#i want to be a meteorologist but I'm also really nerdy so these kinds of things are really interesting to me
hearts-guided-key · 2 years
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So I'm really into weather and video games so I'm gonna take a crack at the climates of Hyrule in breath of the wild
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So these are the basic climates of Hyrule.
From what I gather, the prevailing winds seem to come from the east. They pick up moisture from the ocean.
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So the mountains just off the coast on the eastern side of Hyrule force the moisture out of the air and in turn create these really damp and wet areas.
The northern half in the Akkala region and Zora's Domain are more northern so therefore they're a bit chilly. Gives off big Pacific Northwest vibes.
The southern half warms up more and becomes more tropical.
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It might be pretty obvious that the Gerudo desert is dry. But it's dry bc the mountains shielding it are very tall and force the rest of the moisture out of the air. It's a delayed rain shadow effect. Kinda like how in California winds hit the coast near San Francisco and that's really wet, then it's less wet but not that dry in the northern part of the central valley, then becomes bone dry in Nevada.
In the northern half of this might not be so obvious. But I have a hunch that it's a situation like Antarctica. It's a combination of the air not having too much moisture in the first place and then being cooled down, it loses the capacity to hold moisture. The snow is there from eons of snow slowly building up.
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Special shout-out to Thundra Plateau for being where these different air masses collide, thus creating the perfect place for big thunderstorms to happen. Good planning on the dev's part
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myvelouri · 5 years
Work was lame. Honestly it was. I felt so tired and weak that I didn't want to go to the bar with friends. But they made me. Sure enough when I got there they didn't even show up. Except for the very end. Omg it made me so irritated. Actually Sam could relate cause of the party afterwards, she also regretted coming out. Anyways. I had an okay time at the bar. Kinda dead. But then the girl who I hit on and a few others I met were so rude to me, like acted like I was a peasant. I felt uncomfortable as fuck cause I thought we were cool but I guess not. The only thing we did was meet each other through a friend. I'm surprised no one trusts me
I told Sam and she said "well I'm glad you're here tonight" and that felt so sweet. I'm sure I said something assholey funny back lol.
I saw Sam seemingly flirty with Michael who is this getting nerdy dude. I felt like of course, that's her type. Not really cute, just, nerdy. Saw em exchange numbers and he even texted her and she came up to him right away. I was like wow she's so into him. I hyped him up. I said you got this man. And she came out and took a puff of his cigarette. I was like wow lol
Um anyway I was gonna leave but Ronnie made me stay and we ended up at Steve's house. It was Lee's birthday and she looked good. I texted Jay the address and he brought his tinder date with him lol. She was cool. She seemed to be into Ronnie but then she got close to me, was flirty and she told me she thinks Jay is so cute, oh I'm sure they're still fucking right now. I love Jay lol.
So at Steve's, everyone is there. Suddenly Sam comes out of nowhere. I was like wow no way. I assumed she texted Michael and Michael gave her the address. Cause she sure as shit didn't text me. I ended up messing with her jokingly and teasing her and shit. It was so much fun. She's so FUCKING cute. I'd never date her though. I couldn't. Physically, yes, but she's kind of too into politics and seems to be more republican than I thought? But like, I could easily be FWB with her. She's cool.
It was a nice night. Got super drunk. Like, Steve is old and he built this house, beautiful house and he has so many guns. He has another house and has it for rent and therefore doesn't need a job hahahaha. He's so cool. I was surprised he was a trump supporter too!
I met omg why can't I remember him name. He's also from New York, same area as me. He's old too. Found out he was gay. He was actually very flirty with me. He's such a handsome old man, has all his hair, and idk, he's got good genes. He's a meteorologist. Great dude. He wants to hang. I should. He cooks and stuff
Sam was leaving and I went out with her to the car. Ronnie said good luck to me and I said I'm not trying anything I just want to escort her out lol.
So me and Sam go to her car. A few jokes and fucked around with the wooden panel on the floor and we joked she was trying to hit me in the groin. Just fucking funny and teasing non-stop. I love being funny.
So, we got to her car and suddenly this freaky truck blocks our way. It seemed like Jeepers creepers. And she sang the fuckin Scooby Doo thing as if I didn't know it. Pfft. Lmao. So she was afraid to go around and said she didn't wanna drive on Steve's grass. I said girl, we're all parked on Steve's lawn. Lmao
I teased her until she finally drove. We were about to smoke. She made it tho. I was about to finally talk to her and get closer and Ronnie came out and shooed her away. I was a bit confused about that? Why'd he do that? Totally blocked me. Man that's not cool.
She left cause he told her to go go go
It was weird
And later he asked me if me and her made out in the bathroom. I said naw man. And he's like "you liar, yeah you did"
Oh yeah Sam and Michael, wow he's terrible with girls, but shit Sam LOVES the nerds. He literally left her alone the whole time. I even asked her and she seemed like such a bad actor, she was like "pfft no I'm jus here to talk and chill" lmao, sure, and that's why she told me later she regrets coming out right? She even said bye specifically to Michael and she kept trying to initiate something like "we'll see each other again... Actually very soon" bro lol. Come on. If that ain't a give away she's into him.
I'm surprised she told me she hasn't hooked up or had sex in months
She said she doesn't do relationships or hookups. But she looked so red when she said that. I don't believe it lol.
I think she was disappointed by Michael. He has 0 game. I wish I was still as gorgeous as I used to be, I am pretty good with girls (not always but when they are more open to me, especially if they're attracted to me, then it's easier to be ACTUALLY funny and good with girls).
So much more happened
But I'm gonna sleep. I have work all week, tomorrow too.
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