#i wanted to add my two cents to the milo headcannon bucket
zeerohpunk · 8 months
a few milo headcannons:
he talks out of the side of his mouth. and he tilts his head ALL the time, hes such an animated speaker. he cant sit still fr
other people have said it but it deserves repeating, his accent gets so much thicker when hes feeling strong emotions.
he laughs when hes mad and its scary for everyone in the immediate vicinity bc it doesnt happen often, but when it does... run.
leans on doorways (with his arms crossed, OR just his thumbs in his pockets.)
this man is always flirting, doesnt matter if he and sweetheart have been together six years. hes the type to make the point that just because theyre at mate status doesnt mean hes "won" them, its a continuous effort.
milo and sweetheart are readers. (they read naughty stuff. one of the two will finish the book first and rate it on a scale they created and tell the other if its worth the read. then the other mate gets to read it.)
milo wears cosmetic eye contacts for special events. or just out to a nice dinner. something about matching his outfit etc.
he has so many specific mood playlists, its insane. his spotify has like 483 playlists, most of them several hours long, all for different moods and vibes. his favorite and most played playlist is his summer playlist for making dinner. fleetwood mac, etta james, mazzy star, the temptations. its there. (im making it an actual playlist btw.)
that being said, he also drinks red wine while making dinner if its appropriate for the meal (and he has the nicest set of wine glasses youve ever seen).
he has the largest collection of cologne/body spray probably ever. he routinely switches them out based on the mood and season. he keeps out the ones that are sweethearts favorites though + he has a signature favorite (and will wear it/any cologone no matter what, if sweetheart asks him to).
maybe ill add more to this one day! pt 2 eventually? 👀
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