel! Angel!” He said laughing “Is that everything you know how to say?” Angel looked at her, both of them forgetting about the fact that Amanda was there and now, Alonso too “You let some doctors kill my baby… our baby.” He pointed to her and then to himself, and that was the moment when neither of them could hold their tears “And that’s something I’ll never forgive you for.”
“You should go, mister.” Gabriel tried to grab Angel’s arm but the Mayan moved.
“I hope you remember what you did every time you see that kid’s face.”
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1. What the FUCK you were talking about Saxton Hale on here without me????
2. Saxton falls into such a weird category as a character because while he’s absolutely batshit insane and a war criminal that has firebombed Woodstock and killed over 1000 people, he has some genuinely pathetic moments?? Like his whole thing with Admin he’s trying sooooo hard to get her to fuck him and she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Hell she even stole all his Australium before going into hiding in the comics and he had no fucking idea and he wasn’t even mad at her about it once he found out. Also the whole thing with him losing Mann Co while hilarious is like. You’re telling me this man is refusing to fight a child when it’s his company on the line when he has committed much greater atrocities? AND THEN WHEN OLIVIA KICKED HIM OUT OF THE BUILDING HE LOOKED SO SAD AND DEJECTED??? And THEN when the robots wouldn’t fight him and he just sadly walked off???? God he is just The Character Ever to me and I want to put him under a microscope and study him forever and I think it’s safe to say I’m the biggest Saxton Hale fan Ever
Oh yeah I definitely do think there are elements of "patheticness" or whatever to him and that's kind of what the joke is, not ONLY is he this absurd parody of Action Guy masculinity but he also sucks, either in that he can't do things right or that he just. does shit that's objectively bad for his employees LMAO. However I feel like Completely reducing him to "uwu kicked puppy" (which I can see being the direction people take this Halenaissance in) ALSO removes the caveat of his joke. He would never in a million years attempt to utilize his "patheticness" for or against anything. He wouldn't even view himself as "pathetic" most of the time (or any time, sans the time he lost his company where he was clearly pretty down on himself). Idk I just don't wanna see a reduction of all the EXPLOSIPUNCH! traits of the EXPLOSIPUNCH! guy in order to fit like this veeery early 2020s fandom meme of "pathetic babygirl man heart eyes"
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bokutoitadori · 6 months
day 2 of no twitter I need a place to talk about how much I love my friends and my girlfriend so this is it. it's so embarrassing that I have to say these things in English because in my mother language it would feel so personal and I would feel very exposed LAME AF.
every since I was little I always had this sort of victim complex and I always thought that the worse things would happen to me (maybe not a victim complex, I'm just dramatic and also the Brazilian bokuto kotaro) but after a lot of therapy sessions and some really needed self reflection I'm aware that I couldn't be more lucky, and it makes me mad at myself that I have such a hard time recognizing it. I've always wanted a sister, but my mom didn't have the time or the money for one child, let alone two, however, when I was 16 I met my sister for life (that sounds so cheesy but hear me out everyone or no one since I don't have that many followers). I found thayssa (my future adoptive older sister that actually adopted me even tho we pretend is the other way around because I'm the extroverted one) crying in our school bathroom, which is funny because these days she doesn't cry as often, I think she passed me the crybaby disease, and I decided to talk to her because you know THERE WAS A PRETTY GIRL CRYING IN THE BATHROOM AND OH MY GOD WHY IS SHE SAD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY and the rest is history (I'm so lazy), when I look back at this moment it's so funny to me that maybe it I didn't go inside that bathroom at the time, or if I was scared to talk to her (thayssa was sooooo scary back then she's just silly nowadays) I would've lost the opportunity to be part of her life and I would lose one of the most important people I will ever meet. Thayssa kinda ruined things for me because I've always been so dramatic and a self-loathing little shit and now how can I complain and say that my life sucks when she exists? she listens to me all the time, and makes me lunch, she hugs me when I'm sad and she doesn't hug me when I don't feel like being touched, she takes me to the park, and the cinema, and she buys me ice cream when I'm too sad to do anything other than sulk, she sends me all these little poems about friendship and soulmates and she makes me playlists, she tells me about all her favorite artists and her new obsession at the moment (the current one is bakudeku and even tho I wasn't a huge fan if someone talks shit about them in front of me they won't hear the end of it), she makes me friendship bracelets and she accepts my gifts, she bought me a new phone just bc my old one broke and she thought it would be nice for me to play games and have a phone that actually works for the first time in 7 years (I've been THRU it), she also wears the frog ring I bought her, the one that matches MY frog ring, she dedicates her favorite songs to me and how lucky I am that she could look at something she loves to much and I'm the first one that comes to mind. After almost 7 years of friendship (things weren't always easy, we were very immature and grew a lot, stopped fighting and started TALKING etc) I could sit here all day and talk about how much she means to me, but I'm not even finished with this post and I'm already crying. things have been so hard lately and I would never forgive myself if I let all the shit I'm going through make me forget the people I have with me, so I decided to write about them, and OF COURSE I would start with thayssa because I could talk about her all day. it is very pretty to think that all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me.
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kiwi-tai · 2 years
9 favorite shows as gifs
Thank you for tagging me @willkimurashat @eva-neill-green @fujihime-litg @mrs-youcef
This is once again in no specific order because they’re all very different shows and all top tier imo.
1. Parks and Recreation
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My favorite sitcom I have rewatched it soo many times and was so sad when it got moved to streaming on Peacock but then my cousin got Peacock and now I leech onto their account to watch it.
2. Schitts Creek
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Elite sitcom! So funny, so heartfelt, Dan Levy you are my fav nepo baby and I accuse nepotism for this show. And Miora Rose iconic.
3. Space Force
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Another tragic betrayal from Netflix by canceling this show. I love Ben Schwartz and space.
4. The Get Down
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This was the first betrayal I ever experience from Netflix and you may be saying hey I’ve never heard of The Get Down before we’ll it’s because it featured a fully poc cast and told a beautiful story of the start of hip hop and fall of disco from the perspective of young teens from the Bronx in the 70s and Netflix didn’t promote it at all. It was directed by Baz Luhrmann ya know the guy that did Romeo and Juliet with Leo DiCaprio. This show was beautiful and amazing and I cried when I found out they canceled it. Still the story ends pretty well with only a slight cliffhanger that Baz later clarified what would actually happen so if your looking for a show to watch I very highly recommend this one . It’s incredible, the soundtrack is amazing, there are lgbt characters, I mean I can’t ever say enough.
5. Once Upon a Time
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The chokehold this show had me on since I was 11. Unparalleled. I love everyone in this show like family, each character means so much to me it’s insane. Last season was eh they were trying too hard to keep it alive but that’s shows now a days. Gif of the queen herself.
6. Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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Speaking of shows that had me in a chokehold the orginal pretty little liars was one of them. I was obsessed and they lost me the last few season after trying to hard to keep the show alive. A good show has an ending you don’t have to keep adding more to it. That being said I did not think this reboot/spin-off would be good but oh boy is it. I mean there is a slasher killer, it’s beautifully shot, and the cast is great.
7. Derry Girls
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I absolutely love this show! I love everything about it. I pretend I have an Irish accent every time I watch it (sorry to any Irish followers but I think it’s a pretty decent attempt). This show is hilarious and I can’t wait to watch the final season.
8. Shadow and Bone
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This show led to a downward spiral into the Grishaverse series and I am perfectly okay with it. I am still read every book in the series I’m on the final six of crow book rn. This show is soooo good I cried first episode for some reason. The cast is so hot. The characters and storylines are everything.
9. New Girl
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Last but not least, this show is iconic. The friendships, the jokes, everything. Love it.
Omg I’m editing and adding a tenth because I can’t believe I forgot it
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This!!! this show is one of the greatest shows to ever exist and I’m sooooo mad it got canceled. It’s based on a comic it’s one season I highly recommend despite the cliff hanger (because technically no cliff hanger if you jsut look up what happens in the comics). I love this show so much I did write a fan fic about it on Wattpad it’s called Medusa if you want to check it out. Literally Marcus (pictured above) the most incredible and stupid character ever I love him; the sass he has amazing. You will love all the characters as much as you hate them sometimes it’s great. Lana Condor is in it and so is Benedict Wong. If you like marvel movies the Russo brothers are producers.
Tagging whoever wants to join!
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dustyy-angel · 11 months
Ahhh I think you're one of the best persons!
Um im mad that im being ignored. That im being valued as less important.
Idk it just makes me feel like nessie all over again like that I had found this super cool person and come to find out she/they idk know we're stringing me along for years and hated me and was telling other friends all these lies about me and it hurt bad and like the messed up thing is there's times I still miss them and want them back even though they're toxic and after more a year and I was like oh ill never fall into that again and all the newsies people are great they would never do what happened with nessie or brenden dbsvx idk im just hurt and sad and bring irrational probably
Anon you are literally one of my favorite people and I don't even know who you are yet haha :)
And ya know anon, I actually went through something very similar to that start of last year. (Bit of a rant below to cut)
I had this big friend group and it was my 3 best friends and my boyfriend and then like 5 or 6 other people who I was also really close to and then one day my best friends girlfriend moved to our school and started causing lots of trouble with our group and I tried to fix everything as much as I could and it worked out fine for a few months and then one day out of no where the entire group just "decides" that they don't want to be my friend anymore and they all sent me these long texts with all the reasons I was apparently a bad friend and giving examples of things that literally never happened and even sending fake screenshots claiming they were from me when they weren't and I lost literally every friend I had including my boyfriend in like a 4 day period.
It really really fucked me up but I also sometimes find myself missing them and wanting to apologize to them and beg them to be my friend again even tho they all ended up being terrible people. I still have dreams (more like nightmares) involving my ex pretty often and it's just really sad because he was literally perfect all the way up until that final few days :(
But yes I'm sooooo glad that I got on Tumblr and found there was an actually active newsies fandom because everyone here is so lovely and I've met so many good and cool people like you on here <3
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selinascatnip · 2 years
The flashback to Sebastian and Julie was a great mirror to DK and Dick’s perspective on their relationship. Sebastian breaks up with Julie because he fears she’s going to eventually break up with/abandon him. In his words, he’s never the destination. He’s just a step along the way. Dick didn’t tell Kory about the vision not because he doesn’t want her and the little girl with the red balloon. He didn’t tell Kory about the vision because he doesn’t think that’s something she wants with him. He’s the one who pumped the breaks on them in the first place because he realized what he felt for her was intense and it scared him. Grayson fell fast. He said that he needed to go find himself. However, Kory was willing to help him do that, but he chose to leave and go find Donna. Then he found she’s from an entirely different planet. I think in the back of his mind he feels like she’s going to go back and he’s going to be abandoned (again). I mean you would think that he would understand that she loves him and wants to be with him too by the fact that she’s been with him, by his side, all this time taking in his strays dealing with his exes, etc. However, he obviously needs someone to hit him over the head with a club and clue him in. I would love it if Tim is the one to do that. He’s an outsider with excellent detective skills. Who knows where they end up once BB disappeared them from The Temple. He’s going to be separated from Bernard. For him to figure out how DK feel about each other and give Dick some incentive to find his way back to Kory would be a cool nod to Tim in the comics being a DK advocate.
Anon, I love you, you are so right, and I have almost nothing to add.
Actually I have only 02 things to say.
One is kinda more serious and the other is pure silly
The serious one:
I don't agree that Dick was the one to put DK on a break. The part you mentioned about Dick leaving to find Donna, I don't think the show frame that as Dick putting DK on a break, that was Dick being afraid of being a Titan and having to be responsible for a kid. It was a moment of Fate (and by Fate I mean the writers lmao) being all "oh you so you are mad at Bruce right? For doing such a shitty job at being your dad and turning you into a mess of anger and insecurities WILDCARD NOW YOUR ARE NOT PREPARED FOR FATHERHOOD EITHER BUT THERE'S NOT ONE BUT TWO KIDS DEPENDING ON YOUUUU!!! Go on, make a better job since you're sooooo much better than you old sad dad."
Kory puts them on a break, she never stops mothering Rachel and Gar, she calls them while she's off with Donna. It's Dick who doesn't get a call. She broke up with HIM. So, you know, he was hurt, and unsure of himself, and like you said, he doesn't think he's good enough for her anyway and when she put them on a break his beliefs of unworthiness were confirmed, doesn't matter if those were Kory intentions or not (they weren't).
Now, to the silly one:
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I'm sorry, but he just shouldn't be there!!! 🤣🤣🤣
I love Tim, I do, I think Ray does an AMAZING job, but this story doesn't need this character. If they wanted to add diversity to Titans they could just make Gar and Kon kiss. They make Dick kiss a lot of ppl he never been romantic attached in canon before.
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I posted 10,510 times in 2022
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10,464 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 302 of my posts in 2022
#try guys - 22 posts
#netflix - 15 posts
#ned fulmer - 14 posts
#heartbreak high - 14 posts
#the try guys - 13 posts
#heartstopper - 9 posts
#first kill - 7 posts
#keith habersberger - 6 posts
#tag game - 5 posts
#queer - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#kluas is wild and klaus is kluas but he truely sees ben as a platonic brother even if its not their ben i still dont think klaus would do it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Literally just found out that paper girls got cancelled...I was mad about first kill I was super sad after the wilds but COME THE FUCK ON!! PAPER GIRLS?!? PAPER GIRLS?!?! I'M SO FUCKING LIVID AND I'M JUST FUCKING SICK OF GOOD SHOWS GETTING CANCELLED BACK TO FUCKING BACK. I was really rooting for paper girls and I got my hopes up but I should have fucking known better. This fucking sucks
17 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
honestly i keep talking about the ned fulmer shit to deal with the fact that i liked him a lot!!! and he's a piece of shit now!!!! it was the same thing when people realized brendon urie was a dickwad like- i feel betrayed man
Ned always was my least favorite (not to be one those but....) and actually recently hes been getting more on my nerves lately (before the cheating was announced) but I still feel horribly betrayed because he was just putting on this fake act so I totally get where you're coming from, I was not not a fan of Ned I guess I felt meh about him as a singular but I am a try guys fan so it does suck it won't be the four no more but he fucked up so what are you gonna do
51 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
I saw a lesbian on tiktok say first kill was worse than Riverdale... Like the fuck maybe first kill isn't perfect but worse than Riverdale??? now y'all are just saying stuff to say stuff
52 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
70 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sorry to all the people who follow me and don't give a fuck about the try guy/ned fulmer cheating scandal and have to deal with me spam reblogging every post I see, I'm trying to stop and I just can't
1,006 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cishetamine · 2 years
gremlins (1984) letterboxd review (crossposted)
This is a terrible movie. Why?
Well, someone in it says “mangy curr” unironically, which admittedly is kind of camp. But check out the rest of the dialogue:
re: ppl being depressed on christmas: “While everyone else is opening up their presents, some people are opening up their wrists”
the part where the science teacher is explaining pupation to the kid like “it might look dormant, but inside it’s going through changes” and the kid is like “Like my mother,” as in MENOPAUSE
basically whoever they hired as the script doctor for this deserves a Razzy.
astonishing that this movie contains a white woman who wants to do unspeakable things to this kid’s dog !!! like holy shit i believe the rumors now .. no like actually did they realize what they were writing………
although it’s maybe bad that she doesn’t respect The Spirit Of Christmas(jewish-coded ?) & lives alone weigh a bunch of cats(lesbian-coded; possibly acephobic ?)
I want to know what age demographic this is targeted at. Which i guess i could find out by looking up the film rating—ah, PG-13, but like, ppl apparently criticized it at the time for being too graphic for the kids at whom its sense of humor appears aimed. so i guess it makes sense that i was also confused!
Also wait this is making me wonder. Did kids used to just go to the movie theaters by themselves when they were younger than 13?? Bc i thought the purpose of 'PG-13' was "u gotta be older than 13 to see it without an adult".
But what kids were even seeing movies without adults before they could drive in most of the US in the 1980s?? idk i wasn't alive then but i assume most ppl had to drive to the movies——ok maybe SOME ppl lived in walkable cities……i guess the stranger things kids could've biked, but then again they aren't real, so.
anyway, right, gremlins. The sequence where the Designated Hottie describes how her dad died is hilarious bc it's trying to be sad but the way he dies is——ok no u have to like pull up a clip on youtube bc it's definitely not worth seeing this whole movie over. Like i would bet $5 that it's on the tvtropes page for Narm.
Note btw that the great thing about making bets about whether something is on tvtropes is that i literally can't lose bc if it's not there already then i could jus make an account & add it there. Although in a way, me making a tvtropes account would be a much larger loss for my sense of self-respect
Also i'm still mad that i got tricked into watching a christmas movie bc normally i would not be into that!! except i didn't know it was a christmas movie!!! damnit!!
Found myself thinking, like, "You know, in a cronenberg film, the gremlins would escape & eventually spread to blanket the whole country & then the world! Like in scanners or the brood or videodrome—or, indeed, in plenty of other horror movies—especially those that anticipate a sequel! Like that one version of little shop of horrors before they changed the ending, or uh, presumably various zombie movies, i think. How does invasion of the body snatchers end again? Or uhh, the original The Blob?"
& i think that kinda describes my relationship to cronenberg as a director, i think?? like, i don't his movies are necessarily Super Great or My Favorites or whatnot—but they definitely have affected me enough that i keep thinking about him & about them & about his particular authorial sensibility, even if i disagree with decisions he's made!
which i think basically encapsulates my relationship w/ any Art that's influenced me significantly. Like there's not much stuff that i'm like "WOW i LOVE this this is PERFECT IN EVERY WAY"—it's more about "omg even where this book/painting/musical/opera may be flawed, can we please talk abt whether you think those are actual flaws or not, & u think they actually add to the story. Please please pretty please"
Also—the colors/lighting in this made me yearn sooooo hard for the days when EVERYTHING was shot on film. fuuuuuck. Like, this has a bunch of dark scenes that are lit almost more like a b&w chiaroscuro noir film rather than a color movie—so u get these spots of rly rich orange & teal & purple & blue & it WORKS?!?!?
which feels kind of insane to me honestly. like, Family Movies don't have beautiful lighting deign anymore (although cartoons have taken up some of the slack here—e.g., that Hilda show had a rly excellent color scheme in its backgrounds!)
anyway i'm just getting all weepily nostalgic for analog film, don't mind me!! getting half-strangled by a stray reel All those indoor shots where they're not afraid to let some light from outdoors filter in through the windows——i am dragged off the stage That soft focus on subjects, as opposed to that hypershallow depth of field that's gotten oh-so-popular these da——muffled sounds of struggle
[small gremlin pops back up onstage speaking in my voice] Also almost forgot to say: Good puppets! Very expressive, as others have mentioned! We need to bring back puppets tbh. Also ventriloquism(not that cringe racist guy from the bush admin tho.) I'm talking REAL ventri—
[roof caves in right on top of GREMLIN PUPPET, which miraculously manages to sidestep all the falling debris, but then one more tiny circular chunk falls out of the ceiling & GREMLIN immediately gets melted by the sudden sunlight like a cute vampire]
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piduai · 2 years
Been thinking, realisticly, who would be the most interesting gk character to befriend?
as much as i love ogata and usami, i know i wouldn't keep up with their games. loving sugimoto too, but i cannot stand hot heads irl. they tire me out tremendously.
my only viable option would be shiraishi, but since he canonicly smells like peanuts i'd get migraine headaches any time i'm in the same room as him.
there is just no winning.
who would you hang out with on a thursday afternoon?
(just realised that asirpa might be the most enriching one actually)
that's a no brainer, easily usami. but that's because i think that living long is very overrated. then again THURSDAY... usami is not a thursday kind of guy, you shouldn't meet him during the week. a use can be found for most people, as long as you know how to search and how to flex out their strong points hanging out wise, i think
so if we're going with thursday or like, a weekday for hanging out it's probably ogata as long as we have an interest in common. like look ogata is a weirdo and a nerd, he'd 10000000% be a weeb like it's incontestable. i know i make fun of him a lot but i have soooo much experience with people like him irl (i'm a weirdo and a nerd too except i'm a pretty girl) so if i tried i could get along with him. he'd have shit taste in everything and be into common denominator stuff tho like he'd think that monogatari or whatever is sooooo deep. he'd love serial experiments lain and he'd be a reigirl. we COULD watch evangelion together but he'd go on patrick batemany rants about the symbolism in it (it's not that deep dude) and i'd have to stop myself from bullying him for liking rei otherwise he'd poison my energy drink. this is so sad. but anyway on a week night if i feel like watching fake deep weebery with someone or watch someone getting mad at a video game i'd opt for ogata. a quiet night in for two maidenless losers
now friday i'd take sugimoto and shiraishi but only together, shiraishi is too gross to handle on his own and sugimoto too extraverted, i need them to bounce off each other but as a pair i think they'd be fun to drink with + they'd insist to pay for me. i think we could hit like 4 bars until they either pass out or sugimoto gets into a fight with someone. but it's mostly a chill night out drinking
saturdays i'd reserve for usami and him only, he'd 100% have friends in sketchy clubs in crazy expensive neighborhoods because he deals there all the time. as long as i'm tipsy i love those places. he'd introduce me to all sorts of people a prim and proper lady shouldn't know of in her ugliest nightmares, and he'd let me watch as he beats someone to death with a hammer. we would be best friends forever but ONLY for a day a week. i have negative interest in his life besides that sunday morning we don't know each other
asirpa would be good to have as a friend for when you're broke because she'd definitely feed you. but also i'm a very bland eater and i wouldn't want to hurt her feelings by refusing her dishes. sofia would also be great to have as a friend, actually i think out of all of them she's the best option; she's a bro kind of woman and i love those, but she's also in touch with her feelings and has consideration for other people (which none of the others can boast of) so she'd be a great person to turn to for both when you want to have a wild night out or a chill one in. she has a drinking problem however which would be bad influence. i would also not say no to hanging out with kikuta because i have a mean streak and he's a prime bullying candidate who would lose at cards and board games EVERY single time. and he's boring and lame as hell so you KNOW he loves board games
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olivieraa · 6 days
actually, y'know, idek when was the last time I talked about ygo abridged
like if I happen to be on tumblr when an ep comes out I'm like *O* and I'll post about it cause to me tumblr was always a "get your feelings out in the moment" site so in those moments I'm like aaaah new ep!
but never like talk talked about it, last time would be over 10 years ago defo
honestly? its special to me. Ive a great memory but I defo struggle with this not knowing the order, so it was either a) I decided to finally watch AN ANIME for the first time ever and put on inuyasha, THEN got curious about returning to yugioh and discovered season 0 and THEN watched the abridged or b) I randomly remembered I'd never seen the end of ygo and so looked up amvs of it on youtube thus discovering ygo season 0 came first and then found the abridged through that and THEN realised I wanted to welcome anime into my life and so I started Inuyasha and sooooo on down I went, the anime road from then on
so, ygo abridged is at the beginning of that journey
at that time in my life, I was heavily struggling with ocd. and I was ditching school a lot. if I wasn't hiding in the town library for 6 hours, I was at a friends who decided to ditch with me. I had my two reliables. and we always watched the abridged together. quoted it non-stop. eventually I was dating a lad for a month, and when we broke up (he had the same friends as me), HE started quoting the abridged with them as well cause they showed it to him. made me MAD! lmao
it was also something I watched every time we went on a ride to look at houses during the recession in 2009-2010. those long drives. abridged kept me and my brother sane lol
and then cut to being online with online friends, and tumblr, we all shared the abridged love with each other.
it was just unfortunate the episodes were rarer at that point but definitely... more frequent than they are now. they were coming out prob around 4.... times a year. maybe? whereas they used to be weekly. so that was a big change.
and now they're once a year. you're lucky if there's 2.
but here's the thing.
yeah its a parody. but idk... the fact that you can just pick up where you left off every time and not be a confused mess makes me happy. the fact that the characters are so distinctive and you never forget their personality traits is amazing to me.
I'm just proud of LK bc he could have dropped it a long time ago. I've seen youtube channels have their hype years and then fans disappear CONSTANTLY. video views going from 2.5 mill to maybe 30k. it happens.
but a good chunk of people who have been watching the abridged now for 15 years now or more still get excited when a new once a year ep drops. you just pick it up, have a giggle fest, wipe away a tear and then move on. never sitting there in anticipation for the next cause you know it'll be a while. just... happy to go on youtube and see one randomly there on a random day when you're not looking for it.
it fills me with joy.
my ONLY con here is that, bruh, season 5 to me is the best ygo arc. I been wanting to see that shit abridged for soooooooooo fucking long. there's so many scenes that I wanna know what he does with. I want to see Bakura without Marik, cause LK's flaw with Bakura was that he knew how to write Marik on his own but not Bakura on his own. so I wanna see that more. I wanna see what he does with Set and Kisara, what direction he goes. I love Joey's ghost moments in the main show so I I'm hyped for that.
the sad thing about it is being hyped for something I prob wont see till.......................... 2028? 2030?
but I'll still be watching. if he makes it that far anyway <3
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the-good-projxct · 1 month
Feb 28th, 2024
10:11 pm. I am upstairs in Karen. Listening to Mapa’s Mother Africa. This song is fire. 
I am obsessed. I found it to post on my stories and it's just…chef’s kiss. It’s an instrumental btw. I had such a nice, wholesome, chill and vibey day. Like this is what I hoped for when I said I was coming home to lounge and chill. I was up mad early today, 7am I was up and at it. I video chatted with Zaneta, called Munene, and texted with my mom. I posted on IG. I went downstairs around noon and ate some rice with pili pili. I had some tea. Then I went and got my book and my agenda. I organized my agenda because I hadn’t touched it since a few days before I left PEI. I sat with the elders Karimi and Moka wa Mwiti. We chatted, vibed, and laughed. I played with baby Jason Mwenda. It started raining heavily which made the day get cooler, so we bundled up and went inside. Amirah and Chanel called me to catch up but also because weuh. Being Black in America is a wild box to be in. Like anyone and everyone is tryna stake their claim on Blackness without actually experiencing Blackness. I am so glad I am away from alladat. My phone battery died so I left my phone upstairs and the power went out. I got a blanket and laid on the couch and everyone was in the living room with a fire going. We just chilled like that for hours. It was sooooo nice. We were joking, laughing, jabs, history, present, dreams and just relationship building via time. I had such a lovely time just being with my people. I kept thinking that this is what I wanted. This is what I hoped for. And here I am. At supper time, we had cowpeas. It was pretty Good. With cabbage and potatoes. I didn’t know that cow peas make me bloated so my belly is pretty swollen and sore right now. It is what it is. SweSwe came home a bit later than I expected and when she got here I was upstairs in the shower. I went down with a shiny oiled up face to say hi to her and we had a laugh at how freshly showered I looked. She was upset today, I felt sad for her. Like she is quite old and experiencing really unusual behavior from her own family. I would say most people around her are leeches, just waiting for what they can take, rarely offering her something. Anyway, she was stranded at the physio clinic today and the people responsible to get her home were not answering the phone. I dunno fam, if I had a car and could drive, I would take her and wait right there in the clinic. I did it in Canada. But all these “family” members are blood family but they just leech off of her dawg. And it breaks my heart because she deserves better. At the end of the day, many of the ones leeching are her own children and grandchildren so I cannot get involved. All I want from her and for her is time with me. And I want this really cool photo of her that hangs in the hallways. That is all I ever want. The rest is time. Just time to be together. On this journey of sobriety and seeking Gøod. I know God and the Universe are with me and for me so I will never lack. I can and will continue to build myself up, I don’t need to leech off of an 86 year old woman. All in all, I really enjoyed today. I am going to finish this daily writing then do my meditation and talk to Munene for a little bit. I am learning to let go and let God.  I struggle with romantic love. Platonic and familial I am so confident in. Romantic, I have trust issues dawg. But we healing. So here, I trust & dive in.  I deserve all the Love. Love is Gøod. Life is Gøod. Ase. Ase.
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